After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 817: Reunited in Beijing, the photo won the prize (two more in one)

   Chapter 817 Reunited in Beijing, the photo won the prize (two more in one)

  China time, August 16, six o'clock in the evening.

  The special plane arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport, and the group was arranged to take a special passage.

  Zhong Ziang and Yi Ci returned to the military area with the large troops.

Xie Dingyuan was picked up by a black red flag car.

   Before leaving, he squeezed Jiang Fuyue's hand: "Go to report work first, and I will find you when I'm done."

  Jiang Fuyue obediently nodded: "Okay."

  Xie Dingyuan’s love was miserable with her obedient appearance, and she couldn’t help but kiss her, "Good."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." The old face blushed.

After Xie Dingyuan left, Jiang Fuyue was also picked up by another car.

  She didn’t need to report to her work, and asked the driver to drive in the direction of Han’s house.

  The return to China was a confidential operation, so no one picked up the plane.

  If the old man and the three uncles knew, I’m afraid they would have been waiting at the exit.


   barking barking—

   "Atin, what's the matter with Xiaomang? Why is it always noisy? Is in heat?"

   "Uncle," Han Ting's mouth twitched, "I was sterilized last year."

  Han Heng's eyes widened as soon as he heard it: "Smelly boy, the teacher has not taught you to speak completely? Your uncle is not sterilized, he is very normal!"

  It happened that Han Qishan came down from the second floor. Hearing the words, he dismissed coldly: "What's the difference between not having a serious relationship and never being sterilized?"

  Han Heng: "?" The whole family bullied me!


  Xiao Mang is still barking.

  He was not angry: "Silly dog! Tell me to beat you again?"

  Han Ting immediately guarded the dog behind him, for fear that Han Heng would come.

  The old man hummed softly: "You are as knowledgeable as a dog, so you can do just that."

  Han Heng: "..."


  Han Ting frowned: "Xiao Mang is a bit weird today. He has been yelling since noon."

  Han Ke walked over and touched the dog’s head smoothly: "Are you hungry?"

  Han Ting: "I just fed it and gave me snacks."

   "That's weird, I usually see it so restless...Did you see other little **** while walking?"

  Han Ting: "..." Uncle, can you think of something serious?

  Han Qishan directly dropped a sentence: "For long and not respect!"

  Han Heng was about to rebut, suddenly Xiao Mang who was lying on his feet suddenly jumped up, and Saya Zi ran out of the door.

  Han Ting said "Hey", and immediately drew his legs to chase.

  Han Ke shook his head, looking helpless.

  After half a minute, Han Ting suddenly heard "Ah" from outside, and then he ran in excitedly—

  "Sister, sister—"

  Four Han family father and son: "?"

  Han Ting took a sigh of relief: "Sister is back!"

   "Where are you sister? Boss, you made an illegitimate daughter silently?"

  Han Shenjun's face turned black: "If I can, I really want to make you dumb."

  Han Heng: "Think twice if you want to be sentenced."

  Han Ting looked at a group of elders who couldn't respond, and was almost anxious: "Sister Yue! Sister Yue is back!"

  The scene lags for a moment, and then—

   "Yueyue is back?!" The old man ran out first, not even the walking stick.

  The three brothers Han Shen, Han Ke and Han Heng followed closely.

   At the entrance of the villa, Jiang Fuyue led Xiao Mang and smiled at several people: "Grandpa, uncle, second uncle, uncle, I'm back."

  Han Qishan's eyes were red, and he greeted him: "Why have you lost so much?"

  The words are full of distress.

  Although he used to put this sentence on his lips in the past, it was a bit exaggerated, but this time he couldn't be faked at all.

  Jiang Fuyue is visible to the naked eye. She was originally slender, but now it seems that the wind can blow away.

  The chin is pointed and the collarbone is more obvious.

  It was still winter when she left, and now it's midsummer.

  For more than half a year, I must have suffered a lot.

  The old man had never felt so distressed before, and tears appeared at the end of his eyes several times, and the setting sun shone brightly.

