After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 824: Lasker Award, Face Slap Four Sisters (two more in one)

  Chapter 824 Lasker Award, Face Slap Four Sisters (two more in one)

  September, the school season.

  Although the summer vacation has passed, the heat is still hot.

  The hot sun is scorching the earth, and the news of Jiang Fuyue's award seems to add to the scorching heat of summer.

  The fire raged across the country, especially the medical profession.

The Lasker Prize, the full name of the Albert Lasker Prize, is another top award in the field of physiology and medicine besides the Nobel Prize.

   aims to recognize scientists, doctors and public service personnel who have made outstanding contributions to the medical field.

  The award is divided into basic medical research awards, clinical medical research awards, public service awards and special contribution awards. The first two are exclusively awarded to scientists, and the latter two are mostly group awards.

  Each year, 25 outstanding scientists from all over the world will form a judging committee. After strict confidential, fair and impartial review and selection by the judges, the list of winners will be announced by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation in September.

  When the Chinese name "FuYueJiang" appeared behind the "Basic Medical Research Award", the global medical community was shocked.

Not to mention domestically, when the news came, many people couldn't even believe it.

"real or fake?"

   "That's right?"


  "Guanxuan romance is too high-profile? Someone wants to fix Jiang Fuyue?"


  Until the screenshots of the winners list on Lasker’s official website were posted-

   "Fuck! It's true! Sister Yue won the prize, but BasicMedicalResearch is still the prize!"

  "Can you stop dragging in English and say something that everyone can understand?"

  "BasicMedicalResearch, Basic Medical Research Award, my mother! Sister Yue dare to be a little better?"

   "What happened to the Basic Medicine Award? Is it amazing?"

"First of all, the Lasker Award is very good, and the Basic Medicine Award is even more of a fighter in the Niu X. Let’s put it this way, so far only Professor Tu has won the Lasker Award, but it is not the Basic Medicine Award. ClinicalMedicalResearch-Clinical Medical Research Award."

  "Next, I will talk about the difference between the two awards of basic medicine and clinical medicine..."

  As we all know, the Lasker Prize is also known as the "Nobel Prize Weathervane" in the medical field.

  Statistics show that 48% of the Lasker Basic Medical Research Award winners subsequently won the Nobel Prize, while this proportion is only 28% of the Clinical Medical Research Award winners.

  To put it simply, the proportion of Nobel Prize winners after the Lasker Basic Medical Research Award is higher.

   "My god! After that sister Yue won the prize, can she win the Nobel?!"

   "Not necessarily, I can only say that there is hope."

   "Xuan! Sister Yue is too young."

   "Well, twenty-year-old Nobel Prize winner, it is really difficult."

   "What's wrong with being young? As long as there are grades, who cares about age? Those who sing badly are because of jealousy, right?"

  "Hey, it seems that there have been a lot of high-end blacks wearing fan skins recently. In the name of defending Yue Jie, I have spared no effort to corrupt the image of Yue Jie."

   "I wanted to say it a long time ago. I used ignorance as a confidence and bravery as an excuse. I just let go all the way and I didn't even look at it."

   "I can only say that when the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds."

   "People are afraid of becoming famous pigs and afraid of being strong. Sister Yue goes out of the circle. Those younger fans follow the trend and shout that Sister Yue is awesome. In fact, they don't understand the spirit of Sister Yue at all."

  "The old fan is here. At the time, sister fan Yue started with her appearance, respected her talent, and finally her character."

  "As an old fan, what I see is sister Yue’s courageous and unyielding spirit, and the spirit of never giving up, while some people only see her glamorous surface and the glory of her body, which is extremely superficial."

   "Sister Yue is not a celebrity. You don't need traffic to build momentum, and you don't need to promote and market. Don't bring the entertainment circle to the academic circle. Scientific research is not to be profaned, and it is not a tool for fans to promote themselves."

   "Those who are fans of Sister Yue for the sake of chasing fashion and catching up with fashion can go away, go back to your meal circle obediently."

  However, how can the stunned person swallow this breath?

   Immediately across the screen, he slammed the keyboard, rose up to fight back——

   "Heh, the first day I knew, fans depend on age, what's wrong with the younger age group? Did your young annoy you?"

   "Isn't it just to refute the claim that you are too young to get the Nobel Prize, which exposes the nature of some people's jealousy, so you can't help but jump?"

