After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 818: Public opinion threw the waves, killing me (one more)

  Chapter 818 Public opinion shocked the waves, killing me (one more)

  The Pulitzer Prize for Journalism, as the highest international award in the field of journalism, is known as the "Nobel of Journalism."

  It has 14 news awards and 7 creative awards.

  And this photo named "Protect" won the most important "Photojournalism Award" among them.

  In the photo, the woman knelt on the ground, protected the child with her hands instinctively, closed her eyes tightly, tears across her gray cheeks, leaving two black tears.

  The protective suit was torn, the protective mask was missing, and the arms were still winding blood stains.

  A man opened his hands, embraced her and the young girl in his arms, and built a wall of life for them with a broad embrace.

  His pitch-black eyes fixedly looked forward, calm and sharp, with the fortitude and determination to die calmly.

  And surrounded by mushroom clouds and yellow sand flying in the sky, smoke billowed, thick fog obscured the sun.

  There is a line of small characters in the lower right corner of the photo—"taken at 2052.5.2, Kenny Bay Resettlement Camp."

The author’s introduction is attached to the text commentary: Mai Lehui, an expatriate reporter from Huaxin News Agency, was born in Province J in 20xx and graduated from Huaxia Communication University. He has been stationed in the northern part of F State for many years. Village Attacked by Beasts"...

  Following is the comment given by the Pulitzer Prize Selection Committee on the winning works——

  Protect, protection, defense.

  The Aid Forces Without Borders has protected tens of thousands of Schenkworth-infected patients on F Continent. In this barren land, what the world sees is not only the raging virus, but also the blossoming of kindness.

  The news of the award was announced by the president of Columbia University, and the winning works were announced on Pulitzer’s official website.

  The news was sent back to China, and the press was shaken.

  You should know that although this award is not limited by nationality, very few Chinese have won it.

  Even Mai Lehui himself was caught off guard.

  Major media even called the Huaxin News Agency where he worked.

   Huaxin was frightened by the sudden enthusiasm of a group of colleagues. After learning about the cause and effect, I regretted that-reporter Mai was still in F State and it was inconvenient to accept the interview.

  Although the master did not show up, this is a first-class event in the Chinese press and the press, and it is natural that there is no shortage of appearances.

  There must be a report, right? arrange!

  Hot search is on? Whole up!

  Although the peers are celebrating and the news is on, after all, Pulitzer is only an industry award. For some laymen, they may not have heard of it before, at most they know a "Nobel".

I originally thought that there was a carnival in the industry, even if this matter was over, but I did not expect that after the hot search term [China News reporter won the Pulitzer Prize] hanging on the list for two hours, it suddenly rushed inexplicably. The third most searched.

  And the first two entries are——

  【Jiang Fuyue Pulitzer】

  [Are they hugging each other?]

   is marked with the word "explosive" at the back.

   "Wh, what's the situation?"

   "Are we journalists such a face?"

   "This hot search makes me a little dizzy."

   "April Fool's Day is here?"

   "I'm surprised, what does Pulitzer have to do with Jiang Fuyue? Why is she on the hot search?"

   "I remember Pulitzer doesn't issue science prizes?"


  A group of people enter with doubts, wonders, puzzles...all kinds of complex emotions.

  Then, stunned on the spot——

   "The woman in the photo is Jiang Fuyue?!"

   "I'm going-it was a helicopter bombing! She was too dare!"

   "I thought she went to F State just to stay in the laboratory and do research. I didn't expect it to be so thrilling."

   "It is said that she is protecting a little girl with her own antibodies in her arms. It is also because of her that Jiang Fuyue can discover the F-active enzyme."

  "However! These are not the main points! The main point is! The man holding Jiang Fuyue and the little girl and using his body as a cover turned out to be Professor Xie—Xie Dingyuan!"

  Not only the news people are surprised, but the Internet is full of turbulence.

  Someone who loves Jiang Fuyue——

   "The Moon God is suffering, there is a lot of blood in his hands, woooo!"

   "Bao, my heart hurts."

"Those who said,'Isn't it just that I found the F-active enzyme? She was lucky, she just came across her own antibody." Are you hurt? Your face hurts? If you have the ability, you risk your life to feel the helicopter mania. Bombing! Grass!"

  There are also crazy calls for Jiang Fuyue——

   "Seeing this photo, I finally understand why it is Jiang Fuyue who stands at today's height, enjoying flowers and applause! Because-she is worth it!"

