After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 750: Hug and sleep, she can't bear it (two more in one)

  Chapter 750 Hug and sleep, she can’t bear it (two more in one)

  This should be a lounge specially prepared for Xie Dingyuan.

  Not only has a bed, a wardrobe, but also a separate shower room and hot water.

  "This treatment..." It's much better than theirs!

  Jiang Fuyue took a tour, her mouth was almost to the back of her head.


  Move a little too much and accidentally pull the wound at the corner of the mouth.

  She glared at the culprit.

  Xie Dingyuan touched his nose, feeling weak.

  He couldn't control it just now, so he was...savage.


  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

  Jiang Fuyue had a meal, struggling to avoid it.

  As a result, Xie Dingyuan had already opened the door. Fortunately, it was only halfway open, and it was not possible to see the inside completely from the outside.

  He took a box from the opponent and opened it to see that there was actually a hot, fragrant meal inside.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes lit up: "You asked someone to give it away?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Yeah."

   "Then I won't go to the cafeteria to eat at noon."

   "I didn't want you to eat the canteen."

  Tomato scrambled eggs, sweet and sour pork ribs...

  Yes, they are all her favorite dishes.

  Xie Dingyuan took them out, placed them on the table one by one, and then handed Jiang Fuyue a pair of clean chopsticks.

   greeted her: "Sit down."

  It was time to have lunch at this point, and Jiang Fuyue was not polite: "Thank you."

  She almost vomited after eating a big pot of rice in the cafeteria these days, so it's better to open a small stove.

  Xie Dingyuan was busy picking up vegetables for her all the way, but he didn't eat a few bites.

  Jiang Fuyue put a piece of spare ribs in his bowl: "Don't just clip it to me, you can eat it too."


  Maybe she knows that she has eaten meat recently, and every dish Xie Dingyuan ordered is full of portions.

  After eating, Xie Dingyuan packed her lunch box and prepared to take her out through another door.

   "What are you doing?" Jiang Fuyue stopped.

   "Digest, don't you want to take a walk?"

   Both have the habit of taking a walk after meals.

  "Here?" He and her? Is it too blatant?

  The man raised his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth raised, with a somewhat provocative taste: "Why, dare you not?"

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "I'm afraid that Professor Xie's reputation will be damaged."

"will not."


   "You are not a stain, and I don't care about reputation."

   "Ah... During the military training, keep a low profile..." She didn't want to be the object of Seven Schools gossip.

   wasn't afraid, after all, she was even more extraordinary than this, and she hadn't done it before, but... she didn't want to delay Xie Dingyuan's entry into the water.

  She was worried that this man had paid too much, and if the two were separated one day, she could not afford it.

  After all, Jiang Fuyue still has reservations about this relationship in her heart.

  For the time being, it is impossible to do nothing and do everything.

  At this point, Xie Dingyuan seems to be more open-minded. He never worried about the exposure of the relationship between the two, and he was even happy to see it happen.

  Jiang Fuyue wants to ask him, don’t you know how big a storm of public opinion will cause?

How many doubts and pressures will sweep through when you introduce it?

  Not too troublesome? Aren't you afraid of being infamous and ruining your future?

  She thought that people like Xie Dingyuan would cherish feathers more.

  But in fact...

  He generously took her hand, opened the door, and walked out. The sun was shining on the two of them, and there was an open back garden in front of them.

  Although no one has been seen for a while, it is not absolutely secret.

  But he didn't notice it, holding hands and squeezing the waist again, it was called an upright and unscrupulous.

  Jiang Fuyue didn’t know, in fact, love is difficult to be exactly the same. There will always be one who loves deeper and is willing to give more.

  Xie Dingyuan saw through her hesitation and knew what she was worried about. A wry smile flashed in his eyes, but he said nothing.

  He has patience.

  One day...she will accept him without reservation.

  However, I may love her more in this life.

  But it’s okay, he likes it.

   After walking a few laps, Jiang Fuyue was about to leave. Although she didn’t want to go, she—

   "There will be training in the afternoon."

