After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 802: The truth is revealed, surfaced (one more)

   Chapter 802 The truth is revealed, surfaced (one more)

  Kaza spoke harshly, but there was no movement in the truck.

  The night wind blew through, and it was silent.

   Playing with him and pretending to be dead?

  Kaza sneered, and clicked a few soldiers casually, "You—get down the turtle and grandson in the past!"


  Several people received the order, covering each other carefully and approaching.

   At the moment when the driver’s door was about to be opened, the headlights were bright, and the accelerator was blasted.

  Kaza's complexion suddenly changed: "No! He wants to force the gate!"

  Several people heard the words and rolled away on the spot. At the same time, the truck accelerated forward, like an arrow from the string, slamming into the closing gate.


   There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled.

  The gate was opened by a quarter, the front of the truck was sunken in half, and the windshield was cracked into a spider web shape.

  Kaza: "Stop him!"

  The five soldiers who had previously tumbling on the spot to avoid the impact had each found a shooting point at this moment.

   Kaza gave an order, and they fired at the four wheels.

  In just a few seconds, the truck tires all burst, but the speed did not drop, and the inertia force directly caused a rollover.

  Only heard a bang, dust swept in, white smoke lifted into the sky.

  The smell of diesel also floated.

  A few other soldiers swiftly stepped forward and dug out the blood-stained young man in the driving seat.

  Drag and quickly retreat.

  Ten seconds later, boom——

  The fuel tank exploded and the flames skyrocketed!

  And Kaza, Xie Dingyuan, Jiang Fuyue, and Xin Hongcheng had already retreated to a safe distance, standing on the sand dunes watching the flames sweeping, and they were quickly put out.

  A few soldiers dragged the culprit forward, and then pinched him to the ground like a dead dog.

   "Wei Yuan?!" Xin Hongcheng's eyes widened, and he said in shock, "Why are you?!"

  Although most of the man’s face was covered with blood, but he had been together in the same experimental area for nearly two months, Xin Hongcheng still recognized him at a glance——

  One of Bai Chuanhao’s team members, he is also one of the few young people who would actively greet their group of old men on weekdays.

  "You are the one who stole the information? Why?" Xin Hongcheng was confused, and couldn't figure it out at all.

  In the impression, Wei Yuan is generous and cheerful, sincere to others, and very polite.

  Get along well with other members of Bai Chuanhao’s team, and have always maintained a good relationship with old guys like them.

  How could such a positive young guy commit theft, slander, slander, and frame up?

  Wei Yuan was lying on the ground, his eyes closed tightly. If it weren't for the ups and downs of his chest, it would look no different from dead.

  Hearing this, he remained motionless and did not respond.

   Kaza stepped forward, kicked his thigh, Wei Yuan bowed, and let out a muffled hum.

   "It looks like it's not dead yet."

  Wei Yuan opened his eyes quickly, revealing a fierce light.

  Kaza sneered and kicked again.

  The army boots were heavy and hard. In addition, he used eight points of force, and Wei Yuan's expression was distorted in pain.

  "What about computers and other materials?"

  Wei Yuan turned away and refused to answer.

   Kaza stepped on his finger expressionlessly and crushed it heavily.

   "Ah——" screamed.

  Xin Hongcheng couldn't bear to watch, quietly turned his back.

   "Let me ask again, what about the computer and other materials?"

   "In the car! It's burned out a long time ago!" Wei Yuan wanted to withdraw his hand, but in exchange for a heavier treadmill.

  A soldier stepped forward, attached to Kaza’s ear and said something, the latter squatted down, no matter there was blood on his face, and patted his cheek: "Is it a lie?"

  "Really in the car..."

  "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!" After speaking, his right hand was raised high, ready to fall.

   "Wait." Xie Dingyuan said suddenly.

  Kazamulu asked: What's your situation? I'm very good at asking, why interrupt?

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes motioned him to step back first and stop doing it again.

   Then walked over, stopped in front of Wei Yuan, and looked at him condescendingly: "Aren't you going to say it clearly?"

  Wei Yuan still did not respond.

   "You don't want to know why you lost?"

  The eyelids of the person lying on the ground moved slightly, slowly raised their eyes, and looked at Xie Dingyuan: "How did you find out?"

  Xie Dingyuan smiled: "Why do you think we won't find it?"

   "Xin Hongcheng has pleaded guilty, didn't he?"

   "If he doesn't plead guilty, how can you let you put your guard down and throw yourself into the net?"

