After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 790: Gossip flying randomly, the road is too wild (one more)

  Chapter 790 The gossip is flying in disorder, the way is too wild (one more)

  Just when the two of them were relatively silent, the nurse pushed the door in and saw Xie Dingyuan’s feet, and then smiled——

   "Come to see my girlfriend?"


   "Don't worry, she is recovering well. This disease is called...Is it unacceptable? It's amazing, it's actually exactly the same as the initial symptoms of Schenckworth virus infection."

  The nurse gave the pills to Jiang Fuyue: "This is today's amount, remember to take it."

  After finishing speaking, pushing the medicine delivery cart to leave, go to the next ward.

  The interruption, the tense atmosphere disappeared, and both of them calmed down.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Take the medicine first."

   Talking, turned his back to catch the water.

   and then handed it to Jiang Fuyue.

   "You promise me first," she said.

   "Okay." The man sighed, "I promise, I won't do this anymore."

  Jiang Fuyue rushed forward and kissed him quickly. Xie Dingyuan held the cup stiffly, and had to be careful not to spill the water.


   "Give me the cup." She stretched out her hand, and finally she was obediently obedient.

  The pill is a bit big, stuck in the throat, and can’t get up and down.

  Jiang Fuyue poured another glass of water before swallowing it thoroughly.

  She stayed in the medical room for three days, and Xie Dingyuan stayed with her for three days.

  At this time, gossip was flying in the sky outside.

  Lao Huang insisted that he was right that day, and Xie Dingyuan really held Jiang Fuyue.

  At that time, everyone was amazed, most of them didn't believe it.

  After all, the image of Professor Xie Gaolingzhihua is too popular.

  While Jiang Fuyue is a yellow-haired girl, how could she shake the iceberg?

But as she didn’t show up for several days, and there was a faint rumbling in the experimental area where Professor Xie was located next door, saying that he was basically absent in the last few days, and occasionally showing up just simply arranged follow-up work, and no one was found anymore. .

  Jiang Fuyue disappeared, and Professor Xie did not show up. Is there such a coincidence in the world?

   "There is a problem! There is definitely a problem!"

   "I suddenly believed in Lao Huang."

   "Do you remember that Professor Xie came directly to us and asked where Jiang Fuyue was?"

   "Remember, what's wrong?"

   "It's very strange! Why would Professor Xie come to ask a college student's whereabouts? Is she Jiang Fuyue any important person?"

  "Maybe they met before? In terms of age, it is not necessarily that Professor Xie is a certain elder of Jiang Fuyue?"

   "Don't say it, it is really possible! Jiang Fuyue has a grandfather from a wealthy background, and Professor Xie is behind the Xie family. They are in the circle of the imperial capital. The two must have friendship."

  "How do you explain the ‘hug’?"

   "Didn't Lao Huang say that he went to the medical room? It must be Jiang Fuyue's condition is not very good."

  "Everyone’s analysis is too complicated! Shouldn’t the first thing you think of this action be a couple relationship?"

  As soon as this word came out, everyone was silent.

  For a while, "...Couple? Seriously, I still don't believe it."

   "I don't believe it either."

   "Don't blame me for being pure, it's mainly because this happened to Professor Xie, how do I feel... everything is wrong?"

   "Brother, you are not alone, there is still me."


  Next door, the experimental area where Xie Dingyuan was located, the team members were even more shocked.

  Working together for so long, I have never seen Professor Xie leave work and not enter the laboratory for several days.

  Although the actual progress has not been affected, it is completely different from his style of behavior!

  The legendary "workaholic", the "big devil" in the eyes of everyone, actually knew that he had a rest?


   "I am more curious about what can make Professor Xie leave work?"

  "It may also be'someone'."

   "It seems that there is a scandal between a professor and a girl next door? Is it true?"

   "Ah! I also heard about it! It's spread so well, and it's said that our professor hugged someone!"

   "Puff——Professor Xie? Hug a woman? What international joke?"

  "I don’t think it’s possible. Holding the experimental equipment is pretty much the same. In the eyes of the professor, a woman may not have a small white mouse for experimentation with clean eyebrows."

   "Hahaha, you have taken all the bamboo shoots under the sky!"

   "It was originally!"

   "Although they are all rumors, but think about it from another angle, I can gossip with Professor Xie-ah, life is complete!"


  Generally speaking, the story goes pretty well, and the two men’s whereabouts do match ingeniously. However, because Professor Xie has not been close to the high-cold image of female sex, most people don’t believe it.


  On the fourth day Jiang Fuyue recovered, Xie Dingyuan completed the formalities for her and signed as a family member.

  I can finally leave the medical room.

