After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 815: Once again on the altar, everyone's attention (one more)

  Chapter 815 Re-enter the altar again, attracting much attention (one more)

  Jiang Fuyue, after the A seedlings and A+ seedlings became gods, once again ascended the altar with "F active enzyme".

  For a time, major media around the world rushed to report——

   "It is reported that China Huaxia has developed a special drug for Schenkworth infection... The human test passed, and the severely ill patients have recovered... It is still under observation, and there are no sequelae..."

"From the official sources of China, the F-active enzyme was first discovered by A vaccine researcher Jiang...Jiang, female, 19 years old, studying in the freshman year of Huaxia Qiming University, once published the Science paper "Analysis of Active Human Histones" The three-dimensional structure of pre-mRNA3\'end processing complex "......"

"For the'F active enzyme' extraction method, Huaxia has not officially announced to the world. This reporter interviewed the relevant department heads of Huaxia on whether to open the extraction method globally and open the production and export of special effects drugs. The deadline for publication has not yet been received. To reply."

   "It is reported that Jiang Fuyue does not have a fixed team, and all the research is done by her personally..."

  In addition to overwhelming reports, major media around the world also initiated interview invitations to Jiang Fuyue himself.

  There are many authoritative media from various countries, such as the Sun and Reuters in country Y, the NY Times in country M, and AFP in country F, etc., but in the end, without exception, they all fell to nothing.

  But media people, especially those with attitudes, have always been "stubborn". Since this is not possible, can her family use their brains?

  The first couple to be found were Jiang Da and Han Yunru.

  The beautiful blonde reporter flew directly from O Zhou to Linhuai, and stood in a long line under the scorching sun for three hours before finally entering the store.

  When ordering food, Cao Dou grabbed a mouthful of not-so-natural English and asked the other party what food to order. The beauty directly responded to him in fluent Chinese: "Anything is okay, you can recommend it."

  Cao Dou: "So you can speak Chinese. That's great. This, this, and this are the signature dishes in our store."

  The beauty took the order from Shanruliu, and then asked him: "Can you see your boss? The boss's wife is fine too."

   Cao Dou was puzzled: "You can tell me directly if you have anything."

   "No, no, no, I just want to meet them."

  Cao Dou understood: "You are not here for dinner, you are here for an interview?"

  The beauty was taken aback.

  Cao Dou sighed: "There are so many people who have come in these two days and want to see the elder brother and sister-in-law, but I did not expect that there will be foreigners..."

  Big Brother? sister in law?

  The beautiful woman's eyes lit up: "Are you Jiang Fuyue's relative?"

   "Cough—" Cao Dou choked, "No, I am not."

   "Then have you met Jiang Fuyue?"

  Cao Dou nodded: "I have seen it before, what's the matter?"

When   Jiang Ji's Private Kitchen was opened, Jiang Fuyue did not help with suggestions, but Cao Dou followed her instructions, and more than once lamented that this little girl was too awesome.

  But I didn’t expect her to be even better...and the whole world was shocked and admired.

  In the past two days, it was her repeatedly in the news network, and it was still her when the channel changed.

  Jiangda and Han Yunru were happy and excited from the beginning, tears filled their eyes, and then calm as water and indifferent as the wind. Cao Dou suspected that they were engaged in "Fanxue", but after careful observation, they did not feel arrogant or rash.

   Cao Dou asked: "Big brother, why are you and sister-in-law able to sit still like this?"

  Jiangda glanced at him, "I can't sit still, what should I do afterwards? Do you jump up and down? Leave a little room for development in the future."

  God **** development space.

  Cao Dou almost died of acid.

  Oh, you have a daughter so great?

  As if there is no one? snort!

  Jiang Da: It’s not difficult to have a daughter, but it’s difficult to have a daughter like Jiang Fuyue [Smile Hit]JPG

  Cao Dou:...

  Speaking of the moment, when the beauty reporter heard that Cao Dou had seen Jiang Fuyue, his eyes were all reflecting: "Can you take a few minutes to do a short interview?"

  Cao Dou glanced at the crowded hall, apologizing: "I'm sorry..."

   "Just two questions, please!"

  Who can stand up to Yu Jie acting like a baby?

"okay then."

   "Jiang Fuyue is doing research on the Schenckworth virus. Do you know this in advance?"

  Cao Dou: "I don't know anyway."

  The reporter choked.

   Cao Dou reminded: "There is one question left."

  The reporter thought for a while: "In your eyes, what kind of person is Jiang Fuyue?"


   "What else?"

   "It's gone, genius is everything."

