After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 801: The most powerful brain, lead the snake out of the hole (three shifts)

  Chapter 801 The most powerful brain, leads the snake out of the hole (three shifts)

  Kazah choked.

  Xie Dingyuan, however, has long been familiar with it.

   "No... your research materials were stolen, and all your previous efforts were wasted. You and you should not regret it? Or is it sad for two seconds?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head: "No need."


   "The things in your head will never be stolen."

  Kaza was stunned, "What, what do you mean?"

  "Didn't I tell you that all the experimental data are in my mind?"

   "No, no!"

   "Oh, I will tell you now." Understatement.

  Kaza: "..." Grass!

  "Are you sure it is all the data?" He deliberately emphasized the word "all".

  Those dense numbers and letters plus formulas, Kaza saw it once by chance, and almost didn't feel dizzy on the spot.

  There is not a thousand, but there are 800. She really remembers all of them?

   Are you kidding me?

   Ke Jiang Fuyue's expression at this time didn't mean anything to joke.

  The kind of calm and confident calmness made people have to believe every word she said.

   Kaza swallowed, and looked at Xie Dingyuan for verification.

   Is what your daughter-in-law said true? Didn't brag?

  Under Kaza's horrified gaze, Xie Dingyuan nodded honestly, with a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

  Sympathize with him, who has a low IQ, and is destined to be ruthlessly crushed by genius.

  Do evil!

  Jiang Fuyue: "So now the question is, how to find that person and avoid..."

"You hold back (don't) speak." Kazamu stunned his eyes, blankly, raised his hand to interrupt her, put his hand on the left chest, and held the heart: "Let me slow down, I can't bear it. live."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

  Five minutes, he finally returned to normal.

  "Next time I will explode this kind of fierce material, please trouble the prophet to give me a psychological preparation, thank you."

  Jiang Fuyue:?

   Is this fierce?

  Kaza: Blame me for my ignorance [laugh and live] JPG

  Xie Dingyuan happily watched the good brother be beaten by his wife's wife so decently, how beautiful he was in his heart.

   But his mouth is very serious: "Now the main thing is to prevent the leakage of information. If you can't get it back, it must be completely destroyed to avoid future troubles."

  Kaza: "What about the laptop? No more?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "If you can find it, you need it, if you can't find it, you don't need it."

  Such a Buddha?

  "What are you storing in there? There is no experimental data, right?"


  Kaza is about to be heartbroken. How can you say no to such an important thing? !

What is the difference between   and leaking secrets?

  She is really! Really--

  But the next second, I heard Jiang Fuyue say faintly: "I did the encryption process. Forcibly opening it will trigger the automatic removal program. Even if the other party gets the computer, the moment it is opened is the moment of loss."

  Kaza: "...oh." Are you from the spy department?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Nothing else, I will go back to work first, and let me know if I have news, thank you."

  After speaking, turn around and leave.

  The back is sassy and amazing.

   "I'm back to my mind." Xie Dingyuan reminded in a cold voice, look again, can I figure it out for you, believe it or not?

  Kaza looked back, suddenly: "Where did you find your girlfriend?"


   "Are there any more? For the sake of brothers, please introduce one for me?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "...Go away."

   "No, you have all the meat. Can't you give me a sip of the soup, right?"


  Xie Dingyuan turned around and left.

  Kaza is still reluctant to forgive: "You will come back to me-or are you not a buddy? You, you, you, don't leave!"

  Xie Dingyuan ignored him.

  Unexpectedly, this man has a thick skin, two steps one step at a time, and directly catches up.

   "Does Jiang Fuyue have a sister? My sister is better!" When he gets married, Xie Dingyuan should call him old brother, hehe, it's so beautiful to think about it!


  Kaza: "Is there no relatives? That's okay if you don’t have a dignified one!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "No."

   "You must be lying to me."

   "Believe it or not." After speaking, leave.

  "Really not? Are you sure?!" Kaza had his neck long enough, and he stood on tiptoe and held hands.

  The only one who answered him was a ruthlessly distant back.

  "Really nothing..." He began to secretly poke and calculate the possibility of grabbing love from Xie Dingyuan's hand.

  Finally feel that--

  Well, it's still a matter of life.

  Daughter-in-law or something, forget it.


  As soon as the theft of information came out, the whole experimental area went up and down.

  Bai Chuanhao took this lesson from him and specially emphasized the safety of data storage.

  Shan Pinghua also learned something, and he brought it out and talked about it specially, so that everyone should take care of it, don't be careless, remember to lock the door when entering and leaving.

  For a time, everyone is afraid that the next person to be stolen is themselves.

  "Don't you say that it is already under investigation? It's been two days, why haven't the results come out yet?"

  "Why is it so easy? It's cross-examination again, and it's recording again. I haven't seen anything below!"

   "This kind of thing will probably go away, I'm used to it a long time ago."

