After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 811: Deliberately teasing him, thank you for the warm man (one more)

  Chapter 811 Deliberately tease him, warm man and thank you (one more)

   "What did you say?" The man's voice was cold, and his expression was colder.

  Unfortunately, wearing a mask, can’t see.

  Jiang Fuyue met his jet-black eyes, and there seemed to be cold stars flashing in them, "I said, I'm going to Kenny Bay."

  The man stared at her and paused, with a calm look in his eyes, he was already anxious: "If I remember correctly, the sample from this place has been sent back to the base, and it is still a blood sample."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded, "Yes."

   "Then what are you going to do?"

   "You seem to be afraid that I will enter the firefighting zone?" The girl stepped closer, "Why?"

  The man stepped back subconsciously and turned his head away: "I just don't think you need to go anymore."

   "Really?" Jiang Fuyue took a step closer, "Last time you went for me, what do you plan to do this time?"

  His Adam's apple rolls lightly.

  "Go again for me? What is our relationship? Is it worth your risk?"

  While speaking, the girl moved forward again.

  Xie Dingyuan could not retreat. Seeing that the two were about to stick together, he quickly stretched out his hand to fend off: "Don't get too close..."

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips, glanced at his outstretched hand, and did not move forward.

  "Why do you always turn your head when you talk to me? Don't you dare to look at me? Excuse me? Are you shy?"

  The man remained silent.

   "Or," she paused for a moment on purpose, "do you think about me badly?"


  Jiang Fuyue pretended not to notice the sudden stagnation of his breath due to tension, and the slightly stunned look in his eyes, "It seems that you really have other thoughts, but unfortunately, I already have a boyfriend."

  He was taken aback.

  Jiang Fuyue continued: "My boyfriend is handsome and has a good body. Although he is a little bit cold and arrogant, he doesn't like talking, he has a bad temper, and he loves to pretend..."

  Xie Dingyuan: "?"

   "But he has a high IQ, strong ability, successful career, and money. So, if you are out of play, you should give up as soon as possible." As he said, he sighed quietly.


  Waiting for the reaction, the man clenched his fist and coughed slightly, his eyes flickered: "...Your boyfriend is so good?"

  "No, I just said it. He has a cold personality, taciturn, and he loves to pretend. He is a dog to the extreme. Where can he be? Your ears are not good, and you can't hear the point."


   "Isn't the point to praise how good he is?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Of course not!"


   "The point is to explain that although he is a dog, I will not like you."

   "...oh." Although I was scolded by the dog, there was so much sweetness in my heart.

  Jiang Fuyue saw through what he was thinking at a glance, the corners of his mouth rose sharply, and the front of the conversation turned: "Unless..."

   "?" There is actually "unless"? !

   "Unless what?"

  She stepped forward again, raised her hand, and pushed the man against the wall.

  Xie Dingyuan was stupid.

Jiang Fuyue swept across the silver mask on his face, with great interest: "Unless, let me see your true face, if you are handsome, you can't think about it. After all, everyone loves beauty, and men do. The same goes for women."

  The implication is to be handsome and everything is easy to say, but to be ugly to avoid talking.

   "So, if I'm handsome, you can abandon your boyfriend?"

  Although he has tried his best to restrain it, it sounds a bit gnashing his teeth no matter how he hears it.

  The most terrible thing is——

  Jiang Fuyue even nodded?

   "That's right."

   "..." A heavy blow.

  Sweet honey becomes bitter in seconds haha.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked at him, leaned closer, breathing in each other's breath: "How about? Do you want to think about it? It's not difficult, just take a look."

  The girl has a unique fragrance on her body. When she is close to her body, she rushes forward strongly, making her eyes half-closed and her expression drunk.

  At this moment, Jiang Fuyue’s hand has touched the edge of the mask, and as long as she exerts light force, she can...

  Xie Dingyuan suddenly reacted, slammed his head, avoiding the girl's hand, and the person also came out between her body and the wall, "I refuse."

  Jiang Fuyue was not annoyed, spreading his hands, shrugging regretfully: "Forget it."

   Say it and leave.

   "Tomorrow I will go to Kenny Bay with you."

   "No, you are not mine."

   "Jiang, Fu, Yue --" behind him came a man's almost violent growl, "Two choices, either go together or don't go, you choose."