   But after all, I still held it back. If the old man wants face, how can he cry in front of the junior? That's too boring.

  He just scolded the third child, he must not commit the crime.

  But it really hurts...

  Han Shen stepped forward and looked at Jiang Fuyue: "Just come back."

  Han Ke nodded, and then sighed: "I am really thin."

  Han Heng rushed over and hugged a bear: "Hey! Xiaoyueyue, you are finally back~ I miss you so much..."

  Jiang Fuyue thinks he should have missed a few words—"the stuffed toy in the room".


  Supper is naturally how rich it is.

  The old man immediately ordered the kitchen to add dishes, such as sweet and sour pork ribs, boiled fish fillets... Seven or eight dishes were reported in a row without heavy flavors, all Jiang Fuyue likes to eat.

  Do it well, and the whole family gathers around.

  Han Qishan couldn’t take care of eating it by himself, so he squeezed it into Jiang Fuyue’s bowl with enough effort: “Eat more, let’s raise the meat back.”

  Han Ke nodded: "Girls are more or less meaty."

  Han Heng: "Yueyue, you are especially suitable for photogenic right now. Would you like to come and play in my new drama?"

  Han Shen gave him a white look: "Eat yours, don't make trouble."

  Han Ting sits next to Jiang Fuyue, and is responsible for helping her serve food: "Sister, give me the bowl."

  After a meal, Jiang Fuyue received full concern and care from the five men from the Han family from the old to the young.


   "I can't eat it anymore."

  The men of the Han family just finished feeding.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  After the meal, Jiang Fuyue was surrounded on the sofa, with Han Heng and Han Ke on the left, Han Ting and Han Shen on the right, and the old man Han Qishan on the opposite side, with a small man lying on his feet.

  She: "..." This battle is very solemn.

  Start with the old man, then Han Shen, Han Ke... and finally to Han Ting, the Han men started to ask fancy questions, such as—

   "Is it hard to get a virus?"

  "Do you have to wear protective clothing every day?"

   "Do you often contact patients? What if you get infected?"

  No secrets are involved, and Jiang Fuyue who was able to answer all answered them one by one.

  Especially Han Ting, the little excited eyes never rested from beginning to end, so he almost wrote the words "I admire" on his face.

  Finally, the old man spoke—

   "Hurry back all the way back, Yueyue must be sleepy. If you have any questions, I will talk about it tomorrow. Let her go upstairs and rest first!"

  In this way, Jiang Fuyue returned to the room.

  The pink walls are matched with soft lighting, reflecting the whole room warmly.

  She hasn't returned for half a year, but there is no dust in the room or on the tabletop, and it is clean.

  Jiang Fuyue took a bath, washed away all the dust and exhaustion, picked up the phone that he hadn’t touched for a long time, and dialed Han Yunru—


  As soon as she spoke, at the first word, the woman's tears could not be controlled and rolled off.

   "Yue Yue, you, are you back?"

   "Well, I'm back."

   "Jiang Da—Jiang Da—" Han Yunru shouted from the other end, "Yueyue is back! You are coming soon!"

  After a ping-pong-pong sound, Jiang Da’s voice appeared: "Yueyue? Is it Yueyue?"


  Jiangda, a big man, when he heard this sound, his eyes suddenly became red.

   "Peace is good, peace is good..." At that time, he was still wearing an apron and holding a spatula in his hand, repeating and nodding his head.

  "Is it my sister?!" Young brother Jiang also came to the store to help during the summer vacation. He was originally at the cashier and couldn't wait to run over when he heard the sound from the baking house behind him.

   Then grabbed the phone: "Sister!"

  "Have I been obedient during my absence? Has the cultural class result fallen?"

  Jiang Chenxing: "I'm obedient! First in grade in the final exam!"

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and praised him.

  It is not difficult to imagine that the boy on the other end of the phone must have blushed again.

  After half an hour, the call was hung up.

   But Han Yunru said: "Yueyue, parents will go to the Imperial City to see you tomorrow."

  Jiang Chen Xing: "There is still me!"

