After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 749: Go home for her, say love in person (two more in one)

  Chapter 749 Returning for her, personally say love (two more in one)

  The voice just fell, and the audience was shocked.

  The next second, I saw a tall figure coming in from the gate, walking slowly to the stage, and taking the headset and microphone from the staff.

  The man wears a camouflage uniform and a training cap. At first glance, he looks no different from an ordinary instructor, but after a few more glances, it will be obvious that this man has a deep, cold, unpretentious and self-angered aura.

   is manifested in every move, embodied in one step at a time.

  Cold and white complexion, there is a kind of inaccessible arrogance and faintness under the light.

  Even if the brim of the hat is blocked, only the chin, mouth, and two-thirds of the bridge of the nose are visible, which does not compromise his beauty.

It is not the kind of exquisite porcelain, and it is not the finely crafted jade. If he is to be compared to a work of art, it can only be a "sculpture" created by clay and a carving knife-every line expresses its beauty. , Every detail is original.

   "My mother! It's Professor Xie?! This is very fantasy!"

   "I'm not dreaming, am I? You try to slap me?"


   "You made me smoke, I am not responsible."

   "Real people are more handsome than photos on the Internet and videos in news reports!"

   "Oh my God! Living Professor Xie, I finally saw it in his lifetime!"

   "My aunt was infected with novar virus, and the vaccine developed by Professor Xie saved her..."

   "Gosh! The boring military training life finally saw a bit of fun!"

  "I read in the news that Professor Xie recently fought against Shenkewo in F State? Why did he appear here?"

   "Why do you care about so much? The point is that Professor Xie is here! Come in person!"

   "Hmm, this is..."

  Xie Dingyuan’s appearance is like adding quicklime to boiling water, instantly hot and frying.

  The scene fell into an out of control state for a while.

  Several instructors heard movement outside and immediately ran in to maintain order.

  Unfortunately, they yelled at them, how should everyone talk or how to talk, there is no meaning to listen.

  Hao Dazhi: It’s the opposite!

  In the end, Xie Dingyuan spoke to let everyone be quiet, and the huge lecture hall resumed order.

  Jiang Fuyue is still in shock.

  From the first second the man entered the door, to the scene when the scene broke and became quiet, the whole process was at a loss.

He is back?


  Cen Qiaoqiao glanced at his brother-in-law on the stage, and couldn’t help taking Yu Guang to look at Jiang Fuyue’s expression at the moment.


  She got it!

  The kind of huge sweetness!

  Before class started, Xie Dingyuan took off his training hat for convenience, revealing a well-defined face with a high nose, deep eye sockets, thin lips like a knife, and handsome.

  The girls on the scene felt the beauty crit once again.

   "Professor Xie is the most handsome research scholar I have ever seen, not one of them!"

  "Agree! Originally thought that the researcher was not obese, but he was down. I didn't expect that Professor Xie was so handsome..."

  "To raise the level of beauty of the entire academic circle with my own efforts."

   "Hey, I really don't know what kind of girl is necessary to be worthy of Professor Xie?"

   "It's not you anyway!"

   "Of course it can't be me! Am I worthy? I am particularly unworthy!"

  "..." is quite self-aware.

  There was a lot of discussion in the audience, someone on the stage has opened the PPT and started to give a lecture——

  "Regarding special operations, first of all we start from..."

  The original boring theory class, because of Xie Dingyuan’s arrival, has had unprecedented fun, and everyone in the audience is also serious.

  So, this is Professor Xie’s unique personality charm?

  The concept of special operations is very large, and the scope is too wide. Xie Dingyuan did not talk about it in general, but focused on the gas warfare and germ warfare in biochemical warfare.

  Combined with history, coupled with precious video materials, the lethality and terrorism of biological and chemical weapons are explained thoroughly.

  Even people who do not understand biochemical knowledge can listen with gusto.

  But anger also followed--

   "It's too miserable! Even pregnant women and children will not let it go!"

   "Looking at the compatriots who were arrested for experimentation, I can't wait to rush in and kill those invaders!"

