After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 814: Old Xie lost his horse and shocked the world (two more in one)

  Chapter 814 The old thanked the horse and shocked the world (two more in one)

  Although there is little Sansa in the middle, Jiang Fuyue’s face is pressed against the man’s chest, and his shoulders are tightly encircled by him, like a boat in the wind and rain finally sailing into the calm and warm harbor.

  The surrounding roar was constant, and his heartbeat was steady and powerful nearby.

   Jiang Fuyue opened her eyes, tears also fell.

   "Are you stupid? Who told you to come over?"

  The man held her tighter in silence.


   There was another loud noise, which exploded not far away, filled with gunpowder and yellow sand.

   "What is our relationship? Why do you save me?"

"do not talk……"

   "Why don't you let me say? Xie Dingyuan, you bastard!"

  The man's breathing was stagnant, and his stature suddenly stiffened: "You know everything?"

   "If I don't pierce, when will you still hide it?"

"Sorry, I……"

   "It's useless to apologize. It's okay to ask me to forgive, unless you go out alive and say these three words again."

   "Okay, we will all get out alive! Can we still go?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Yes."

   "I count three beeps, and after three beeps, run towards eleven o'clock. Ready! One, two, three--" Xie Dingyuan held Jiang Fuyue's shoulders, Jiang Fuyue also took advantage of the trend, holding the child to stand up again.

   Immediately, two large ones and one small one quickly ran diagonally forward.


  Wait for the yellow sand to disperse, and the visibility was better. The person in the helicopter looked down for the Nth time, and indeed no trace of the "living person" was found. Most of them had been killed.

  Immediately, the helicopter drove away.

  The exchange of fire lasted for more than 30 minutes, and ended with the withdrawal of one party, and soon the other party also left.

  Ten minutes later, Chinese reinforcements arrived.

   Escort Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue to the car immediately.

  The man’s protective mask had fallen off as early as when he rushed towards Jiang Fuyue. Now his entire face was revealed, and several soldiers still didn’t dare to recognize it.

   "Cough..." I didn't react until I heard the familiar coughing sound.


  "Send people to see the situation in the resettlement camp. If someone is injured, treat them in time. In addition, separate food and supplies, leave the necessary parts, and send the rest."


   "Remember to take precautions, there are many patients inside."

  Fortunately, at the end of the count, the deaths and injuries of the camp were not serious. Except for three severely ill patients who lost their breath under convulsions, most of them were minor injuries.

   "What's the matter with you? I said that I can't go in, so why do I break in?"

   "I'm a reporter! I'm going in to take photos and interviews, why are you stopping me?"

  "Take out your ID and have a look."

   "Okay, the credentials are right, I—huh? Where's my press card? I must have lost it while hiding. I'm a reporter! You just let me in!"

   "Without a document, everything is exempt from discussion. Who knows if what you said is true or false."

  "Then I will go to the embassy to make up a certificate, right?"

   "Then wait until you open it up."


  The sound of the dispute between the two sides spread into the car.

  Xie Dingyuan looked up: "What's going on over there?"

   "A reporter wanted to go into the resettlement camp to interview, but was stopped by our people."

  At this time, the middle-aged reporter suddenly saw Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci who were about to get on the bus.

   Immediately grabbed the person: "Brother, you have to help me prove that I am a reporter! It's a fake!"

Yi Ci glanced at him twice: "What are you doing?"

   "Ah... I want to go in and take some pictures."

  Finally, Zhong Ziang greeted him, and the soldier at the gate nodded and agreed to enter, but—

   "Wear protective clothing! And a protective mask!"

The middle-aged reporter got his wish, turned his head and bowed to the two of them: "Thank you! My name is Mai Lehui, and I hope to see you again in China!"

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci waved at him: "Goodbye."


  Xie Dingyuan and his party dealt with the matter here, and did not leave any more.

   Directly let the large group drive back to the base as soon as possible.

  Both of them had bruises of varying degrees. Fortunately, it was not a serious problem, so they were handled by the accompanying medical staff directly in the car.

  Sansa also underwent a full-body examination, and the child was well protected, with no obvious skin injuries except for a little fright.

  Xie Dingyuan, Jiang Fuyue, and Sansa were assigned to a car.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci were assigned to another car——

   "No, we have to be with Jiang Fuyue! This is a task!"

   "That car can't sit down anymore."

   "How is it possible? Even if you add a child, there is still a space left!"

   "Oh, that vacancy is occupied by medical staff. We need to treat the wounds for them."

  Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang looked at each other, thinking that with so many comrades escorting, Jiang Fuyue's safety should be guaranteed.

   Then no longer demand it.

   "I call the doctor to come up and treat the wounds for you two."


  In the evening, a group of people arrived at the base smoothly.

   Kaza stood at the gate to greet him, and when he saw Xie Dingyuan, he immediately greeted him and patted him on the shoulder: "Is it all right?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Fortunately, not too bad."

  Jiang Fuyue also took Sansa out of the car, said hello to Kaza, and left directly.

  She wants to settle Sansa.

  Yi Ci and Zhong Ziang also got out of the car and walked towards their superiors.

  Suddenly, Zhong Ziang took a stop and stared in a certain direction.

   Yi Ci took the opportunity to look at it, and couldn't help but be stunned.

   "Old Yi, I think I may have hallucinations. Otherwise, why would I think that Dr. X looks like my old uncle?"

   Yi Ci swallowed: "Yes, it should not be an illusion, because I have seen it too."

  Fat each other, the two of them are dumbfounded.

It took a long time to react, Zhong Ziang: "So, so, Dr. X is my old uncle? My old uncle is Dr. X?!"

   Yi Ci: "Maybe it should probably be right..."

  "Damn! Then, what I said and did to Jiang Fuyue in the car was not done under his nose?"

  Easy speech: "You're done."

  Zhong Ziang: "I'm done..."

   Suddenly, Xie Dingyuan seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked back at the two of them.

  Yi Ci hurriedly avoided, and almost wrote the four characters "It's none of my business" on the forehead.

  Zhong Ziang suddenly stiffened, like a frightened rabbit, he ran towards the superior and hid behind others.

   Silent reading: Can't see me... Can't see me...

  Supervisor: "?" Wait, wait, I'm a little confused!


  The next day, Xie Dingyuan handled the affairs of the base and returned to the vaccination site as Dr. X to preside over the overall situation.

Before leaving, he went to the laboratory to meet Jiang Fuyue.

   hasn't spoken yet, it's just a tight hug.

  Jiang Fuyue was taken aback.

   "I'm sorry," he kept his promise, and re-said these three words to her alive, "You shouldn't be hiding from you, but the identity of X cannot be announced for the time being."

"Have you already recognized me?" Jiang Fuyue let him hold him, "A year ago, Curty Auction Company, Carnelian... And you chased me and said, just do it... I Wearing a human skin mask at the time, did you find out long ago? Huh?"

  The tail sound rises, slightly dangerous.

   "Cough!" The man gave a light cough.

   is the default.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows and withdrew from his arms: "How did you find out?"

   " the laboratory at that time, you took off your clothes, and I saw injuries..."

   "So you found out very early? You kept not talking, teasing me?"

  Xie Dingyuan sternly said: "Absolutely not! I think, you wear a mask to prevent people from discovering your true identity, so you didn’t break it."

   Jiang Fuyue hummed lightly.

  Xie Dingyuan couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to scratch her chin: “It’s not good to be angry, please laugh more.”

  Jiang Fuyue turned her head deliberately, avoiding his hand.

The man sighed lightly, showing a pitiful grief, like a big dog who has been wronged, "Yueyue, I will leave immediately, and it will take a month to come back at the earliest. Would you give me a kiss? "

   "Just a moment."

  Girls are unmoved.

   Disappointment flashed in the man’s eyes: "Then wait until I come back—"

  Before the words were finished, the warm touch clings to the cheeks.

  Xie Dingyuan was taken aback, then smiled and curled his lips.

  The girl pecked on his lips again.

   "Enough?" Jiang Fuyue blinked.

  "Not enough! Save it first, and wait for me to come back—"

  After finishing speaking, he left in vigor.

  His back is jumping for joy, and his footsteps are brisk.

  Jiang Fuyue snorted, shook his head and sighed: "Fool!"


After Xie Dingyuan left, Jiang Fuyue took Shansa into the laboratory.

  In mid-June, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the scorching sun is scorching the desert, and there is no rain for a long time.

  In the past, the base would organize large-scale actual combat exercises every this season, but this year it has been cancelled.


  Kaza: "There are more important things."

  Yes, this "more important thing" is Jiang Fuyue's research!

  In order to provide her with a good scientific research environment and conditions, the high-level officials of the Soviet and Chinese parties can say that they are responsive.

  Jiang Fuyue wants a machine-buy it!

  Jiang Fuyue needs manpower-pie!

  The movement was not small, so that in the entire experimental area, dozens of research scholars turned their attention to the independent laboratory.