   Wei Yuan’s pupils shrank suddenly, and then realized: "Everything is fake?!"

  Kaza: "Of course! Do you think that Xin Hongcheng can be convicted without conclusive evidence based on those rumors? Oh, naive!"

  Xin Hongcheng is indeed suspicious.

  From the moment he was emotional and refused to cooperate with the inquiry, to later searched out some stolen materials from his residence, all clues pointed to him.

  Don’t say 100% sure that he is the thief, but at least he is suspect.

  Obviously, Wei Yuan also saw what he could make a fuss about, so he chose Xin Hongcheng as the scapegoat in the end.

  In the beginning, everything went well, and the base's reaction was also expected.

  As everyone knows, compared with the suspicious things about Xin Hongcheng, the rumors that have really aroused Kaza's vigilance.

  Overnight, it seemed that all the spearheads were focused on Xin Hongcheng.

  But the base clearly did not move anything, so it shouldn’t have caused such a big panic and speculation.

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

  Mostly the person behind could not sit still, trying to make a quick decision, but instead showed up.

  At that time, after listening to Kaza’s analysis, Jiang Fuyue suddenly raised a question: “The other party is so anxious to put the hat on Xin Hongcheng’s head. Have you ever thought about why?”

  Kaza shook his head.

   Why else? Pick yourself up so you can get away!

  However, Xie Dingyuan noticed something in Jiang Fuyue’s words. What she said was "Put the hat on Xin Hongcheng's head in a hurry". The point is not to "buckle the hat", but—

in a hurry!

  Why is it urgent?

  Because there is not enough time.

  What time is not enough?

  Between the lightning and flint, he suddenly reacted: "This person wants to send the computer and data out of the base!"

  If it is true, then this is not just a simple theft case, it may also have something to do with spy organizations and even the international situation.

  The former criticizes the punishment, no matter how serious it is, it will be sentenced to a few years at most; but the latter is a terrible job!

  At this time, the Soviet leaders had to pay attention to it.

  Kaza is also under great pressure.

  Jiang Fuyue groaned for a moment: "...Didn't he want to go out? Then let's let him out."

  Kaza: "How to make a concession?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Catch Xin Hongcheng first."

   "..." I suspect you are trying to get revenge on the old man.

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged indifferently: "It's up to you whether you listen or not. Anyway, I don't expect the base to help me find my computer and data."

  Kaza did not immediately make a statement.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Listen to her."

  "..."Women sing with husband?

  Finally, Kaza still listened to Jiang Fuyue's advice, first arrested Xin Hongcheng, and then released the news of his confession, and then lifted the ban and opened up access.

  Sure enough, the man behind could not sit still.

   tried to get mixed up with the purchased soldiers and left the base, but was arrested.

   "So, this is a game? You are all actors, but I believe it to be true. I was so stupid to throw myself into the net, ha ha ha..."

  Wei Yuan laughed loudly, shaking all over.

  Xin Hongcheng couldn't help it anymore, and rushed forward with red eyes: "You, what is the picture?"

  Obviously, Wei Yuan stole these materials out of personal dissatisfaction with Jiang Fuyue, or greed for research results.

  Since his attempt to send the information out of the base, it has made people afraid to think further.

  "You are from Huaxia! This is our own research result, why are you?"

   "Hahahaha..." Wei Yuan laughed louder and presumptuously.

  Xin Hongcheng: "You are so young, with a bright future and a bright future. Is it worth it?"

  Wei Yuan: "You have your persistence, and I have my faith. Put away your cheap sympathy and regret, I-no, need, want!"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at his broken tank, suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell the details.


  The three soldiers who dealt with the explosion site stepped forward to report the situation to Kaza, and Jiang Fuyue suddenly realized: "Did you find a laptop in the car?"

  The soldier was taken aback: "Didn't it burn down?" With such a big fire, not to mention a laptop, even ten can be burnt clean.

  Kaza frowned: "Why do you ask?"

  Xie Dingyuan suddenly realized something, and quickly glanced at Jiang Fuyue: "Even if it burned down, there are still traces left. Did you find it when you cleaned the scene?"

    One more, three thousand words.

     Seeing that everyone guessed Xu Kuan, he was half right, I knew he was a young man, not Xin Hongcheng.

     But if it is really Xu Kuan, wouldn’t it be easier to steal information if he directly asks to change to the Yuejie team? Why are you stealing in such a big circle?



  (End of this chapter)

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