  She appeared in the experimental area that afternoon.

As soon as   Fuxou entered the door, everyone's eyes swept toward her.

   Or startled, or surprised, or scrutinized, or dissatisfied, or contemptuous...There are all kinds of eyes.

  Ke Jiang Fuyue ignored it, walked inside and looked around, only to find an empty experimental place.

  The seat is far away from everyone, in a blind spot.

Nothing at all--

  No laboratory equipment, no computer, no paper and pen, not even a chair to sit on.

  If you have to talk about the advantages, it may be biased enough, so the privacy is good.

  In fact, in such a large area, how can there be no other seats?

  It’s just that some people have overtaken it.

  For example, Shan Pinghua, he alone occupies the three consecutive experimental positions.

  For example, Xin Hongcheng and Lao Huang, there are also three.

   One of the two extra experimental positions is used by them to store sundries, such as coats, bags, cigarette cases, lighters, etc., and the other is used to store used experimental utensils.

  But in the field of biology, especially virology, it is an extremely irregular operation to stack a large number of used experimental utensils without processing.

  Essentially, it is no different from eating in a laboratory.

   are all illegal operations!

  In comparison, Bai Chuanhao's team is much more honest.

  Each person has a fixed position for experimentation, and it will never take up more.

  Cough...It’s too much to account for too much. They were all divided up by the Shan Pinghua team.

  The operation method is relatively standardized, but there are still some places that are not rigorous enough.

   just has little effect, you can open one eye and close one eye.

  It’s nice to call it informal, but from Jiang Fuyue’s point of view, it’s just unprofessional.

  An experiment, if it cannot be accurate and perfect, and must be compared, then the final result is likely to be in error.

  A small error may not be obvious, but the sum of all the errors in all the steps is a far cry.

  Jiang Fuyue always believes that the slightest loss is a thousand miles away!

   Little did she know that when she was looking at these people, they were also looking at her calmly.

   "It's really beautiful, no wonder Professor Xie—Damn! Xu Kuan, why are you hitting my stomach?"

   "Don't **** talk, it's all rumors."

   "Cut, you know again? What if it's true?"

  Xu Kuan swept over with cold eyes: "You also said'what if', what is a small probability event, understand?"

   "That's still possible..."

  "Shut up, you! The petri dish is exposed, so hurry up and redo it."

   "Wow!" The man wailed, "Why do this again, it's the fifth time, Gan..."

   "Hey... Brother Kuan, is it interesting for others to maintain Jiang Fuyue so much?"

  Xu Kuan squinted at him: "Speak well when your mouth grows long. Don't use it as a **** double-purpose tool, and use it to fart!"

  The man sneered, "No, it’s not, why scold someone..."

   "You are the one who scolds! Research is not good, gossip and gossip first place, why not be a paparazzi?"


  Xu Kuan fought the two in a row, speaking unsparingly, and soon no one in Bai Chuanhao's team dared to discuss.

  Bai Chuanhao leaned over, looked down at the microscope, and while recording relevant data, he said, “No wonder Wei Yuan is misunderstanding, even I almost thought you had any thoughts about Jiang Fuyue.”

   "Cough..." Xu Kuan coughed lightly, "You tell me, I am really curious about her."

  Bai Chuanhao raised his eyebrows.

  "Don’t be crooked. I have read the three CNS articles she posted. Seriously, the degree of completion is too high. The logic is smooth from beginning to end. There is only one feeling when I look at it."

  Bai Chuanhao: "How does it feel?"

   "It was done in one go." Xu Kuan said, his eyes gleamed, "I have re-examined the conclusions in Science's "Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the active human histone pre-mRNA3\'terminal processing complex"."

  The pen in Bai Chuanhao's hand stopped: "Then?"

  "The accuracy of the data is too high. Almost every key data can control the error within a very small range, so the final result I got is much worse than the result she announced."

   "You mean, she is very experimental?"

  Xu Kuan shook his head: "It's not just experiments, but her logical structure ability is also very strong. Our team has always been short of people who can make accurate predictions of experiments."

  Bai Chuanhao was slightly surprised: "You mean... want her to join us?"

   "Yes. What do you think?"

   "It seems not impossible to hear what you said, but she may not agree."

  Xu Kuan: "It's her business to answer or not. It's our business to fight for it. What if it's done?"

  Bai Chuanhao thoughtfully.

  On the other side, Shan Pinghua’s team is not so friendly--

   "Everyone has been working for three days, and she has only been late. Why not just postpone the aid until the end of the assistance and go back to China?"

  "Now these young people are too impetuous, and they are complacent with a little achievement, and their tails are almost up to the sky. They don't know what dedication and humility are at all."

