After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 789: Try the needle for her and kiss it gently (two more in one)

   Chapter 789 Try the needle for her and kiss it gently (two more in one)

  Xie Dingyuan seemed to feel a little bit and woke up suddenly.

  The next second, he met the girl's smiling eyes, and he was startled.

   immediately, ecstatic--

   "Wake up? Is there anything uncomfortable? Let me check the temperature..." As he said, he reached out and put his hand on her forehead.

  The girl’s skin is delicate and smooth, and the man’s palm is generous and warm.

   posted for a moment, like an electric shock.

  Half a minute later, Xie Dingyuan retracted his hand: "Fortunately...the fever has gone."

  Jiang Fuyue struggled to sit up, but she was sore and weak, and her hands and feet were weak. In a blink of an eye, a man took her shoulders and helped her up.

  Xie Dingyuan put the pillow behind her again: "There is still a hanging pin, so I can’t move it. Tell me what I want to do."

  Jiang Fuyue pursed her lips, glanced at the needle on the back of her hand, and nodded gently.


As soon as    spoke, he realized that his voice was so dumb.

  Xie Dingyuan quickly got up and poured water on her.

  After two full cups, Jiang Fuyue felt that her throat was not so uncomfortable.

  "What's wrong with me?" Although I have guessed the reason, I still want to ask for proof.

   "High fever and dizziness, similar to the situation in Tunisia last time, the initial diagnosis is unaccustomed."

   "I feel alike too."

   "If it weren't for I found out in time, you would have been--" When he said this, he suddenly stopped, and for a moment he didn't know whether to be angry or to be lucky.

  Jiang Fuyue squeezed the man’s finger, the soft force seemed to sweep across her heart like a feather, itching and tingling: "I know there will be nothing wrong, because you will definitely come."

   "What are you going to do if I'm not here, or if I'm late?"

  She thought for a while: "It's up to fate?"

  Xie Dingyuan gritted his teeth with anger, as if to the extreme, but still restrained his temper, just like a puffed pufferfish, which will explode in the next second, but in the end he still slowly deflated and rushed down.

  From extreme anger, to forbearance, to calmness, he is trying his best to adjust his negative emotions and digest, instead of venting to Jiang Fuyue through accusations or quarrels.

"Yueyue," the man said in a low voice. When he called her name, he was loving and angry, but he was as gentle as before, and even became cautious because of her illness, "If you are obedient and stay in the country, where is there Now these things?"

   "But if I don't come, you won't see me, and I won't see you either." Gentle and soft, gentle and harmonious.

  Jiang Fuyue is showing weakness.

  This is the first time she has shown such a face in front of Xie Dingyuan.

  Sure enough, the man’s gaze could not conceal his astonishment, and the look in her eyes was startled and stunned.

   But in the end, I still feel relieved.

  Jiang Fuyue gently pursed her lips, and asked, “Don’t you want to see me?”

  Xie Dingyuan dare to say "I don't want to"?

  He not only wants to see her, but also wants to hug her and kiss her.

   "Anyway, I want to see you." The girl lowered her eyes and murmured.

   Poor and weak, he looks like a kid who has done something wrong.

  Simple, cute, innocent and harmless.

  Who the **** can resist?

   Xie Dingyuan is not working anyway.

  A heart instantly softens into cotton candy, which is not only soft, but also sweet.

   "Yueyue, rather than fulfilling my wish, I hope you can be safe and healthy, rather than lying on a hospital bed with drips, do you understand?"

   "I know, but I still don't regret coming here."

  Xie Dingyuan was angry and helpless, "You--"

  Jiang Fuyue gently grabbed the man's cuff with the hand that did not take the needle, "I'm not angry anymore, okay?"

  "..." He didn't speak.

   "When you get angry, I am in a bad mood, and how can I recover from illness?"


   "Besides, it's all here, can't you drive me away again, right?"


  Jiang Fuyue stayed in the medical room for two days. After receiving a drip and taking medicine, her symptoms alleviated day by day.

  When she was sent in, she was completely in a coma and didn't know what happened.

  Later, I heard from the nurse in the medical room that when Xie Dingyuan sent her over, she showed symptoms that were too similar to Schenkevo infection, which caused extreme panic among everyone.

  The doctor refused to see the doctor, and the nurse did not dare to step forward.

  Xie Dingyuan didn't make much excuses. In that case, no matter how much he said, no one would believe it. It was just a waste of time and a delay in treatment.

  He let everyone go out and closed the door, leaving only himself and Jiang Fuyue.

   Then personally dispense the medicine and give her water.

