After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 810: 810 She is a miracle, old Xie is so angry (two more in one

  Chapter 810 She is a miracle, old Xie is so angry (two more in one)

  There will be such a discovery, Jiang Fuyue is not surprised.

  Duho is a severely affected area. The environment of the resettlement camp is difficult, uncontrolled, and cross-infection is prone to occur.

  P1 and P2 are both found in the resettlement camp samples.

  The next step is to test the resistance of vaccine A against these two mutant strains.

  However, the experimental results are not ideal.

  The efficiency is less than 50%.

  A seedling has encountered the biggest dilemma since its birth——

   Is "ineffective" for mutant strains, is it only for P1 and P2, or is it invalid for other mutant strains? This is one of them.

  How to improve so that A seedlings are equally effective against other mutant strains, two of them.

  In order to solve the above two problems, we can only do experiments repeatedly, compare and reference, and analyze the amount of control.

  Jiang Fuyue spent more and more time in the laboratory.

  Before it was from 8 am to 10 pm, now it is directly from 6 am to early morning, and it is under high-intensity work for a full 18 hours.

   "Do you fight like this?" Bai Chuanhao frowned, "No more body?"

  Xu Kuan: “Doing research is not like a factory rushing to work. You can harvest as many products as you spend. There is no need to die.”

   "Yes, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, Jiang Fuyue will tire myself out sooner or later like this."

Several experienced seniors in Shan Pinghua's team also agreed.

  Research can't be rushed, let alone accomplished overnight.

  It's not that Jiang Fuyue is not good at seeing Jiang Fuyue, but that she is really worried about her.

  Although the two parties had been unhappy before, but now Jiang Fuyue has studied the A seedling, which is expected to build the highest defense for Schenckworth virus. It is impossible for them to look forward to her accident in public or private.

   "Or...who will persuade you?"

  After a while of silence, "Who is going?"

  Everyone, look at me, I will look at you.

  Shan Pinghua gave a light cough and began to roll his name: "Bai Chuanhao?"

   "Ah...I'm not good at persuading people."

   "Xu Kuan?"

   "Like Lao Bai, I'm clumsy and unconvincing."

  Shan Pinghua's mouth twitched: "Who will go then?"

  I can’t let him go, right?

  Furthermore, his relationship with Jiang Fuyue...cough! It's too general.

  Finally, Xin Hongcheng volunteered: "If you don't go, then I will go."

  At noon that day, stepping on a meal, Xin Hongcheng went to Jiang Fuyue’s laboratory.

  Sure enough, she is eating.

  All kinds of data and reports are spread out on the table. The buttons on the console not far away are still on, indicating that it is working, and the instrument next to it is also in running state.

   Race against time is reflected in every detail.

  "Professor Xin, is there anything you want to do with me?"

  Xin Hongcheng suddenly didn’t know how to speak.

   Jiang Fuyue Mulu asked.

  Finally, he took a deep breath, "...Work is important, but you must also pay attention to rest. The body is the biggest capital!"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

  He seemed a little embarrassed: "Anyway, you can go back to the dormitory early every day!"

  After speaking, turn around and leave.

  Don't look at people's age, but their legs and feet are very neat, and there will be no shadows in a while.

  Jiang Fuyue reacted with a smile on the corners of her mouth.


  Although Xin Hongcheng's words are not unreasonable, Jiang Fuyue decided to proceed according to the original plan.

  The first step is to verify the effectiveness of the vaccine against other mutant strains except P1 and P2.

  She found that A vaccine performed well when encountered other strains, but did not catch a cold to P1 and P2.

  This requires further verification by another new mutant strain.

  But now all the samples she brought back have been tested, and no new mutant strains were found except for P1 and P2.

  In this way, I will definitely go to Du He again.

  And even if you go, you may not be able to find new strains.

  Research is stuck.

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly thought of Xie Dingyuan, maybe he can provide herself with new ideas?

  But when she rushed to the next door, she was told—

   "Professor Xie? He is not at the base recently."

  "Are there?" Jiang Fuyue asked slightly.

   "Well, it seems that there are other tasks. Anyway, I have been away for a while."

  Jiang Fuyue said thanks and turned to leave.

After taking two steps, she suddenly turned back, her eyes burning: "When did Xie Dingyuan leave?"

   "This... I think about it..."

  Another team member said abruptly: "April 24th, I remember it very clearly, because that day happened to be my birthday."

  Jiang Fuyue was stunned for a while, and it seemed to be enlightened, and it took a long time to recover her calm, and her tone of voice was as usual: "I see, thank you."

  After speaking, turn around and leave.

  The two members looked at each other, and they were a little confused.


