After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 803: Fetching water from a bamboo basket, sister Yue is a **** (second shift)

  Chapter 803 The bamboo basket fetches water, sister Yue is a **** (two more)

   "This..." He hesitated, obviously not paying attention to this point, "I need to check again."

  Kaza: "Hurry up!"

  One minute later, the subordinate returned with a certain tone: "There are no traces of burnt metal on the car, nor any motherboard components left."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Are you sure?"

  "Very sure!"

   She lowered her eyes to look at Wei Yuan, who was lying on the ground, laughing until he twitched: "Don't laugh, no matter how loud the voice is, it can't conceal the panic in your heart now."

   "Hahaha... I panic? You are so funny, what should I panic about? The big deal is just a life."

   "Of course you are not afraid of death, but you are afraid that things will not be delivered!"

  Wei Yuan smiled more arrogantly, but there was a flash of panic in his eyes.

Jiang Fuyue: "If I'm not mistaken, the computer and data shouldn't be in your car, and you will be here tonight. It's just a trick. You should have another safer and more secret delivery channel, right? "

  Wei Yuan’s exaggerated laughter stopped abruptly, and he was furious: "Fart!"

   "Your reaction now is enough to explain, I guessed it right."

  Wei Yuan was stiff.

  Kaza was a little dazed by being circumvented, but he quickly reacted and his expression suddenly flew.

  Listening to Jiang Fuyue’s meaning, this person actually has accomplices! Another route is prepared!

  He immediately took out the walkie-talkie and began to give instructions, "...Be sure to guard every exit for me! No fly is allowed to fly out!"


  Suddenly, Wei Yuan began to laugh again: "'s late! It's useless! The things have already been sent out!"

  Kaza cursed in a low voice and kicked over with anger.

  This time used ten efforts.

  Wei Yuan passed out, and the sharp laughter stopped completely.

   "What are you doing in a daze?! Why don't you chase after me?!" Kaza **** the guy and was about to rush out.

  Whether what Wei Yuan said is true or false, he can't wait to die, not to mention that the opponent should not run far in such a short time.

  A group of people under his hand hulled behind him.

  But Xie Dingyuan said coldly, "Calm down, come back!"

  Kaza: "?"

  Don't make trouble.

   paused, and then continued to rush out.

  Xie Dingyuan helped his forehead: "Let you come back!"

   "No... I have to go now, since everyone is gone when it's late, how can I get things back?"

  Jiang Fuyue said slowly: "No need to chase."


  Xie Dingyuan reminded him: "The computer has set up an automatic removal program."

  Kaza blinked, and suddenly reacted, yes, there is an automatic cleaning program, as Jiang Fuyue told him before.


  "What should I do with those paper materials?" This thing can't be cleared automatically, right?

   "No! It seems that I still have to chase!" After speaking, he was ready to rush forward with everyone.

  Xie Dingyuan dragged him back: "Don't worry, they won't understand it even if they take it."



   20 kilometers away from the base, there is a sand dune in the southeast direction.

  Due to geographical environment and climate factors, the fine sand here is dominated by quartz.

  If the wind blows, the sand particles vibrate and rotate in the airflow, resulting in cavities on the surface and causing the "diabolo" effect to occur, so it is often accompanied by a buzzing sound.

  In the night, it is like a grieving ghost weeping, so it is called "Netherworld Cave (Crying by the locals.

  After nightfall, it’s off the beaten track.

  But at this time, behind a sand dune, there was a faint voice.

   "Have you got it?"

   "It's all here."

"Give me."

  He turned on the computer on the spot, and the light from the screen hit the man's face, reflecting his deep facial features, and his eyes were blue.

  He put his hands on the keyboard and tapped quickly, but the next second, he suddenly frowned.

"what happened……"

  The voice did not fall, the computer crashed, and there was no response.

  Just as he was about to restart, the screen turned black, and the man was startled, and his eyes became more suspicious.

  "God! What's the situation?" Upon seeing this, the companion couldn't help exclaiming.

  This person has a bald head, like a light bulb in the dark.

  They spent a lot of effort and sacrificed a dark game. They managed to get these things out without any problems.

  Otherwise everything will be wasted!

   "What's the hurry? Just restart, don't call God when you speak! God can't understand these experimental data!"

  Bald head shut up.

  Blue eyes restart the computer, and the screen lights up again.

