After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 800: The key link, the data was stolen (two more)

  Chapter 800, the key link, data stolen (two more)

  With the help of Xie Dingyuan’s team and the soldiers’ hard work, the results of the second phase of the large number of live animal tests soon came out.

  One hundred mice and fifty monkeys under observation, after being inoculated with vaccine A, were exposed to Schenckworth virus, and the infection rate was only 2%.

  In other words, from this batch of samples alone, excluding contingency and other influencing factors, the effective rate of A seedling can reach 98%!

  Compared with the recombinant vaccine researched by Xie Dingyuan's team, the effective rate is only 43%, which is more than doubled!

  If this result can be replicated in living humans, then the A seedling is a complete success!

  As a result, the trial has entered the third phase-clinical testing!

   is also the most critical part of determining the success or failure of the project.

  Once successful, the effectiveness of the A seedling is confirmed, and it can be put into production smoothly, manufactured in batches, and used for large-scale epidemic prevention inoculation.

  Then, the ultimate goal of curbing the epidemic has been achieved.

  But the human body is far more complicated than animals, and everything is still unknown.


  At night, Wan Lai was completely silent, and the entire base fell asleep.

  Since the second phase of the in vivo animal experiment was over, and the third phase of human clinical trials had not yet begun, Jiang Fuyue’s personal laboratory was completely emptied without leaving any observation objects.

   And finally she herself can go back to the dormitory to sleep well, without having to stay at night and day.

  In the darkness, the laboratory door was pushed open from the outside, and a black figure sneaked in.

   advanced to the observation room, found that it was empty, then strayed out again, walked to the place where Jiang Fuyue usually works, and began to search on the table.

  First is the notebook computer, and then a stack of neatly stacked materials and documents in the drawer. The scattered paper on the desk is not let go, all of which are put in a pocket.

  Five minutes later, he left silently as he came.

  The above is the picture that everyone sees through surveillance video.

   "Fuck--this, this...have been stolen?"

   "Who is so courageous? Stole things here?"

   "What did this person steal?"

   "What does he want to do?"


  The discussion continued.

  Wearing a military uniform, Kaza stood in front with a solemn expression, his sharp eyes swept across the crowd.

  Behind him, there were rows of expressionless soldiers standing.

   "Quiet!" After an order, everyone was silent.

  You look at me, I look at you, the atmosphere becomes tense.

Kaza: "Everyone has seen it. Jiang Fuyue's laboratory was stolen at three o'clock this morning, and a laptop and a large amount of experimental data were lost. Please come here to hope that you will cooperate with the investigation and help the base to catch the thief as soon as possible. !"

   "So, the next question, please answer truthfully--"

   Kaza slightly raised his hand, and the soldier behind him came forward with a recorder and a notepad.

  Everyone looks at this posture, they are all a little confused——

"What's the meaning?"

   "Are you trying to treat us as suspects and record your confession one-on-one?"

   "Okay! The original suspect was that we stole something."

   "It's so funny! We are very different from Jiang Fuyue's research direction. What do we do to steal her experimental data?"

   "Don't bring such insults!"

   "You are not qualified to interrogate us!"

   "Yes—not qualified—"

  Seeing that everyone was emotional, they began to push and push the soldiers. If this continues, let alone cooperate with the investigation, thank God if there is no conflict.

  Kaza is also under great pressure, and he doesn't want to make trouble.

  But there is no way. The data is of great importance and directly affects whether the live attenuated vaccine can be successfully developed.

  Once it is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous!

  So, I received Jiang Fuyue's walkie-talkie communication early this morning. After learning that the laboratory was stolen, he immediately blocked the base and was not allowed to enter or exit, and promptly reported to his superiors.

  The high-level shook, and ordered him to investigate with full authority, and must find out the thief as soon as possible and retrieve the information.

  Kaza: "Please cooperate! If it really has nothing to do with you, you won't care about being investigated, will you?"

  "This is not a question of not caring, but we are not respected!"

   "Yes, this is a stark insult!"

   "Do you have any evidence to suspect us?"

  The most powerful jumpers are the older ones in Shan Pinghua’s team, with indignation and excitement.

