After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 821: Official announcement of romance, whole network carnival (two more in one)

  Chapter 821 Official Announcement of Love, Full Network Carnival (two more in one)

  Go into the house.

  Han Qishan stroked his chest, his anger hard to calm down.

   "Dad, drink some water." Upon seeing this, Han Shen hurried forward, for fear that the old man would be angry.

  "Smelly boy! This stinky boy!" He was still cursing Xie Dingyuan, "How old is he, how old is our daughter? How dare he?!"

  Counting that Han Qishan and Xie Zhendong are of the same generation, then Jiang Fuyue should call Xie Dingyuan "Uncle"!

  What is the result?

   "That's how he became an uncle?!" Han Qishan turned into a gunpowder keg and could explode in minutes.

  Han Shen pressed his throat and reminded in a low voice, “Okay, let’s just say a few words, Yueyue is still there.”

  The old man was taken aback, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Jiang Fuyue, who was standing obediently beside him, and instantly eased his complexion, and his voice was soft and kind, with a bit of heartfelt comfort——

  "Nun, don’t worry about this, let us take care of it, go up and rest first, take a good night’s sleep, and everything will be resolved when you wake up tomorrow."

  The three uncles also showed concern, and she did not blame her for concealing the relationship with Xie Dingyuan.

  Jiang Fuyue originally wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and went upstairs obediently.

  Walking to the middle of the stairs, she stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked at several people——

   "You guys also have a rest early."





  The Four King Kong nodded quickly, their expressions were very useful.

  Even Xiao Mang yelled twice in response: "Wang Wang——"

  Jiang Fuyue is gone.

  However, the conversation between the men of the Han family officially began——


  Han Qishan slapped the table, and put the cup on the coffee table, Qizheng: "I'm so angry! If it wasn't for the boss to stop me, I would have rushed to give him a good meal! How could I let him go so easily?"

  Han Shen clenched his fist and coughed slightly: "Dad, calm down! Can hitting people solve the problem?"

  Han Qishan: "No! But I am happy, I am comfortable, how?"

  Han Shen: "..." It seems that there is so little reason.

  Han Ke moved his wrist: "Don't tell me, I want to beat him."

  They all saw it just now, Xie Dingyuan kissed her hard every month, with his hands still on her waist.

  Do not have a strong sense of impact on the screen.

  That fierce look, can't wait to eat people even with the bones of the belt.

  It's scary to death!

   "I don't beat him, I just want to twist his hands." Han Heng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, his eyes fierce.

  They all subconsciously ignored the arms Jiang Fuyue wrapped around Xie Dingyuan’s neck.

  What can be wrong with my own children?

  Wrong is that the dog outside is too thief!

  Han Ke: "Fortunately, Xiaomang is more powerful, and he tore it in one bite. The third child, go and get him a beef rib as a snack."

   Talking, petting the dog's head.

   "Woo Chi——" Xiao Mang wagged his tail with joy when he heard the beef ribs.

  Han Heng got up to get it, then throw it away.

  Xiao Mang jumped high, his mouth caught.

  "Good dog! See him once in the future, bite him once, enough snack tubes!"

   "Wow--" You said it! It's a deal!

  Han Heng: "My dignified actor still tricked you into a dog?"

  Han Ke: "Okay, don't tease Xiaomang, let him eat deliciously, come and sit down. The most urgent thing is to think about what to do about this, do you want to tell Xiaoru and Jiang Da?"

  Han Heng: "Jiang Da will definitely not agree. The age difference between the two is too great."

  Han Ke: “I don’t think Xiaoru necessarily agrees. Although she is open-minded, she has been thinking about it since she was a child. An identity like Xie Dingyuan is bound to bring external pressure to Yueyue. This alone is very detrimental.”

  Han Shen shook his head: “I don’t think it matters what Xiaoru and Jiang Da think about this matter. The key is what Yueyue thinks.”

  Han Qishan has an opinion: "Yueyue is less than twenty, a blank paper in terms of emotions, what do you make her think? What can she think?"

  "Dad——" Han Shen said helplessly: "Don't look down on Yueyue, she has always had an opinion."

