After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 763: Mysterious shadow, stunning appearance (two more in one)

  Chapter 763 Mysterious shadow, stunning appearance (two more in one)

   Yueyue’s birthday party can’t be sloppy at all.

  Han Qishan secretly made up his mind.

  You know, this is the first time his precious granddaughter has appeared in the circle publicly. Isn’t it plausible?

  For this, he did not hesitate to go to battle in person and arrange for Zhang Luo.

  Seeing him with a cane every day, meeting the person in charge of the hotel, and meeting the manager of the gift company, so busy, Han Shen couldn't help but get a headache.

   "Did you say that Dad is as good as he is?"

  Han Ke spread his hands and shrugged: "Not so, but he is happy."

  Han Heng smacked his lips: "Actually, the old man is not bad to be busy, at least there is no time to care about me."

  As for Jiang Fuyue, the protagonist of the banquet, he didn't care about anything, An Xin acted as the shopkeeper.

  Old man: "Good girl, grandpa promises not to let you down!"

  Jiang Fuyue said yes.

  Two days later, he called again: "Good girl, what color do you like? What flower?"

   "Purple. Iris."


  In a blink of an eye, I came to the birthday party.

  The people who came are all friends and partners of the Han family.

  Men in suits and leather shoes, bring his family with his mouth.

  The woman's makeup and hair are exquisite, and the skirt is swaying.

   is a birthday party, and it is also a Vanity Fair.

   "Master, congratulations! Two palm pearls were lost and recovered!"

  Han Qishan shook hands with him, and smiled wrinkledly: "Thank you for your face, please come inside."

  Han Shen, as the eldest son, was also busy greeting the guests and shaking hands.

  Li Chen also came today, accompanied by his father, dressed like a dog.

  Li Jiahui: "I don't care about how muddled you are, but today, be honest with me!"

  Li Chen pouted, and it was this kind of boring social entertainment, when he wanted to come?


  Learn two more pages of "Investment Analysis" at home, isn't it good?

  Yes, in the environment where the students around him either study hard or develop side jobs, Li Chen is not idle either.

  He has always been very interested in investing, and occasionally he buys some stocks to play with, earning more and losing less, but it is really just for fun, and he has never bothered to delve into it.

  But after the seven-school joint training is over, watching everyone's learning and the founding of the society, it seems that he doesn't fit into this group if he doesn't do anything.

  But he neither loves to learn nor has any talent. After thinking about it, it seems that the stocks are buying well, so he began to systematically learn to invest, ask for tutors, listen to online classes, and practice practical exercises.

  With the deepening of learning and the broadening of knowledge, Li Chen felt as if he had opened the door to a new world.

  Every teacher who took him praised him for his talent, intuition, and vigilance. He is a natural stock market hunter.

  Li Chen was affirmed. He worked harder and the school curriculum did not fall. In the idle time of university, he felt a trace of tension before the college entrance examination.

  But this sense of fulfillment made him extremely satisfied.

  In his own words: "I have endless energy all over my body now."

  Li Dong was surprised to find that the demon king at home hadn't caused trouble for a long time.

  Called to go to school, the teacher said that everything was normal, but it was clear that McLaren in the garage hadn’t been driven out for a long time, and the private doctor at home never came back because of his fight.


  "Are you holding back some damage trick? Want to make a big ticket?"

  Li Chen: "?" Is this my father?

  Anyway, Li Dong didn’t believe it very much, and the dog couldn’t change eating shit. How could Li Chen not cause trouble?

  However, it turns out that he has been really behaving in the past two months.

  Li Dong: "?" Happiness came too suddenly.

  In that room, Liang Jingzhou has also arrived, and the bored expression on his face is exactly the same as that of Li Chen.

  Adults chatted and socialized, and the two young ones could finally take the opportunity to slip away.

   Liang Jingzhou: "Are you there too?"

  Li Chen: "Daughter by my dad."

  Liang Jingzhou immediately shook his hand: "Difficult brother, hard brother."

  Li Chen: "..."

