After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 785: Form a team alone and arrive in the Soviet area (two more in one)

   Chapter 785 Form a team alone, arrived in the Soviet area (two more in one)

  The key point of the plan: not "accompanying", but "leading the team"!

   After Xie Dingyuan led the research team to F Island for assistance, Huaxia is still looking for outstanding biological experts and organizing teams for reinforcements.

  After all, the power of a group is limited after all, and a few more can help.

  It’s a pity that there are few people who can keep pace with Xie Dingyuan in the domestic biosecurity field.

  Beads and jade are in front, and I didn’t even bother to choose.

  Just drag things to now.

  It was hard to organize two research teams, one led by the domestic biological expert and academic leader Shan Pinghua, and the other led by Bai Chuanhao, the youngest winner of the China Life Science Award.

  The average age of "single team" members is 50+, and the research style is more traditional and conservative.

  Most of the members of the "white team" are "industry wavers", and the oldest is only 42 years old.

   Being young means dare to venture and fight, so the research style is relatively flexible and radical.

Bai Chuanhao himself is a rising star in the biological world. However, he has already held many CNS articles at the age of 27. The number of citations on the SCI extranet is far ahead of the members of the "single team". Some people even call him "Xiao Xie Dingyuan." "The future is limitless.

  Since the two teams have formed, they should set off to F State as planned.

  But at this moment, Jiang Fuyue’s application form was received...

   Submitted along with the application form is her latest research on Schenckworth virus.

  Signed and endorsed by Shen Wenzhao, you can’t even ignore it!

What's more, Jiang Fuyue's research report has sufficient data and clear logic. The method to improve the defense capability of recombinant vaccines is currently the biggest problem facing the team in Africa. How can it turn a blind eye to it?

  The health department immediately sent someone to Jiang Fuyue.

  Several experts had a heated discussion on the research report on the spot, and she herself joined it.

  In the end, he unknowingly took control of the dominance. When the experts reacted, Jiang Fuyue had long been led by the nose and walked far away, unable to look back.

  The leaders: "..." Should the old experts be too innocent, or is this kid too powerful?

  In short, Jiang Fuyue's trip to F Island was finalized after this "summon".

  But in what capacity to go is another question.

  The easiest way is to merge into a "single team" or a "white team" and accompany as a team member.

  But as soon as Shan Pinghua got the news, he immediately rejected it——

"The number and positions, as well as the part that each position should be responsible for, have been decided long ago. Now let someone come in casually. I am not familiar with the team work mode, nor have I run in with other members. It seems that I will leave soon. I have gone to F State. I can’t mess up all the previous arrangements for her alone, right?"

  The leader was silent for a moment. Although Shan Pinghua was suspected of shirking, it was not completely unreasonable.

   On the other hand, Bai Chuanhao's attitude should be a little more gentle, mainly because of Jiang Fuyue's young age and good academic level.

  Some time ago, he also heard a little about the "Genius Girl Sending Three CNS" reports that made a sensation on the entire network.

  However, he did not accept Jiang Fuyue for this reason, but instead expressed the same meaning as Shan Pinghua in relatively implicit language——

  "The team has taken shape and it is inconvenient to make adjustments. If the boss insists on arranging her to come in, I can only accept it. However, I stated in advance that she can only do corner work and cannot touch the core parts, let alone lead the team."

  Bai Chuanhao felt that most of the girl would not accept it.

  Because the arrogance in her eyes is not allowed!

  When you are used to a wolf, how can you be willing to be submerged among the wolves, leaving everyone behind?

  Sure enough--

  Jiang Fuyue: "I don't agree. If it's accompanying, then I won't go."

   After finishing speaking, I am ready to get back the information. There is a posture of "leave if you don't agree with me" and "I care about which green onion you are".

  Experts call out, can’t afford to provoke, can’t afford to provoke...