"That's work and research. It doesn't mean that you can be comfortable with emotional convenience." Han Qishan coldly snorted, "After all, I still blame the stinky guy from the Xie family! Who is not good to provoke? I was so angry to provoke Yueyue our family. personal!"

   "No, I have to call Xie Zhendong and Fu Wanxiong and ask how they taught their son? It's obviously an old cow, and I still think about my tender grass..."

  I'm going to get my mobile phone.

  The result was stopped by Han Shen first: "Dad! This will only make things more irreversible!"

  "Isn't this trying to save?"

  Han Shen's mouth twitched: "You and Mr. Xie are also old acquaintances. I ask you, what is their biggest knot or wish?"

  "Looking at his youngest daughter getting married and having children--" Fu Wanxiu muttered it eight hundred times, and he heard calluses in his ears.

and many more! The youngest? Isn't it Xie Dingyuan? !

  Get married and have children...

  Han Qishan's expression suddenly stiffened.

  Han Shen knew that he had come to understand: "You are making a phone call now, piercing Yueyue and Xie Dingyuan, didn’t you just get them in your arms?"

   "I promise, the old couple of Xie family will definitely come to ask for a kiss tomorrow at the latest. I can't wait for Yueyue to become their Xie family immediately."

   "Fart-I won't agree! Don't even think about it!" He said, putting the phone back again.

  Yes, you can’t fight! Resolutely not to fight!

   "You still have to keep it secret, don't let Old Man Xie know!"


  At the same time, Xie's family.

  The sound of opening the door came, and the old lady immediately put down the delicate work in her hand, not even the spices she was baking, and greeted her with a smile: "Xiao Jiu is back, have you eaten? I let the kitchen leave the food."

   "Mom, I have already eaten outside."

   "That's it...then you can drink the chicken soup, a lot of medicinal materials are stewed together, it is fragrant, and it makes a lot of money! Xiao Wang-bring the soup!"


  Xie Dingyuan was a little uncomfortable. He avoided the attention of his mother, and walked upstairs with his feet up, as if to cover up something: "Mom, I will drink the chicken soup tomorrow. I can't eat it today."

  Before you finish your words, you have to slip away.

   "Hey——" Fu Wanxiu grabbed the person back and looked suspicious: "What's the matter with you today? Why are you in a hurry and absent-minded?"

   "No..." He just said a word when he was interrupted by an exclamation.

   "Ah—" Fu Wan covered her lips with her sleeves, "Why did your trouser legs break?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  The old man who heard the movement trot over: "What's broken?"

   Soon, Xie Yunzao, Xie Yunxiang, Xie Yunlan, Xie Yunshu, Xie Yunxuan, and Xie Yunmiao also moved after hearing the sound and gathered one after another.

   "Mom, what's the matter? What happened?"

   "Xiao Jiu is back... trouser legs? Oh my God!"

   "How did it break?"

   "Car accident? It doesn't look like... or is it fighting with someone? It shouldn't be..."

  "Why do I feel like I was bitten by something and torn off?"

   "Bite? Dog?"

  I have to say that the fifth sister Xie Yunxue has the truth.

  Xie Dingyuan's face grew darker and darker, and finally—

   "I want to reply to an email, so I'll go up first!"

  A group of women can't afford to offend, he can afford to hide.

  Xie Yunxiang looked at the back of his younger brother running away in embarrassment, dumbfounded: "Is this... Xiao Jiu?"

  I haven't seen him panicked and at a loss for many years. Why is it today?

  The other sisters weren’t much better, each one was shocked.

   "He won't get any stimulation outside, right?"

  "Who can stimulate him?"

   "This is..."

   "Why then?"

  "Who knows? Ask again tomorrow..."


  At the same time, the four men of the Han family discussed for a long time and did not discuss a good solution. Finally, Han Shen said: "Then do this first, and I will talk about it tomorrow."

  But the next day, everything was different.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, the official Weibo of [Huaxia Academic] published an update——

  Huaxia Academic V: Yes, they are together, a strong alliance in the true sense of academia [Picture]

  The picture is a group photo.

