After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 786: I have an objection, it is Professor Xie (two more in one)

  Chapter 786 I have a disagreement, it is Professor Xie (two more in one)

  In the scorching sun, Jiang Fuyue put on the sun hat prepared in advance, and also put on the sun protection clothes.

  Everything exposed outside is tightly blocked.

  "Women are trouble!" In the car next to him, a member of the "single team" couldn't help but sneer.

  She turned a deaf ear to her ears and covered her face with her sleeves.

  Xu Kuan rolled his eyes and opened his mouth directly: "Is there something wrong? What is wrong with you!"

   "Boy, how do you talk? Do you know how to be polite?!"

  Xu Kuan: "I speak with my mouth. As for the polite thing, others have it, I only have it, and others don’t, and I don’t want it either."


   "Enough!" Shan Pinghua stopped.

  The two sides died down.

  And Jiang Fuyue had already leaned on the seat, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

  Bai Chuanhao: "Control your firecracker temper, don't blow it up."

  Xu Kuan: "Who makes that old guy's mouth cheap? It deserves it!"

   "The parties didn't say anything, what are you eager to get out of?"

   "I can't understand his acrimonious pen style, can't it? It seems that he is not born of a woman, what is it?"

   "Anyway, give me peace of mind! Don't cause trouble anymore! Besides..." Bai Chuanhao paused and glanced at the car in front of him. "People may not remember you well."

   Xu Kuan said: "I just do what I want, so I don't need anyone to remember me!"


  Two hours later, several off-road vehicles passed through a golden undulating desert and finally stopped in front of the base.

   Steep and smooth barriers, with relevant cards at the entrance, marking the yellow line area.

  In the yellow line, "No Entry" is written in Arabic!

  But the off-road vehicle that Jiang Fuyue and his party rode was not in the forbidden list, so they swaggered in and drove in.

  Jiang Fuyue woke up early, now she turned her head and looked out of the car window.

  I saw one post at five steps and one post at ten steps. The guards were tight.

  They are all soldiers dressed in camouflage, standing upright and solemn.

  About five minutes later, the off-road vehicle stopped in front of a flat building.

  The soldier who was driving suddenly said something, and everyone was at a loss.

  Seeing that everyone didn't respond, he said it again.

  Everyone still didn't understand.

   "What is he talking about?"

  "It seems to be Arabic, do you know how?"

   "I can't even speak English well, how could this happen?"

  "Who can understand? Translate for everyone!" Someone shouted.

  Jiang Fuyue straightened the sunhat on her head and said faintly: "He let us get off the car."

  After finishing speaking, he took the lead in pushing the car door down.

  The soldier in the driving seat nodded to her, and then gave her a thumbs up: "!@#¥"

  Jiang Fuyue replied something.

  Others didn’t understand it anyway.

  Following everyone else, they got out of the car one after another.

  "Do you know Arabic?" a person from Shan Pinghua's team suddenly asked.

  Jiang Fuyue faintly: "One point."

  Another middle-aged uncle jumped out and said, “That’s right, we don’t know how, you will be responsible for translation in the future.”

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows and was about to speak, but another voice was faster than her——

   "Teacher Xin, you have a lot of face, and you don’t care about the people in your team. It’s okay to command other team leaders!"

   "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

   "Ah -" Xu Kuan made an afterthought, "No, I was wrong. You are an ordinary player, and you can't even control the people in your team."

  Xin Hongcheng's eyes fired: "Xu Kuan, you should be less arrogant in front of me, what does this have to do with you?"

  "It’s nothing to do with me, but I’m notoriously annoying, so I like to be nosy, don’t you know?"

   "Puff——" Someone in Bai Chuanhao's team couldn't help it.

  Xin Hongcheng became angry and furious: "You bunch of tender melon seedlings are really good! What happened to me letting her be an interpreter? Does any of you speak Arabic?"

  Bai Chuanhao: "I will."

  Xin Hongcheng: "..."

  Xu Kuan smiled: "Teacher Xin, I really didn’t talk about the question of who knows Arabic? I'm obviously here to let Jiang Fuyue be a translator."

   "Yes, I asked her to be a translator. Is there any problem?"

   "Of course there is a problem! You Xichu Overlord? You will send someone a job as soon as you speak, without asking if they are willing or not."

  Xin Hong laughed angrily: "What can she not want?"

   Xu Kuan rolled his eyes: "Have you asked?"

  Xin Hong choked.

  At this time, Shan Pinghua suddenly said, “Lao Xin, don’t talk about it. Anyway, we have eaten more for decades, so what do we care about with the juniors?”

"Yes," Xin Hongcheng took the conversation and sighed faintly, "Why can't I get through with myself when I'm too old? I really shouldn't waste time and energy for some unworthy people and unimportant things!" "

   Speaking, he patted his sleeves and straightened his neckline.

  A look of "I am noble, I don’t know much about you."

   Xu Kuan’s violent little universe couldn’t help but explode on the spot.

   was stopped by Bai Chuanhao: "Calm down."

   "No... these two old men can't even speak well, they have a strange tone, and they are old yin and yang people, how can they be calm?"