  In view of the fact that the attitudes of the three parties are very tough, especially Jiang Fuyue is still "not playing cards according to the card" temperament, the leaders called it an embarrassment.

  Hair is almost pale.

  Finally negotiated and decided——

  Let Jiang Fuyue go to F Island in the name of "Leading Team Assistance".

  In this way, in addition to the "single team" and "white team" that have already been set, another "Jiang team" has been added.

  It’s just that this team is very special, currently there is only Jiang Fuyue!

  Be both a general and a soldier.

   "Also." After she listened, she nodded.

  It's kind of reluctant.


  The news reached the other two teams' ears——

  Shan Pinghua's eyebrows twisted suddenly: "What the hell? A yellow-haired girl counts as a team?"

  Subtext: Why is she?

  Bai Chuanhao is much calmer, but he is still a little surprised: "It turned out to be handled like this..."

  Of course he knew that Shan Pinghua would not accept Jiang Fuyue, and thought that it would not work in the end, so he relented and agreed, but unexpectedly, he made the decision to let her form a team alone.

   "It seems that there are indeed two brushes..."


  The day Jiang Fuyue was called by the leader, it happened to be the day when Jiang Da and Han Yun came to the imperial capital.

  So, I missed the pick-up.

  Wait for her to fix the group of experts. When she left, the sun had already set.

   drove to Han's house, the night was endless, and the moonlight shone on the earth.

  In the house——

   "Sister is back!" Young brother Jiang noticed it first and stood up.

  When everyone was at a loss and doubted, he rushed to the entrance.

  The moment the door opened from inside, Jiang Fuyue was about to press the doorbell, still holding her hand.

  The two brothers and sisters were caught off guard and came face to face.

  This situation and this scene coincides wonderfully with the scene in memory.

  Once, Jiang Fuyue took the key and was about to insert it into the keyhole. Brother Jiang ran to open the door wearing an apron.

  It’s just that Jiang Chenxing nowadays is no longer the pitiful little Douding who didn’t dare to speak loudly.

  I haven't seen him for half a year, he has risen a lot, only half a head shorter than Jiang Fuyue.

  It is said that when they are young, beautiful boys will grow and become more disabled.

  But Jiang Chenxing still has red lips and white teeth, and there is no acne on his face. His dark eyes are clean, clear and shining. No matter how you look at it, he is a proper and beautiful boy.

   "Sister, I miss you so much..."

  The title has been changed from "sister" to "elder sister". The young boy has grown up, but the latter sentence can still be heard as a spoiled girl.

  Especially the elongated "Yeah", which is soft and soft, with a bit of whistle.

  It's just that the teenager is in a period of changing voice, and his voice is low and deep, which inevitably reveals a bit of roughness.

  But it still sounds nice——

   can make people feel like cotton candy.

  Jiang Fuyue touched his hair. It was cold, smooth and slippery. "When did you arrive?"

   "Two o'clock in the afternoon." The beautiful boy's ears were shy, thin red, and the light was not too bright, so it was not very obvious.

  Jiang Fuyue lowered her head to change her shoes, before bending over, Jiang Chenxing had already taken out the slippers and put them at her feet.

  Jiang Fuyue took advantage of the situation, raised her head and asked, "Have you had dinner?"

  "Not yet, waiting for you." As he said, put Jiang Fuyue's changed shoes aside.

  The two brothers act naturally, Jiang Fuyue is not embarrassed at all, Jiang Chenxing is also used to it.

   Not far away, Han Ting watched silently. From the beginning, it was difficult to conceal his surprise, but later he gradually revealed a look of reflection.

  No one knew what he was thinking in his head.

   Seeing her daughter, Han Yunru couldn't help but reddened her eyes first.

  Jiangda was also deeply moved for a while.

   "Dad, Mom." Jiang Fuyue called, smiling.

  Han Yunru pursed her lips and looked at her up and down several times: "...slim."

  Han Shen came over, "Are you hungry? Eat first."

