After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 758: Amazing everyone, the brilliance of the bright moon (two more in one)

  Chapter 758 Amazing everyone, the glory of the bright moon (two more in one)

  I saw a girl wearing a T-shirt, shorts and a baseball cap approaching here.

  The figure is very good, and the exposed skin is white and shiny, like a fine pearl.


  The photographer couldn't help frowning.

  It’s too simple to dress up, and it can even be described as plain.

  As for looks...

  The brim of the baseball cap covers most of the face, and it is not very clear to see, but from the initial judgment of the jaw line, it should not be ugly.

  But the expressiveness of fashion is...

  The photographer shook his head, showing regret.

   did not look away, he was very curious, why did these wealthy daughters show almost admiring eyes to an ordinary female college student?

  Like... ordinary people look at stars!

  Maybe even more fanatical.

  But there is nothing special about this girl, at least for now.

  Oh, except for the figure...

  Jiang Fuyue set off from the laboratory a quarter of an hour in advance according to the agreed time, and just stepped on the spot.

   "Sister Yue, you are here!" The girl who had invited her smiled and greeted her.

  It is said that she took the lead and created the F agency today.

  It can be seen from the conversation, she is a straightforward girl.

   "Sister Yue, it's great that you promised to help us shoot the first issue!"

   "Can't wait to see the photo effects."

   "Look forward to adding one!"


  A group of girls surrounded her, chirping, both praise and thanks.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded and said hello one by one.

  But did not forget the purpose of today's trip—

  "What do I need to do now?"

   "Oh! Make-up first! The stylist is already inside."


  Jiang Fuyue entered the dressing room.

  After a quarter of an hour, the door opened from the inside.

"So fast?"

  "Didn’t it mean at least twenty minutes?"

   "I look forward to it! Sister Yue has a beautiful body and she must look good in everything she wears!"

"I'm coming!"

  I saw Jiang Fuyue in a black dress walking out carrying the skirt, black pointed high heels stretched the originally slim and straight calf longer, and the white ankles contrasted sharply with the black straps.

The sling design only leaves two thin ribbons on the girl's thin shoulders, revealing two delicate clavicles.

  Hair is all coiled up, and the elegant swan neck can no longer be hidden.

  A diamond crown is dazzling under the light.

  The makeup artist did not use excessively exaggerated eye makeup to set off her aura. On the contrary, the eyeliner was only slightly outlined, not even the eyeshadow, and a pair of peach eyes were shining brightly while flowing.

  Whoever sees such a pair of eyes, words such as "pure" and "clean" will come to mind for the first time.

   coupled with the smiley face adds a bit of elegance and mystery.

  She is not a beautiful but fragile princess like a flower, but a queen who is high above and has super aggressiveness!

   "This, this, this... is too beautiful."

   "Sister Yue’s legs are real?"

  "Black is really good for it. It has an aura of 2.5 meters per minute."

   "I unilaterally announce! From now on, Sister Yue will be my husband!"

  "A combination of innocence and charming, how could there be such a beautiful and saucy girl as Yue Jie under the world?"

   "I used to think that the hair was very old, but now I know that this hairstyle is the pick."


  The photographer also looked dumbfounded.

  He had been lowering his head to adjust the camera parameters, preparing for the next shooting, but unexpectedly heard a gasp, looking up, the dressing room door opened.

  The girl who finished the makeup appeared in front of him. At that moment, his soul seemed to be hit hard.

  It turned out that she looks like this without a baseball cap...

  "This classmate has a good foundation and doesn't need much modification. The whole set is five minutes faster than expected." The makeup artist is proud of everyone's amazing eyes, and there is a credit for him.

  President finally recovered from the beauty shock: "Then let's start? Photographer—"

  No one responded.

   "Photographer? What about people?"

  At this time, the closest girl pushed him: "Call you, photographer."

   "...Huh? Okay, let's go on, let's start."