   "No need to go."


  "Reward, half a day off."

  In today's theory class, Xie Dingyuan presented a chemistry question on the spot when he talked about gas warfare.

  Only five people finally made it, and Jiang Fuyue was one of them.

  But at the time, I didn’t say that I could rest if I did the right thing.

   "Did you fight for it?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes, thinking about it, and only he could do it.

   "Still satisfied?"

  Can rest without training, Jiang Fuyue is of course satisfied.

  She jumped up and grabbed Xie Dingyuan’s neck: "Say, do you want me to accompany you more?"

  Xie Dingyuan took her slender waist: "Wrong, I want to spend more time with you. However, you seem to be more happy to be lazy than to be with me?"

   "Who said that? I'm all happy."

  The man smiled.

   "Is it tiring to return home in a hurry?" Jiang Fuyue rubbed his cheek with her palm, "hasn't had time to lose the jet lag?"

  "Not tired. No jet lag."

  It's only three days anyway, I still have to go back.

  Jiang Fuyue pursed his lips, and suddenly brought him to the bed, put his hands on the man’s shoulders, and pressed lightly, Xie Dingyuan sat down and looked up at her: "What?"

   "Sleep!" As he said, she pushed the man onto the bed. Seeing that Xie Dingyuan was about to sit up again, she simply bullied him and pushed him back.

  This pose...

  The man's eyes trembled, his Adam's apple rolled lightly.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't notice anything, clasping his shoulder blades with one hand, pulling the quilt folded into pieces of tofu with the other hand, and pulling forcefully on the two of them.

  Under the quilt as the hood, darkness suddenly struck.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked, and met the man with some dodgy eyes, she whispered: "Why are you sitting up after talking about sleeping? You are very disobedient~"

  Xie Dingyuan helplessly: "Are you going to sleep without taking off your shoes?"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

  "Don't take off your clothes yet?"

   "Cough..." Jiang Fuyue got up from him awkwardly, "Then, take it off."

  Look at this, it was annoying and charming.

  Xie Dingyuan took off his shoes and coat again.

Jiang Fuyue thought for a while, took off her own, and then rushed into the bathroom, taking a battle bath three times and five times, and when she came out, her cheeks were flushing, and the water eyes seemed to be shiny. At first glance, it looked like A fragrant peach.

  Xie Dingyuan glanced twice, unable to resist, quickly moved away.

  He is also going to wash.

  Jiang Fuyue is not allowed: "What else to wash? It's not dirty. It's just a nap, hurry up."

  She was washing because she was sweating, and Xie Dingyuan was not allowed to wash in order to save time so that he could sleep more.

   "Lie down! Lie down!" As he said, he kicked off his slippers, leaped on the bed, and held him down.

  Xie Dingyuan had to follow her strength to fall onto the bed, Jiang Fuyue took the quilt, slept next to him, and then covered him: "I will accompany you."

   "Really no need," he sighed slightly, "I'm not that sleepy."

   "Lying, there are still bloodshot eyes."


   "Okay, don't talk, I said you are sleepy and you are sleepy-now close your eyes and get a good night's sleep!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue was not sleepy at first, she had a good rest last night.

  In order not to disturb Xie Dingyuan, she kept holding back and did not speak.

  It wasn't until the sound of even breathing came from her ear that she lifted the corners of her lips in satisfaction.

  Quiet afternoon, the outdoor is scorching hot, the indoor air conditioner blows a cool breeze, and a man and a woman under the quilt cross their necks to sleep.

  Sunlight escapes from the gap in the curtains into the room, casting a narrow beam of light.

  Everything is as quiet and beautiful as an oil painting.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was in Xie Dingyuan's arms.

  Placing his face on his chest, his hands around his waist, his legs... even more embarrassing...

  Does her usual sleep phase be so bad?

  Absolutely not!

   "Wake up?" A low laugh came from the top of his head.

