After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 759: With Fei Ming Da, her girlfriend is her (two more in one, there is

   Chapter 759 With Fei Mingda, her girlfriend is her (two more in one, thanks for the dog)

   "My mother! What kind of **** (tu) immortal (hao) society is this?"

  "In my impression, the university community is very poor, and the school has to pay for it, but it also requires students to go out to sponsor them."

  "I can’t wait to save the activities of the big and small, one person breaks into two halves, in short, the university community is a pit, jump in to know how deep it is."

   "Millions of printed magazines, please celebrities, and build their own runways and golf courses? People who don’t know thought they wanted to do a big business, but ended up getting a club?"

   "Maybe the happiness of the rich is so unpretentious."

  "I am a turtle, I am not worthy [smile]"

   "Is the young lady of Mingda still missing a follower?"

   "I heard that college students can freely choose which club to join, and there is no need to pay membership fees..."

   "Two minutes! I'm going to Mingda!"

   "Oh, a pheasant university, but there are a few bad money, a group of people pounced like crazy, I think the Huaxia generation will end sooner or later."

   “Those who say they want to transfer, I’m afraid they go to a worse school than Ming University in real life. Why don’t you see those students from prestigious universities yearning for a pheasant university? This is the gap.”

  "One pheasant university, the quality of the upstairs is not good."

   "No, you are wrong. I am a freshman of the Imperial Capital Finance and Economics who envy Ming University students. Not only can I win the championship in military training exercises, but I can also participate in so many high-quality clubs."

  "I am also envious of Mingda when registering as a freshman at the Imperial Capital University of Business. Not only is he rich, but he also has Moon God."

   "Looking at the previous appearances of finance and trade, then I, the Q major, will not hide. The Q college student who has not eaten the Mingda canteen is definitely not from the headquarters."

  "Only students from Q University know how delicious the swimming pool, basketball court, and gym of Ming University are!"

   "Ming University ranks down. Needless to say, people all over the country know it, but if you have money, you have real money."

   "What's wrong with the pheasant? That person is also a golden pheasant!"

   "Is it so difficult to admit that someone has money?"

   "It's so vinegar. If you don't eat grapes, you will feel sour. It's really funny."

  Public opinion rose from the club to the discussion of this school, in Li Dong’s words——

   "For more than 20 years, Mingda has not been paid attention to by the outside world like this."

  Although the wind reviews are mixed, the popularity has risen, and the popularity has also risen steadily.

  Judging from the search index of major websites in the last three days, "Qi Ming University" ranks firmly in the top three.

  Ming University, the principal’s office.

  Jiang Fuyue put down the ipad in her hand, and the page stopped on the Weibo homepage, all of which were related to Mingda.

   "At present, the effect is not bad."

  Compared with her calm and indifferent, Xiao Shan's emotions are much more exposed.

Not only did his eyes shine, but he rubbed his hands with excitement, "Fortunately, the direction of public opinion was pulled back in time, and Ming Da was out of the circle, which is a blessing in disguise."

  Here we have to mention the powerful combat effectiveness of the "Yue Family Army".

  Xiao Shan even wondered whether Jiang Fuyue would be scheming, and at the same time she removed herself, by the way, he pushed Mingda to the front and returned to the attention of the public.

  That's too terrible——

   Turning hands for clouds and hands for rain, taking one step and watching ten steps, how scheming is this kind of person? How to plan?

  Xiao Shan's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Shang Jiang Fuyue's gaze. In an instant, he felt his scalp numb and the back of his neck became cold.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Are you busy?"

  Xiao Shan's lips moved twice, but there was no sound.

  For a while, he slowly shook his head: "...nothing."

  Jiang Fuyue did not ask further, and stood up: "I'm back to the laboratory."

   "...Okay." Xiao Shan watched her leave.

  It took a long time before he breathed a sigh of relief.

   At this moment, there was a knock on the door. He raised his eyes and looked up. The next second, his eyes widened in surprise: "It's you? Come in..."

  Don’t blame Xiao Shan for being out of state, it was Shen Wenzhao—Professor Shen!