   Just when Jiang Fuyue was about to leave for Duho again, an off-road vehicle came back from there and brought back more than 300 new samples.

  "Dr. X said that this was collected by the Kenny Bay Resettlement Camp."

  The appearance of these samples solved Jiang Fuyue’s urgent need.

  She accepted calmly, and then plunged into the laboratory.

  Three days later, she found three new mutant strains in this batch of new samples.

  Without any pause and relaxation, Jiang Fuyue immediately used these three strains to test A seedlings, and the results showed——

  Effectiveness is as high as 80%!

  At this point, it can be determined that only two new strains, P1 and P2, have an impact on the effectiveness of the vaccine, and other mutant strains are not included.

  So next, only need to make improvements to A seedlings for P1 and P2!

  Finding the right direction, Jiang Fuyue is extremely efficient.

  It took only three days to complete the improvement and upgrade, and it took another five days, which is an infection cycle, to test the effectiveness of the vaccine on P1 and P2.

  The results are gratifying.

  The improved vaccine is not only effective against P1 and P2 up to 85 percent, but the effectiveness against common strains has also increased by nearly five percent!

  Jiang Fuyue named the improved new vaccine-A+ vaccine.

   represents the first upgrade and improvement.

  The news reached the ears of the higher-ups, swept away the clouds of the previous period, and instantly cleared up——

"Very good!"

   "In less than half a month, Jiang Fuyue actually handed over such a dazzling answer sheet. This is incredible!"

   "She is a miracle!"


  The experimental areas on the left and right sides all fell into silence.

   is not nothing to say, but nothing to express.

  The big guy is the big guy!

  Who said that the time spent is not proportional to the gain?

  Who said you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry?

  Who said that research can't be done in a hurry, let alone done overnight?

  These so-called "experiences", "conventions", and "usually speaking" were all overthrown by Jiang Fuyue.

  Every second she spends can see the effect.

  Every drop of sweat and every effort she puts in can be rewarded.

  Bai Chuanhao swallowed hard: "What kind of devil is this?"

so horrible.

  Xu Kuan: "She can refresh the definition of'strong' every time."

  Shan Pinghua has nothing to say. If the front wave is not reconciled, he must also admit that the back wave is surging and magnificent.

  Xin Hongcheng burst into tears with excitement, the posture was like he had succeeded himself.

   "I know it! I know it!" She must be able to do it!

  The same frying pan next door——

   "At this speed, there is no sei."

   "I heard that she works 18 hours a day. It's crazy. It's a real work machine with no emotions."

   "The key people can see the effect after spending time, unlike us, who stay in the laboratory until the day is old and may not be able to get A+ seedlings."

   "Look at what you said... why are you so honest? It's heartbreaking."

  Then, replay the old tune——

   "You said, who is better, our professor and Jiang Fuyue?"




   "Not very good evaluation."

  "?" What about "Professor is invincible" and "Professor is number one in the world"?

  How long has it passed before it is actually "bad for evaluation"?


  Live attenuated vaccines once again achieved breakthrough success. A+ vaccines began to be produced in large numbers in China, and academic results were announced to the world as soon as possible.

  The world was shocked, and countless flowers and applause flooded Jiang Fuyue like a tide.

  Some people were shocked, some questioned, some admired, some admired...

  All kinds of evaluations fell on Jiang Fuyue for good or bad for a while.

  But no matter what, she can't shake her pioneering position and great achievements in the research of Schenkwall live attenuated vaccine!

  Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day, soaring for ninety thousand miles.

  She did it.

  Huaxia did it.

  Seeing that all the merits were fulfilled, but at this moment, Jiang Fuyue suddenly applied to the senior management and went to Du He again.

  "Why? Hasn't the new mutant strain been found?"

   "And the A+ vaccine has also been successfully improved."

  They couldn’t think of the necessary reason why Jiang Fuyue had to risk another trip to the severely affected area.

  If you want to get more samples, just ask X to help you collect them.

  Yes, before the more than 300 new samples arrived at the base, Xie Dingyuan had formally applied to the senior management to help Jiang Fuyue complete the collection work.

  Otherwise, I would not dare to send it to the base so blatantly.

  As for his injury... nothing was mentioned.

  Jiang Fuyue slowly shook her head: “It’s not the problem of sample collection, but—”

  She paused for a moment, "I found antibodies in the more than 300 blood samples sent from behind Dr. X."

  As soon as this remark came out, not only the senior management was a little confused, but the scientific research group was also stunned.

  The former is because I don’t know much about it, but the latter is too shocked and loses the reaction.

  Time seems to stop.

I do not know how long it has been--

  "Anti-antibody? Are you sure?!" An expert trembled in his voice.