  As if asking them to cooperate in recording a confession, it is like trampling on their personality.

  Kazaar coldly said: "Today you must ask clearly, you are willing to cooperate best, and you must be willing if you are unwilling!"

  Xin Hongcheng: "Okay! This is not soft but hard to come! Is this the way your Suwetan treats our Huaxia team?"

  Because of fighting for reason, his old face flushed.

  Kaza did not eat this set, "This is an order and must be executed!"

  "What if we refuse to accept it?"

   "Yes! I don't accept it!"

  "We want to see the Chinese top!"

  Kaza gritted his teeth, his cheeks are stiff, these old things!

  In contrast, Bai Chuanhao's team is much calmer.

  Some people have started to cooperate with the inquiry and have a good attitude.

  The older generation should be decent and feel that being cross-examined is an insult, but the young people don’t have this idea and have been taught to work with police uncles since they were young.

  Although this group of soldiers are not police officers, they are all of the same nature. Anyway, it is for the purpose of investigating the truth.

  And they also wore uniforms.

  As soon as I saw this dress up, I was honest.

  In the end, there were only a few old guys left. With Xin Hong as the leader, they just refused to speak.

   Kaza was angry, and pointed at Xin Hongcheng: "I think you are the one who stole the stuff!"

  Xin Hongcheng's eyes widened, and then he trembled with anger: "You—you—"

   "Old Xin!"

   "Are you okay?"

   "I passed out! Hurry up to the infirmary!"

   Suddenly, there was a chaos.

  Kaza got a total of ten confessions and recordings, brought them back to the office, and invited Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue.

   "How is it? Do you have eyebrows?" Xie Dingyuan asked as soon as he came in.

  Kaza pushed the sorted confession to the two of them, "It's all here, let's take a look."

   "At present, except for the old guys who refused to cooperate with the inquiry, everyone else has an alibi."

  Because two people live together, everyone is sure that the roommate did not go out last night.

  Kaza: "The surveillance outside the flat building did not capture anyone going out. Judging from the current clues, this thief appeared out of thin air and disappeared out of thin air."

  Not even Jiang Fuyue’s laptop and those materials were found.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Will you have left the base?"

   "Impossible! The defense level of the base gate will be opened to the highest level after nightfall, no one will slip out. After dawn, I immediately issued a blockade order, so the thief must still be inside the base!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Is it possible to be a soldier?"

  Kaza still shook his head: "We have a complete management system and a complete monitoring model for active-duty soldiers. If someone leaves the dormitory in the middle of the night, the alarm system will be triggered, and we will know the first time."

   "So," Jiang Fuyue closed her confession and returned it to Kaza, "This thief can only be a member of the scientific research team."

  In addition to the members of the two teams Shan Pinghua and Bai Chuanhao, it also includes members of the Xie Dingyuan team.

  Kaza nodded: "I have asked, there is no problem with the confession, and his performance is normal."

  Even the stubborn Xin Hongcheng people, no matter their expressions or physical movements, there is nothing suspicious.

Although Kaza blurted out that the thief was him, in fact, Xin Hongcheng's humiliation and irritation showed no adulteration. It can be seen that a face-saving old man was insulted when faced with distrust and suspicion. Personal indignation.

  It’s a real deal.

  Xie Dingyuan: "According to you, everyone's suspicion can be eliminated, so what else to investigate?"

  Kaza sighed: "This is the trickiest part."

  It looks like no one has done it.

  Not even a suspect.

  Suddenly, he swept to Jiang Fuyue and saw that her research materials had been stolen. He was not anxious at all, his expression was very calm, and he couldn't help being surprised.

   "Why are you like a okay person?"

  Don’t those who do research and do academics regard experimental data as their lifeblood?

  He once saw with his own eyes a doctor in biochemical research at the base who risked his life to break into a burning room and take out the USB flash drive in order to rescue experimental data.

  Finally, he suffered severe burns and almost his whole body was skin grafted, but when he was lying on the hospital bed, he was still thanking God for allowing him to keep the data.

  Looking at Jiang Fuyue in front of her, she was terribly calm and asked, "Then what should I look like?"

    Two more, three thousand words.

     Guess who did it.



  (End of this chapter)

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