After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 762: Dogs miss you, birthday party (two more in one)

  Chapter 762 Dogs miss you, birthday party (two more in one)

   Regardless of how hot the Internet is, Jiang Fuyue, who is the center of the topic, ignores it.

  Even though there are already three CNS articles in hand, she is still as usual, the laboratory, the dormitory, and the canteen are three points and one line.

   is not half slack or complacent because of the results already achieved.

  Anyway, Xu Kaiqing asked himself, if he won three international authoritative journals when he was under twenty years old, he would definitely not be able to do what Jiang Fuyue did.

  Don’t talk about being overwhelmed, but complacency is always inevitable.

  After all, the young man is angry.

   Ke Jiang Fuyue...

  Don't talk about anger, she doesn't even have extra expressions.

  I see that she is either doing experiments or deriving data every day.

  It's like a race with someone.

   But there are obviously no opponents ahead.

  It is no exaggeration to say that no one of my age can match it.

   "Time." Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes and looked at him lightly, "Running with people, your end is only the end; but in a race against time, there is no end."

  There is no end, so you can never stop.

  Xu Kaiqing was stunned, in a daze all afternoon.

  Old Peter came out of the laboratory next door, when he saw this, he looked inexplicable: "What's wrong with him?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Maybe...thinking about life?"

  Old Peter: "?"

  Jiang Fuyue continued to soak in the laboratory, mainly to complete the cooperation project.

  Seriously, she was a bit disgusted that Xu Kaiqing and Old Peter moved too slowly.

  Change to come by herself, and the time will be cut by at least half.

  However, being cautious also has the advantage of being cautious. Slow is a little bit slower, but it is safe.

  Xu Kaiqing could see clearly, and teased himself: "Old, I'm gone, so I don't dare to take risks."

  Old Peter nodded: "The future belongs to your young people."

  Then, the two increased Jiang Fuyue's workload by coincidence.

  Xu Kaiqing: "Those who can do more work."

  Peter: "The world is for you."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

During   , Han Qishan and Shi Qingzhi both called and asked her to go home for a few days.

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue has not been home for almost two months.

   After finishing these two cooperation projects, the weather is getting colder, and it's winter unknowingly.

  The T-shirt was replaced by a coat, and the only thing that did not change was the white lab gown on her body.

  Finally reached the end of the project, Jiang Fuyue temporarily ended her life in the laboratory.

  Han Qishan: "Good girl, when will you go home?"

  Guaranteed this name...

  The old man is getting more and more numb.

  Second Uncle Han Ke also called: "It's been so long, the family dog ​​misses you."

  Uncle Han Heng: "Yueyue, I heard the old man say that you are going home to live?! Waiting, I pushed the notice here, and I will come back to accompany you soon!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." I don't know who is with whom.

  After all, only when she is at home, Han Heng can blatantly touch the plush toys.

  Otherwise, I only dare to sneak in and act like a thief.

  Han Shen was more direct, stepping on time, asking the driver to drive the car to the school gate, and then calling her——

   "Come out, uncle will take you home."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  As soon as I entered the villa, there was a dog barking.

   Xiaomang rushed down from the second floor, rushed out of the house, crossed the lawn, and rushed straight to Jiang Fuyue's feet.

   Then jumped up half of her body and pulled into her arms: "Wow--Wow--"

you're back! hug! To hug!

  Jiang Fuyue reached out and patted its thick fleshy back, making a muffled noise: "You are fat again."

   "Wow--" I am not fat, but strong!

   swearing on his mouth, but his tail wagging extremely happily.

   "Sister, you're back." Han Ting was also at home, chasing after Xiao Mang.

   "Let's go Yueyue, go in and talk."



   Dinner is another big table of dishes, with meat and vegetables, almost all Jiang Fuyue likes to eat.

  Han Qishan: "I have tried it. This rib is good. Come... and this pickled pepper beef tenderloin, a new dish. See if you like it..."