  Jiang Fuyue was quite calm, "Of course. The donor of this sample can be sure that it has never been vaccinated against Schenckworth virus before."

  So is it possible to boldly guess that Schenkwall infection is actually possible to achieve self-healing in the human body?

  If the vaccine is forced to be immunized, it can only achieve the preventive effect; then exploring the body's own immune triggering mechanism can enable effective treatment of Schenkworth infection!

  But the premise is that the person with autoimmune antibodies must be found before further research can be carried out.

  Expert: "Who is it?!"

  Jiang Fuyue only said: "People are in the Kenny Bay resettlement camp, I want to go there in person."

  The senior management immediately approved that, in addition to letting Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci accompany, a team of personnel was also arranged to secretly protect.


  Duho area.

  After nightfall, the temperature drops sharply and the moonlight is bright.

  The entire vaccination site has fallen asleep.

  After more than ten days of recuperation, Xie Dingyuan's hands have almost recovered.

  After the stitches were removed from the wound, only a pale pink scar was left.

  At this moment, he turned off the light, lay on the bed in the room, and began to brew sleepiness.

   Suddenly, there was a faint sound of a car engine from outside, Xie Dingyuan suddenly opened his eyes, rolled over and sat up.

   immediately put on the clothes and walked out.

  Suddenly he remembered something, and then fell back and took the mask and put it on.

The guards stationed at    were also alarmed by the sound, and they were armed for alert instantly.

   "Dr. X."


   "There is a situation."

  Seeing Xie Dingyuan's appearance, everyone seemed to have found the backbone and automatically separated the two sides to make way for him.

  The guards who were investigating forward came back and reported: "If the judgment is not wrong, there should be three cars driving towards us, the specific identity is unknown. Then...what should I do next?"

   is blocking? Is it blocked? Or just open fire?

  Xie Dingyuan looked at the direction of the sound, his eyes were like torches: "Wait."

   Soon, three off-road vehicles appeared in sight.

   "If the signal flag is inserted, it should be my own!"

  Sure enough, the other party stuck his head out and made a hand signal. It was indeed a car coming from the base.

  But they did not receive a message in advance, saying that there will be people coming from the base.

  I still pick a time like the middle of the night.


  Xie Dingyuan groaned for a moment, and ordered: "Open the door!"


  The off-road vehicle gradually entered and finally stopped.

   Before Xie Dingyuan came forward to inquire, the front door of the back seat was opened.

  Jiang Fuyue bowed out, and after standing still, he looked at him for the first time.

  Qing Ling's eyes became more faint and deep under the moonlight.

  Especially the moment I saw it, something seemed to flash quickly inside.

  The man was stunned, his eyes were blank, as if he could not accept the fact that she suddenly got out of the car.

  After blinking several times, it was finally confirmed that it was her!

  In the dark eyes, surprises and surprises first appeared, and then gradually turned into thin anger——

"How did you come?!"

  I realized that my tone was not right until I finished speaking, and I forgot to lower my voice when I was in a hurry.

   Jiang Fuyue did not seem to notice, she directly took out the documentary proof and handed it to the man: "The superior approved me to come."

  "Didn’t the new samples have been sent to the base? Why are you here?"

   "Sorry, the task is here, it's inconvenient to say more." The girl coldly looked like she was doing business.

  Under the mask, Xie Dingyuan gritted his teeth several times, his cheeks were stiff, and every word seemed to pop out of his teeth: "This is not where you should be."

  "Where should I stay?" Jiang Fuyue asked back.

  "The base is more convenient for research, and I will send you new samples at any time..." What's wrong with this, have to come in person? !

  Jiang Fuyue only treated as if she couldn’t understand the man’s words, she was careless and anxious, saying: "This is an order."

Behind   , Zhong Ziang: "?" Didn't she come to apply for it? Why did her superiors order her to come?

   Yi Ci: "..." I don't know, we dare not ask.

This is an order--

  If you seem to have known each other, Xie Dingyuan told her not long ago.

   Now she is told to learn and use, fight against the generals, and choke herself too hard.


   "It's getting late," Jiang Fuyue interrupted directly, "We are on the road overnight, very tired and need to rest."

   After finishing speaking, he walked straight to the previous room.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci, as well as the other soldiers who came with them, were also assigned to their respective residences.

  Now, it's nailed down.

  Xie Dingyuan could only clen his fists on the spot. The mask blocked his facial expression, but couldn't block his obviously undulating chest.

  啧, how angry is it?

  I thought this was bad enough, but I didn’t expect Jiang Fuyue to say the next day--

   "I'm going to Kenny Bay."

   99: She irritated me!



  (End of this chapter)

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