After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 813: Suddenly encounter an exchange of fire, and lay down his life to protect her (two more

  Chapter 813 Suddenly encounter a crossfire, and sacrificed his life to protect her (two more in one)

When Jiang Fuyue entered, she was sitting on the bed playing with glass beads.

  Compared to those infected with thin cheeks and lethargic spirits, Sansa has eyes and fleshy cheeks.

  I am not afraid to see strangers appear, and there is a curious look in his eyes.

   "Grandpa, who are they?"

  Doya: "Friends from China."

   "But they are wearing the clothes of uncle doctor and sister nurse."

  Doya changed his words again and said: "Doctor friend".

  Sansa smiled at them immediately.


  After watching Sansa, Jiang Fuyue called Doya aside and asked about the situation: "When was she sent?"

  Doya thought for a while: "About two months ago."

   "What symptoms did she have at the time?"

   "High fever, vomiting, and coma. But I don’t know why. After a week, these symptoms disappeared."

   "Then how is she now?"

  Doya: "Looks very healthy, doesn't cry or makes trouble, and helps with things."

   "Do something?"

   "Yes," Doya nodded. "She is responsible for delivering food to every room."

   "In other words, Sansa has been in contact with infected patients for a long time without any protective measures?"

  Doya was taken aback, "It seems...that's it."

   "Then she has no symptoms of infection?"

   "Yes, I can cough, but it is not serious."

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes dimmed: "What else? Is there anything else? For example, fever or coma."

"No." Doya shook his head affirmatively, "We also found it strange that other people were uncomfortable after infection, but she didn't seem to know the pain. Later, a man who had been a great witch in the tribe said that Sansa was pious in her previous life. Believers, that’s why the Lord bestowed her the blessing of staying away from pain."

  Jiang Fuyue guessed in her heart, she said: "I want to take Sansa away. In return, we will provide sufficient food and materials for the resettlement camp."

  Doya fell silent.

  I don’t know how long it took, he raised his head again, and said in a cautious tone: "You won't hurt her, will you?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "I promise that she will grow up healthy and happy."



  Go into the ward, Doya tells Sansa that she will be taken away.

  Before she finished speaking, the little girl burst into tears suddenly.

"I don't want to leave! I'm very good! I will deliver food and also bring water. Starting tomorrow, I will learn how to make couscous with Sister Sophia. I will be very useful...uuuuuu...can't it? Throw me away?"

Doya’s old hand gently touched her head: "Good boy, don’t cry. Grandpa is not going to throw you away, but to send you to a better place, where you will be full every day. You can wear a beautiful little skirt, a cute braid, and you can go to school..."

  The little girl was so fascinated, she had forgotten to cry.

  Doya: "...So, listen to the doctor, you know?"

  Santa nodded ignorantly: "I know. So Sister Sophia, Uncle Oakley, Brother Kenyatta... will they also go with us?"

  Doya shook his head: "No, we will stay here."

  Sansa panicked: "Then I will stay here too! I don’t need food or skirts, can I?"

  Doya sighed and was about to speak, but Jiang Fuyue suddenly stepped forward, "Hello Sansa."

  The little girl cast a clear gaze at her, timidly replied: "Hello..."

   "My name is Jiang Fuyue, you can call my name or my sister."

   "Hmm... Sister, your name is so difficult, I won't say it."

  "It’s okay. I am here to invite you to my house this time. When you are better and you don’t cough, I will send you back."

  "Really?" The little girl's eyes lit up.

  Although this place is full of death threats every day and can hear painful groans anytime and anywhere, she regards this place as her home.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Really."

   " long do I have to go to your house? When can I come back?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Two months. When you come back, I will prepare a gift for your friends."


  Sansa milkyly agreed.

  Jiang Fuyue and her party immediately took her away.

  Doya sent them to the entrance of the camp.

  Sansa: "Goodbye, grandpa, I will not forget to bring you a present! And Sister Sophia, Uncle Oakley, Brother Kenyatta..."

  Zhong Ziang started to wear protective clothing for Sansa. Because the girl was too small, it took a lot of energy to get it right.

  "What about the mask? The adult model, she can't wear it at all."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Use a mask directly."


   After finishing this, Zhong Ziang carried her to the back seat. Before he could get up, suddenly there was a huge roar from far to near, and the speed was extremely fast.

  "It's a helicopter!" Yi Ci shouted.