   "What do you care about with them? It's not the first day of contact."

   "Just because it's not a day or two, so I can't bear it!"

  Bai Chuanhao's eyebrows jumped: "Don't forget what you promised before you came!"

   "I promised not to ask for trouble, but now it is trouble for me. Isn't it allowed for me to fight back? That would be too awkward."

   "Come on!" Bai Chuanhao pressed his throat: "If you don't make your head for Jiang Fuyue, there will be no trouble!"

  "Hey, I said Lao Bai, you don’t understand Lianxiangxiyu too much, don’t you? There is a little girl who hasn't reached her twenties, just watching her being called by the old guys? You can bear it too?"

  Bai Chuanhao shrugged: "I bear my heart."

   "...that deserves your mother-to-child single until now, it's not wronged at all."

  Bai Chuanhao: "?"

   "I can't bear it anyway, I will help her! Stop it, you can't stop it anyway."

  Bai Chuanhao: "???"

  That side, Shan Pinghua and Xin Hongcheng are still you and I say, don’t cooperate too tacitly, you can just use the accent to make people’s teeth sore——

Shan Pinghua: "Now the younger generation has stiff wings, and they are beginning to dislike us old guys for blocking the way. Two sentences are light, and it’s already fine without kicking you away. So Lao Xin, Don’t ask too much. What do you say? Life is alive, it’s rare to be confused, just open one eye and close one eye."

  Xin Hongcheng: “Every one is ungrateful! In the academic world, we don’t just look at who has posted a few CNS, who has won any youth awards, or who is famous online. In the final analysis, it’s still a matter of seniority!”

  Bai Chuanhao heard it, good guy, all of his framers have been bombarded, so what are you stopping?

  Close the door and let the dog out!

  Ah, no, relax!

"Teacher Xin, what you said is ambiguous," Xu Kuan jumped out immediately, with a full 100 combat power. "Academic rankings do not depend on who is older, who has white hair, and who has more beards, nor does it depend on whoever is older. With a thick skin, who has a sour tone."

  "What are you looking at?" Someone smiled.

Xu Kuan hooked his lips: "Of course it depends on who has the greatest ability, who has strong ability, and who has high level! Oh, and the most important point, must be good! Are you right, Teacher Shan? The virtue, high, hope, and weight of the name!"

  The last four words, he paused every word, sonorously and powerfully.

  Shan Pinghua couldn’t help but chuckled and declined: “Where...I’m just an ordinary person, too much praise...”

  Xu Kuan smiled and looked at Xin Hongcheng again: "Teacher Xin, what do you think? There is nothing wrong with my remarks, right?"

  Xin Hongcheng was choked with his eyes straight, and moved his lips, but he was so angry that he couldn't make a sound.

At this time, another member of Shan Pinghua’s team came out to make the rounds: “We don’t have to be red-faced in the fight. The original thing is very simple, that is, Jiang Fuyue is willing to be an interpreter. Let’s ask her if she knows it? "

   seems to be neutral, but in fact it is partial.

  Did they all speak, will Jiang Fuyue still refuse?

  She nodded, even if Xu Kuan was upset, she could only hold back and solve the problem directly.

  Xin Hongcheng apparently also realized this, and immediately agreed: "Yes, I should really ask Jiang Fuyue himself."

  Speaking, with his hands behind him, he calmly walked to her, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, but it was a little unnatural in every way she looked.

   "Jiang Fuyue, you have also seen things afterwards, and believe that you have your own judgment in your heart."

  “Now that most of the members of the two teams do not understand Arabic, in order to communicate smoothly and ensure the efficient completion of the research work, you have to work hard to translate for everyone. Do you have any objections to this?”

   is not "Are you willing", but "Do you have any objections?" It has the same meaning, but the latter doesn't sound very pleasant.

   "How can you be like this——" Xu Kuan was about to open his mouth, and was stopped by Bai Chuanhao halfway through it.

   "Lao Bai, what are you doing? Why don't you let me say? How can they ask for advice like this?"

   "No hurry, let's see how Jiang Fuyue answers."

   "This is bullying! It's moral kidnapping! How did you make her a little girl refuse? Even if you don't want it in your heart, you dare not say it."

   But at this moment--

  The "little girl" in Xu Kuan's eyes spoke. There was no cramps or panic, no fear or timidity. Her clear voice was like a clear spring flowing by a mountain stream, cold and clear: "I have."

  Xin Hongcheng's smile suddenly stiffened, his eyes were stunned, "...what?"

   "I said, I have objections." Her expression remained unchanged and her tone of voice remained the same.

  Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded, including Xu Kuan and Bai Chuanhao.

  There was no sound for nearly ten seconds.

   Then, with a bang, explode the pot——

   "So, did she refuse?"

   "Look! Xin Hongcheng's face is green."

  "The death scene of a large company?"

   "My mother! This Jiang Fuyue is so dare!"

   "Seriously, watching the video on the internet where she cleaned up the few people from R, I know that this girl is not that simple."

  "I shouldn’t have asked people that way. Are there any objections? How about a proposal by show of hands?"