  I am not a professional doctor after all. Although I know the principles of medication, I have no practical experience.

  So before putting the needle on Jiang Fuyue, he first experimented on his own hands.

  Successful, only used Jiang Fuyue.

  Across a transparent glass window, everyone saw this scene in their eyes, and they were silent.

  A young nurse also secretly took a photo with her mobile phone.

   "Can you show me?" Jiang Fuyue suddenly said.

  The young nurse is adjusting the height of the bottle. Hearing the words, he nodded: "Of course."

  She took out her phone, turned to the video, and passed it over: "I think you must be a very important person to him..."

  In the video, Xie Dingyuan sat on the edge of the hospital bed, raised his left arm, and took the needle in his right hand. When the needle was stuck, his expression was calm and he didn't even frown.

  Bleeding on the first stitch, bright red gushing out, and it can be photographed even so far away.

  He quickly stopped the bleeding.

  The second attempt was started without any pause.

  This time is better than the first time. The position was found right, but the needle was not firmly pierced and fell out directly. When he reached out to press it, he might be too hard and bleeding again, but not as much as the first time.

  Something went wrong the third time.

  It wasn't until the fourth time that it finally succeeded.

  But it does not rule out the possibility of accidental success, so Xie Dingyuan made a move on himself for the fifth time.

   is only for verification.

  Since Jiang Fuyue's situation was not optimistic at the time, she had to deliver water to cool down immediately. Xie Dingyuan didn't want to delay time, so she played quickly and ruthlessly.

  The whole process, five full stitches, less than two minutes.

  Nurse: "The first time I encountered this situation, he was too brave."

  Jiang Fuyue pushed back the tide in her eyes, smiled and returned the phone to her, but her voice was serious: "Yes, he has always been brave."

   "I have a very presumptuous question: Is he your boyfriend? If it is not convenient to say, you don’t need to answer it, it’s okay."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "He is."

   "Oh! Honey, you are so happy, there is a lover who is willing to give your life for you, your love is more romantic than movies!"

  In the eyes of the nurse, Xie Dingyuan risked the risk of being infected to stay when he knew that Jiang Fuyue had symptoms of Shenkewo's infection. What is this not "giving his life"?

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

  Seriously, she had never thought about it that way.

  Because she had the same symptoms in Tunisia, she subconsciously thought that she was just not accustomed to the water and soil, although in the end it was proved that it was indeed.

   may be preconceived, she thinks Xie Dingyuan should think so too, after all, he was there in Tunisia.

   Ke Jiang Fuyue overlooked one point. This time it was not a “pass”, but actually arrived and went deep into the epidemic area.

  She is very likely to be infected with Schenckow virus!

  This is fundamentally different from last time!

  In other words, the possibility of her contracting Shenkewo is actually much higher than that in Tunisia!

  Xie Dingyuan took such a risk, appeared in front of her, and took her to the medical room.

   "Miss? Miss?!"

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly returned to her senses, her eyes sparkling: "Thank you!"

  The young nurse looked inexplicable: "Are you saying thank you to me?"


   "Why?" She seems to have done nothing, right?

  "Thank you for your words..." Let her know that Xie Dingyuan's love is far deeper and thicker than she can see on the surface.

   "No, you're welcome." When the nurse left with the tray, she still didn't understand.


  At noon, Xie Dingyuan came over to give her food.

   is millet porridge and pat cucumber.

  Jiang Fuyue was surprised: "Are there cucumbers here?"

   "Yes." But not much.

  Xie Dingyuan Tokaza bought it from outside at a high price. Things that cost a few dollars in China are hundreds of times more expensive here.

  He doesn’t mention all of these, but only cares about—

"Is it tasty?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "It's delicious!"

  Although the canteen has a special Chinese food area, vegetables and fruits are not common, and most of them are meat.

  Beef, chicken, fish...

  The only two greens may be green peppers and green onions.

  As for things like cucumbers, they almost never appear.

  Xie Dingyuan reached out and pinned the scattered strands of hair back to her ears, "Eat slowly, and more."

  He brought a lot.

  After eating, the man cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks and the table, and handed the tissues to her.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't answer, so she decided to look at him.

  Xie Dingyuan frowned, and immediately became nervous: "What's the matter? Is it something uncomfortable?"

  She shook her head.

   "Not full?"

   Still shaking his head.

   "Yueyue, don't keep talking, I am very worried..."

   "Xie Dingyuan." She called him by first name and last name, kind of serious and serious.

  The man had a meal, and his heart shook.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Stretch out your hand."