  A big family sitting together, there is really a bit of excitement and celebration for the New Year.

  Han Qishan is very happy.

  He can clearly feel as small as a change in his attitude towards him.

  Although I have long persuaded myself not to force my daughter to be happy and healthy, it is enough, but if we can regain the relationship between father and daughter, then it would be better!

  Han Shen looked at his smiling father, and at his sister who had finally returned home after more than 20 years of absence. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

  After dinner, Jiang Fuyue told the news of going to F Island tomorrow.

  The laughter and laughter were stagnant, and a long silence came—

  Han Yunru: "Will you leave tomorrow?"

  Han Qishan: "How can this be done?! The New Year will be the day after tomorrow..."

  Han Shen frowned: "The above request?"

   "Well, I lead the team." Although she is the only one in the team.

  There was silence again.

  I don’t know how long it took, Jiang Da: "...will it be dangerous? According to the news, the epidemic situation in F Continent is serious and many people have died..."

  Han Yunru's eyes tightened, her breathing suddenly condensed.

  Han Qishan's brow furrowed deeper and deeper: "Yueyue, if you don't want to go, I can call there..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "I applied for it on my own initiative."

   "Yueyue, you--"

  "I am mainly responsible for research work. Unlike medical rescue, I do not directly contact patients, so it is safe. Don't worry."

  Does not directly contact patients, but will directly contact the virus.

   Jiang Fuyue did not say this.


  The next day, before dawn and everyone was still asleep, Jiang Fuyue left the Han's house with a suitcase.

  At 7:30, meet with Shan Pinghua team and Bai Chuanhao team at the agreed place.

  At eight o'clock, everyone arrives and take the bus to the airport.

  At half past nine, a group of 13 people boarded the plane from the special passage.

  There are no other passengers travelling together, only medicines and protective equipment in the full cabin.

  At ten o'clock, the plane took off and went straight into the sky.

  Due to the need for protection and isolation, each person sits in a row alone, with seats distributed in diagonal diagonal lines.

  Jiang Fuyue happened to be by the window, and she simply opened the visor.

  The eyes suddenly brightened, and white clouds rolled outside the window.

  She took out a piece of research material from her tote bag, and began to look quietly.

  Under the bright sky, the girl's beautiful side face reveals a serious look, which is invisibly exuding a seductive charm.

  The 12 people in the same group are all men, from their twenties to fifties of all ages.

  But no matter what age, the appreciation of beautiful women is the most primitive instinct of men.

  The only difference may be the different ways of appreciation——

  See it clearly or secretly?

  Looking only from a distance, or do you want to play with it?

  At this point, the young people of Bai Chuanhao's team and the middle-aged and old people of Shan Pinghua's team showed two extremes.

  The former is open-minded and full of surprises.

  The latter may either steal or squint, frown and shake the head from time to time, but can't help but look at the second and third eyes...

   "Oh, a group of fake and serious people!" A young man in a camel coat in Bai Chuanhao's team couldn't help but sneer when he saw this.

   "Xu Kuan." Bai Chuanhao shook his head slightly warningly, "Don't cause trouble."

Xu Kuan pouted, "It was originally... I really want to see it, but I have to pretend to be disgusted. This is not just listening to our academic report, each one is obviously envied to death, but I have to desperately stab and add to people's obstacles. Does it look exactly the same?"

  Bai Chuanhao: "Ah! Save some face for the elderly."

   "Cut, the lining is lost, what kind of face do you need? If you have the same ability as us, you can look at the beautiful women with integrity? What can be hidden?"

  Bai Chuanhao: "..." This team is not easy to manage.

  Xu Kuan spit out loudly while staring straight at Jiang Fuyue.

   "Hey, old Bai," he slammed into Bai Chuanhao's shoulder and motioned for him to watch together, "Do you think she looks better than the photo?"

  Bai Chuanhao picked up the paper cup and took a sip of hot tea: "Really? I didn't pay much attention."