   "I remember that when I was in China, when I was still studying for a Ph.D., some students around had their computers stolen. In the end, the paper was plagiarized, and only the teeth and blood were swallowed."

   "But there is no plagiarism, right?"

  "Who knows? Someone wants to steal, but it’s not always possible to enjoy the rewards."

   "According to you, we did it ourselves?"

   "It is completely possible! Otherwise, why would Chief Kaza stare at us without checking anyone?"

   "Hiss——who? So insidious!"

   "I guess I can’t see Jiang Fuyue well. People will soon succeed in the research. One person’s efficiency is worth more than a team. No, it should be two teams. It’s too strong! The tree attracts the wind, someone jealous?"

   "Hiss...Could it be Xin Hongcheng? He usually talks about Jiang Fuyue the most bad things, and I am so sour to hear it!"

   "Yeah! He hates Jiang Fuyue the most."

   "Even Chief Kaza said it was him!"

   "If he has never done it before and is innocent, why not cooperate with the investigation? Obviously he is guilty of conscience!"


  I don’t know who it came from. By the time Xin Hongcheng found out, he had already been labeled as a thief.

  Almost every moment, someone behind him is pointing at him.

  There are whispering discussions wherever you go.

  Even members of his team looked at him with strange eyes from time to time.

   "Lao Xin, you really did it?"

   "If you hate Jiang Fuyue, you can't do this!"

   "Look at you, how do you end this?"

   "It's fine to talk about it in normal times, why is it sloppy, do you really dare to start before you get there?"


  Xin Hongcheng was furious: "What did I do? You are all farting!"

   "Didn't you steal Jiang Fuyue's research materials and want her to fail the experiment?"

   "Who said that?! What evidence is there?! Why do you say that?!" His eyes were red with anger.

  But this appearance didn't make everyone believe him, but instead felt that he was annoyed into anger.

  In just two days, Xin Hongcheng almost collapsed.

  He finally tasted what it was like to be talked about and splashed with dirty water.

  Explain that no one listens, yells at no one, ranting will only make you look more like a clown.

  He seems to be isolated by the whole world, no one wants to talk to him, and meetings and discussions don’t call him as usual.

  At a certain moment, he would think, when Jiang Fuyue was isolated, was it so broken, as if the sky was falling?

  But even so, he insisted on working.

  Xin Hongcheng is afraid that once he is free, he can't help thinking and breaking down emotionally. It seems that only in this way can he divert his attention.

  Before Jiang Fuyue was like this too? Use work to fill the void in your heart.

  But he obviously overestimated his abilities. Under heavy pressure, his thinking is no longer clear. A simple experiment can make a mistake in the end.

   "Old Xin, you should rest for a while." Shan Pinghua found him and made a request euphemistically.

   "No, the part of the work I am responsible for has not been completed yet!"

   "I will leave it to Lao Huang to do it."

  "Professor Shan, I have been in this team for so many years. This is not the first day you know me. Don't you even believe me?" At this moment, the grievance reached the extreme, and he seemed to drown him.

  Xin Hongcheng: "I admit that I have a short temper and a bad personality, but as a research scholar, I have never violated the basic ethics, and this time it is the same!"

  In the end, Shan Pinghua said nothing, just sighed, shook his head, and left.


  As the rumors spread, the "thief" hat on Xin Hongcheng's head was completely worn firmly.

   Soon, it alarmed the base that had been investigating the theft.

  One very ordinary morning, Kaza appeared with a group of soldiers.

   "Professor Xin, you are offended."

  After speaking, without giving Xin Hongcheng any opportunity to excuse or express his dissatisfaction, he directly raised his hand——

"take away!"

  This time, Xin Hongcheng did not refuse to cooperate as he did last time, but quietly and sullenly let himself be escorted away by the soldiers, without making any resistance.

   "Why didn't Lao Xin jump up?"

   "The trend is over, and yelling is useless. It's not whoever has a loud voice will make sense."

   "Is it really him? We don't seem to listen to his explanation carefully, in case there is a misunderstanding..."

   "Whether it is true or not will naturally be investigated, and it is not our turn to worry about it."

   "That's right, but I think Professor Xin should have no problem with his moral conduct, except for his bad temper and bad mouth. How can he..."

   "You don't think it works, you need the truth to have a say."

   Soon, the truth will come.

  In the afternoon of the same day, the soldiers found a stack of paper documents from the toilet of Xin Hongcheng’s residence, sealed them with plastic bags, and soaking them in a water tank.

   Confirmed by Jiang Fuyue, it is part of the stolen information!

  This time the evidence is conclusive.

When   Xin Hongcheng knew, his eyes were dumbfounded: "What paper documents? What flush toilets?"

   "Still installed?!"

   "I, I really don't know... I didn't let it go! I didn't steal it either!"

  Kaza: "Then how do you explain these things appearing in your room?"