   "I didn't even know what banquet this was, so I was dragged over. By the way, what kind of banquet is this?"

  Li Chen glanced around, and saw that the audience was dominated by purple, satin ribbons, red carpet floor, and irises on both sides, looking youthful and energetic, inexplicably girlish?

  He is also a little confused, isn't it a business reception?

   "What's the name of this family?"

   Liang Jingzhou: "?" You asked me? I want to ask you too!

   "Okay, you actually hid here, causing me to find a big circle with Lao Cheng." At this time, Gu Huaiyu and Cheng Lian walked side by side.

have to! Live together now.

   Liang Jingzhou: "Why are you here too?"

  Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows: "Sister Yue’s birthday party is for you to come, but we are not allowed to come? What is the reason..."

   "Sister Yue?! Birthday party?"

   "What? You don't know?" Gu Huaiyu's mouth twitched, reminding him: "This is the Han family!"

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue is the granddaughter of Han's family. Li Chen had investigated her family background.

  Liang Jingzhou coughed slightly: " I know."

  Gu Huaiyu: "The reflection arc is really long enough."

   also only knew that Li Chen was much smarter, so Mimi did not speak quietly to avoid being ridiculed.

   "Where is Sister Yue?"

  Cheng Lian raised his wrist and looked at his watch: “The banquet hasn’t officially started yet, so it shouldn’t be here.”

  Liang Jingzhou: "Hey...maybe you are still putting on make-up. Girls are the most troublesome. It's like we can go out as soon as we wear a suit."

  Gu Huaiyu rubbed his chin and blurted out: "In fact, she looks pretty without makeup."

   "That's for sure," Liang Jingzhou nodded, "Beauty in the prosperous age is not for blowing."

   Li Chen murmured: "It looks good without makeup, it looks better with makeup, and then put on a long skirt..."

  From a male aesthetic point of view, he thinks that Jiang Fuyue will look very good in long skirts, especially those with close-fitting tailoring, tube top design, and silk fabrics.

  One line, one step at a time, is tactful.

   With the pair of shiny peach eyes, swept across it lightly, faintly glanced, as long as it is a man, I am afraid it will be overwhelming.

   "...Old Li?! What do you think? You shouldn't even make a few calls." Gu Huaiyu elbowed him, "You still laugh so loudly."

  Li Chen suddenly returned to his senses: "Yes, do you? No, right."

   "Yoyo! Don't admit it yet! There is definitely a problem!"

"Hehe...Did you think of Sister Yue?" Liang Jingzhou grinned "I have already seen you through", "Don't deny it, elders dare to be daring, think about it when you think about it, Sister Yue again Beautiful and smart, fools don't want to."

   "Oh! You admit that you thought about it!" Li Chen opposed the general.

Liang Jingzhou actually nodded generously: "Yeah, I just thought about it. Sister Yue is now the dream lover of our school boys. Old Gu, Old Cheng, I will ask you two if you have thought about it. Yes, be honest, OK?"

  Gu Huaiyu's eyes flashed.

  Cheng Lian looked up at the sky.

  It’s too much to choose silence at this time.

  Liang Jingzhou winked at Li Chen: Look, you are hypocritical, and you deny it!

   Li Chen: "..." I want to punch someone.

  But the attitude of Lao Gu and Lao Cheng...

  He was secretly surprised.


   "Hey, you said, how about I chasing Jiang Fuyue?" Liang Jingzhou said astonishingly.

  Gu Huaiyu's face turned black: "Not very good."

  Li Chen curled his lips: "Just you?"

  Cheng Lian shook his head directly, and slowly uttered three words: "I'm thinking too much."

  Liang Jingzhou rolled his eyes wildly with anger: "What do you mean? Huh? You are jealous! Even if you counsel yourself, you still slander others-insidious! Cunning! Narrow-minded!"

   "Wait until I get to Sister Yue, let you all change your mouth to call brother-in-law!"

  Li Chen: "Jiang Fuyue's eyes are very good, but his brain is not bad." The implication is, how can he fall in love with you?