   "It's all right now, the next set covers yourself, it's really good!"

  "After all, it’s not that people are young, thinking that soft persimmons are squeezed at will, never thought it is an iron walnut, and they will break your fingers!"

   "Are the little girls so good these days?"


   Xu Kuan swallowed hard, his sluggish eyes rolled twice, only to recover from the shocking scene just now——

  The sentence "I have objections" made a loud noise!

  Mom! This is too rigid?

   "Lao Bai! Have you seen it? This is the highest level of Kong. If you don't say it, you have to swell your face! Alas! It's so sudden!"

  Bai Chuanhao will also react, "She..."

   "How is it? Isn't it super handsome?"


   "I can only say, not ordinary people."

   Even if the average person is unwilling, he will grin and agree, how dare to refuse in public?

  But she dares.

  Not only did it do this, but it also has no burden.

  Faced with the burglary and pointing of the people at this moment, it seemed as if there was nothing to do with it.


too strong!

  As for Xin Hongcheng, his old face was hot, embarrassed, embarrassed, angry, and all kinds of emotions surged.

  Shan Pinghua saw that the situation was not good, and he retreated to the team a long time ago, watching his nose and his heart, and the old monk remained silent as if he had entered concentration.

Xin Hongcheng gritted his teeth: "Jiang Fuyue, do you know what you are talking about? The reason why everyone is standing here is to help Zhou F. Only with one heart and one mind can you overcome the difficulties that follow. Now just let you translate for help. Pushing three and blocking four, then wherever cooperation is needed in the future, do you refuse to cooperate?"

Jiang Fuyue glanced at him lightly, and slowly said: "First of all, we are here to assist F State, but it is not a single mind. Research requires multiple angles, multiple levels, and multiple thinking. Only by giving full play to individual initiative can we finally be able to Brainstorming. If everyone is one mind and everyone has the same idea, then what research is there to do?"

  "Secondly, my job is to study the Schenkworth virus recombinant vaccine, not to be an interpreter for you. I can distinguish the priority and I hope you will not be biased."

  "Finally, I refused to translate because it is not within my scope of work. If there is cooperation in the future and work-related, then I welcome it. If it is not relevant, I will still refuse it."

   "Oh, yes, by the way, add one point. If someone needs an interpreter, you can contact the relevant personnel of the base to apply."

  Jiang Fuyue finished in one breath, clearly organized and logical.

  Then the soul asked, "Do you have any questions, Mrs. Xin?"

   "..." Deathly quiet.

  Xin Hongcheng sneered: "Oh, work? What do you think you can do by yourself? If you really want to be clear and clear, I'm afraid you won't get anything!"

  Nominally, although they are three teams, they are sent to F State from the same group. If a team has major discoveries or major achievements during the period, then as the same batch of scientific research personnel, everyone can be touched.

  This is why Shan Pinghua tolerates a lot of these young people headed by Bai Chuanhao.

  After all, in this kind of "one person can also ascend to heaven", it is better to have a good bond than a bad one.

  Bai Chuanhao obviously knew it well, so he would stop when Xu Kuan provokes the other party, fearing that the relationship between the two parties would be too stiff.

  Who can guarantee that major research findings will come from their own team?

  Don’t do everything, you will see each other in the future.

  Xin Hongcheng’s remarks, the so-called “no harvest of particles” actually means warning and threats.

  To put it plainly, it means that Jiang Fuyue is lonely and lonely. At a young age, there will be no major discoveries. Therefore, if you want to be gilded and share honor, you must rely on them!

  As a result, I would never dare to continue jumping.

  You have to know, what a rare opportunity such a transnational aid action is for a scientific researcher?

  Let’s put it this way, if you can add this to your resume, the future will be much smoother.

  If there are major discoveries or achievements, then the road will be paved directly!

  Sure enough--

  Everyone heard the words, their expressions were subtle, and their eyes could not help showing fear.

  Xin Hongcheng's move is really ruthless, and they pinched their lifeblood with just a pinch.

  But Jiang Fuyue seemed to not understand at all, and said lightly: "What can I do, you don't have to worry about it. But you," she shook her head, "I'm sure I can't do anything."

  Those who don’t put their minds on academics, but only think about how to pave the way and make things happen, can no longer be called "research scholars."

  It is more despicable than a merchant and a thief.

  How can it be possible to settle down and do research?

  Xin Hongcheng smiled stiffly, his old face flushed: "You--"

  Jiang Fuyue met his angry gaze and did not evade, calm as usual.

  The atmosphere gradually became tense, and the air seemed to stop flowing.

  At this moment, the roar of a car engine suddenly moved from far to near.

   Soon, a military off-road appeared in front of everyone.

   A sudden brake flicks, raising the sky and yellow sand, domineering and arrogant.

  The car door opened, and a non-commissioned officer in camouflage and a man in a white laboratory gown got out of the driving and co-pilot respectively.

  I don’t know who suddenly shouted: "Professor Xie! It's Professor Xie!"

   Jiang Fuyue's eyelids twitched.

   99 really came out after a thousand calls...



  (End of this chapter)

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