  Jiang Fuyue had a meal, then raised his eyes, and unexpectedly bumped into the man's eyes that were not smiling.

  Xie Dingyuan was not idle with his big palms. At this time, she was at the position of her side waist, lifting the hem of her clothes, gently squeezing her fleshly, causing a slight tremor.

"what time is it?"

   "Four thirty."

   "Hi..." Jiang Fuyue took a breath, and actually slept for so long!

   "When did you wake up?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Just now."

  Jiang Fuyue didn't believe it, there was no sleepiness in his eyes.

   is not just awake at all.

  She wanted to sit up, but the man’s hands clasped her waist like iron tongs, motionless.

   "Hey...what are you doing?"

   "Lie down with me for a while."

   "Aren't you awake?"

  He said dullly: "You can lie down even when you wake up."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Well, just lie down.

   stepped back from his chest, Jiang Fuyue lay flat, looking straight at the ceiling: "When will you be back next time?"

"……do not know."

  For this answer, she didn’t seem to be surprised: “It used to be like this before?”

  "The last time there was a global outbreak of Novavirus, but in the early stage, I still stayed at home a lot, and only went abroad when looking for mutant strains and vaccine sampling in the later stage."

   "How long did it take in total?"

   "There are three to four years together."

  Enough for her to finish an undergraduate.

  Jiang Fuyue was speechless for a while: "...then the situation this time is better than last time?"

   "It's going to be bad."

  She didn't ask anymore.

  Xie Dingyuan sighed slightly, and took her back into her arms again, “Before, I didn’t think there was any difference between domestic and foreign countries. Anyway, I stayed in the laboratory, but now it’s different.”

   "Where is it different?"

   "There is you in China, but not abroad."

   "...Am I so important?" She laughed.

  The man's hands tightened suddenly: "Are you not believing me, or being too self-conscious? Why, don't you think you have that weight? Huh?"

  The ending sound rises, revealing a hint of anger.

Jiang Fuyue grabbed him by the neckline, sighed and escaped from her lips: "Neither. Think about what kind of beauty Professor Xie has never seen before? He has a country in his heart, experiments in his hands, and a scientific research team. Never see The wind stays for the scenery, how to blow it, or how to blow it."

   "Am I going to stay?"

   "It's not wind."

  Xie Dingyuan hummed: "Whoever loves to be whoever is, anyway, I'm not. What's so good about the wind? I can't hold it, and I can't hold it."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Then what do you want to be?"

   "You man!" Confidently, "Cough...the kind that can be held and held."


  Jiang Fuyue smiled: "Professor Xie is so promising?"

   "Yueyue," he said with emotion, "chasing you is much harder than experimenting and being a hero."

   "Really? I am so difficult to chase?"

   "What did you say? How did you tortured me, you forgot?"

   "Huh? What torture? Why don't I remember?"

   "No conscience!"

   "Ah-don't touch it-itchy -"

   "Do you still remember now?"

"Um... I think about... Hey! Come again?! Don't stop, remember, remember, I remember, didn't you agree to it after a long delay at the beginning? Keep your grudges up to now... Be careful... Don't scratch... Haha ……you are nasty……"

  The two had a frolic in the bed, and at first they ended up with the man's panting and uncontrollable emotions.

  Jiang Fuyue lifted the quilt early and slipped out of bed, avoiding all the way, with a gloating smile on the corner of his mouth, "Who let you touch it? It deserves it!"

  Xie Dingyuan was frustrated for a while: "You wait!"

   "Okay, just wait and wait." Jiang Fuyue was so rampant.

  The last time she was at Laurel Villa, she obviously agreed, but this person was stunned by guarding the line and didn't cross the thunder pond for half a step.

  This also made Jiang Fuyue feel his bottom line.

  Really...old school and staid.

   is also unreasonably cute, inexplicably sincere.

  Xie Dingyuan gritted his teeth: "You just rely on me and I won't do anything to you!"


  She has no fear.


  Supper is still delivered directly to the room.

