After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 775: Ming Yu returned and stayed at school for her (two more)

  Chapter 775 Ming Yu returns and stays in school for her (two more)


  Jiang Fuyue knocked symbolically twice, then pushed the door directly in.

  "You are looking for me..."

  His sight touched the person in front of him, and the sound stopped abruptly.

  The man sits in a wheelchair, his body is thin, but his back is straight as a stem.

   Hearing the noise coming from the door, he turned his head subconsciously, and a familiar face caught Jiang Fuyue's eyes.

  The man’s cheeks were thin, his eyes were dull, and his pupils were light blue-gray, like smog swept over the unidentified imperial capital.

  It may be that he has been in the laboratory all year round and his skin is sickly pale because of the rare sunshine.

  It looks like snow, with blue-purple blood vessels under the skin.

   "Ming Yu?" Jiang Fuyue was surprised, "Why are you here?"

  The man smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, and his godless eyes suddenly glowed, like blue stones under the scorching sun, dotted with bright spots.

   "I'm here to apply."

  At this time, Xiao Shan also reacted, got up and walked to the desk: "Do you know each other?"

   Mingyu nodded: "Yeah."

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged: No way, it's just such a coincidence.

   "Are you going to be a professor at Ming University?"

  "Welcome?" He asked with a smile.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Of course! But the Northwest Research don't care?"

  "The original project in my hand was closed, and all those that could not be closed were handed over to my colleagues. Before leaving, all the handover work has been completed."

  This is a ruin, and there is no room for himself.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned, "But you have been there for twenty years..."

  All the foundations are in the northwest. Choosing to leave is tantamount to giving up everything and starting over.

   Mingyu lowered his eyes, his voice was low and hoarse: "You... don't you want me to return to the imperial capital?"

  "This is not a question of wanting or thinking, I just think it's a pity to leave like this..."

   "It's not a pity." The man raised his eyes, his pupils without focus can accurately find Jiang Fuyue's position, his eyes fixed on her face accurately.

  As long as you have you, it’s not a pity at all.

  He said silently in his heart.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue also looked at the man.

  Four eyes are facing each other, time seems to be going backwards, back to twenty years ago, he and her, a Ming family master, a Lou family lady, childhood sweethearts, two little guesses.

  Maybe the relationship between the two is really good. The elders of the two families even reached a tacit understanding of marriage, tacitly waiting for the children to grow up.

  If it wasn't for Ming's sudden repentance, if she could nod her head... Now it's time for both of them to go to college, right?

  Can't think about it anymore, there is no "if" in the world.

  This is fine now, at least she is still alive.

  "...Ming Yu? Ming Yu?" Jiang Fuyue called him twice, "What are you thinking?"

  The man shook his head, swallowed the bitterness of his tongue, and said as usual: "Suddenly remembered something at work, what's wrong?"

  "Are you sure you want to come to Mingda? In fact, with your qualifications and position in the nuclear physics field, you can go to the next door..."

   "Yueyue," he sighed softly, "If I'm not sure, I won't be here today."

  Well... Jiang Fuyue was dumb for a while.

  On the side, Xiao Shan couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Ming Yu's very natural and blurted "Moon Moon".

   So clearly stayed.

   To show his sincerity, Xiao Shan gave him the highest level of professorship.

  Not only provides housing and cars, but also arranges driver pick-up and drop-off.

   "If you have anything you need, please speak up, don't be polite!"

  You must know that Ming Yu has been on the front lines of the nuclear field over the years, risking radiation, and doing terrible research. He has never entered any university to teach, even if he is not named.

  Ming University is the university where he taught for the first time. It is of extraordinary significance to Ming Yu himself as well as to Ming University.

  Xiaoshan naturally values ​​it.

After   , there is a fixed recruitment process. After finishing, Mingyu can submit a course application to the school, and then the Academic Affairs Office will approve it and open the course selection system.

  No accidents, after half a month, classes will start officially.


  Thanks to Jiang Fuyue's advertising campaign as the representative of the award-winning students at the "Top Ten College Students" awards ceremony, Ming University became a hotly discussed object in the educational circles of the imperial capital.

   "Ming University? Isn't it? The head of the Pheasant University? Why can I hear news about it anywhere during this time?"

