After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 822: Yuanyue Banner, I am willing (two more in one)

  Chapter 822 Yuanyue Banner, I am willing (two more in one)

  There is a watermark in the lower right corner of the video to indicate the production time, so everyone knows that this video was cut a long time ago.

  Following the vines, found that there were groups, and then the new CP fans were excited.

  I don’t know where to get the group number, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, a large number of netizens began to add groups frantically.

  Yuanyue’s little button: [I’m numb, and hundreds of verification messages pop up instantly. 】

   Yuanyue’s little love: [I have a hunch, the group will explode [smile]]

  Yuanyue’s Xiaomaomao: [The video that I edited mainly by Bobo is too terrible, I can’t resist it at all.]

  Cen Qiaoqiao has been peeping at the screen, seeing the news, immediately crackling typing——

   Yuanyue’s Xiaoqiaoqiao: [It’s Sister Yue and the professor are so amazing, what can we do? [Tan Shou]]

  Yuanyue’s little belly: [Qiaoqiao is the truth hhhh]

   Yuanyue’s Dabobo: [Then what should I do now? There are so many people joining the group, do you want to pass? @Yunyue’s small buttons]

  Yuanyue’s little button: [Pass it, we have to unite the power of CP fans and eat sugar crazy together! You take one, I take one, add up to a pile, everyone can lick it, how great! 】




  Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: [I suggest that we join a small group to facilitate communication]

  Yuanyue’s little button: [OK! 】

  Just do it, and the small buttons quickly re-populated a group, named-the ashes-class veteran of Yuanyue Saccharin Processing Factory!

  Next, start to pass the verification.

  One minute later, among the ashes-class veterans of Yuanyue Saccharin Processing Factory:

   Yuanyue’s little button: [After finishing the ball, the group is full, what should I do? 】

   Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: [Then build another one! 】

  Yuanyue’s little button: [ojbk (ok)]

  Two more minutes passed——

  Yuanyue’s little button: [The second group is also full]

   Yuanyue’s Big Bobo: 【……】

  Yuanyue’s little belly: [Yuanyue’s popularity is amazing]

  Since two groups are not enough, then three groups, four groups, five groups...

  At the end of the day, Xiaokou and Dabobo have a full fifty-two groups!

  And the number of groups added is still growing.

  Small button and big Bobo voice call——

  Small button: "No way, if this continues, I will be banned."

   Big Bobo: "Wait a minute, let me catch my breath first... I am now reflexed and nervous as soon as I hear the news to remind the whole person."

  Small button: "There are still a lot of people lining up to join the group, what should I do?"

   "Should we set a threshold for adding a group? We can't ask anyone. Who knows if there is a bad intention or fish in troubled waters."

   "Yes, yes, what threshold should I set?"

  The two racked their brains and finally decided—

   divided into age groups.

  Under 12 years old, persuaded to leave, go back to study hard, and come back after graduating from elementary school.

  12 to 15 years old, one math problem in junior high school.

  15 to 18 years old, one high school math or physics problem.

   and indicate: learning is important at this stage, and it is not encouraged to add groups. If you really want to add, OK, first get the questions right, so that we believe that CP will not affect learning, thank you for your cooperation~

  The question is not difficult, but it is definitely not easy.

   will also change every day and update at any time.

  If you want to make it, not to mention the level of academic masters, at any rate, you have to have good grades.

  In the evening, #要嗑嗑渊月先做题# was on the hot search.

  [I am working hard [picture]]

【Hahaha! Upstairs is too difficult, I have an easier way [Picture]]

  [I think my solution is also good [picture]]


  【What kind of large-scale test site is the hot review? XSWL (Laughing at me)]

  [With Yuanyue, mom no longer has to worry about my studies]

  [11-year-old I was crying in the toilet, why not let me join the group, oh oh... I want to eat candy! 】

  【It's still two months and 12 years old, come on! Soon! 】

  【Does group management discriminate against elementary school students? 】

   [Don’t quote the war upstairs, the announcement made it very clear, not to join the group is for the primary school students to study well]

  【Don't middle school students need to study hard? 】

  【The ability of middle school students to distinguish right from wrong is much stronger than that of elementary school students, they have the right to choose independently】

  【Don't pay attention to the bargaining skills, the sunspots get thicker! 】

  [This is the positive energy CP, which is a million times better than those couples who sell people and have bad money in the entertainment industry! 】

  In the future, these groups will bring together no mathematics tyrants, learning gods, and CP, and group friends will also solve problems online and help each other.

  There are many good seedlings of big B and Q, and a new generation of scientific research talents are senior Yuanyue CP fans.

  When the parents heard the child chasing Yuanyue, they immediately nodded in relief——

   "That's right, learn from good people, maybe you will be able to be scientists like Professor Xie and Academician Jiang in the future, and win glory for the country!"

  The children are learning while eating sweets. They are happy even when they do the questions, and they are full of hope for the future.

  It is said that when psychologists and educators are studying “model power”, they also specially created the “Yuanyue Model Branch”. In terms of positively affecting the next generation, it has attracted countless scholars to follow suit, explore and research——

  What kind of charm these two people have, and why can they inspire generations of young people?

