After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 819: Each responds and refuses to believe (two more)

  Chapter 819 Each responds, refuses to believe (two more)

  Cen Qiaoqiao was about to take a nap. She changed her pajamas and put her mobile phone on the bedside table. She lay down and closed her eyes, and began to brew sleepiness.

  Suddenly, a ding-ding-dong-dong message reminder sounded.

  She had to sit up again and fished her phone.

  Group Message 99+

  She thought something big had happened, so she hurriedly clicked in, and then—

   "Hi! This picture! My mother!"

  As the only cp fan in the group who knows the truth about the relationship between sister Yue and her uncle, Cen Qiaoqiao has always been eating sweets from everyone’s brains, and then bringing it into a real person, and imagine it to your heart's content——

  That feeling, it’s not great!

  I thought that this kind of exclusive happiness would last for a long time, but I didn’t expect the two to be exposed so quickly?

  Have you taken an official announcement photo with the theme of war ingeniously?

  Don’t say, this scene of war-torn and smoke-filled scenes is quite real...

  Forgive this is another little confusion who didn’t use Weibo. Not only that, Cen Qiaoqiao stared at the photo before even reading the group news, and then asked his soul——

   Yuanyue’s Xiaoqiaoqiao: [Ahhhhhh! Has it finally been officially announced? ! 】

  The group fell silent for a moment.

  Cen Qiaoqiao continued typing: [Sister Yue and my brother-in-law (deleted) Professor Xie is the match! 】

  【Sahua! bless! Give birth to your son early! Ouch! 】

  Yuanyue’s little button: [@Yuanyue的小桥桥Dear, are you not awake? 】

   Yuanyue’s little love: [Or to say...what’s this new way of using CP? Self-deception? Still conjecture come true? 】

  Yuanyue’s little belly: [Fake is true when it is true, and when it is true, it is also true—high! Suddenly get it! 】

   Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [Then I will try too! En... Yueyue and Yuanyuan's geese are so cute! Meaty, inherited all the advantages of his parents. 】

   Yuanyue’s little button: [Uh! Bo Bo, you are too cruel [wiping sweat]]

   Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [No, right? Xiaoqiaoqiao pretended that they officially announced their love affair. Then I pretended that they gave birth to a son. Isn't that what happened? I got it wrong? 】

  Cen Qiaoqiao looked at the full screen of news and screamed, suddenly a little confused.

   Isn’t it an official romance?

  Afterwards, she realized that she might have made a mistake, so she hurriedly went back and read all the news honestly.


  The original photo is real!

  The two did not have an official announcement, but were photographed by a reporter in F Chau.

  Cen Qiaoqiao immediately logged into Weibo, good guy, the first three hot searches are all related to this photo.

  Just click in, either screaming with excitement, or crying.

  In contrast, those netizens who secretly wanted to engage in CP, quietly, indented their shells like snails, for fear of being discovered.

  Cen Qiaoqiao sighed: "Oh, I just want some candy, it's too difficult!"

  CP fans are too difficult!


  At the same time, Xie's family.

  All the seven sisters arrived, the old man and the old lady sat down.

  Fuwan's sleeves have reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, and she holds a tablet in her hand. There is a magnified photo on it, which is too clear.

   "So, Xiao Jiu hugged the girl, look at this arm, it's really tight! Old man, look at it too..."

  Xie Zhendong didn’t pick up the tablet she handed over, so he squinted his old eyes and said, “Well, it’s our youngest.”

  Xie Yunlan was anxious: "It's not the point to hug it. The point is that Xiao Jiu was actually placed in such a dangerous situation. He is engaged in scientific research, not on the front line!"

  As soon as the words came out, the room was silent.

  Who doesn’t know how dangerous it looks in the photo? This is still filmed, and those who have not been filmed are probably even more...

  But everyone didn’t mention it. It’s not that they turned a blind eye, but the wound was already there, so why sprinkle salt on it?

   "San Jie..." Xie Yunxuan shook her head at her.

  Xie Yunlan apparently realized that his mouth was not covering the lungs of the whole family, and his eyes flashed with annoyance: "I mean... he has gained a lot from this trip, and he doesn't reject contact with girls anymore."

  Xie Yunxiang didn’t agree very much: “The situation was so urgent at the time. It’s not uncommon to hold everything in a hurry. We Xiao Jiu has always been a person who thinks about the overall situation.”

   "Second sister, don't pour cold water on Mom, I can't bear to look forward to it."

   "Yes," the old lady nodded her head, almost falling off her glasses: "The fourth child is right, can't you let me have some hope, fantasies?"