   "If you have both ability and political integrity, you still have to look at Professor Shan. This is the role model and role model."

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  Don't flatter too much. Obviously, you have been used to this mode.

   Xu Kuan saw it from a distance: "Yes! Those old guys are starting again."

  Even Bai Chuanhao couldn't help shaking his head, this kind of academic felt terrible to think about it.

  At this moment, Jiang Fuyue suddenly walked in front of Xin Hongcheng and Lao Huang.

  The two were praising Shan Pinghua, Yu Guang glanced at her, her throat was blocked, and she could no longer make a sound.

  Others also shut up in hindsight.

  Jiang Fuyue has no nonsense, and she is straight to the point: "The two of you have occupied three seats. I need to use these spare experimental equipment."

Xin Hongcheng and Lao Huang looked at each other and laughed: "I'm sorry, all experimental positions are first-come, first-served. I come early, and if I get it, then it's mine. As for you, if you come late, you can only pick the rest. Yes, it's fair, isn't it?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "It's really fair. So, which of the three experimental positions are two? I use the equipment in the remaining seat, right?"

  Xin Hongcheng coldly snorted: "What two? These three are ours!"

   "So, do you want one person to occupy more than one seat?"

   Xin Hong founded Ma sophistry: "I don't mean it, there are too many things, there must be a place to put it?"

  Old Huang nodded: "I have a lot of stuff too!"

  Being at Shang Jiang Fuyue's clear eyes, he instinctively shrank his neck, showing a little fear.

  Jiang Fuyue squinted her eyes slightly, and the cold light flashed: "So, are you not letting me?"

  The atmosphere is getting tense.

  Lao Huang swallowed, a little bit unable to resist, thinking: It's okay to be embarrassed for a while, it's not right for them to occupy one more experimental position.

   was about to be soft, but Xin Hongcheng blurted out: "I just won't let it, what can you do? Hit me?"

  Jiang Fuyue was amused by his rascal look, "Very good."

  She ignored Xin Hongcheng, passed him, and walked straight to Shan Pinghua: “Teacher Shan, since the people below you are unwilling, then you can only ask you to give me a piece of equipment for the experiment.”

   Now Xin Hong became dumbfounded.

  Lao Huang couldn't help being stunned.

  Even Bai Chuanhao and Xu Kuan, who have been paying attention here, also stared sharply.

  And Shan Pinghua was stunned, his expression frozen, and even a trace of dazedness.

What is she saying?

   Are you talking to me?

  "Damn! This Jiang Fuyue is too wild!" Xu Kuan was speechless, and the next second, the conversation turned sharply: "But I really like it!"

  Bai Chuanhao nodded: "It's really wild."

  This chaotic punch directly killed the master, Gao, it is really high!

  Xin Hong couldn’t say anything anymore, so he squatted: "You, how can you let Professor Shan vacate his seat?"

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged, “If you don’t move, then I can only ask him to move. Is there a problem?”

  Of course there is a problem!

  Xin Hongcheng flushed with anxiety. If Jiang Fuyue's face was directly laid down on Shan Pinghua because he did not give way to Jiang Fuyue, then most of the account would have to be counted on him. How, this?

  Jiang Fuyue does not return to Shan Ping Huaguan, so she can be unscrupulous.

  But he is different. He still has to work under Shan Pinghua, so he can't offend him at all!

  Lao Huang’s face also changed, little by little, he moved behind Xin Hongcheng, and said silently: Can’t see me, can’t see me...

  I can't help but complain about Xin Hongcheng.

  This old Xin is really true. He doesn't remember his grudges, and he went to provoke Jiang Fuyue.

  What did you say you provoke her for?

  This is clearly an ancestor!

  The atmosphere is stiff, the air seems to stop flowing, and the huge experimental area is silent.

  Only Jiang Fuyue smiled like a okay person.

  Seeing that everyone was silent, her eyes fell back to Shan Pinghua.

  The latter had a sudden inexplicable heart, for fear that she would come on another wild way, because she was too old, and she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  Fortunately, Jiang Fuyue didn’t say any shocking remarks, only repeated and asked again: "Does Professor Shan think there is a problem?"

  Shan Pinghua immediately reacted, with a kind smile: "Of course not. It was also my negligence. I actually occupied three experimental positions by myself, which really shouldn't be."

   said, shook his head with a guilty expression on his face.

  Not only did the equipment on one experimental position be released, but also the other experimental position was emptied, leaving only one in the end.

  Jiang Fuyue said with emotion: "Professor Shan still understands the righteousness!"

  Xin Hongcheng, who does not understand the righteousness: "?" Am I special?

    One more, four thousand.



  (End of this chapter)

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