  These are all later things, so I won’t mention them for the time being.


  The sugar content of a video was not enough, and someone posted a picture later.

  In the painting, the afternoon sun shines in through the window, the woman is leaning on the man's shoulder, and the man lowers his head slightly. The two wear the same pair of headphones and share the same song.

  Quiet and tranquil, just like a fairy tale.

  It may be that the hand of the person taking the picture is shaking, or it may be out of focus. The picture does not look good with pixels and is slightly blurred.

  【So it is Yuan Yue? ! 】

  【Just be clearer. 】

  【It must be Yuan Yue! Almost with a face]

   [It turns out that geniuses also want to date like us ordinary people? 】

  【Is there any misunderstanding of genius upstairs? 】

   [Sister Yue is so gentle when leaning on the professor's shoulder, she is really not aggressive at all]

  【Please keep it sweet for me! 】

  [Does anyone ask for a high-definition version?]

  【I, I, I! Is there a high-definition version? ! [expect]】

  [Full web search HD version]


   Soon, a Weibo account posted a high-definition picture.

  The accompanying text explained: I am the author of this painting. At that time, two guests came to let me paint, but I did not realize that it was the professor and sister Yue.

  I never knew it, I saw the hot search today, and suddenly remembered it, and when I turned it out, it was them!

   is very sweet~


  【The picture has been received, the author has worked hard】

  [This pair is really naughty, can’t stop at all]

  【Treasure CP, there are surprises everywhere】

   [Wait for more news, who else has taken other photos of Sister Yue and the professor, hand it in quickly]

【what! So sweet~]


  Let’s say that netizens have finished the official announcement, watched the video, and received the pictures. It’s not enough. They are crazy @, Hu Peng Huanyou, and they have a great posture of universal happiness.

  Among them, Jiang Ji’s Private Kitchen was cueed (mentioned)!

  [Your new son-in-law, come and claim it]

  【Uncle Jiang is going to be father-in-law hhhh~ Congratulations! 】

  [I feel that congratulations were too early, after all, the little padded jacket was snatched away. Uncle Jiang may now be sulking in the corner alone]

  【Why do I think the stars will be more depressed? He is a sister-in-law! 】

  [No, no, no, Xingxing is currently recording a closed training program, he may not know yet]

  [When he finishes recording the show, he will probably cry out]

  【Is the sadness so hot~】

  【@江记私房菜 Legend of the operation editor who lives on Weibo? Why doesn't it show up yet? 】

  【Probably pretending to be dead】

  [Maybe Uncle Jiang is angry]

  [It doesn’t feel very good anyway]

  【There is another good show to watch! [expect]】

  【The new son-in-law and the old Yue Zhang can't fight, right? 】


  Following many speculations, Cao Dou, who is far away in Linhuai, just picked up his mobile phone and clicked on Weibo, and was preparing to reply to netizens' messages as usual, or to forward the dynamics of guests checking in in the store.

  Who knows, he stared at the screen suddenly, his eyes widened, and then his hands shook for a while.

With a bang, the phone fell off and hit the floor.

  Five seconds later, he reacted, and then bent over to pick it up.

  He blinked, and looked at the screen again, the hot search #谢教授江阜月官宣恋情# followed by a black and red word "Boom".

  Click to enter, it is the official photo of Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue.

  Swipe down, all are blessings.

  This, this, this...

How can it be? !

  Yes, Professor Xie has been to the store several times, but I haven’t seen anything wrong with Jiang Fuyue?

  Why are you still announcing a love affair when you are together?

  Master brother and sister-in-law know? This question suddenly popped out of Cao Dou's mind.

  He thought for a while, grabbed his phone, and went to the back kitchen.

  Jiang Da has just completed a beautiful tipping spoon, with simple movements and superb techniques.

  "Big Brother..."

   "Little Bean? Why are you here?"

   "That..." He stopped talking.

  Jiang Da was stunned, and the first reaction was: "Are there any customers who are not satisfied with the dishes? I'll go over and take a look..."

  Speaking, wipe your hands, and then go out.

  Cao Dou quickly stopped the person: "No..."


   "That..." Cao Dou suddenly felt reckless.

  Jiangda: "If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter."

   "Are you...surely okay?"

   "Of course!" He is not someone who can't listen to opinions. Jiang Da is very confident in himself.

  Cao Dou: "en...that's...that...Does Yueyue have a boyfriend?"

  Jiangda was taken aback, then his eyes widened: "What?"

   "Uh! I mean, I have it now."


  Looking at Jiang Da with a dazed expression, Cao Dou raised the phone to his eyes: "This is it."

   Two minutes later, Kang Dang——

  The man throws a spoon directly, abandons the pot, and walks outside.

  A few steps later, he fell back again. At the moment when Cao Dou was startled, he grabbed the phone and rushed to the baking room.

  Han Yunru: "Why do you spend this time..." came.

  The two words left, her throat was blocked by the photos she saw before her eyes, her eyes widened.

  For a while: "...this is... Yueyue and Professor Xie?"

  Jiangda sullenly and nodded.

   "Are they... together?" Han Yunru's eyes were dumbfounded, as if she was not in the mood.