  Gu Huaiyu: "Aren't you a grandson? You still want to be a brother-in-law?"

  Cheng Lian: "Wake up, dreaming too much makes it easy to drool."

   Liang Jingzhou: "..." Fuck!

  The four boys say you, me, cursing, damaging, and their voices are getting louder and louder, and there are several clear "Jiang Fuyue" in them.

  The goodwill and admiration of the teenagers is unconcealed, presumptuous and perverse.

  Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

  Because of the sight, a dark shadow moved!

   is just beside the fountain pool not far away.

  Because the light is too dark, no one will take a second look except the regular rushing sound.

  It happened to be that place, and there was a person standing there!

When    didn't move, the back figure almost merged with the darkness, and Li Chen and the others didn't pay attention at all.

   "Hey, how did you steal—" Listen?

  Before the words were finished, the figure left straight away, calmly paced without a trace of eavesdropping and being caught panic. On the contrary, his distant back seemed to have a...cold feeling?

   "No...Who is this? Do you understand the rules?"

   "Muffled, I was quite tugged when I was found."

   "That...did he hear everything?"

  The four people looked at each other, their expressions a little unnatural.

   "I hope he doesn't know us."

   didn't know Jiang Fuyue either.


  Cheng Lian: "The banquet is about to begin, let's go in."


  Four people left.


  Go inside and see a purple ocean.

   is not a cheap sticker, and there are no messy ornaments. The background wall is a huge purple screen.

  Embroidered a young phoenix with wings spread out with silver thread.

  If you look from the other side, the pattern becomes a tiger cub fluttering among the flowers.

  The positive is agitation, the negative becomes interesting.

  The phoenix is ​​luxurious and the tiger is fierce.

   "Good-looking double-sided embroidery! It's not cheap!"

   "I remember that ten years ago, Christie's auctioned an embroidery screen called "Phoenix and Tiger Childish Fun". It set a record for the highest auction price of embroidery ever, and it still holds it. Isn't it this?"

   "It seems that the rumors from the outside world are true. Father Han really loves this granddaughter very much. Even the sky-high prices are used as ornaments and used to decorate the scene."

   "By the way, what is the origin of Miss Sun from the Han family? Why have you never heard of it before?"

   "You don't know this anymore, things have to start with the Han family's youngest daughter 20 years ago..."

  The people present today did not specifically check Jiang Fuyue like Li Chen did, so 99% of them did not match "Jiang Fuyue" and "Miss Hanjia".

  They only know that the Han family has a Pearl from the Sea who has never shown her face in the circle, and there is a genius girl named Jiang Fuyue on the Internet.

  Although Jiang Fuyue’s identity is not a secret to netizens who are familiar with gossip because of Han Heng, how many of the guests present will hold Weibo on Weibo day and night?

  So, when the banquet opens, when Jiang Fuyue takes her father down from the stairs, the surprise and surprise in everyone's eyes will be so obvious.

  I saw the girl wore a strapless white dress, embellished with lace and lotus leaves, revealing the snow-white shoulders and a pair of beautiful collarbones.

  The skirt adopts feather elements to drape into shape, but the light feathers bring out a sense of elegance when walking.

  Apply a light makeup, curl up your long hair, and put a dazzling diamond crown on your head, do not enter the hair at a slight angle.

  The complexion is like snow, and the eyes are radiant.

  She just stood there, she didn't have to do anything, she didn't need to say anything, it was a beautiful landscape.

  Liang Jingzhou stood in the hall, looked up, and swallowed his saliva with only one glance.

really beautiful……

   Li Chen also stared blankly, remembering the scene where Jiang Fuyue buttoned him on the back of the neck and slammed him to the ground.

  For a while, the girl's appearance of not eating human fireworks at the moment and the brutal and cruel appearance of hitting him at the beginning were constantly switching in her mind.

  Wearing a long white dress, her personality is more intense.

  Gu Huaiyu also lost his eyes.

  Cheng Lian also appeared startled.