  Everyone knows that she went out and brought back a little girl with Schenckwall’s natural antibodies.

  However, if you want to completely overcome the virus, this is far from enough. Only by understanding the special immune mechanism in girls can they copy and replicate in other people.

Let’s put it this way, nowadays, vaccines are available. Inactivated, recombinant, and attenuated live vaccines developed by Jiang Fuyue, although the effectiveness is as high as 80%, the applicable objects are limited to ordinary uninfected vaccines. People are not 100% immune.

  For those who are already infected, there is no specific medicine that can save lives.

   Therefore, in terms of clinical treatment, not only the survival rate is low, but even if you barely save your life, you may have serious sequelae in the future.

  If Jiang Fuyue can understand the body's own immune mechanism against Shenkewo, make special medicines, or find special treatments, then patients who have been infected with Shenkewo can be cured!

   "Why is there no news yet? It's almost half a month..."

  "Do you think it's embroidery? You can come up with the effect in half a month?"

   "I think with Jiang Fuyue's efficiency, half a month is completely fine."

   "It depends on the situation. After all, it's not every research that takes advantage of it."

   "Yes, there are always times when thinking is not smooth. In case she gets stuck at a certain key point, she is single-handedly, and there is no one to give her advice."

   "Listening to what you guys say, my heart suddenly feels lost."

   "Don't be so mournful, you just need to know that she is Jiang Fuyue, and Jiang Fuyue is omnipotent!"

  "Have you seen her fail?" the soul asked.

  Everyone is silent.

  Don’t say it, it’s really not there!

   "Brothers! Give me a leg up! Believe Sister Yue!" Xu Kuan said in one speech.

  Bai Chuanhao coughed lightly: "It's already on the edge."

  Others: "..." Then we should also support it?

  There, the Shan Pinghua team, who has always maintained a "mature and stable" style, can't stand it.

  Xin Hongcheng jumped out first: "I absolutely believe her!"

  Old Huang: "..." Do you dare to lick a little more [keep smiling]

  Shan Pinghua: "..." Although my heart is excited, the surface must be steady!

  At the same time, the senior officials of China and the Soviet Union are also anxiously waiting and watching——

   "How long will it take? This is really anxious!"

   "Be safe and not restless, give her some time."

   "Yes, research is the most avoiding hasty, don't rush."

   "I didn't urge, I just talked about it, and I didn't face her..."

  "Now the news has been delivered to the country, and at least two secret telegrams are made every day, which shows the importance of it."

  "How could it not be taken seriously? Once Jiang Fuyue's research here is successful, then China will be the first country to be able to effectively treat Schenkworth infection. Think about this concept?"

"It is said that the Western medical level is leading, and science and technology are more advanced. Although our country has been developing rapidly in the past half a century, it has always been overwhelmed in science and technology. Not to mention it, let’s talk about international awards like Nobel. Few scientists can win awards with Chinese nationality."

   "This is discrimination and reality. But now it seems that this pattern should be broken."

   Do not break or stand.

   "Hey? Listen to what you mean... Can Jiang Fuyue do it?"

   "Is it okay? I don't count, I need to speak with strength."

   "Oh... I hope."


  Under the expectation of all the people, finally, in a quiet afternoon, Jiang Fuyue came out of the laboratory. Everyone thought she was going to the cafeteria to eat, and smiled and said hello: "Sister Yue!"

The title    has already explained her status and prestige among this group of scholars.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly, which was a response.

  She finds Kaza, understatement——


   "...what?" Kaza looked confused, there was still unswallowed food in his mouth.

   Jiang Fuyue's mouth twitched.

  He later realized: "You mean-the research was successful?! Have you found a way to treat Schenkworth infection?!"

The sound of    was so loud that the whole cafeteria could hear it, and the audience fell silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

   Then, fry the pan in an instant——

   "Successful? Really successful?!"

   "Damn! Have I witnessed history?"

   "Unbelievable, I'm afraid you are not dreaming?"

   "Long live sister Yue! Long live China!"

   "Yue Jie Niu X! The motherland is high!"

The nemesis of Schenkworth virus is a mutant phagocytic cell, which needs to be produced by immune function in the human body.

  The key to triggering this immune mechanism is-"F active enzyme"!

  F is the name given by Jiang Fuyue.


  On July 1, the research results were published to the whole world, and countries were shocked.

  On July 16, F active enzyme successfully treated a Schenkworth severely infected patient.

  So far, the clinical curative effect of F-active enzyme on Schenckworth virus has been confirmed!

  (End of this chapter)

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