   "Will the official account also spread rumors?" Jiang Da did not reply back and asked, showing expectations.

  Han Yunru: "Should not be possible?"

   Jiangda's face was completely black.

  So, his baby girl was really abducted? !


  The Han family actually discovered it earlier.

  As soon as the official announcement Weibo of China Academy of Sciences was posted, within half an hour, an old man called Han Qishan——

   "Old Han, congratulations, my son-in-law is like this, you are blessed!"

  Han Qishan: "Huh?" What do you get?

   "My granddaughter-in-law, let me pretend to be here. We have been in friendship for decades, this is unnecessary."

   "It's not... grandson-in-law? Are you still dreaming before you wake up? What are you talking about?"

  After saying this, he didn't listen to the explanation on the other end, and hung up with a bang.

   "This old Zhang, I don’t know how many bottles he blew last night, and he didn’t sober up early in the morning, so he said some drunken things..."

  The old man shook his head, took the crutches, and went for a walk.

  I came back half an hour later. As soon as I walked in, I heard the landline ringing.

  He walked over and picked it up: "Hello."

   "Hey-old Han, I thought about the project last time. It's not a big problem to make a profit."

  Han Qishan raised his eyebrows, unlike what an iron **** would say, he suddenly became vigilant.

   "What the **** are you doing? I didn't let it go before, but now I take the initiative to deliver it to the door. I'm not really at ease in my heart."

"Ah! I'm not hiding it from you. Anyway, you and Hanqing Biotechnology are all in the same family. After I was suppressed by a batch of drug applications, I was unable to ship the goods. Can you say hello to that side? The matter of words is very simple, to ensure that there is no risk..."

  "Drugs? Hanqing Biology? What do you mean? Why are you all saying weird things today?"

"Lao Han, you are so boring. How can you hide things that are public on the Internet? You are not kind! If I had such a big backer, I would have been known to everyone, you were not like this before? When? Has become so low-key? It's not like your style."

  Han Qishan was almost stunned by this paragraph of words: "You tell me clearly, what is open on the whole network, what is the backer?! If you don't say it clearly today, I will come to your company to ask for it!"

   " really don't know, or do you not know?"

  "Do I need to know what?" Han Qishan gritted his teeth.

   "Hiss!" The other end gasped, "This is a big deal, you can check the news quickly."

  Hang up directly after speaking.

watch the news?

  Han Qishan originally wanted to turn on the TV, but couldn’t find the remote control. He simply picked up the phone and unlocked it. Good guys, dozens of unread messages on WeChat.

  He clicked and opened one, congratulations all over the screen.

  Han Qishan is even more confused. What are these people congratulating?

   Then, he clicked on another one. Congratulations, but there was an additional Weibo link, so he clicked in——

  The picture of Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue was so caught off guard.

  Five minutes later, the old man read all the news and browsed Weibo.

   "Boss, second, third-get me down!"

  The three King Kong who heard the roar immediately appeared. Han Shen and Han Ke were the fastest. Han Heng was still asleep in the room. After being awakened, he hurried downstairs.

   "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Is there a problem?"

   "I am sleeping soundly..."

  Han Qishan glared at the younger son: "Sleep, sleep, you know sleep! Are you a pig?"

  Han Heng: "?" It's very innocent.

   "Yueyue is about to become someone else's home, still in the mood to sleep?"

  The three of them stared sharply.

   "Dad," Han Shen frowned, "What's the situation? What is Yueyuecheng's other family? You can make it clear."

   "Let's see for yourself!" The old man hummed angrily and threw the phone at him.

  Han Shen read it, his face sinking like water.

  Han Ke leaned forward: "I also took a look..."

  After half a minute, the expression becomes tense.

Seeing that he couldn't get up, Han Heng took out his mobile phone, clicked on Weibo, and swiped the hot search list: "Fuck - this is the official announcement? One, two, three, four, five... Fuck, so much. Hot search!"

  He is not the top actor and the top-notch recognized by the entertainment circle.

  Han Qishan: "Don't say anything, copy me guys, go to Xie's house to settle the accounts!"

   "Dad, dad, don't... calm down."

   "Yes, rushing over like this will not solve the problem."

  Han Qishan: "I'm angry!"

   "Yes, yes, I know you are angry. Whose little cabbage is picked up by a pig? Isn't it angry? I am also angry!"

  Han Ke nodded: "Yes!"

  Han Heng: "I think it's better to copy the guy..." He was too angry!

  Han Shen dragged the person back: "What is it? Don't make trouble, give me a break."

   Then, he turned to the old man: "I think that you have to ask Yueyue about this matter first to see what her attitude is."

  Official Weibo dared to do this. It must have solicited the opinions of both parties and obtained agreement.

  In fact, he has already guessed Yueyue’s attitude, but he still has to hear it in person to be relieved...

   Just then, Jiang Fuyue came down from the second floor.

   "Grandpa, eldest uncle, second uncle, younger uncle, I am willing."

  I am willing to be with Xie Dingyuan.

   is also willing to make the love affair public.

   Jiang Fuyue wanted to say last night, and finally said it today.

  (End of this chapter)

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