  Jiang Fuyue asked someone to give Liu Sisi a message, saying that she would not go back to the dormitory tonight, and ask her to think of a solution when she checked her bed.

  Liu Sisi has this ability, she knows.

  Dinner is more sumptuous than lunch, and it is exquisite, not bad compared to large restaurants.

  Jiang Fuyue was puzzled: "Can the garrison training ground also have this kind of food?"

  Xie Dingyuan put a piece of beef into her bowl: "I ordered it."

   "A treat?"

"You can say that."

  No wonder...

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "So, I was caught in the light of Professor Xie?"

  He smiled and looked very generous: "Dip whatever you want."


  He shook his head: "Paid."

   "Yeah! Then I can't just dip it, what if I can't afford the order?"

   "It doesn't matter, pay the debt with one's body."

  Jiang Fuyue: "...I want to be beautiful!"

   "The older generation said: dare to think, then dare to rush."


  It's a pity that this person doesn't go to debate.

  After eating, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan packed the boxes together, and went for a walk in the small garden at the back together.

  The evening breeze is breezy, a little cooler than during the day.

  Xie Dingyuan took off his coat and put it on her shoulder.

   "Look," Jiang Fuyue shook his hand and looked up at the night, "Today's stars seem to be extraordinarily bright."

  Xie Dingyuan: "From an astronomical point of view, the nebula in mid-October is not in a short orbit. Since the distance is the longest in a year, it is reasonable to say that it will not be too bright from the earth."

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched: "I know, you don't need science."


  Before, I thought that he was really grown, and his mouth could speak little love words, but in the end he was still an incomprehensible iron and han.


  Xie Dingyuan: "Why shook his head suddenly?"

   "I feel that some people can't wait for home and their performance is unstable."


   "This certain person... isn't it me?"

  Jiang Fuyue gave him a look: he understood it for himself.

  Xie Dingyuan: "?" Did he say something wrong just now? no.

  Or... the knowledge points are not explained clearly?

  It shouldn’t be!


  In the night, the moon is in the middle of the sky, and everything is silent.

  The two were lying on the bed, Jiang Fuyue opened her eyes.

  Xie Dingyuan: "It's almost twelve o'clock, are you still asleep?"

  The girl shook her head.

   "Then I turned off the lights?"

  "Don't do it yet."

   "What's the matter? Is there something uncomfortable?"

  Jiang Fuyue pursed her lips, originally lying flat, suddenly turned around and faced him.

   Her eyes are facing each other, her eyes are still as water: "...will you leave tomorrow?"

  Under the light, the man was silent for a while.



  Jiang Fuyue asked again: "When?"


   "...oh. Then go to bed early and take a good rest." After speaking, she took the initiative to stand up and turned off the light.

  The room fell into darkness instantly.

  The training ground is dominated by flat ground, the houses are sparse and low, the wind is not blocked, and the wind blows unscrupulously.

  The sound of a metal box falling to the ground was faintly heard outside, and it was inexplicably heavy in the silent night.

  Jiang Fuyue turned sideways with her back, closed her eyes, and began to brew drowsiness.

  After a while, the man’s warm chest pressed against her, and his breath sprayed on her ears: "Yueyue, are you...reluctant to bear me?"

   "No!" She denied it too quickly.

   The man laughed lowly: "It turns out to be true... I am very happy..."

   "You are so hot, stay away from me."

   Talking, pushing with her elbow.

  Xie Dingyuan seems to have really moved away, Jiang Fuyue pursed her lips.

  The next second, a kiss fell on her cheek unexpectedly.

  Tossing around to the neck, all the way down...

  Jiang Fuyue didn't know when he was pulled over, lying on her back, softly responding, silently cooperating.

  The sound of the quilt rustling can be heard clearly in the dark night.

  She was kissed and fell asleep.

   And even if Xie Dingyuan did, he did not break through the last line of defense.

Before she fell asleep, Jiang Fuyue heard him whisper in her ear: "Kill kill or bury..."

    Two more in one, five thousand words



  (End of this chapter)

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