  Under the blue sky and green hills, a man and a woman stand on a high place similar to an observation deck with their backs to the camera.

  The man is tall and tall, the woman is tall and slender, and they both look back at the same time.

  Although the man only showed half of his profile face, he was clearly defined, and he could tell it was Xie Dingyuan at a glance.

  And the woman looks back at a greater angle than him, so she can see all her facial features, no doubt Jiang Fuyue!

  Her long hair was blown by the mountain wind and brushed gently and intimately on the man's face.

  The two smiled at the same time, their eyes glued together.

  A perfect snapshot.

  The texture is the unique retro charm of film cameras.

   And the lower right corner reads: 20519.3, in Qingwu Mountain.

  As soon as the news came out, the whole network boiled——

  【Is it an official announcement? Is it an official announcement? ! Oh my God! Finally waited! 】

  【The official blog announces the romance, is this the treatment of senior scientific research talents? Admired]

  【Two people really go well together! Absolutely! 】

  【September 3rd last year, we were together so early! [Shock]】

   [Boldly push the timeline forward. At that time, Sister Yue had just entered college, OMG (my god), Professor Xie had no choice but to take care of our sister Yue! 】

  【The truth is upstairs, the spirit is real, and the thief is also a real thief! 】

  【Who said that ‘professors don’t understand love’, ‘female **** is in front of her eyes, and research is in her heart’? Come out, I promise not to kill him. 】

  【Woo...My zqsg (true feelings) CP is actually real, and the series of my lifetime is so excited that I can’t stop my tears]

  [I’m Yueyue’s mother-in-law fan, watching the female goose official announce her love affair, I feel like my baby has been snatched away [crying]]

  【Same feeling! The professor belongs to the country, and sister Yue belongs to us. The country already has so many, can't we keep some? 】

   [No, no, no, you should think like this, sister Yue is ours, women sing with husbands, and now the professors are also ours! 】

  [Hmm... the professor is so straightforward and not grounded at all, I am a bit disgusted who is honest (super quietly)]

  【Who isn't it (very quietly)】

  【The female goose is the fall show! No one deserves it, the professor is just, okay~]

  [The old Versailles speaks as soon as I hear it]

  【The Moon Family Army is here, always guarding the best Moon Moon】

  A family army appeared in a month, often followed by a group, and sure enough—

  【Sister Yue’s official announcement of love, both happy and sad, happy that the goddess finally finds true love, and what is disappointed is whether this true love is qualified. Professor Xie, although you are amazing and amazing, but—please treat her well for me! 】

  【Professor Xie, you must have done a lot of good things in your previous life. Only in this life can you be a lover with my goddess. If you don't cherish it, you will get rid of your head! 】

  [The sisters upstairs are amazing...]

  【Yue Family Army collectively send blessings (and warnings), and spread flowers~】

  [Jiang Fuyue’s fans are so sensible, they didn’t cry to the sky and say that they were broken in love, it’s really strange...]

  A dozen replies were quickly stacked under this one, all of them are Yue Family Army——

  【I don't deserve to be broken in love】

  【Don't even dare to even think of Xiao】

   [Sorry, I, a career fan, don’t engage in love and brain supplements]

  【Sister Yue is never our love fantasy, but the beacon of life】

  [Yes, Sister Ai Yue, it has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women, it has always been worship and admiration from the heart]


  In less than half an hour, the Weibo of Huaxia Academic has liked 200,000+, reposted 100,000+, and commented 78,000.

  This heat is almost catching up with the first-line traffic.

  Hot searches are also fully blooming——

  Professor Xie Jiang Fuyue Officially Proclaims Love [Explosion]

  It turns out that they have been together a long time ago [爆]

  Yuanyue [Hot]

  Please get married in place [hot]

  Scientific event [Hot]

  【Mom! This is the real top stream! 】

  【The arrangement of the light of China [强]】

  [Please read more news of this kind in the future, we will love to watch these sweet things that do not pay for their lives]

【warn! Today's sugar content exceeds the standard! 】

  At 11 o'clock in the morning, the official microblog of [Huaxia Scientific Research] reposted the microblog of [Huaxia Academic] with the text: Blessings.