   Before the voice fell, several helicopters had flown from a distance, arrogantly hovering above the resettlement camp.

  Then, the hatch opened...

  Xie Dingyuan’s complexion changed drastically, he took Jiang Fuyue and rolled towards the sand dunes beside him, and at the same time shouted at Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci: "Get down!"

  Although the two of them did not know why, the muscle memory caused by long-term training immediately crawled on the spot when they heard these two words.

  At the same time, a huge rumbling sounded at the rear of the resettlement camp, and then the fire blazed into the sky, the black mist filled the air, and the smell of gunpowder smoke came from the air.

  Zhong Ziang only felt the eardrum shock, the pain was unbearable.

  Yi Ci's left shoulder was quickly hit by a flying stone, making him gasp.

   Fortunately, you lie down in time, otherwise the situation will get worse.

  Observed a circle, the two quickly got up and quickly hid behind the nearest sand dune.


   There was another loud noise.

  The flames reappeared, and the huge explosive air wave raised the sky with yellow sand, mixed with black smoke, and the visibility was almost zero.

   "Ah, bah----" Zhong Ziang spit out the sand in his mouth, "This bunch of turtles and grandchildren! I don't even look at the place when fighting fire, there are still so many people in the resettlement camp..."

  Yi Ci: "I thought that the flames of war would not be over here, but I didn't expect it to burn."

  Zhong Ziang: "Now what--"

   Before the words were finished, there was another loud noise.

  Suddenly, Zhong Ziang seemed to step on something soft and blurted out: "Fuck--"

  At the same time, he cried out: "Damn! My feet!"

Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci's eyes widened in surprise. They saw a middle-aged man sitting in a pile of yellow sand, half of his glasses were blown off, his hair turned into a chicken coop, his hands were guarding a camera, and he slammed into it. In her arms, it's like holding her own child.

"Who are you?!"

"who are you?"

  Both sides issue questions at the same time.

  After Yi Ci reported his home, the middle-aged man suddenly burst into tears——

   "Great! Really great! I thought I was dead this time! I didn't expect to meet the soldier uncle, woo... I can live again, thank you, thank you motherland, thank you..."

  The man grabbed Zhong Ziang's arm, as if grabbing a straw.

  Zhong Ziang: "..." Who is uncle called?

  Easy speech: "Are you?"

  "I am a reporter from Huaxin News Agency. I came to Kenny Bay to report on the resettlement camp. I didn’t expect..."

   didn't even enter the door, and was blown up by these helicopters.

  But he reacted quickly, instinctively raised the camera in the chaos and took pictures of the bombing. Once these things spread to the international community, they will inevitably cause a sensation.

  He bends deeply towards the two of them and bowed: "If necessary, please protect my camera first! Please! The whole world should know the truth!"

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci listened, awe-inspiring, and salute him.


   Over there, Jiang Fuyue was guarded by Xie Dingyuan several times and managed to avoid danger.

  The surging air wave made her eardrums hurt.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Open your mouth!"

  She did so immediately.

   "How is it? Are there any better?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "I..."

   Just then, a faint cry came.

   "It's Sansa!" She paled.

When Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci lay down, they completely forgot that there was a little girl in the car.

  At this moment, the two of them have taken the reporter and hid behind a sand dune in the distance.

  Plus the loud noise from the helicopter propellers, they didn't hear any crying at all, let alone return to the rescue.

  Jiang Fuyue broke free from the arms of the man, and subconsciously rushed out.

  Xie Dingyuan captured the person back, "What are you doing?!"

   "Sansa is still in the car, she must have nothing to do!"

  Not only because she has her own antibodies, it is the key to conquering the Schenckworth virus, even if she is just an ordinary child, Jiang Fuyue can’t just sit back and watch.

   "Let go!"

   "Don't be impulsive, now you can only go out--"


   Another loud noise.

  Xie Dingyuan was hit in the back by a splashing stone, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

  And Jiang Fuyue had already watched the timing and rushed out.

  She was not impulsive, nor did she act recklessly. Before rushing out, she had planned the route in her mind.

  From one dune bunker, to another, and then to the next, successfully avoiding several airdrop attacks, getting closer and closer to the off-road vehicle.

  The cry of the girl gradually became clear.

  The yellow sand was engulfed by the strong wind and pounced mercilessly. Fortunately, Jiang Fuyue also has a protective mask, which will not be blinded by the wind and sand, but every throw will cause visual impairment because the visibility is too low.