  The four of them reacted this way, and the shock to the others can be imagined.

  At that moment, the sound of conversation was hidden, but the sound of inhalation was one after another.

   "This is... the jewel of the Han family?"

   "I thought that children who grew up outside would inevitably be a little rude and not generous enough. I didn't expect that what I saw before my eyes would give everyone a head! Interesting! So interesting!"

   "Where does this quiet temperament and generous smile look like an ordinary person's education? Not to mention other things, the deportment alone is better than most of the celebrities present."

   "No wonder the old Han baby is like something. I want to have such a beautiful granddaughter.

   "I heard that the Han family's youngest daughter was also charming and good-looking, but it's a pity..."

   "This little girl is more beautiful than her mother used to be!"

  Not only the appearance, but also the temperament that is as light as frost and cold as snow.

   People want to get close, but they dare not get close.

  Apart from a certain distance, she stays still here, letting her be anxious and impatient over there.

   " do I feel that the more I look at it, the more familiar? Have I seen it before?"

   "It turns out that I am not alone in feeling this way."

   "Hmm! Really familiar!"

  "I remembered--this, this, isn't this the very powerful Xuebayue sister on the Internet? Just a few days ago, I won three CNS articles, and the major media rushed to report, and the hot searches also exploded one by one."

   "Ah! The two children in my family still treat her as a **** of test. All day long, the sister is long and the goddess is short."

   "It's actually her!"

  Everyone was shocked.

  What kind of evil gene is the old Han family? The child born is not only beautiful as a fairy, but also an academic coffee?

  At this moment, Jiang Fuyue and the old man had already finished the last step.

  Han Qishan announced in front of everyone, "This is my granddaughter Jiang, Fu, Yue! In the future, please take care of all the uncles, uncles, aunts and aunts present."

The old man paused for a moment, and then continued: "Yueyue, I'm spoiled by me. I'm very self-willed. I can't bear the slightest grievance. If you offend you in the future, just tell me and I will teach her; but if anybody else will do it privately. Don’t blame me, Han Qishan, turned my face!"

  The old man smiled and said the whole process, but no one would be so stupid to take these words as a joke.

  Han Ke folded his arms: "My dad is really blatantly partial. Why didn't I get this treatment when I was young?"

  Han Shen: "I don't have any, what are you thinking about?"

  Han Heng smacked his lips: "This is a terrible next-generation relative! In the heart of the old man, I am afraid that the three of our brothers can't even compare with the dogs in the family."

   At this time Xiao Mang, who was trapped in the back garden: "Wow--Wow--"


  Han Qishan finished speaking, and the scene was silent for a while.

  Everyone regained their senses from shock, and they all smiled and went forward to congratulate them.

   "Old Han, your little granddaughter hides well enough, and now I'm introducing it to everyone. Congratulations, Liu Yinhuaming, the future can be expected!"

  Han Qishan handed over: "Inherit your good words."

   "Han Dong, your granddaughter is terrible. Yesterday I saw her everywhere on the news!"

   "I'm overwhelmed, kids can't boast, I'm afraid of being proud!"

   "I'm not a boast, I'm just telling the truth."

  Han Qishan was surrounded in the middle, and he smiled at the praise and praise of Jiang Fuyue from the crowd.

   It seems humble in the mouth, but in fact it is proud.

  The three Han Shen brothers were speechless.

  You are getting too old, can you stop being such a "dog"?

  Han Qishan proved by action: No. He is a "dog". How?


  Because the old man was too stealing the spotlight, Jiang Fuyue was supposed to be the focus, but the much-anticipated existence was ignored by everyone.

  She took this opportunity to slip away.

  Waiting outside, the push cup changing and the arranging chop crossed further and further before she breathed a sigh of relief.

  The sky is bright and the moon is bright, and nearby is a dimly lit fountain pond.

  Suddenly, someone patted her on the shoulder.

  Jiang Fuyue looks back...

    Two more in one, five thousand words.

     Who is the dark shadow? Can anyone guess it?



  (End of this chapter)

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