  Not to mention the three brothers Han Shen, even Han Ting, who was the grandson, had never enjoyed it.

   Borrowing a sentence from Han Ting’s private complaint: “You didn’t see the old man’s diligence towards my sister, so you almost held her in the palm of your hand and put her on the tip of your heart.”

  After the meal, Jiang Fuyue accompanies the old man to walk and play chess.

   Give Xiaomang food again.

  At night, she returned to the pink and tender room. Before closing the door, Han Heng squeezed in like a loach.

   "Satuki Yue~ I'm coming!"

  Jiang Fuyue twitched the corner of her mouth and watched him plunge into the pile of plush like her breasts.

   "Ah-my teddy bear! Little Katie! Pikachu!"

  He rolled and rolled, rubbed and rubbed, his face was filled with contentment, his eyes narrowed with joy.

  Jiang Fuyue sat by the bed and watched his wild donkey roll around. She couldn’t help but tweeted, “Why did you move so many plush toys into my room again?”

   "Does it look good? I bought new ones, they are all limited editions! The hair is thick and thick."


   "Don't believe me? You can touch it and find out."

   Jiang Fuyue leaned back strategically: "No, you can play by yourself."


   Such a cute and cute thing, he likes a man, but there are girls who are indifferent?

   can't understand it!

  I can think about it again. The little niece who has posted three CNS articles in a row doesn’t seem to need him to understand, huh...he can’t understand either.

   "Sister——" At this moment, Han Ting also ran over.

   Seeing that the door was not closed tightly, he pushed it open.

  In the next second, I saw Han Heng stuck in a pile of plush toys with a face full of intoxication and too late to take it back.

   "Uncle, what are you?"

  Han Heng calmly patted the dust on the cuffs, and stood up: "Suddenly remembered that there is something else, you sisters and brothers will talk first."

  After finishing speaking, stepped away.

  After going out, in the corridor, the footsteps showed a little flustered.

  Fortunately, Han Ting didn’t see it.

  "Sister..." The young man was standing in front of Jiang Fuyue right now, trying to stop talking, his expression embarrassed.

   "What's wrong?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Just say if you have anything."

   "Ah... can I ask you for a few signatures?"

  "Signature? Whose?"


  Jiang Fuyue was surprised: "I am not a celebrity, what do I need to sign?"

   "Sister, don't you know that you are more popular than celebrities now?"

  Jiang Fuyue knows that there are many discussions about her on the Internet, but...

  "Is it such an exaggeration?" Redder than a star?

Han Ting immediately gushed: "...Now you are the super **** in the eyes of our students! The highest benchmark in the world of learning! Oh, and the koi for every exam! Many students are crazy with their mobile phones before entering the exam room. Swipe your video to be European style."

  Jiang Fuyue's expression is hard to say: " it useful?"

   "Of course it's useful! What I want is psychological comfort. If you have a good mentality, your grades will not be bad."

   actually makes sense.

  Han Ting scratched his head: "My good buddies know that you are my sister, so I have to ask for an autograph."

   Then he came.

  Jiang Fuyue readily agreed, let him bring paper and pen, and sign immediately.

   "Hey...I'm all ready!" After speaking, he took it out from behind and turned it into a magic trick.

  Jiang Fuyue saw that it was not a blank paper.

  There are photos, posters, photo albums, as well as magazines that were taken by the fashion agency not long ago.

  I signed more than 20 in a row, and there are still more later.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Do you have so many buddies?"

  Han Ting: "No, there are actually only six or seven. Each of them needs at least five signatures, and then they add up..." That's more.

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." Okay.

  After signing, Han Ting was sent away, and she closed the door of the room.

   After taking a shower, she called Han Yunru again, and Jiang Da occasionally said something next to her.

After    hung up, she called little brother Jiang specifically.


  "Not asleep yet?"

   "Wait until I finish talking to you before going to bed."

  This is waiting for her specially.

  "Are you tired recently?"

  Jiang: "Not tired."

   "Is there any exercise?"