  "She protects lives with her life and saves more lives."

  "As a Huaxia, I feel extremely proud and proud."

  "The backbone of the country, neither bend nor bend!"

   "The first time I saw Moon God crying, how desperate was she at that time?"

  "The heart is tied, the love is paid, and the original intention is not forgotten. Love knows no borders-this is the Moon God!"

  "The person I admire is not a stream, but the sea; not a plain, but a mountain."

  In addition, there is a “secret” force in the comment area——

   "Cough! Although I know it's a bit out of date to say this, no one really thinks that Sister Yue and Professor Xie are very...matched? (Super quietly

  "Forgive me, I started to think about it under such a positive Weibo. But the picture of Professor Xie holding Yue Jie in his arms is really too Su! Ahhhhh! I can't help it!"

   "So, are there any CPs?"

  "Quiet Mimi raises her hand (mainly afraid of spraying

   "Since you know you are going to be sprayed, what are those upstairs doing?"

  "Daily TV dramas, variety shows, interviews, and the devil's scissor of Xiaopozhan can't satisfy the horror of your group of love-brain single-celled creatures? Have to mess with these messy things on such a solemn and solemn occasion!"

   "It's disgusting, **** open the door to disgusting—disgusting is home!"

   "It's just a bunch of bugs!"

   "Sister Yue spares her life, Professor Xie is awe-inspiring, but you look at a hug so dirty."


   Overwhelming accusations and verbal abuse came surging, and those netizens who licked CP were sprayed into a sieve in a blink of an eye, and they dared not open their mouths.

  Soon, the comment area returned to calm, full of praise and praise.

   "Sister Yue guards the little girl, and the professor guards her. This is the strength of the Chinese children!"

  "Professor is handsome, Yue Sister Sa!"

   "The current and future top of the Chinese academic community are on this photo."


  At the same time, in a group chat named "Yuanyue Saccharin Processing Factory"——

   Yuanyue’s little button: [Oh! Too bully! 】

   Yuanyue’s Xiao Nene: [I’m going to be **** to death! It’s so hard to eat sugar, and I have to be ginseng cock]

   Yuanyue’s little love: [? ? ? 】

   Yuanyue’s little belly: [What happened? 】

  Yuanyue’s small button directly dumped two screenshots, which was the comment on Weibo that they were chased by a group of keyboards for diss.

   Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [Didn’t we say that we only eat sugar internally? Why did you Amway go to Weibo? 】

   Yuanyue’s Xiao Nei Nei: [Bo Bo, did you not go to Weibo today? 】

  Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [Uh...I didn’t use [wiping sweat] when I was queuing to enter the test subject three. So, is there something big? 】

   Yuanyue’s little button: [This is a big deal, look at it]

  No need to say anything, just post the picture that won the Pulitzer Prize and it will be clear at a glance.

   Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: [Fuck! This is my Yueyue and Yuanyuan? ! 】

  I recognized the two at a glance, and there is no doubt about true love.

【Yes. 】

   Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: [Mom! The sugar is coming! The storm is inhaled! Oh my! He actually hugged it! Hug! In addition to firmness and gentleness in Yuan Yuan's eyes, it must be for Yueyue! Ouch! KSWL (killing me)! 】

  Yuanyue’s little belly: [Bobo, you are also the queen mother. This photo is the hot search point. I was so sweet that my soul was out of my body and my brain was dizzy! 】

   Yuanyue’s little love: [Me too! Me too! In the past, I could only eat sugar from the cracks, but I didn't expect it to be soaked in a honeypot one day? what! Happiness comes so suddenly~]

  Yuanyue’s Xiao Nei Nei: [This photo can make me fill up a two million words long romance, it’s great! 】

   Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [I’m shocked! So you all saw it? Why didn't you come to the group to tell me? Caused me to miss a lot of sugar [angry]]

  Yuanyue’s little love: [Oh, this is not patronizing candy, forgot to say in the group, the first three hot searches are hanging, I thought everyone had seen it]

   Yuanyue’s Kouchai: [But these cursing keyboards are too bad for martial arts! knock! I actually said that I was disgusting with Little Button! 】

  【Woohoooo...If Yueyue and Yuanyuan are really CPs, it would be fine. If you look at those sprays, dare you not scold them! pity……】

is fake.

  Obviously two people have a good face, handsome men and beautiful women, strong men and strong women, why don't they be together?


  (End of this chapter)

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