  She touched an off-road vehicle, "Sansa?"

  No response, but crying can be heard from behind.

  So, not this one!

  Jiang Fuyue continued to walk backwards, while walking, while exploring with her hands, finally found the right one.

  The girl’s cry is all within reach.

  She tried to open the car door, but found that the car door had been welded to death and could not be opened at all.

  Fortunately, the window was open, and it was lowered by a quarter. Although there was no way to lift the child out, it was possible to reach in with a hand.

  The statue of Jiang Fuyue opened from the inside, but the car door remained motionless.

  Sansa cried pitifully, and when she saw her, she leaned to the window and put her hands on the glass, "Sister...Sister...I'm afraid..."

  Jiang Fuyue touched her face with the hand that went in, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here, okay if you don’t cry?”

  The little girl stopped crying immediately, but she was still sobbing. Then she grabbed Jiang Fuyue's hand with her two small hands and rubbed it against her cheek gently: "...well, I won't cry."



   is another round of throws, and they are getting denser.

  The target of the off-road vehicle is too big, the people on the helicopter will find out sooner or later, they must take Sansa away immediately!

  Jiang Fuyue looked around, the sky was full of sand and dust blocking the line of sight, she couldn't see far, and she couldn't find any handy tools around.

  Suddenly, she noticed a small crack on the car window glass. If you don’t look closely, it’s hard to find...

  All these off-road vehicles have been modified by the base, and the window glass is bulletproof and extremely strong, but the shock wave caused by the blasting is also not to be underestimated, so this crack appeared.

  Jiang Fuyue put her hands on the glass and tried her strength.

  Although there are cracks, it is still firm.

  If you don’t have a handy tool, you can’t break it...

   Suddenly, Jiang Fuyue remembered something, her eyebrows moved slightly.

   "Sansa, step back a little bit."

   "Okay." The girl sniffed and did.

   "Not enough, then retreat."

  Until the girl's back completely touched the other side of the car door, she nodded: "It's okay."

  Sansa doesn’t know what this sister is going to do.

  But looking at her eyes, I suddenly stopped being afraid.

  I saw Jiang Fuyue take off the protective mask on her head, aimed at the crack, and slammed it hard.


  Not broken.

  Then the second, third...

  Uncountable how many times it was smashed, how many times did the surrounding blasting sound, and finally—

  Broken for a moment, the glass shattered.

   Ke Jiang Fuyue's hand was also cut, and the blood donated wound to the wrist along the heart of the hand, and then flowed to the arm, pulling apart a long blood mark.

  But she seemed invisible, and stretched out her hands into the car: "Come on, Sansa."

   "Sister..." The little girl opened her arms.

  Jiang Fuyue took her out, protected her in her arms, and waited for the rumbling sound to end, and the visibility recovered a little. She looked at the direction, followed the route planned in her mind, and ran back with the child.

  At this moment, the people in the helicopter not only saw the off-road vehicle, but also saw her!

  There are still living people running around under their noses? Looking at that movement and body shape, you still want to avoid the attack?

   "Oh, ridiculous!"


  He first threw at the off-road vehicles, only to hear a huge boom, the body torn apart, and the tongue of fire swept through.

  Next, the living person...

  Jiang Fuyue noticed that the car behind her was bombed, and she knew that she had been exposed.

   Fortunately, the rising yellow sand also obstructed the sight of the person on the helicopter, failing to pinpoint the specific location of the "living person" in time.

   Taking advantage of this gap, Jiang Fuyue ran at the fastest speed.

  The other party was already angry and started throwing badly.

   A resounding sound exploded beside Jiang Fuyue, but the distance was only five meters.

  She got down in time and protected Sansa with her body.

   "Sister, are we going to die?"

   "No, trust me, okay?"

   "Hmm!" The girl nodded heavily.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't care about the pain on her body, gritted her teeth and got up.

  Suddenly, the arm was supported by someone, it was Xie Dingyuan.


  He took a few steps with one big and one small, another intensive throw.

  Jiang Fuyue fell on her knees, slowly closed her eyes, and instinctively protected the child with her hands.

Xie Dingyuan opened his arms and embraced the girl and her firmly, with his back completely exposed.

  Not far away, the middle-aged reporter who happened to see this scene picked up the camera and clicked to freeze the picture forever.

  (End of this chapter)

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