  This night, Jiang Fuyue lay down before ten o'clock. She thought she would not be used to it, but she soon fell asleep.

  A good night's sleep, and a good night's sleep.

  At six in the morning, Jiang Fuyue woke up.

  Open your eyes, and you see a clean and bright ceiling, and the chandelier is gently shaking in the morning breeze.

  He is covered with a soft thin blanket, and under the body is a mattress of moderate hardness.

   is no longer the simple surrounding environment, and the almost harsh living conditions in the hot summer—

  She has returned home!

  Jiang Fuyue got up to wash, then changed clothes and went for a morning jog.

After the    was over, just in time to have breakfast with the old man.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Da and Han Yunru took the younger brother Jiang to the Imperial Capital by flight, and Han Shen personally drove to the airport to pick up people.

  After half a year, the family of four finally reunited.

   Jiang Fuyue didn't have time to accompany her parents and younger brother on New Year's Eve, and finally had a chance to make up.

  She took them to see the national flag raising, climb the Great Wall, visit the Forbidden City, and eat the most authentic Beijing cuisine.

   also took a group photo under the city wall.

  The person who helped take the photo was a college student, Jiang Fuyue: "Thank you."

  The girl returned the phone to her: "You're welcome," she stared suddenly, "Wow! Miss sister, you look so beautiful, like a moon god."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..."

   "Oh, but the Moon God is in F State now. He is doing great things. There is no way to have a chance encounter. You and her really seem to be big beauties!"


  The girl looked a little confused when she saw her, "Don't you know the moon god? That's the genius girl who is super awesome, she is balabala..."

  Jiang Fuyue was made popular by his own deeds.

  After listening, she suddenly had doubts—Is she so good?

  The other party: "The Moon God is really amazing!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." Okay~

  Jiang Da and Han Yunru stayed in the imperial capital for three days. They called from the Linhuai store to remind them, otherwise the two would still be reluctant to leave.

  Brother Jiang asked to stay.

There was a talent show, which was recorded here in the Imperial City. He received an invitation from the director before. He originally didn't plan to come. Right now, when he comes to meet the world, he can spend more time with his sister when he stays in the Imperial City. .

  The second point is the main reason.

  I don’t know that ideals are full, but reality is skinny—

  Later, he learned that this program requires a closed training camp, not to mention getting along with Jiang Fuyue, it is difficult to meet each other.

  I knew I would play a ball...

  I made a mistake!


  On the fifth day of returning to China, Jiang Fuyue was called away from above.

  I stayed at the State Guest House for nearly a week, all kinds of presentations, seminars, big and small exchange meetings, and the people I met were all big guys.

  The most "thrilling" is undoubtedly the so-called face-to-face communication with the "China Expert Group".

  Jiang Fuyue was arranged to sit at the head, the main seat.

  With her current achievements, it is not an exaggeration to sit in this position, not to mention that today was originally a summary of Schenckworth’s report.

  But she was really too young. In front of a crowd of gray-haired heroes, Jiang Fuyue, a young girl less than 20 years old, overwhelmed them regardless of her position or the seat.

  Most people are afraid that they will be counseled before they speak.

  Slightly like sitting on pins and needles, while in severe cases, they lose their attitude on the spot.

  Unfortunately, Jiang Fuyue is not an ordinary person, sitting on her head calmly, without timidity or arrogance on her face, except for a calm.

  The older generation exchanged eyes with each other. Although they were not dissatisfied with jealousy, they were also aroused to test and teach.

  Then took turns to play, asking several questions, one by one more tricky.

   Jiang Fuyue did not rush or slow, and answered one by one.

  She didn't have any lecture notes or materials at hand at the time, but the detailed data came with her mouth open.

  She can even mental arithmetic on the spot and report the answer within two seconds.

  The older generation was stunned and never dared to look down upon this young girl.

  For seven days, Jiang Fuyue was either a meeting or a forum.

  Fortunately, starting from the second day, Xie Dingyuan also came.

  In attendance as Dr. X.