   "Fist is already hard!"

  "Without the blood and tears of the past, there would be no awakening and rising of the Chinese nation today! Keep the history in mind, and don't forget the national humiliation!"

  Many girls quietly turned their heads away, afraid to look again.

  Boys are relatively more resilient, but many of them have quietly blushed.

  The course is over with thunderous applause.

  Everyone goes to the cafeteria together in twos.

  Cen Qiaoqiao and Huo Fanjin are discussing the drama of the War of Resistance against Japan.

   Liu Sisi and Jiang Fuyue walked together, walking to the corner, and suddenly a hand stretched over, clasping Jiang Fuyue's wrist accurately, and pulling her in.

   Liu Sisi found out for the first time, and planned to make a move, but saw Jiang Fuyue gently shook her head at her.

  Looking at the owner of that hand again, she was stunned for a moment, her eyes were shocked, and then she suddenly seemed to realize something.

  Finally, I lowered my eyes and continued to move forward.

  As he approached the cafeteria, Cen Qiaoqiao looked left and right: "Huh? Where's Sister Yue?"

  Huo Fanjin realized afterwards: "Yes, why have people disappeared in just a while?"

   Liu Sisi: "Sister Yue has something to do, so she won’t eat anymore."

   "This way..."

   said that on the other end, he was dragged into his arms by Xie Dingyuan in a surprise attack, and then carried it all the way to a certain room.

  Jiang Fuyue was docile all the way, letting him move without struggling at all.

   Waiting to close the door, and a low laugh came from the top of his head. With the resonance of the man’s chest, the atmosphere was instantly ambiguous.

  His big palm is still wrapped around his waist, dry and warm.

   Breath spray on the ears, moist and hot.

   "What are you laughing at?" Jiang Fuyue raised her head and just ran into the man's eyes that were not smiling.

  "When did the little fox that would scratch people become so behaved?"

   "Do you want me to yell on the spot and call people to see the respected and respected Professor Xie molesting a female college student?"

  Xie Dingyuan was choked and coughed slightly: "...that's not necessary."

   "But you just did it!"

   "I haven't done anything yet..." The man looked innocent.

  Jiang Fuyue patted his hand on his waist, and let out a pia: "Then what is this?"

  "Aren’t we discussing issues? The beautiful and smart female college students stopped the professor who was about to leave after the lecture, and asked a few professional questions about biochemistry. The professor not only answered patiently, but also personally demonstrated...How about the plot?"

  Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "Why don't you write a script and become a screenwriter?"

   "If the screenwriter can't meet you, it's better to be a professor."

  "Fake public for private benefit!"

  Xie Dingyuan said that she couldn’t help but admit: “Fake public for private benefit, let’s pretend public for private benefit.”

  The next second, hold the girl’s face in both hands, make her turn around, and slowly lower her head...

  The man’s lips were warm and soft, and Jiang Fuyue paused and looked in a trance at the moment of touching.


  He tried his best to entice her to go deeper and make her fall, until he closed his eyes uncontrollably and devoted himself to it, the man sighed with satisfaction.

  Next, gently clasp her neck to deepen the kiss.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the two people slowly separated.

  Jiang Fuyue's cheeks are red, and her eyes are like water. The original cherry pink lip color has become bright red, crystal clear like honey.

  The corners of the man’s mouth are raised, and the corners of his eyes are clearly filled with a smile, but he seems to be insatisfied.

   "Do you miss me during this time?" Xie Dingyuan rubbed her cheeks with thinly callous fingertips, his low voice suppressed the gentleness, and the words leaked unconsciously.

   "It's strange to think..."

   "No conscience! Fortunately, I miss you every day."

  Jiang Fuyue's heart was crisp, itching as if an electric shock: "What do you think?"

  He took her hand and dropped it to his temple: "Use this..."

   Then, all the way down, landing on the left chest, gently press: "There is still here."

  Across a layer of fabric, Jiang Fuyue can clearly feel the man's heartbeat.

   One after another, it is powerful and full of vitality.