  The old lady is already thinking about what name should be given to the little grandson now, thanks...what's the thanks?

  She looked at the photo, and gently brushed her finger over it: “Although this girl has a gray face, her features are very good. My Xiao Jiu really has a foresight! The children born in the future will definitely be beautiful too!” The old lady smiled happily.

  Xie Yunshu: "This girl is called Jiang Fuyue, right? The granddaughter who had just been found by the old Han family hurts like an eyeball."

  The old lady's eyes lit up: "Han Qishan? I know him! I will come to him tomorrow to talk about the marriage of the two children!"

  "..." Let's stop, for fear that you will be kicked out.

   "Mom," Xie Yunxiang showed helplessness, "you won't take it seriously, do you? Let's just make a joke at home, is it possible that you really want to take action and come to propose marriage?"

  The old lady blinked: "Why? Can't it?"

  Xie Yunxiang: "Of course not. Didn’t Xiao Jiu say that he has already dated a girlfriend? Don’t make trouble, in case something provokes rumors, wouldn’t this make Xiao Jiu embarrassed?”

The old lady curled her lips, disapproving: "He said he has a girlfriend, but it's been more than half a year. Do you think Xiao Jiu is in a relationship? It's not work or research every day, and she goes to F Continent. For a long time, I went out again early this morning, saying it was a reporting job. In short, the brat must have broken up a girlfriend, perfunct us, and you believe it."

   "I agree with my mother on this point. It's Xiao Jiu's character. Do you think he is the kind of person who stabs at girlfriends?"

  The eldest sister Xie Yunzao listened quietly, never speaking, but said in her heart: Why not?

  People hide it deeply.

  The confidentiality work is done properly.

  Isn’t this photo in front of your eyes without suspicion?


  Han’s house.

  The old man, after eating breakfast today, his eyelids jumped constantly, always feeling that something would happen.

as predicted--

  I got the winning photo in the morning.

  He knew that F State was dangerous, but he did not expect that Yueyue would have been bombed by a helicopter.

   Suddenly, the distress was overwhelming.

   "I knew that we shouldn't let her go. Our children don't need to give up their lives to earn any fame, just sit and eat in peace."

  Han Ke's mouth twitched, and he didn't know who was watching the news broadcast and laughed from ear to ear. He was still watching the replay on the tablet in the study most of the night.

  Han Heng lightly hummed: "Dad, you didn't tell me that way back then."

His father said: I don’t have any money at home, I want to spend money to earn myself... If you don’t make a name, it’s not my Han Qishan’s son... If you are doing nothing, eating and waiting for death, you might as well find a monk and become a monk. ...

  How ruthless it is to say, but it is more ruthless to act——

  He decisively stopped his credit card that day, even if he didn't give him a penny, he didn't let his eldest brother and second brother give him money.

  In this way, Han Heng embarked on the road of conscientious filming, after all, the star made a lot of money.

  Is he easy?

  The result will be on Yueyue's body-peace and peace, just sit and eat the sky?

  Han Heng: "?" You picked it up in the trash can, right?

  Suddenly, my favorite sandwiches are no longer fragrant.

  All morning, the old man sat on the sofa, holding his mobile phone, and swiping.

  He sighed while watching.

  The expression is sometimes relieved, sometimes proud, and sometimes distressed to the point where the eyes are red.

  Han Heng winked at Han Ke: Brother, do you think our dad looks like a singer?

  Han Ke: Shut up, what's the truth? Stinky kid!

   didn't know what Han Qishan had brushed, suddenly his face went dark.


  Pat the tablet directly on the coffee table.

   "Dad? What's the situation?"

Han Qishan's eyebrows and eyebrows were upright: "I'm so angry! These boring netizens are actually talking about Yueyue and Xie Dingyuan holding each other. Is this the point?! The point is that Yueyue discovered F-active enzyme and saved countless lives! These people are simply doing it. Unclear occasion, extremely absurd!"

  What other CP?

  Although he was finally suppressed by the netizens who spoke out, the old man still couldn't accept it.

  Han Heng raised his eyebrows, walked over and picked up the tablet: "Let me see..."

  Wait after reading it, my complexion instantly changed.

  Yueyue and Xie Dingyuan actually have CP fans? What the **** is this?

  Han Qishan: "There are still a few people who have eaten enough to say that Yueyue and Xie Dingyuan are in a relationship? Don't be funny, the guy from the Xie family can be an uncle for us!"

  Han Shen, who has not spoken, also nodded and said: "Yes! It's simply outrageous."

    Ask for a monthly pass, okay~



  (End of this chapter)

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