   "Yes, that's the Ming University! A genius girl, Jiang Fuyue, was born, and the whole school was taken away."

   "I see, it won't be long before the pheasant will become a phoenix!"


  There are too many discussions, and the popularity will rise.

The popularity of    rises, and the popularity also increases.

  In addition, Jiang Fuyue’s speech at the time was recorded by the photographer of the news channel, and it was broadcast on Imperial TV. The sentence—

  “Ming University is an open, people-oriented school that fully respects the creativity of students and can generously provide material support.”

  Planning focus: material support!

  For research educators, the temptation is not too great!

  It costs money to do research everywhere——

  From the field investigation to the project establishment, the cost of renting the laboratory and purchasing the experimental equipment is not mentioned. Often the cost is hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands!

  In addition to the team salary, travel expenses, food expenses, etc., it is another big expenditure.

  It is said that university professors are rich, but the poorest are also university professors.

  Many researches have been suspended due to tight funding, and even the entire laboratory has been shut down. For these researchers, their early efforts have been overwhelming, and all their efforts have been denied.

  The kind of pain is no different from plucking your heart out!

  Someone is about to open the bar: how can it be that there is no money? The school will allocate funds, and the state will also provide funds, not to mention that there are commercial organizations and large companies outside the school that will provide sponsorship?

  I'm still crying poor, I'm afraid it was swallowed up by the research team, right?

  For such remarks, the layman will watch the excitement and make a fool of himself, while the insider will only have a wry smile and a sneer.

  A university has new research projects every year, but the school's funding is limited, and often it can take care of this, but it can’t take care of that.

  The cake is just that big. Whether you can grab a bite or two is unknown. Do you want to eat the whole cake alone?


  Moreover, the cake cannot be divided equally. The key projects have taken away the bulk, and the remaining small part of the non-key projects will have to be discussed in terms of seniority.

  Equally divide it into your hands, I’m afraid it’s not enough to stuff your teeth.

  Speaking of state funding, let’s not talk about the less, the application procedures are still complicated, and it is not 100% passed.

  The last way is off-campus sponsorship, which may be easier for professors in business schools and finance schools.

  While they are working on the project, they make money easily.

  But for projects with strong disciplines and professionalism, but with little commercial potential, this road simply does not work.

  The company is not stupid. If your project does not bring them profit expectations, people will not take a second look at you, and sponsor it?

Give me a break.

  Under the above dilemma, God knows how tempting is that condition?

  After all, Mingda is notoriously “not bad for money”.

  In short, after the award ceremony, professors from other schools successively contacted Xiaoshan privately, faintly expressing the desire to change jobs.

  As long as the conditions on Xiaoshan's side are in place, most of the negotiations can be done.

After the news that Ming Yu also chose to teach at Ming University came out, more people have switched jobs.

   "Ming Yu? Is it the Ming Yu I know?"

   "Is there a second Ming Yu in the nuclear physics community?"

   "Hiss——really? Hasn't he been staying at the Northwest Research Institute? Even the emperor has returned less, so why did he suddenly come back to teach?"

   "Who knows?"

   "It is estimated that the conditions of Mingda are still well developed."

   "Tsk, I really can’t imagine how rich it is to get such a scientific research madman back from the Northwest."

   "It is said that the former president of Q University once visited the thatched cottage and wanted to invite him to serve as the chair and professor of the Nuclear Physics Department of Q University, but he was rejected."

   "Weird... all those who study nuclear physics know that Professor Ming never takes students, let alone opening classes? Is it a mistake?"

  "My child, go and read the good news on the homepage of Mingda's official website. Even the specific course name and start time have been released. Can there be any fakes?"

"I have been majoring in nuclear physics for six years. I have been a radiation mouse for six years. Professor Ming is a legend in our profession. I can only read it from books or hear it from teachers and classmates, but no one has ever seen it. I heard that he will also go to the front line to pick up radiation shards. This is the real warrior!"

   "His leg seems to be broken like this..."

   "Ah! It feels like Mingda is really about to take off, no, it has already flown."

   "Why don't you fly? This speed is like riding on a rocket, okay?"

   "Don't stop me from anyone, I'm going to Mingda!"


    Two more, three thousand words.



  (End of this chapter)

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