  After finishing speaking, he picked up the camera in a hurry. Suddenly, with a pause, he stepped forward to Jiang Fuyue and said, "Hello, you can call me Keven. Happy cooperation."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded lightly, and did not intend to exchange names.

  The photographer was a little disappointed, but then a brighter light ignited under his eyes.

  Cool, arrogant, full of high-level sense from head to toe—

   Isn’t this the muse every photographer dreams of?

  With just one glance, Keven couldn’t suppress the creative desire surging inside.

  In the end, the shooting was finished in less than forty minutes, and every picture made him surprisingly satisfied—

  "Fashion expressiveness is too strong!"

   "No matter the body movements or the facial expressions, it is perfect."

  Keven looked back at the photos and exclaimed again and again.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue left after filming. He hadn't had time to say a few words to her.

  Suddenly, the photographer looked up to the president: “I take the liberty to ask, which school did that classmate belong to?”

  The president's expression was strange for a moment, but soon returned to normal, and asked, "What do you think?"

  He pondered for a moment: "Emperor Capital Film Academy?"

  Seeing that the other party didn’t say anything, but just laughed, he guessed: "Communication University?"

   Then I talked about several schools, but all of them were art schools.

  Presidents all shook their heads, and said each word: "Wrong, she is our Mingda."

  The photographer apparently also heard of the name of Mingda’s "Pheasant Head", and his expression was stunned.

  "Your reaction...Why, we Mingda don't deserve to have such excellent students?"

   "No, no, no... I didn't mean that."

  President pouted.

  Small, my old lady knows what you are thinking when she sees your eyes, still pretend?

   "Ah..." The photographer coughed awkwardly, "The classmate is in very good condition and extremely talented. I thought he was from a major..."

  If you are someone else, you will think so too.

  President raised his jaw slightly, and a sense of pride emerged spontaneously: “Yes, Sister Yue has good conditions in all aspects, and she is extremely talented in everything. What counts as a few sets of cover photos?”

  The photographer's eyes flickered, "Can you give me her contact information?"

   "What are you doing?"

  "I know a lot of people in the fashion circle. If I have the opportunity, I can help her introduce some high-quality resources."

  Usually, small models rush to find him for contact information. Whether to give it or not depends on his mood. Keven has never been so proactive before.

  The first time.

  However, in the next second, the opponent refused or refused? !

   "Sorry, sister Yue is not interested in your business, so the contact information is still omitted. She is very busy and has no time to answer the phone or reply to the message."

  Keven frowned: "Are you sure you don't have to ask her personally? The refusal is yours, not hers."

  The implication is that you are more and more acting on your behalf.

  President raised his lips and smiled: “Rejection is not only my intention, but also Yue Jie’s attitude. She specifically explained before leaving without leaving any contact information.”

   "Why?" The man was puzzled: "Don't she want to be famous?"

  "Famous?" The president seemed to hear some joke, "The things you are eager for and dream of, others may not be rare."

  He still didn’t understand: "Such a good opportunity, she..."

   "Let me put it this way, other girls may admire the star aura and yearn for the brilliance under the spotlight, but she won't. Because—"

  Photographer: "?"

   "Is the brilliance of the bright moon comparable to the light of fireflies?"

  Will the sun envy street lights?

  Too funny.

  Finally, the photographer repaired the picture and walked back in two steps.

  Before leaving, she still asked: "Can't you really leave a contact information?"

  President sighed and shook his head slowly.

  Before, I always heard that Sister Babaiyue was so awesome, but today I finally saw it with my own eyes.

   "This photographer is really persistent." A little sister leaned forward.

  "Have you never heard of it? What you can't get is always in commotion." Another little sister said.

  They think they are not bad in appearance and body, but the photographer didn't take a second glance at them from the moment they entered the door, and their souls fell on Sister Yue.

