After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 774: Mingshen suspects, come from the northwest (one more)

  Chapter 774 Mingshen doubts, come from the northwest (one more)

  The goal is Jiang Fuyue's right shoulder.

  She ducked sideways, and the man's palm fell to nothing.

   "What are you doing?!" she asked coldly.

   "I..." Lou Mingshen's eyes fell on the tree trunk behind her, and he breathed a sigh of relief without a trace.

   Just when he was about to explain--

   "Yueyue, come here! Go home!"

  Han Shen and Han Ke came out of the hall and stood on the lawn not far away, shouting to Jiang Fuyue.

  Because Lou Mingshen was hidden in the shadow cast by the branches and the light was dim, the two did not find him.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Come here."

  This time, Lou Mingshen didn't stop her again, and didn't dare to stop her again.

  In this way, I watched the girl disappear step by step in the field of vision, the cold wind blew, and there was nothing else except a trace of residual fragrance in the air.

  Lou Mingshen was at a loss for a while.

  I don’t know how long it took, but the butler found him under the tree, and was shocked for a while——

  "First, sir?!"

   "Yeah." Lou Mingshen nodded slightly, "There are snakes on the tree, you can get someone to deal with it as soon as possible."

   "Yes, there are snakes?!" The butler's eyes widened, and he immediately responded, "I'll call someone right now!"

  Lou Mingshen prepares to leave.

   Seeing this, the butler tentatively said: "The old lady is back, you... won't you live at home?"

   "No more."

  "You stand still for me——" Suddenly, an old humiliation came, and Fu Sijun stepped forward quickly, "It's so late, where are you going?"

Lou Mingshen said coldly: "I haven't lived in Lou's home for half a year since I came back."

  The old lady cast her inquiring gaze to the housekeeper, who nodded slightly.

   "Why don't you live at home?"

   "This is not my home."

  To be precise, he has no home.

Fu Sujun didn't know which sensitive nerve was stimulated by this sentence, his eyes sharpened, and he asked violently, "What is'not your home'? Lou Mingshen, let me tell you, there is no one more qualified than you in the world today. Live here! You are the rightful president of the Lou family and the owner of the Lou family. Who dares to make irresponsible remarks?"

   "What a ‘good reputation’! When you say these four words, don’t you have a guilty conscience?"

Fu Sujun's old face changed slightly: "Shut up! We have not seen each other for 20 years, do you have to poke my lung tube with words?! Ah Shen," she said with a trembling tone, "You are my own son, ten Conceived a month, gave birth at once..."

  Lou Ming has deep brows and indifferent eyes: "Loujia, I will not live in again in my lifetime."


   "Whoever loves to live, who lives." After speaking, he strode away without looking back.

  The old lady trembled with anger, and pointed at the back of his leaving: "Niezi! Niezi!"

  After roaring twice, he almost couldn't breathe while clutching his chest.

  The butler immediately helped her into the house: "Quick! Call the family doctor!"


  The night is quiet and the wind blows.

  Lou Mingshen returned to the residence, opened the door, and the room was filled with darkness.

  He didn't turn on the light, and while walking, he pulled off his tie, loosened his shirt collar button, and finally sat on the sofa.

  The darkness seemed to swallow him, and the night and him did not distinguish each other.

  Lou Ming closed his eyes tiredly...

   never thought of closing this, and fell asleep directly.

  In the dream, Lou Mingyue's face and Jiang Fuyue's face alternately appeared, and finally they overlapped!

The overlapping face began to bleed and was finally covered in bright red.

  No matter how he yelled, panicked, and asked for help, it was all in vain.

   At this moment, he lowered his head, holding a bloodied dagger in his hand!

   Lou Ming woke up suddenly and deeply!

   Sit up, eyes blank.

   Raised his hand and wiped it, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his shirt was soaked.

  Lou Mingyue...Jiang Fuyue...

  These are clearly two people!

  The overlapping faces in the dream fit so well, as if they were born together.

  The man's eyes suddenly dazzled.

   suddenly got up, turned on the light, and quickly walked towards the study.

  He turned on the computer, searched through the mailbox, and finally found the email in the receipt record two months ago.

  It shows that it has been read, but at this moment, Lou Mingshen clicks on it again.

  The first thing that catches your eyes is a photo. The girl is wearing a high school uniform. Compared with the **** and cold little black dress tonight, it is a little more pure and harmless, but the eyes are still clear and sparse.

  Following is the survey data of "Jiang Fuyue". From the time of birth, there are traces to be followed at every point in time, and there are also photos as evidence. Such a person does not appear out of thin air.

  The only thing that is suspicious may be the huge changes before and after her sophomore year in high school.

  From a lonely poor student, suddenly turned into a high school, various awards, various honors, all the way to send her to Qingyun, and become the proud and cold "genius girl".