  This is an old Taishan who is at the same level as Xu Kaiqing, an old man in the academic world.

  Shen Wenzhao walked in with a smile, "Principal Xiao is busy?"

  Xiao Shan quickly got up: "It's not busy, you sit down."


  After the old man sat down, he sat down with him and greeted him: "Why are you here? Is there any use for me?"

   "President Xiao is polite. I see that Ming University is recruiting professors on the official website?"

  Xiao Shan nodded: "There is such a thing, it was just hung up last week."

   "Have you recruited?"

  Xiao Shan shook his head: "The school chooses teachers, and the same teachers will choose schools. Mingda..."

  Speaking of this, he couldn't help sighing lightly.

  In the past two decades, Mingda’s reputation has been too thorough, and the name of “pheasant” is too loud. Although he and Jiang Fuyue have tried their best to save and have achieved initial results, the prejudice is always deep-rooted.

  Everything needs time to prove.

  In the short term, I am afraid that it will not attract any high-quality teachers.

  Fortunately, Xiao Shan had a foreboding of this result, not disappointed, but inevitably melancholy.

  He knows that Mingda is getting better day by day, but the outside world still has a stereotype of it.

  Shen Wenzhao: "But how did I hear that you dug a lot of professors from Q University? Even Old Xu came over to start the class?"

   "Cough..." Xiao Shan clenched his fist and coughed lightly. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the smile on the old man's face without getting angry, and said slowly: "It's just the beginning of the class."

  Their establishment is still at the Q level. Strictly speaking, they do not belong to Mingda’s own faculty.

   Xiaoshan originally wanted to grab both ends.

  First stabilize the group of professors from Q University and let them come over to start the class; then recruit the team of teachers belonging to the school.

  The first step is fairly smooth, but the second step is...

   "Haste is not enough, I understand." Xiao Shan breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled back on his face, "Come slowly, it will always be okay."

  Shen Wenzhao nodded: "Don't be arrogant or rash, I appreciate your attitude."

  Xiao Shan smiled bitterly and waved.


   "How does Principal Xiao feel about me?"

  Xiao Shan gave a stunned look, but didn't quite understand what he meant: "You?"

  Shen Wenzhao still smiled: "How about I come to Mingda to start a class?"

  Just like this, a big pie fell from the sky, and Xiao Shan was stunned by slamming it on his head.

  After a while, he reacted: "Dang, of course welcome! We can't ask for it!"

   "Since I can't ask for it, then everyone else has contacted, why did you skip me?" The old man feigned anger.

  Xiao Shan was so embarrassed that he didn’t know where to put it, so he could only rub his nose obediently: “I’m not afraid that your position is too big, please don’t move...cough! We know that we still have this.”

  On that list, Xiao Shan specifically skipped the top of the pyramid, and Shen Wenzhao happened to be on this list.

   "What's the matter with Old Xu? He is not a big man?"

  Xiao Shan is slightly embarrassed: "The key is, Mr. Xu was not invited by me..."

   "Oh?" Shen Wenzhao raised his eyebrows, "Who is that? The face is not small."

   "This..." Xiao Shan hesitated.

   "Well, I'm here to find a side job for myself today, so I won't be embarrassed by you. So, did President Xiao accept me or not?"

   "Come! Of course!"

  Xiao Shan immediately took out the contract, and the two signed it on the spot.

  When sending Shen Wenzhao away, he grabbed a magazine on the table and handed it to the old man, with a subtle expression: "This is a fashion magazine published by Mingda. It's quite interesting. You can flip through it when you have time."

  Shen Wenzhao is a little inexplicable, a fashion journal?

  He looks like someone who reads this kind of little girl’s magazine?

   But I was puzzled in my heart, but it didn't show up on the face, smiled and accepted it, and said thank you politely.

   After returning to Q, he casually put the magazine on the desk and left it alone.

   Then triumphantly ran to the next door to find Xu Kaiqing: "I will go to Mingda to start classes in a few days."

   Xu Kaiqing had a pause, looked up, and looked suspicious: "You?"

   "Why? No?"

