After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 809: Experienced for her, a major discovery (two more)

  Chapter 809, suffered for her, a major discovery (two more)

  Lounge room.

  Jiang Fuyue knocked on the door, and then a low "please come in" came from inside.

  She pushed the door and entered.

  The man is wearing a shirt and a lab robe, and the silver mask on his face is less cold in the sun.

   "It came just right, I..."

  "Have you taken someone to the firefighting zone?"

  The two spoke at the same time, and they were stunned at the same time.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I asked, you just came back from the crossfire on the Chekbi border."

  The man looked at her with a pair of dark eyes. Hearing this, he seemed to let out a sigh, and it seemed that there was nothing.

   "Well, just came back." He confessed.

  Jiang Fuyue’s guess was further confirmed, but she still found it incredible: "Did you go to the resettlement camp?!"

  The man nodded: "I came to you for this. I have brought the sample back, so you don't need to run again."

  Jiang Fuyue is determined to see him.

  Qing Ling's brows and eyes, expressing various emotions of scrutiny, judgment, and contemplation.


   "The superior is worried about your safety, send me to take samples." In an official tone.

  Jiang Fuyue frowned: "Then why did you hide it? Tell me now?"

   "You never asked either."


X: "There are 569 samples in total, all labeled and sent to the cold storage. In addition, the first batch of vaccines is almost finished, and the second batch of vaccines has been delivered to the base. You will be with the returning trucks at noon today. Bring all the samples back to the base."

  He arranged everything clearly.

  Jiang Fuyue easily got what she wanted without taking any risks.

  "Why?" These three words are still stubborn and persistent.

  The man looked away, refused to look at her, and said solemnly: "This is an order!"

  So there is no need to thank you, and you don’t need to feel that you owe him anything.

  Jiang Fuyue understood, but the more she did, the more suspicious she felt.

   "Did we... know each other before?"

  The man’s pupils shrank slightly, but fortunately he half-closed his eyelids to cover the momentary gaffe.

  He said coldly: "It's late, you go and prepare first, and leave on time at eleven."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Aren't you going back together?"

   "No, there are other tasks."

  The man turned his face to his side, as if he didn't want to talk more, Jiang Fuyue could only press his suspicion in his heart and turned to leave.

  Shortly after she left, a middle-aged doctor hurried over with the medicine box, and forgot to knock on the door——

   "Doctor, I heard you were injured?"

  Xie Dingyuan was leaning on the chair, closing his eyes and taking a nap, with pale lips, one hand supporting his forehead, and the other hand hanging unnaturally on his leg.

  If you observe carefully, you will find that the hand is uncontrollably trembling physiologically.

  Xie Dingyuan opened his eyes, a faint fatigue appeared in his eyes: "Don't be nervous, it's just a small problem."

  The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, but when he cut his sleeves and saw the faint bright red, he almost didn’t explode--

  What the **** is called a "little problem"?

  The blood is still bright red, and it is still scented at the first glance, and it hasn't stopped at all!

  Xie Dingyuan: "I checked the shrapnel abrasions. The wound was deep, but fortunately, it didn't hurt the nerves. It is estimated that it will take a few stitches. You have the tools ready."

   "..." Are you a doctor, or am I a doctor?

   "Also, don't tell others about this."

   "But on the medical report..."

   "Just write simple scratches."

  The doctor sighed. Facing the strength of the "patient", he had no choice but to agree: "Okay, then."

  It’s just that he doesn’t understand why he is hiding it from above?

  Of course, you have to hide it.

  There is no approval process, and there is no superior order, it is the reason Xie Dingyuan fabricated it to hold Jiang Fuyue.

  He is reluctant to let her take risks, and can't stop her, so he can only do this for her.

  So, the above does not know.

  If the news of his injury spreads, then there is nothing to hide.

  Xie Dingyuan thought of the attack last night. Although he finally retreated, he still feels scared when he thinks of it.

  If Jiang Fuyue goes...

The consequences could be disastrous!

  At this moment, the man is very fortunate that it is him who has gone, and it is also him who is injured.


  The sun is getting higher.

   Approaching eleven o’clock, several empty trucks have been parked on the road, lined up, ready to set off at any time.

  Jiang Fuyue sat in the off-road vehicle behind, Zhong Ziang went with Yi Ci.