  Looking at him stretched out in front of her, still holding the hand of the tissue, Jiang Fuyue patted: "It's not this one, change to the other side."

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t know what she was going to do, but he obediently changed to the left hand.

  The next second, I saw her roll up her sleeves, revealing her elbows.

  Five pinholes are clearly visible, with bruises appearing around them.

  Because the pinholes are too close to the pinholes, the bruises are also joined together. At first glance, they are the size of an adult's fist.

  Purple in the blue, and his skin was originally white, but under the background, it became more and more terrifying.

  Xie Dingyuan's complexion changed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

  But Jiang Fuyue grasped too tightly, and he couldn't move at all.

  I can only see the girl staring at the bruised area with her eyes down. She can't see the specific expression, but the corners of her mouth are getting tighter and tighter.

   "Yueyue?" He tried to force, and reclaimed his hand: "Nothing to look at."

  She pressed harder and held it tighter.

  Since he couldn't get it back, Xie Dingyuan put down his rolled up sleeves, trying to cover it.

  But Jiang Fuyue held her back on her hand and stopped.

  Man helpless: "Yueyue..."

  Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stiffened and his expression was frozen.

  Jiang Fuyue lowered his head and gently kissed the bruised place, so cherished, so loving, as if he was treating the treasure of this life.

   "It hurts, right?" She looked up and looked into the man's dull eyes, "Pricked so much, shed so much blood..."

   "It doesn't hurt." Xie Dingyuan's Adam's apple rolled lightly, recovering his voice in an uncontrollable heartbeat.

  The place where the elbow has been kissed is itchy and numb.

  At this moment, Jiang Fuyue did not exert any force, but he was reluctant to withdraw his arm anymore.

   Let her hold and give up resistance.

  "Am I so expensive? I want you to be a guinea pig and do experiments on yourself first? Anyway, you are asleep and don't know anything. You can just stick it out?"

  Xie Dingyuan stroked the pinhole on the back of her hand with his backhand. Although she was very careful at the time, she still inevitably left traces of pinholes on her fair skin and a bruise the size of a soybean grain.

  Is not professional after all, hand-made.

   "Do you think you are making felt? Do you want to tie it casually?" The man laughed.

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  He said again: "You can't tie the felt, let alone you?"

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes and blinked twice: "What's wrong with me?"

   "You are the most precious, of course you have to be cautious and then cautious before you can start, otherwise, what should I do if it breaks?"


   "How many stitches do I get? It doesn't hurt at all, it just looks scary."


  The needle sticks into the meat, how can it not hurt?

  Xie Dingyuan sighed lightly, stretched out his hand and took her whole person into his arms: "The heart is sweet, and the body naturally doesn't hurt."

  Jiang Fuyue leaned quietly in his arms, embracing backhand.

   Then he tilted his head slightly, leaned to the man’s ear, and said softly, “Don’t do this in the future, okay?”

  He did not speak.

   "Otherwise I will feel distressed. Distress is much more serious than physical pain. Can you bear it?"

  Xie Dingyuan's mouth tightened.

  Jiang Fuyue nuzzled in his arms, with a bit of aegyo: "You promise me, speak now!"

   "Yueyue, I am not as fragile as you think. It really doesn't hurt at all. Girls are afraid of injections. I am a man."

  Jiang Fuyue stepped back and stared at him: "What's wrong with the man? Oh, you look down on the girl!"

  Xie Dingyuan helplessly: "You obviously know that I didn't mean that..."

   "You know that I'm not just talking about needles."

  She refers to the dangers and difficulties she will face in the future, and he can't let him taste them all first.

   "Yueyue, I just want to minimize the risks you will face within the scope of my ability, so that you can be safe and smooth, and everything is satisfactory!"

   "I know! But I don't want it! I walk my own way, you walked for me, what's the matter?"

  He said: "Some roads need people to go first."

  "Then I'll change to another one!" Jiang Fuyue looked at him with heavy eyes, not like a joke, "There is always one you haven't walked through."

   "Yueyue..." Xie Dingyuan didn't expect such a simple matter to cause such a big difference between the two.

  Obviously, she felt sorry for him just now and kissed him.

  Professor Xie: [為謝巴巴]JPG

But what Jiang Fuyue cares about is: "Xie Dingyuan, listen carefully, we will either walk together or I will walk alone in the future. Don't think of walking in front by yourself, and smooth out all the difficulties, and leave a shadow for you. I chase."

  The man frowned: "But I am worried about you..."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her voice, almost roaring: "You worry about me, don't I worry about you?!"

  Xie Dingyuan was stunned.

  (End of this chapter)

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