   "Hmm! Long-distance running and swimming!"

"To adhere."

  Brother Jiang knew that she could not see, but he nodded his head heavily: "Sister, I know!"

  When I ended the call, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

  Jiang Fuyue turned off the light and lay down, and gradually fell asleep.

  The next day she woke up naturally. When she went downstairs, the father, Han Shen and Han Ke had already had breakfast in the dining room.

  Han Heng did not see anyone, and he is probably still sleeping in the room.

  The old man laughed and said softly: "Good girl, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

  Han Shen: "..." It was not like that when you disliked the third child just now.

  Han Ke: "..." Just get used to it.

   "I'm already awake." Jiang Fuyue walked to Han Shen, and when he was about to sit down, he was called over by the old man.


   "Come, sit next to grandpa."

  Jiang Fuyue: "...oh."

  Han Shen: "..." is really speechless.

After Jiang Fuyue sat down, the servant quickly brought milk and sandwiches to her.

  In the dining room, they ate separately, so quiet that only the slight clash of tableware can be heard.


   "Yueyue, this Saturday is your nineteenth birthday. I plan to hold a birthday party for you, so that I can introduce you to everyone and know each other, what do you think?"

  Han Qishan didn't mention it, Jiang Fuyue herself had forgotten that her birthday was December 6, so counting the time, it happened to be this Saturday.

Although the news circle where the Han family’s little daughter was found has long been known, Han Yunru did not show up in public. After twenty years, no one knows how the Han family’s little daughter who disappeared and suddenly returned has grown into What's up.

   only knows that she has already married in Linhuai, runs a business with her husband, and has a daughter.

  And the beloved granddaughter of the Han family is Jiang Fuyue!

  This point was confirmed by the majority of netizens as early as when Han Heng had an oolong gossip.

  Also faintly heard in the circle, but I have never seen Jiang Fuyue after all.

   Therefore, Han Qishan intends to take this opportunity to formally inform the world and announce Jiang Fuyue’s identity.

  By the way, let her show her face in the circle.

  All the research projects on hand have temporarily come to an end. Jiang Fuyue has no other arrangements this Saturday, so she nodded in agreement with a slight hesitation.

   "You can arrange it."

   "Hey!" The old man suddenly smiled.

  Because Jiang Fuyue went home, the Han Shen brothers rarely went out.

  Han Shen had breakfast and was completely free after a few work calls.

  Han Ke stared at the market with his iPad for a while, and put it aside.

  It was Han Heng, still sleeping upstairs.

   "Go to a few more people and call him to me! People who are dozens of years old are still lying in bed, what is it like?"

  The servants did not dare not listen, so they went upstairs.

  But the third young master’s breath of getting up was not covered, and in the end he could only stand outside the door with his hands shrunk and yelled symbolically.

  As for whether you can hear it or not, you don’t know if you follow it.

  Anyway, half an hour later, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren downstairs have already started playing mahjong, and Han Heng did not see him either.

  Playing Mahjong was proposed by Han Ke.

  "...Be bored, find some fun to pass the time."

  In the beginning, Han Qishan said, “If you don’t study well, teach two small gambling, will you be successful?”

  Han Ke quietly Mimi, not daring to speak up.

  Han Ting glanced at his second uncle, blamed the poor, and said, “Playing mahjong can exercise your intelligence and prevent Alzheimer’s.”

  Han Qishan stared: "Who is Alzheimer? I am the only one here!"

  Han Ting: "..." Woo, I wouldn't talk too much if I knew it.

  Han Shen looked at his nose, his nose looked at his heart, and he didn't even intend to speak at all.

  At this time, whoever is in the beginning will be scolded.

Apart from……

  Jiang Fuyue: "Mahjong is also a sport, shouldn’t it matter if you play it occasionally?"

  Han Qishan immediately said: "It’s okay! Of course it’s okay! Do you like Yueyue? Let’s start, what are you guys still doing?"

  Han Shen: "……"

  Han Ke: "……"

  Han Ting: "……"

  It is indeed you, double bidding is right and confident.