  【Huaxia Academy of Sciences】also has something to learn, with text: Sprinkle flowers!

  [Institute of Bioengineering, Academy of Medical Sciences] It’s more interesting, and it actually digs people directly: Professor Xie is a researcher of our institute, should Luna think about coming to our side?

  Now [Institute of Biochemistry] and [Institute of Biophysics] can't sit still.

  Institute of Biochemistry V: Research shows that couples staying together for a long time are not conducive to emotional development. Distance is the key to beauty. Therefore, we welcome the moon **** to join us [心]

Institute of Biophysics V: Research shows that it’s not good for lovers to be too close or far away. We are right next to the Institute of Bioengineering of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Choose [smile]

【Ha ha ha ha! Are several research institutes robbing people? 】

  [Please ask Professor Xie’s mental shadow area at this time]

   [They are all called Moon Gods, the details can be seen in the face, Jiang Fuyue-yyds (forever dripping god)! 】

  【Finally, this Institute of Biophysics, why is the tea smelly in the tea? 】

  【Let's fight! Fight! 】

  【The bench melon seeds are ready, please start~】

   Just when the netizens were caring about and the institute was engaged in trouble, everyone in the Yuanyue sweetener processing factory was shocked and screamed, ecstatic, and then completely unable to restrain it.

  They finally see the sun!

   is no longer a mouse crossing the street, but can only hide in the group and hilarious.

   "We are the orthodox!"

   "Sisters, come on, let the sweetness of the sugar we ate to kill everyone!"

   Soon, an edited video of Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan was uploaded on the Internet, and CP fans were like wild horses that had fallen out of the way, and they couldn’t hold it anymore.

   In the video, Xie Dingyuan’s scenes of attending various public occasions were cut together. Most of them were news clips. There were personal interviews, but not many.

  He has always been serious and meticulous in everything he does, so he is basically a full set of suits.

  Straight like a knife-cut cloth wrapped in straight long legs, tall and straight, wide shoulders and narrow waist, forming a perfect inverted triangle.

  The shirt collar button is buttoned to the top one, revealing the **** Adam's apple.

  As soon as he comes out, he can instantly see what is meant by "momentum" and what is meant by "deterrence".

  The camera is constantly switching with the music beat, just like a celebrity show.

   followed by a dubbing: "He is the top leader of the China Academic Pyramid. He has excellent IQ, high coldness and nobleness, but he is also very strict and unsmiling."

  The man’s flash shot ends, and then it’s Jiang Fuyue’s turn.

  Compared with the former, she has much more opportunities to show up in public, so the "drama" is more important.

  There are fragments of life, daily life on campus, and scenes of standing in the international arena to defeat the heroes and win glory for the country.

  There are several shots of layups wearing jerseys, and A and Sa!

   was dubbed, and for a second Su: "She is a talented girl in Hua Tiantian, youthful, clever and beautiful. When he meets her—"

  The screen went black, and the two-person show ended, and a series of ellipsis appeared in the middle.

  With a heavy low sound, the most shocking came—the editing shots of Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue crossed over on the screen.

  He spoke at the World Anti-Nova Virus Commendation Conference: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world."

  Jiang Fuyue shouted to the whole world in the IPhO competition: "I am a Chinese nation, a country of etiquette!"

  Xie Dingyuan: "Everyone is responsible for the global fight against the epidemic."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Those who offend me will be killed even though they are far away."

  Xie Dingyuan: "As a teenager of my generation, I should read more, read well, and study well."

  Jiang Fuyue: "I am a student, I love learning."

  At the end of the video, the words "Born to match" appear.

   Then it popped up "Please get married in place!"

[Ah ah ah --kswl (nibbling killing me)! kswl! 】

  [They are really good match, an academic boss, a genius girl, and now I don’t have to think about it anymore, I got a real CP! 】

   [Unexpectedly, the self-produced and self-entertaining videos in the group will be released in a fair manner! Please write the three words sweet to death in the group announcement, thank you! 】

   [So, there were two CP fans early on, right? Ahhhhh! Ask for a group number, ask for acceptance! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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