   "Hey, do you think this is called Baiyueguang? It is beautiful and bright, but it hangs high in the sky. It can be seen and touched, but it can't be controlled but remembered. In the end, I will never forget it and remember it for a lifetime?"

   "Wow! That's a terrific description! Sister Yue feels that way—you can only look at it from a distance, not close."

  "Why do we set the theme of this issue on'White Moonlight'?"

   "Sister Ke Yue's makeup is mainly black, is it not too relevant?"

   "Whether Bai Yueguang wears a black dress, isn't it a white moonlight? If this is the case, it can only mean that the white moonlight is not white enough."

   "Well, I agree! No matter what the real white moonlight wears, it is a dream in the heart of a woman, and a mystery in the eyes of a man."

   "OK! That's it!"


  On the day of the publication of the fashion agency, there was a long line at the door.

  Thanks to the publicity during this period, the whole school knows that the Fashion Club will publish an issue of the magazine with Yuejie as the cover model.

  You can search the campus forum and the official website of the fashion agency, but there is no Reuters photo.

   Asking insiders, all the answers are: No comment.

   "The secrecy measures are done too well!"

  "Curiosity was successfully aroused, hehe, I want to see the cover of sister Yue."

   "Who doesn't want these people who came in line today?"

   "I got up at eight o'clock. I didn't expect it to be so long before. Luna, this **** charm, nowhere to put it..."

   "Open the door! Open the door! Don't squeeze—"

  "Let me stop squeezing, are you still rushing forward?"

  A group of people pushed, shoved, huddled together, cursed, scrambled.

   Seeing that the order could not be maintained, the members of the community hurriedly called for the security to help.

  "Don’t panic, don’t grab, everyone!"

  "Because the first publication, no money, free delivery, so everyone can only receive it once, not on behalf of it, you must come in person. OK, everyone line up, we started to publish..."

  There are security guards to maintain order, and everyone is honest.

   Looking around, there are both boys and girls in the long line.

The    ratio is almost half-open.

   "I thought there would be more boys, but I didn't expect there would be more girls."

   "This shows that Sister Yue eats all men and women."

   "It's natural for boys to like beautiful women, but I didn't expect girls to be so friendly to Sister Yue. Don't they all say same-sex repulsion?"

  "Girls usually reject girls because of jealousy. You are also a woman, so are you jealous of Sister Yue?"

   "Don't be jealous..."


   "I don't think I deserve it."

   "That's why."

  You would be jealous of your beautiful face at the table, but would you be jealous of Chang'e's prosperous beauty?

   is no longer in the same grade, and even jealousy is powerless.


  The people who got the publication were amazed again and again.

   "Are you sure it's not which international superstar? This look, this aura, Sister Yue kills me!"

   "I can find a reason to love Sister Yue a hundred times every day!"

  "The quality is not worse than those of top fashion magazines, just one word-cow!"

   "Um... can I pay for more copies?"

  "Don't think about it. Someone just offered a sky-high price, and the ladies of the fashion agency refused to blink."

   "Ah—the first time I hate everyone for being so rich. In contrast, I have no advantage. It is harder to buy more magazines than to get to the sky..."

  "Brother, just get used to it, after all, you are in Mingda."


  This time the newsletter invites senior fashion editors to typesetting. There are well-known celebrities in the circle. They use the best ink and paper and choose the best printing factory. Regardless of the content and appearance, they are all of high quality.

  Therefore, the periodical is widely praised, and members of the fashion club have long had a foreboding.

  But in just two days, it was so popular that it was beyond their expectations.

  First of all, the spectacular scene of "ten thousand people's publicity" appeared on the campus forum.

  Next, I don’t know who posted the photo on the Internet, which attracted a lot of fans. Jiang Ji’s private kitchen official blog also came to share in the fun and forwarded it, and finally rushed directly to the hot search.

  The people who eat melon can’t help but sigh—

   "Jiang Fuyue's traffic is absolutely absolute! Second-tier stars don't have this popularity, right?"