  The two met secretly in private. As for what they did when they met... ahem!

   Anyway, Jiang Fuyue's lips were swollen the next day.

   "Mr. Jiang, what's wrong with your mouth? It feels like an allergy."

  She said: "It's okay, mosquito bites."

  Mosquito Dr. Ben Mosquito X: "Ah..."

   "What? Doctor has a cold too?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "...a little bit."

  "Do you need to send two people to the infirmary?"

  The two said in unison: "No need!"


  The day after the report ended, Jiang Fuyue returned to Mingda.

  En...make-up exam.

  Although it is written on the file to go abroad for exchange, in order to graduate successfully, the final exam of each semester must have results.

  Before Jiang Fuyue returned to China, the Ministry of Health submitted an application for postponement to the school for her.

  Xiao Shan signed and agreed.

  It is reasonable to say that there should not be many people in the school during the summer vacation, but I don’t know who has leaked the news. As soon as Jiang Fuyue stepped into the school gate, a group of students all looked at her.

  Like waiting for a long time.

  She just said: "?" Is there a sports meeting?

  It’s also in the playground to open, why did you block the gate?

  "One, two, three!" There are a number of people in the crowd.

  After counting, a roll of banners is unfolded, with white characters on a red background, bright and eye-catching—

  Welcome sister Yue back to school!

   "Sister Yue! You are finally back!"

   "Sister Yue! Woo woo woo-you are too good, the news network is all you, I told my dad that it was my classmate, he still doesn't believe it!"

  "The reporter came to the school for an interview before and asked me which major you were studying. I told him: Decathlon!"

   "Sister Yue, when you are away, we all study hard and make progress every day."

  "The community continues to grow and expand!"

   "The Campus Supervision Committee is also seriously performing its duties."

   "Anyway, I definitely didn't shame you!"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at a pair of eyes full of excitement and admiration. From the second generation to a good student, everyone is working hard—

   "You did a great job, I am proud of you."

   "No! Sister Yue, you are the pride of our Ming University—"

   "Yes! You are proud!"

   "Yue sister yyds (eternal god)! Mingda yyds!"

  "Can I ask for an autograph? Take it back and give it to you. I will definitely get a high score at the end of the next semester."

"I also want!"

"I also want!"


   "Hey, I want to take a photo..."

   "Yeah! Why didn't I expect it? The listener has a share, I don't care, I want it too!"

  In this way, before Jiang Fuyue entered the examination room, there was a wave of autographs and a photo of the mascot.

  When everyone was gone, she walked into the teaching building.

  Here is an examination room specially set up for her alone.

  Four invigilators, monitoring video throughout the process.

  This salary, from the establishment of the school to the present, is only this one.

  Although it was an exchange, the educational administration system still selected Jiang Fuyue for the course.

  Compulsory and optional courses, a total of 12 subjects, mathematical modeling, physical foundation, linear algebra, machinery and engineering, biological genes...

  Jiang Fuyue spends about a quarter of an hour on each subject. Basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, and biochemistry basically write answers at a glance, so the speed is very fast.

  Mao Ge and Si Xiu are a bit slower to answer in words.

  After the twelve subject examinations, it took a total of two hours and 28 minutes.

  The invigilator was dumbfounded throughout the process, and after a while he heard-"Hand in paper."

  After a while, I heard: "Next course."

  After a while, it will continue to sound: "Change the test paper."

  Invigilation teacher: "..." is, very outrageous!

  Jiang Fuyue came out in the evening after the exam, the sunset was dusk, and the sky was full of sunshine.

  The free burning clouds render the sky mottled with orange.

  The day she was born again two years ago, it was also such a peaceful and beautiful evening.

  Han Shen stepped on the point and drove to the school gate to pick her up.

  "Are you tired?" Test so many subjects in one day.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Fortunately, the question is simple."

  The next step is to wait for the results.

  But what came out earlier than the results was the news of the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism this year—

  A photo of a man and a woman embracing each other in the bombing and guarding a little girl in the middle wins the grand prize!

  (End of this chapter)

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