  Reporter: "..." It seems to be lonely?

  From beginning to end, neither Jiang Da nor Han Yunru showed up. Although Cao Dou agreed to be interviewed, he only said a few words.

  The reporter was originally very regretful, and wrote in the feedback to the superior: Jiang Fuyue’s family is low-key, cautious, and full of mystery.

  Jiang Da, who was sweating profusely in the back kitchen and couldn't leave his hands: "?" Is this mysterious?

   Just when the reporter was about to leave with regret, Cao Dou said: "The food is ready, don't you want a bite?"

  Out of courtesy, the reporter took a sip.

  Then the second mouth, the third mouth...I can't stop at all!

  In the end, she added two dishes.

   "...Oh! It's so delicious! Can I pack a portion of these dishes to take away?"

  Cao Dou smiled slightly, with a kind of calmness that everything is under control: "Of course."


  The second one was the Han family.

  First, Han Ke was stopped by a reporter at the company: "Mr. Han, hello, is it convenient for you to receive an interview?"

  Han Ke: "Sorry, the interview for this month is over, please be early next month."

  After speaking, I have to go.

   "Hey-wait," the reporter chased up, "I won't interview you..."

  Han Ke: "Oh, that's just right, I won't be interviewed either."

  "It’s not that we don’t interview you...I mean, our interview content has nothing to do with you, mainly about your niece Jiang Fuyue, can you?"

   "Oh, then you can go to her, I have no interview value."

  The reporter murmured: "Now the global media are looking for her, if I can find her, I won't be here..."

  Han Ke is a little angry, and he still wants to laugh. Dare to feel that his dignified CEO of TNW International Finance has become the second best choice?

   "Mr. Han, it only takes five minutes. No, three minutes will do. Let’s talk about Jiang Fuyue?"

  Han Ke didn't talk nonsense with her, and winked directly at the front desk. The young lady understood her, and soon called the security guard to stop them.

  Han Ke successfully escaped.

  Reporter: "Hey! Why are you doing this? Get out! I haven't interviewed yet..."

   The front desk hummed: "It's almost done. It's already very polite without letting the security throw you out. Don't know how to exaggerate."

  "How can you do this?! I'm a reporter!" She raised the work card on her neck and almost touched the front desk face.

The young lady at the front desk was calm and calm: "Of course I know that you are a reporter, why? If you are a reporter, you can trespass into the TNW financial building without making an appointment? Can you stop us Mr. Han in the elevator without saying anything? Funny!"

   "The reporters who came to inquire about Ms. Jiang in the past two days have gone. Non-official media like you are still blocking people. The first one, who doesn't stop you?"

  Finally, the reporter curled his lips, "What's so great..."

  The front desk shouted: "I am nothing great, I admit; but Ms. Jiang is great!"

  The reporter opened his mouth and found himself irrefutable.

  Jiang Fuyue is indeed amazing!

  Han Shen, like Han Ke, was blocked in the company.

  Faced with the long guns and short cannons that stretched out in front of him, he only said one sentence: "I want an interview, yes, wait for Yueyue to come by herself, none of us are qualified to speak for her."

  Reporter: “You don’t need to speak for her. We just want to ask, as a family member, what you think of her, that’s all.”

  Han Shen: "The meritorious service has its own achievements. Who else does she need to evaluate? Who can evaluate her? Are you? Or you? Or you?"

  The reporters were speechless.

  Then it was Han Heng. He was questioned on the spot by reporters at the film conference. Almost all the questions were related to Jiang Fuyue.

Han Heng is not as stubborn as his eldest and second brothers. He smiled and half-joked: "The first time I felt that I was robbed of the limelight, should you still ask about movie-related things? The main reason is that Zhang Dao cut me off. Look, Dao'er's face is dark..."

   "Besides, this is what other news reporters do. What excitement do you guys join in?"

  Reporter: "Oh, it's not that Ms. Jiang is so popular. No one can interview. I think I can set up some news with you!"

  Han Heng smiled, but didn't say anything, his mouth was tight.

  Even so, the three words "Jiang Fuyue" appeared on the front page of the gossip magazine the next day, and the proper title party——

   "Talking about the genius niece Jiang Fuyue at the movie conference of the Korean movie emperor"

  Finally, the three words "Jiang Fuyue" are enlarged and bolded.

  Han Heng: "..." Does this work?

  As a top player, it is the first time that he has rubbed other people's popularity.

  Cough, it’s not someone else, it’s Yueyue!

  His cute niece~


  Think about her 182th day~

  (End of this chapter)

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