   But after thirty seconds--

   "Where is the form? Are there other documents and data? Where did it go?!"

   "No way, you take a closer look..."

  You can let him go through all the folders, even the recycle bin has been searched, but still can't find the previous files.

   "Did you see that right?" The blonde and blue eyes grabbed the collar of the bald head, "All the information was in this folder just now!"

   "Yes, yes, but why is it no longer?"

   "Sh*t!" Blue eyes cursed, and finally discovered the problem, "This computer has an automatic removal program implanted."

  The bald head doesn’t understand very well: "...what do you mean?"

  "It means that all data in this computer has been erased and cannot be recovered."

  "What should I do?! Our task this time is to get all the research materials of the new vaccine. How can I explain if it is not finished?" The bald head became irritable.

  The blue eyes are another curse.

  Bald head: "You don't want to sh*t anymore, what do you do now? There is only one computer, and there is no way to steal the second one."

  There is no second hidden chess that can be used.

   "It's over..." The bald head slid down on the sand.

  At this moment, the blue eyes suddenly swept to the paper information next to him, "Things don't seem to be that bad."


   "It's the same with these paper materials!"

  The bald eyes lit up: "Yes! The computer is gone, and there are some printed on paper. From now on, you must keep it safe!"

  Speaking, roll up all the paper and put it on the chest.

  "Don't rush to put it away, show it to me first."

   Bald head: "What else to look at? Go home! It’s dangerous to stay here for a second!"

  After speaking, get up and leave.

  Blue eyes smashed the computer, stamped his feet into the yellow sand, ruining the body.

   Then follow.

  Indeed, the top priority is to leave Suwetan as soon as possible so that the information can be viewed at any time.


  After half an hour, the two jumped into the helicopter.

  In the cabin——

  Blue eyes: "Take things out."

   Bald head frowned: "What are you doing?"

   "I'm out of danger now, let me check."

  "What can be checked? Is it possible that these things are still fake?" Having said that, but out of caution, the bald head took the thick roll of paper out of his chest and handed it over.

  "Be careful, the cabin is windy, don't blow it away!"

  The blue eyes ignored it, unfolded the data in hand, and quickly browsed.

  At first, his expression was normal, and his eyes suddenly became tense, but he still said nothing.

  But as time goes by, the more he looks back, the man's brows become tighter and tighter.

   Bald head and hummed, "What's the matter? Are these things okay?"

  Blue eyes showed a trace of unconfidence, you know, this is absolutely impossible in normal times!

  As the most talented member of the department, he is not only skilled, but his brain is also an encyclopedia, and there is no field or subject he does not understand.

   But this time--

   "I don't understand it very well."

   Shaved head anxiously: "Don't you know what it means? Isn't biochemistry what you are best at?"

  Blue eyes: "I have never seen such strange data, such as ashfks. It stands to reason that the specific experimental steps should be recorded here, but there is only a string of inexplicable letters."

  There are no rules to follow.

   is like...scribbled randomly.

  And many of the key experimental results are not specific numbers, but rather dull characters like "x45-11z".

   The bald head grabbed the information from his hand and tucked it back into his chest: "You can't understand it, it must be insufficient. When you return to China, let the team leader and superiors apply to send experts in this field, they must understand!"

  After listening with blue eyes, the expression is not relaxed, but more solemn.

  I'm afraid it will not be so easy.


   "So, how about they get the computer? Just clean it up."

   "What if I get the information? I can't understand it anyway."

  When Kaza was called to report the final result, his tone was more triumphant and triumphant.

   "When they realize that what they have obtained so hard is useless, maybe they will be so angry that they will jump their feet? It deserves it!"

  Well, there is already a picture in my mind.

  The superior nodded: "You handled this emergency well."

  The corner of Kaza’s mouth was about to rise, and suddenly, the front of the conversation turned around——

   "But the most important thing is that Jiang Fuyue is highly vigilant and prevents trouble before it happens."

  The others nodded one after another--

   "This girl is amazing."

   "It's just amazing."

  "In the words of your Huaxia, isn't it-God?"

  Several Chinese tycoons smiled lightly, and they couldn't hide pride and pride in calmness.

  Kaza: "?" Am I not "God"? Then I go?

    Two more, three thousand words.

     Wei Yuan only appeared in front of him once, or in other people’s conversations, so everyone might not be impressed.



  (End of this chapter)

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