  She turned around and turned back, and smiled coolly: "Is this a threat?"

   "You can think so."

  "Why?" The smelly man, pretending to be addicted, does not recognize his identity!

   "Just here I have the final say, if you don't believe me, let's try, and see if I don't nod, can you go to Kenny Bay."


  "Of course, you can ignore it, but Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci, these two people are specifically responsible for protecting you. If you disappear, think about the consequences of them."

  Jiang Fuyue nodded with anger: "Okay! Very good! You are so good!"

  Xie Dingyuan: What should I do with "..."? Suddenly a little persuaded.


   is night, everything is silent.

  Jiang Fuyue packed up the things to be used tomorrow, checked it again, zipped up and put the backpack aside.

  It's midsummer. Just after the rainy season, there are more mosquitoes in the house.

  The mosquitoes here are big. After a person is bitten, the skin will not only get pimple, red, swollen and itchy, but if it is more serious, it may also be infected with inflammation and even spread the virus.

  Jiang Fuyue took special measures to repel mosquitoes before going to bed, and put mosquito killers on the head and foot of the bed.

  However, I was bitten and woke up in the middle of the night.

  When I turned on the light, I saw two big red bumps on my arm, which were already swollen.

  She took out the alcohol for disinfection, and put on a layer of ointment, but she dared not sleep anymore.

   Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which was very light, and it was magnified several times against the night, and it was very clear.


"it's me."

  Oh, the one next door.

  "Doctor, it's late. Anything?"

"what happened to you?"

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

   "Can you hear me? Jiang Fuyue?!" When she called her name, her tone was obviously anxious.

   "...It's okay, I was bitten twice by a mosquito."

  "Did you apply medicine?"

   "It's painted."

   " rest early." After speaking, he turned and left.

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the time, at one o'clock in the morning, there were still a few hours before the morning, but she didn't plan to go to bed anymore.

   Simply take out the antibody analysis report from the bag and start browsing with the light.

  About ten minutes later——


  Someone knocked on the door again.


   "Teacher Jiang, it's me."

  The voice of a woman is a bit familiar.

  She opened the door. It turned out to be the nurse who had been with her to help at the front vaccination spot.

   "It's so late, what's the matter?"

   "I'll spray you some seven grass water, otherwise so many mosquitoes, you can't sleep at night."

  "Seven grass water?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

   "Well, it's very effective for killing mosquitoes! It was extracted by Dr. X with seven herbs, put a few drops every night, and diluted with water and sprayed in the room to deodorize and prevent mosquitoes."

  While speaking, he walked in with a watering can and sprayed every corner of the room.

  Take care of even the bottom of the bed.

   "You're done, I shouldn't be bitten again this time."

  Jiang Fuyue sent her out, and suddenly asked, "Who asked you to come here?"

   "Soldiers on duty in the lounge, what's the matter?"

   "Nothing, you go back, thank you."

"You're welcome!"

  The soldier on duty in the lounge only listens to Dr. X’s orders, so it’s him...

  In the middle of the night, Jiang Fuyue was finally able to sleep peacefully.

  The next morning, less than six o'clock, Jiang Fuyue packed up, put on her backpack, and left the room.

  Go to the parking lot, Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci are already waiting.

  Oh, there is one more person.

  Dr. X: "Here."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Yeah."

"lets go."

  She didn't say anything about not letting him follow.

  Four people get in the car.

  Yi Ci took the driving seat and was responsible for driving, Dr. X took the co-pilot, Zhong Ziang and Jiang Fuyue naturally went to the back row.

  There are also two off-road vehicles with soldiers accompanying them. There are about a dozen people.

  In the car, the atmosphere is a bit stiff.

  The main reason is that Dr. X and Jiang Fuyue are cold-faced, without any intention to talk.

  Easy speech is good, driving the car and having work in hand, it will not be so difficult.

  Zhong Ziang is miserable.

   can't sit still at all.

   Either look out the window or grab your hair and move around, always.

  He glanced at the cold back of his eyes, leaving only Dr. X on the back of his head, and then at Jiang Fuyue, who was sitting solemnly and slightly contemplative.

   tried to talk a few times, then took it back.

  In the end, I couldn’t bear it--

   "Yueyue, are you thirsty? Would you like to drink water?"

  (End of this chapter)

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