"Yes! The facial features are obviously much more delicate, and the face is really small. I guess it's not as big as my slap. The key is that my wife is too white! Pure plain face! If my sister is here, she will definitely jump on her and ask her for whitening secrets. ..."

  The girl sits by the window, her skin is as white as snow, and she seems to be shining.

  Xu Kuan stared blankly, his voice became smaller and smaller, and a silly look appeared in his eyes.

what! How could there be such a beautiful girl paper under the world?

   "I think too!" At this moment, Chen Shu in the back row poked his head over, expressing his high recognition and agreement with Xu Kuan's evaluation just now.

  "She is really beautiful! The key brain is still smart, with a perfect score in the college entrance examination, and three CNSs, she is simply the most powerful brain among beauties!"

  Xu Kuan immediately stretched out the little friend of his friendship...oh no, it’s a big hand. He held it on the spot: "Heroes see the same thing!"

  Next, Bai Chuanhao listened to the two people boasting Jiang Fuyue from head to toe, then from toe to head, accompanied by depressed screams from time to time, and exaggerated exclamations.

  Bai Chuanhao's eyelashes trembled, looking at the paper cup in his hand, watching the calm water surface rippled because of the turbulent air current, just like his heart moved by the evaluation of others at this moment——

  Is it so beautiful?

   Yuguang subconsciously threw in that direction, but saw that the girl had closed the document, turned around, and rested on the back of the chair.

  The shoulders are thin, the back is light, and a touch of jade skin can be vaguely seen under the drape of long hair.

  You can imagine how delicate and fragile the neck is without looking.

   "Lao Bai, your tea is cold early, why do you still drink it?"

   "...oh." Bai Chuanhao put down the paper cup silently.

  On the other side, Shan Pinghua's team——

   "What's the use of such a little girl? Actually let her form a team alone! Is the leader confused?"

   "Old Huang!" Shan Pinghua reminded him, "Pay attention to the occasion, what you can say, what you can't say, you must have a number in your mind."

  Obviously, Huang also realized that he should not question the leader, so he quickly saved it: "I mean, although I don’t know the specific arrangements above, I believe that there must be a reason to do so!"

  Shan Pinghua’s original cold expression eased a little: "Let’s not take this as an example!"

  Lao Huang nodded quickly and promised: "Absolutely not!"

   However, although Shan Pinghua spoke to Lao Huang, his real thoughts were actually similar to him——

  What is the use of such a thin-skinned girl?

  Going is also a hindrance.

  Fortunately, I didn’t agree to let her be added to my team at first!

  Amitabha! Thank goodness!


  When it was time for the meal, the crew began to deliver the meal.

  Jiang Fuyue chose the former between pasta and curry rice, but the staff searched through it: "Sorry, the pasta is gone. Can curry rice be ok?"

  "No more, please give me a glass of water, thank you."

"……OK, just a second."

  After a few minutes, the same staff member said, "Hello, the gentleman opposite asked to replace the pasta with curry rice, so this is for you."

  Jiang Fuyue looked up, and Xu Kuan happened to also look over and beckoned to her with a grin.

   Chuanhao aside: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue looked back and took the pasta: "Thank you for me."

  Waitress: "Okay."

  Unexpectedly, after Xu Kuan received this thank you, he walked over directly, "No thanks. My name is Xu Kuan, hello."

   "Hello, Jiang Fuyue."

   "I know." He said, "I often see you when I use Weibo."

  Bai Chuanhao: "Xu Kuan, come and sit down!"


Before leaving, he smiled at Jiang Fuyue again: "Hey..."

  "?" Is this person a bit naive?


  After a 16-hour long flight, the flight landed at Suwetan Airport at 4pm local time.

  Then boarded the heavy off-road vehicle sent by the base and staggered towards the desert military zone...

    five thousand words.

     will meet soon!



  (End of this chapter)

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