"I don't know anything. Someone must have deliberately put these things to frame me! Yes, it must be so." Xin Hongcheng seemed to wake up suddenly, "From the spread of the rumors, everyone thinks I stole the information. This is carefully planned. The framing of the crime begins!"

   "Really?" Kaza had no expression on his face, "Then who do you think wants to frame you?"

  Xin Hongcheng couldn’t say it anymore: "...I, I haven’t thought of it yet, but this person must be unruly and has other plans!"

   "Enough, when do you want to pretend to be crazy?"


  The interrogation lasted for three hours, and finally Xin Hongcheng explained everything.

   Out of jealousy, he stole Jiang Fuyue's experimental data, and hid things in the toilet tank for fear of being discovered. He planned to wait for the limelight to pass, and then deal with these things, but he did not expect that it would become important evidence in the end.

   "My God! It's really him!"

   "It's actually out of jealousy? Is it too old to accommodate people?"

   "The older you are, the smaller your temperament."

   "Maybe because he still remembers Jiang Fuyue for saying that he is ashamed of the motherland and the people."

   "Old Xin, you are confused!"

   "How could it become like this?"

   "Deserve it! Everyone should pay for the mistakes they have made, and learn from them."


  Some people applaud, some people regret.

  But there is another voice, even though it is small, it makes people think about it—

  "Don’t you think it’s weird? Why did you only find paper documents? If I remember correctly, Jiang Fuyue also lost a laptop."

   "Yes! Where did the computer go?"

   "And have you noticed what Jiang Fuyue said when identifying documents on the spot?"

   "What did you say?"

  "She said—this is part of the stolen information. Attention! The point is here: part! Where did the rest of the other information go? Did it disappear with the laptop?"

   "Hiss! Listening to you, things don’t seem to be that simple."

   "The back has started to get cold."


   But after all, it is only a small group of people, with a very small voice. When Xin Hongcheng has solid evidence and has taken the initiative to plead guilty, he can basically ignore it.

  Since all the truth is revealed, the base has no reason to continue the blockade, so the order was lifted, the defense level was lowered, and entry and exit were allowed.

  And Xin Hongcheng seems to have disappeared overnight, no one mentions it again.

  The base did not announce how to punish him.

   "It is said that he will also be subject to a counterintelligence investigation by the relevant departments of the base. If something else is found, it may not be as simple as theft."

   "Huh? What else can there be other than theft?"

   "For example, the crime of espionage, a serious crime of treason is not impossible."

   "Oh my God! It's so serious? Then Professor Xin will end in the future?"

   "If he has a future, he has to ask a question mark. He has reached the worst step. I am afraid that he will have to take his life."

   "More than that, if the plot is serious, it is said that the children and grandchildren will be implicated, which is equivalent to the death of the whole family!"

"too frightening……"

  Everyone shuddered suddenly.

  The same question came to mind: Didn’t you just steal a computer and some experimental data? Why, how come to the point of death?


  It is night, the moon is bright, quiet and silent.

  Although it is March and spring returns to the earth, the temperature difference between day and night in the desert area is extremely large. The sun is like hot during the day, and the temperature can reach below zero at night.

  There are a group of staff responsible for purchasing in the base, and they are wrapping cotton coats one by one at this time.

  In order to bring the supplies back to the base before dawn, they usually set off early in the morning and drove to the central market 60 kilometers away to purchase.

  The merchants with regular cooperation will prepare the goods in advance, and then wait for them to drive to the door, one by one.

  Three trucks will be dispatched tonight, all of which are the largest models.

  It seems that the order to block the base a few days ago and not allow entry or exit was caused by the other side and all aspects.

  The truck quickly reached the gate checkpoint of the base.

  Two soldiers walked out of the sentry booth. One raised his hand to stop the vehicle, and the other walked to the leading truck: "Please show your pass!"

  The pass was handed in. After reading it, there is no problem.

  Next, everyone in the car gets out of the car for routine inspection.

  Not only checked people, but also checked cars.

   "No problem, let go--"

   gave an order, and seeing that the checkpoint was gradually raised, the truck hit the accelerator pedal and was ready to drive out at any time.

  However, at this moment, Kaza suddenly led his soldiers to appear, and shouted: "Close the gate immediately! All staff are on alert!"


  In an instant, the originally raised checkpoint stopped abruptly, and then began to descend again, and then the soldiers brought by Kaza surrounded several trucks.

  All of them are holding weapons with solemn expressions.

  Kaza sneered, took the big horn handed by the deputy, and began to shout to the leading truck: "Come out, don't hide, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

  Nothing happened.

   "Heh, do you really plan to let me personally catch you, a cub who steals data? Okay, very good!"

  He speaks Chinese, so the curse words are easy to come by, don’t go too smoothly.

  At this time, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan just arrived.

   Hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

  Along with the two of them, there is Xin Hongcheng, who has disappeared for many days and has been rumored to have pleaded guilty!

    Three shifts, five thousand words.

     It will be revealed tomorrow who did it



  (End of this chapter)

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