   "Why is this leaving? I thought I would stay a few more days." Zhong Ziang was startled when he received the order, and he hasn't fully reacted yet.

   Yi Ci squinted his eyes and said, "What? It sounds like you are sorry?"

   "Cough!" He coughed slightly, "I wanted to see and see in the fire zone, but I couldn't get there."

   Yi Ci: "The firing zone is not for you to play. What are you doing so actively?"

   "You know what a fart! The flames of war, that's called blood!"

  "..." Spiritual brother, let's go to sleep.

  Zhong Ziang asked Jiang Fuyue again: "After we go back, will we come again?"

"do not know."

  It will come only if it is necessary.

  At eleven o'clock, the team set off on time.

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but glance back.

  She couldn’t tell what she wanted to see.

  Yi Ci stepped on the accelerator, and the wind poured in from the car window, mixed with sand and soil, rushed to the face, a kind of rugged and refreshing.

  He shouted: "Go!"

  As the car line moved further away, Jiang Fuyue had to look back.


  In the lounge.

  The middle-aged doctor breathed a sigh of relief: “The remaining shrapnel has been taken out, the wound has been debrided, and the suture is smooth. As long as there is no fever and no infection, there should be no major problems.”

  Speaking, put the used disposable tools in the tray, then remove the blood-stained gloves, and throw them into the medical garbage recycling bin.

  Xie Dingyuan gave a soft hum, and closed his eyes tiredly.

  In order to resume healing as soon as possible, he actively asked to reduce the dose of anesthesia. As a result, he forcibly endured pain, sweated profusely, and his face was almost pale.

  The doctor packed up and left quietly.

  However, this calm did not last long. Soon, a "report" came.

  Xie Dingyuan opened his eyes, moved away from the back of the chair, sat upright, and put his bandaged hands under the table.

   "Come in." The calm voice, as usual, couldn't hear anything unusual.

   "Doctor, the team has already set off."

   "She... Has Jiang Fuyue gone?"

"already left."

   "Okay, you go out first."

  Xie Dingyuan was completely relieved.

  Go well and return to the base to ensure safety.


  Before coming from the base, Du He counted the halfway meal and rest time, which was nearly eight hours; now, there is no delay on the way back, only six hours.

  At sunset, the gates were opened wide and trucks entered one after another.

  Jiang Fuyue's off-road vehicle with three people also drove in.

  Kaza came to pick him up in person: "How is it? Is it going well?"

  Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but glanced behind him, but couldn't find the person she wanted to see.

  Kaza's eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't take the initiative to mention it, only said: "The boat and the car are tired, I will let you send you back to your residence to rest."

   "No, send the sample to the laboratory first."

   "That's right, do you want me to help?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head, and then returned directly to the laboratory with thousands of samples.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci also left immediately, and they have to report to their superiors.

  In the past few days after Jiang Fuyue left, a thick layer of dust had accumulated on the tabletop. She ignored the cleaning, so she took the sample and plunged into the closed laboratory.

  That night, Jiang Fuyue left and returned to her residence nearly early in the morning.

  Washing away the sand and exhaustion that have been for many days, putting on clean clothes, she lay flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling with her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

  The conditions of the base are not good, but it is much better than Du He’s board house.

  Humans are really amazing animals. No matter how bad the environment is, they will slowly force themselves to adapt.

  Like Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang, who were once the favorites of heaven, now they are eating the roughest meal, living in the simplest room, and smiling satisfied.

  Before going to bed, Jiang Fuyue turned off the light, closed her eyes, and suddenly a silver mask flashed in her mind.

  In her dream, she seemed to see Xie Dingyuan.

  It's just that he turned his back to himself, wearing a white lab robe with the shirt collar exposed.

  Finally, when he turned to face him, that face turned out to be wearing a silver mask, exactly the same as Dr. X!

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly woke up.

   Raised his hand, sweating profusely.

  Xie Dingyuan and...X?


  The next day, she got up early in the morning and went into the laboratory. She didn't come out until ten o'clock in the evening. Both lunch and dinner were delivered.

  The same on the third day.

  In the blink of an eye, a week later, after examining thousands of samples, Jiang Fuyue discovered two mutant strains that had not been recorded before. She named the others-P1, P2.

  (End of this chapter)

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