  Three poles a day, when Han Heng woke up and went downstairs, they had already played several laps.

   "Oh, how about playing mahjong?"

  Han Heng's eyes lit up and walked behind Jiang Fuyue.

  "Good fellow, Yueyue is so rich, the money box almost can't be closed."

  Han Heng scanned it roughly, and it was all hundred-yuan bills, worth tens of thousands of dollars.

  Han Ke raised his eyes and said faintly: "We have all our money to her, can it not be much?"

   "Haha...Second brother, you lost so badly? Like a resentful woman, hahahaha..."

  The old man and Han Shen looked at him at the same time.

  Han Heng: "!"

"……forget it."

  I watched two hands, but Jiang Fuyue won.

   And do big names time and time again, the key is to let her do it!

   "Yes, Yueyue, you can do whatever you want, I'm lucky!" Han Heng smiled like a naive.

   "It's not just luck." Han Shen was very meaningful.

  After finishing speaking, he suddenly got up and said, "I have lost all of it, the third child, you come and play."

   "Why are you going?"

  Han Shen picked up the phone: "Return two calls."

  Han Heng smiled and rubbed his hands: "Okay, then I'll take a few."

   said, sat down and started to take the cards.

  The mouth is still empty: "Yueyue, don't say I didn't remind you, be careful, your uncle, I am the "entertainment bird god"!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled, nodded and said okay.

  The expression in the eyes of the old man looked at him suddenly.

  Han Ke has such a trace of sympathy.

  After half an hour——

  Han Heng swept through the two barrels he had played, and then looked at Jiang Fuyue’s cards, unbelievable: "I... lost again?"

  Han Ke replied: "Yes."

  Han Heng looked at a loss: "Am I so unlucky?"

  Since he sits up to the present, he hasn't fiddled with it, and he even fired the cannon continuously, which was basically given to Jiang Fuyue.

   Even if there is no gun, Gou will be able to meet the other three big names in the end.

  From the very beginning, he was full of spirits, and now he has been baba. What is Han Heng's strength to interpret-how bright the opening is, and how miserable the ending is.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Uncle, I won again."

   " don't want the second tube thrown in front of the second child, why do you want me? And the master obviously threw 30,000 yuan, don't you touch him, just touch me?"

   "Because I can't afford it when my second uncle is fighting with the old man."

  Han Heng: "?" Will you be able to afford it when I fight? !

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yes."


  Play until the sun sets, and it ends when you are ready to have dinner.

Needless to say, Jiang Fuyue won the most.

  Followed by the old man.

  In the middle of Han Shen's return, Han Ke surrendered his seat to him. Taking advantage of this wave, he slaughtered the Quartet.

  In fact, there is no "square", just stare at Han Heng, the fat sheep, and make up for all his output.

  So, at the end of the last----

  Everyone wins, only Han Heng loses.

  He: "?" There is a sentence mmp that I don’t know if it should be said or not.

  Han Ke: "Thank you, eldest brother, for giving up his seat to the third."

  Han Shen: "You are welcome. It is my honor to sacrifice one person and fulfill everyone."

  Han Heng: "..." It's an honor to shit! It is not you who dare to sacrifice!

  Everyone is gone, Han Ting walked to Han Heng, he watched the whole scene, just as the onlookers were clear, and sighed: "Uncle, you still don't play mahjong with them in the future, especially my sister."

   can count the cards, and can count the cards, you can’t do it.

  The old man curled his mouth, "It's also the **** of entertainment, and the **** is about the same."

  Han Heng: "?" I let you all win. Are you still doing this to me? Gan!


  Jiang Fuyue stayed at Han's house for two days. Back to school, Shi Qingzhi and Qin Yuanchen drove over to pick them up.

  Han Qishan couldn't see the two of them appear together. Although there was no intimate behavior, he was still upset.

   But he didn’t feel depressed for too long, and soon found something to do...

    Two more in one, five thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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