  Jiang Fuyue was burnt to the surface, and suddenly withdrew her hand: "I went to F State, but my love talk skills have improved a lot..."

   "I'm telling the truth."

  "When did you come back?"

"yesterday afternoon."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Is the matter on F Zhou finished?"

  Xie Dingyuan shook his head: "...The situation is worse than imagined. It may be a protracted battle."

  Jiang Fuyue pursed her lips, speechless for a while.

   "Why, can't you bear me?" He held her hand and clasped the two fingers.

  This time, Jiang Fuyue did not pull it back, but gently applied force to buckle tighter.

   "So, I just return to China temporarily, and I have to go to F State, right?"

  The man was silent.

  "...Sorry, I left you alone at Laurel Villa that day, and there was no call to explain it afterwards."

  Jiang Fuyue hummed lightly: "Am I such a stingy person?"

  The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed again.

   "That's not necessarily true. A woman's temper is the same every second, changing and unpredictable."

   "Do you look good? Experienced?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I don't understand others, but you, I am trying to become better."

  Jiang Fuyue tweeted lightly: "I didn't wrong you, I did grow a lot. Who taught it?"

   "Cough..." The man looked away.

   "I heard that the strippers over there are more prettier than the other, are they real?"

   "Cough!" Xie Dingyuan was almost choked, "Where did you think of it? The more you talk, the more outrageous."

   "Isn't it? Who taught these things?"

   "...Kaza." Xie Dingyuan sold his brother without burden.

  Well, self-preservation is first.

   "I went back to China yesterday afternoon, I will come to class today..." Jiang Fuyue frowned, not because she was passionate, but because the time was too tight, so she didn't want to think too much.

   "You... are for me..."

  Without waiting for her to finish, Xie Dingyuan reached out and took her into his arms, “Don’t think too much, don’t have any pressure, and don’t delay business. I have the right to control the three-day holiday.”

  Three days...

   must also include the time spent on the first circuit.

  Jiang Fuyue withdrew from his arms, stood up straight, his eyes met, and she saw a few bloodshot eyes in his eyes.

  Although there are no signs of fatigue on the face, there is still a faint tiredness at the end of the eyes.

   "Actually you don't need to..."

   "Then what is ‘necessary’? I have already missed your start of school, and I don’t want to miss your military training again."

   "Isn’t it stupid? When I’m a child? Need someone to record my growth?"

  The man was silent.

  For a while, "...You are not a kid, I don't want to miss it."

Jiang Fuyue was speechless for a while.

   "Okay, let's not talk about this." His voice was gentle and generous, as if he could accommodate everything, "I'm back now, can't you drive me away now?"

  Jiang Fuyue scolded him: "I know I'm playing a rogue..."

  Xie Dingyuan took her hand and held it in his palm: "How am I talking today?"



"That's fine?"

   "Why are you so perfunctory?"

  Jiang Fuyue rubbed his face: "Why do you ask so much? It doesn't work well or not, so what?"

   "You can kiss me just once."

   "Didn't you kiss me just now?"

  "Whose boyfriend and girlfriend only kissed once?"

   "Then you haven't kissed another time, why don't you say?"

  Xie Dingyuan thought for a while: "Too backward, not within the scope of comparison."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Finally, the two practiced the "second time".

   again and again, how can there be no three?

  Jiang Fuyue: "My mouth is numb, have you ever finished?"

   "It can't be done..." He devoted himself wholeheartedly.

   murmured softly and affectionately: "Yueyue, I really miss you..."

  So, even if it’s only three days, I don’t hesitate to travel long distances.

   Xie Dingyuan once sneered at "the mountains and seas that I love, and the mountains and seas can be flat", but now he resonates deeply.

  The place where she is, is what his heart is holding, what his affection is, what he sees and what the road is.

  From the moment he was together, the future he envisioned had her.

   "Yueyue, I love you..."

  It was so dizzy that Zhongjiang Fuyue seemed to hear him say "love", but listened carefully, but there was nothing.

    Two changes, four thousand words.

     I haven’t written emotional drama for a long time.



  (End of this chapter)

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