   "I thought she was ruined when she went to Mingda University, but I didn't expect it to be so strong."

   "Ming University has nothing to do with her, she went overwhelmingly in every minute."

   "Aside from the matter itself, no one thinks this group of photos is blindingly eye-catching?"

   "Ah! Someone finally said it! This photo is really a jerk. It's a miracle that a person can be beautiful like this."

   "Sister Yue has a high game! It's a pity not to enter the entertainment circle."

   "It's a pity to enter the entertainment industry."


   "Who is this?"

  "Bought the hot search, right?"

   "Where is the 18th line star? I have never heard of it."

   "The front is really funny, which mad dog has no leash, go back quickly, don’t be ashamed."

   "Come on, give you free science popularization, my luna..."

  It stands to reason that the hot search has been on, and as the popularity drops, things should come to an end.

  However, this matter is not over yet.

  First, several well-known domestic photographers forwarded this group of photos successively, with the text: New-generation models? The lens feels so good, I want to shoot.

  Someone takes the lead, and when the heat is up, there will naturally be others following.

  In order to keep up the heat, it doesn’t matter if you praise it sincerely, in short, the photography circle strangely set off a wave of "inviting the moon"—

  These photographers, whether young or old, famous or unknown, have initiated invitations to Jiang Fuyue on social platforms, hoping to shoot a group of fashion movies for her.

  Many times, the exaggeration is too high, there is no enough to stop, it is easy to cause rebound.

  Sure enough, a lot of criticism came out after two days of hot search.

  And what pushed the incident to the climax was an ins dynamic of the international supermodel Mars—

  Not only did Da Laila post pictures of Jiang Fuyue, she also called her "the most perfect model in my mind", no one.

  This time public opinion exploded.

   "Excessive consumption is offensive."

   "You don't have to blow to the sky."

   "Isn't Mars very cold? I used to be in the same frame as our national model, and I wanted to lift my chin up to the sky. How come I turned into a dog licking in front of Jiang Fuyue?"

   "Hot search one by one, it really defeats the goodwill of passers-by."

   "This Jiang Fuyue is good at it, so many men want to take pictures of her."

  Public opinion began to develop in an extremely unfavorable direction. Just when everyone thought that the wind would continue to fall to one side, the Yue Family Army was dispatched.

   Wherever you go, you should refute rumors and rumors, explain and explain, do not talk, do not argue, be organized, and disciplined.

  This kind of action force even the well-known public relations companies in the circle have to admire—

too professional!

  Under the vigorous cleanup and rectification of the Yue Family Army, the direction of public opinion has been pulled back again.

  Not only that, they also brought Mingda to fly while refuting the rumors—

  The cover of the journal is beautiful?

  Produced by Mingda Fashion Club.

  Sister Yue is super photogenic?

  Photo by Mingda Fashion Agency.

   Soon, Jiang Fuyue’s enthusiasm gradually faded, but the attention of the Mingda community continued to rise.

  The school allocated 150,000 yuan for the activity, which caused the netizens to exclaim unanimously, which attracted the envy of other schools.

  However, this is just an appetizer. As the news continues to increase, the various local tyrants of the Mingda community have also been exposed one by one:

  A group of daughters paid out of their own pockets to create a social publication, and the total cost was as high as seven figures. The publications were distributed free of charge and did not charge a cent.

  Commemorative society hired "famous corners" to teach, and built a performance hall at their own expense. It is said that a set of sofas in the venue will cost more than 80,000.

  Model Club invited the supermodel Mars to sit down, not to mention his own fashion resources, but also to teach them. According to rumours, the club spent huge sums of money to build a crystal runway for daily training at a cost of over one million.

  There is also a golf club. Before starting the club, a golf course was built...

    Two more in one, five thousand words. Today is also a beautiful and strong heartthrob Yueyue~



  (End of this chapter)

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