  But this change is not without basis, because -

  Jiang Fuyue was a beauty in junior high school, and her academic performance was also top-notch. Only after going to the first high school, she started to take the non-mainstream route and became a poor student.

   And later I realized that it did not happen suddenly. It is said that because of the failure of confession, I was hit by the school grass and decided to work hard.

  This is also an important reason why Lou Mingshen didn’t think much after reading the information.

  Too smooth and reasonable!

Every change in Jiang Fuyue's body can be studied, it's not like...changing someone.


  From the first sight of her, Lou Mingshen had a crazy and almost absurd conjecture in his mind.

  Although the time is not right, the age is not right, and the appearance is completely different, Lou Mingshen can't control himself to think about that.


  Maybe she is still alive?

  But reason tells him over and over again--

  Fantasy, self-deception!

  Lou Mingyue disappeared as early as twenty years ago! Gone!

  Reality and extravagant hope see-saw, as if he will be torn in half in the next second.

  It was not until the dream just now that the two faces in the dream overlapped without conflict, that Lou Mingshen finally made up his mind to verify it.

  If...if Jiang Fuyue is really "she", then there will be clues in this information!

  The man's sharp gaze swept across the screen, not letting go of every detail.

  The eyebrows are solemn and solemn under the light.

   didn't find it again, he went on a second time.

  No for the second time, he started the third time...

  The dark night outside the window gradually faded, and dawn has arrived on the horizon.

  Lou Mingshen sat in front of the computer, his expression never slackened, and his eyes never moved away.

  Every word above, every piece of information related to her, after a night, was printed in the man's mind like copy and paste.

  Jiang Fuyue...born on December 6, 2033...from Linhuai City, J Province...

  Lou Mingyue...Born on December 7, 2005... Died on April 1, 2030...

  The information of the two did not overlap at all!

   Ke Lou Mingshen's guess was getting clearer and clearer, like hot magma, erupting at any time.

  Although there is no basis, even if it is irrelevant...

  He let go of the mouse in a discouraged manner, got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the bright and blooming sky, his eyebrows gradually tightened: "What's wrong..."

  Some people suffer from long nights and stay awake, while others have sweet dreams and get a good night's sleep.

  Since the next day’s class was in the afternoon, Jiang Fuyue simply followed the two uncles and went back to Han’s house for the night.

  The two people in the car talked about the strange behavior of the old lady Lou, and immediately sneered.

   "It's really hard for her to be a demon even when she gets old."

   "It's strange that Lou's family is unbeaten when you stand with such an elder. I think that year, Lou Ming... Uh! When he was still there, he was called the No. 1 wealthy family, like the sky."

   "One generation is not as good as one generation, maybe this is the sorrow of the rich."

  "Not all giants are like this. I think the Xie family is good. At least the hearts of the people are united, and there is such a national treasure-level genius supporting the door."

  Han Ke touched his chin and chuckled, "Then, according to you, our family is not bad. The same people are of the same heart, and Yueyue is a genius, right?"

  Han Shen, a person who is usually so low-key and steady, unexpectedly nodded this time: "It makes sense."

  Furthermore, Yueyue is much younger than Xie Dingyuan. The future has infinite possibilities and the future is bright.

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." The sudden Yali (pressure) did not dare to speak up.

  Finally, the two uncles unanimously concluded——

  First, Lou's family is not decent, and Fu Sijun is not a serious old lady, so it is not suitable to go too deep.

  Secondly, Jiang Fuyue is the whole village...Oh, no, the hope of the whole family.

  Wake up and get up, after washing, Jiang Fuyue goes downstairs to have breakfast.

  I was about to go back to school after eating. It happened that Han Shen was going to the company, but Jiang Fuyue did not let the driver deliver it alone.

  The car stopped at the entrance of the school, Han Shen exhorted a few words, Jiang Fuyue nodded her head, her attitude was so good.

   "Then I'm leaving, goodbye, uncle."


  Watching her enter the school gate with his own eyes, Han Shen asked the driver to drive, "What a good child, why can't I give birth to this?"

  Han Ting, who is already sitting in the classroom and self-study early: "Ahee—Ahee—someone misses me?"

   Over there, Jiang Fuyue was called to the office by Xiao Shan as soon as she entered the school gate.

   "What can't you say on the phone?"

At the other end, Xiao Shan said with excitement, as if he had picked up 5 million: "I tell you, this time I have made a lot of money! I have recruited a particularly good professor! I have been working in the Northwest Research Institute before...Anyway, on the phone. Can’t tell, you come to the office to see you in person!"

  Northwest Research Institute?

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, she seemed familiar...

    One more, three thousand words.

     Who is coming, everyone should be able to guess?



  (End of this chapter)

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