   "Why did you suddenly think of going to Mingda to start a class? Xiaoshan invited you?"

  Shen Wenzhao’s old eyes flashed, not please, but he is catching up, but he can’t respond like this, otherwise he would be embarrassed?

  He hummed softly: "You have all gone, can't I go?"

  Xu Kaiqing spread both hands: "Of course I can, Mingda is not mine."

  He was just curious. He went because Jiang Fuyue invited him. Then why is Lao Shen?

  Shen Wenzhao finished, left contentedly, and happily agreed with Xu Kaiqing to go to Ming University next week. Oh, plus two canteen coupons.

  The reason is: "It's a loan, wait for Mingda to send it to me, and then return it to you."

  Xu Kaiqing: "...oh." You are happy.

  Back to the office, Shen Wenzhao happily made a pot of tea. After drinking two sips, the phone rang.

  He took it out, glanced at the caller ID, a string of international encrypted numbers, and hidden the area. He probably guessed who it was and quickly picked it up——

   "A Yuan?"

  "Teacher, it's me. I need your help with a question..."

  Shen Wenzhao's eyes suddenly dazzled.

  Xie Dingyuan was in the F Chau research base, the signal was completely shielded, and it was not allowed to contact the outside world at all.

   was able to call on his phone, only to show that he encountered a tricky situation.

  "You said...Okay, you probably know what it means...In this way, you package all the data in encrypted mail and I will deal with it right away!"

  End the call, Shen Wenzhao immediately turned on the computer and logged in to the mailbox.

  In less than two minutes, an email came in.

  He used the encryption step to reverse the opening, a large amount of data appeared on the screen, and Shen Wenzhao casually pulled a piece of draft paper and started the calculation.

  Half an hour later, he took a long breath and put down the pen.

  Waiting, checked again and confirmed that it was correct.

  After that, the phone's ringtone rang again, still at the same number, Xie Dingyuan pinched and called——

   "Teacher, how is it?"

  "I wrote the processing steps on paper, how can I send it to you?"

   "Take a picture and send it on WeChat."


  Shen Wenzhao did not ask much, spread the paper flat on the table, turned on the camera, and took three pictures in a row.

On the other side, Xie Dingyuan responded quickly: [Received]

  Shen Wenzhao's tight nerves slowly relaxed.

  At this moment, Xie Dingyuan sent two more messages. He sat upright, and the first reaction was which step went wrong.


  Xie Dingyuan: [Teacher, what is this? Can you take a clearer picture? 】

  Xie Dingyuan: [Picture]

  Shen Wenzhao zoomed in on the picture. It was one of the three pictures he had sent, with a red circle in the upper left corner.

  Because there is no positive focus, a blur effect is produced. I can't see clearly, but I can only vaguely distinguish the facial features of the female model on the cover.

  Yes, the place where Xie Dingyuan was circled was the magazine that Xiao Shan gave him casually.

  Shen Wenzhao was puzzled, but he was afraid that Xie Dingyuan would not have enough time, so he didn't ask much, only took out his mobile phone, pointed it at the cover of the magazine and took a new photo and posted it.

  This is very clear.

  Don’t say, this female doll was born pretty and has a strong aura.

  Xie Dingyuan: [Received. Thank you, teacher. 】


  F state, Suwetan military base.

After Xie Dingyuan received the picture sent by Shen Wenzhao, he immediately followed the steps to deal with the virus.

  The pair of gloves are layered for protection, stretch into the isolation box, and then use the micro-processor to isolate the virus.

  Time passed by every minute, and everyone was staring at the enlarged screen nervously.

  Even breathing becomes cautious, for fear of interruption, leading to a loss of work.



   "Quickly-send it to the incubator immediately!"

  A group of researchers stepped forward and skillfully took over the remaining work.

  Xie Dingyuan was sent to the disinfection tank, and after many steps, he took off his protective clothing and came out of the laboratory.

  Kaza was waiting outside with a cigarette in his mouth, anxious between his eyebrows and eyes.

   But at the first glance when he saw Xie Dingyuan, he removed all of them, and replaced them with a relaxed: "Yes! I know!"

  He clenched his fist, slammed it on Xie Dingyuan’s shoulder with a strong wave, his excitement was beyond words.

  Xie Dingyuan swept across with a cold eye, he subconsciously put a light force, and finally landed on his shoulder but with a light touch.

   "Thank you, do you want to root?" Kaza took out the cigarette case.

"Need not."

  He shrugged, without reluctance.

  It seems to have known that Xie Dingyuan would not smoke.

   "Let’s go, take you to dinner, you can really stay hungry for almost twelve hours..."

  After eating, Xie Dingyuan sat on the fortress of the base to blow the air.

  The setting sun on the horizon is like fire, and the yellow sand desert in the distance.

  He was holding the phone and was looking at something, even though the wind with the sand caught on his face, he didn't notice it.

   "Hey—" Kaza walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "If you don't take the time to rest, why are you sitting here?"

  Xie Dingyuan calmly pressed down on the screen, "I'm not sleepy yet."

  "Hey, the base has no signal. The encrypted signal is changed to a new channel after you have used it. Now the mobile phone is like a brick, what's so good about it?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "It has nothing to do with you."

   Kaza's eyes rolled: "Brother, aren't you? I'm so bored that I can hide and play by myself?"

  Xie Dingyuan's mouth twitched and ignored him.

  Kaza became more and more curious.

   Determined in his heart that he was playing a mentally handicapped game, aside from anything else, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

  He is a professionally trained special soldier with excellent eyesight and speed.

  Xie Dingyuan had no room to react, so the other party snatched the phone.

   "I caught it now, how old are you still playing with kids--" Uh!

  The voice stopped abruptly.

  Kaza looked at the photos on the screen, a little dazed, and a little silly.

  This should be a fashion magazine, because the center of the page is printed with a big "Fashion" in a fancy font.

  However, the most conspicuous thing is not the title of the journal, but the model that occupies almost the entire screen——

  The girl wore a black dress, her long hair curled up, and she wore a diamond crown.

  The diamond reflects the bright brilliance under the lens.

   interacts with the exquisite collarbone.

  But it’s not these that are the most absolute, but the look in her eyes-looking into the camera, straightforward, but deep in her eyes there is pride and indifference.

  This makes her look mysterious and noble.

   "Wow-is this an oriental beauty? Like a queen!"

  Xie Dingyuan darkened his face as soon as he snatched the phone. Hearing his comment on Jiang Fuyue, his eyes were sharp and sharp.

   While Kaza was not paying attention, he reached out and grabbed it back, and warned: "No next time!"

   "You don't need to be so stingy? I just glanced at your phone, and it didn't break it!" Kaza felt a little wronged, and a little wronged.

  Xie Dingyuan ignored him, put the phone back into his trouser pocket and left.

   Kaza curled his lips, and the beauty of the magazine appeared in his mind. It was really beautiful!

   is the kind of seductive charm, with magical power that makes people think.

  "Brother—you wait—" He chased up, "The good thing is to share, you send me a photo too!"

  Xie Dingyuan paused and turned his head blankly: "What did you say?"

"I like that photo very much. Can you send it to me? Anyway, it's the cover model of the magazine. It's taken for everyone to see. I think you won't mind. Everyone is good friend, right? Should... "

"I mind."

   "Huh?" Kaza was taken aback.

   "I said," Xie Dingyuan paused, "I mind, very much, next time I make such a request, I will see you once and beat you once."

  After finishing speaking, he strode away, still braving angrily looking at the back.

  Kaza is very inexplicable——

   "This is not your girlfriend, what do you mind?"

   "Also, what did I ask of me? Why did you say it was heinous?"

  Finally, and the most important point——

   "Can you beat me you?!"

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t look back, his cold voice reached Kaza’s ears——

"She is."

  This is not your girlfriend. What do you mind?

She is.

    Two more in one, five thousand words.

     Today at 520, let Xie 99 come out to sprinkle dog food, um... There are chapters of Xie 99, the others are good, just a bit of Cavan, cough...

     I wish you all a happy 520!



  (End of this chapter)

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