   "I really doubt whether the so-called'old fans' are black or white. After all, there are too many black jobs these days."

   "The old fan is amazing? You are old, you should be proud of it? Isn't it just a fan of Jiang Fuyue? Look at all of you, and you have a sense of superiority? What!"

   "There are other Yue family soldiers, it's really funny, when you are in a small group, it's the same as MLM."

   "I feel more like xiejiao!"


  The real fans were so angry with the arrogant remarks above that smoke came out of their heads. This is no longer a fight. The two hats of MLM and xiejiao were buckled down, and it was obviously aimed at Sister Yue.

  The veteran of web surfing knows that someone behind the scenes is guiding the wind direction at a glance.

  At this time, it’s time for the Yue Family Army to take action——

"First of all, we have no organization, it's all individual activities. As for why one appeared and everyone followed, there was no way, who made Yue sister too popular? It's hard to see the relevant news and hot searches. Everyone has seen it, no Did we get together? So, we don’t dare to wear the hats of MLM and xiejiao [smile]"

  "Secondly, those who think about Sister Heiyue behind her back, don't think that just hiring a few sunspots to pretend to be fans can instigate everyone. The real moon fans are all glaring eyes and have superb ability to detect black, thank you."

  "Finally, it is difficult to win the Nobel Prize when it is too young. Note that what we said is difficult, not impossible! Please read it carefully, don’t change the concept casually."

  "As for why it is difficult, please let professionals upload the data!"

"Here is coming-according to statistics, the Nobel Prize in Medicine has been awarded 140 times from 1901 to 2050. The average age of all the winners is 58.0 years old, of which the average age of male winners is 57.7 years old, and the average age of female winners is 63.5 years old. ."

  "Do you know why it is difficult now? The reality is in front of you. Who wants to jump out and take a look?"

   "Sister Yue taught us to seek truth from facts, not to listen to those fake fans."

  "I really thought that everyone is like a female star in the entertainment industry, and I want fans to hold her to the sky? Sister Yue’s excellence never needs exaggerated praise to prove it. The fragrance of flowers is not scent, and people who pass by will naturally know it."

   "By the way, Professor Xie also won this award!"


  "At the age of 23, he and the CML Foundation he founded won the Lasker Basic Medical Research Award and the Public Service Award.

   "Awesome! But my sister Yue is even better. I got it before she turned 20!"

   "Woo... I have read so many novels, and finally saw in real life a love that is evenly matched and standing side by side."

   "These two are a perfect match!"

   "Actually, I am a little curious about who has the higher IQ, Professor Yue or Sister Yue?"

   "Let’s look at Sister Yue right now, after all, she’s young and has a flexible mind."

  "I suspect you are connoting Professor Xie..."

  Some CP fans found the list of winners announced on Lasker's official website that year, cut off the name of "Xie Dingyuan" on it, and put it together with Jiang Fuyue, and then used the photo editing software to make a big pink heart.

  With text: The best couple in academia!

   "Ah! I'm dead! It's sweet!"

   "Don't save me, I'm going to drown in this can of sugar."

   "I didn't expect that one day, I would chant CP on the official website of academic awards, two words-upper part~"

   "It would be great if Professor Xie and Sister Yue could go on stage together to win the prize. I can vomit."


  The news that Jiang Fuyue won the prize was passed back to Ming University, and the whole school was excited.

  Li Chen put down the phone, his eyes were still in a daze, and after a long while he spit out: "...deserves to be her."

  Liang Jingzhou is in the comment area. He heard: "Only Jiang Fuyue can't think of it, and she can't do it without her."

  Gu Huaiyu chuckled softly, “I won’t be surprised someday that Jiang Fuyue took the Nobel.”

  Cheng tightened his cuffs: "With this award, our school's ranking this year is stable."

  Liang Jingzhou: "In fact, I have always had a question. Isn't Jiang Fuyue a Peiya class like us? Why can she research A+ seedlings and find F active enzymes, we can't do it?"

  Gu Huaiyu: "Maybe... the class is the same, but the brains are different?"

  Cheng Lian: “I don’t know if others can research A+ seedlings and find F-active enzymes, but those who ask this kind of question definitely can’t.”

  Liang Jingzhou: "?" Is he taunting me?


   Female dormitory, Building A 4-3.

  Except for Jiang Fuyue, Cen Qiaoqiao, Huo Fanjin, and Liu Sisi have all returned to school.

  The news that has just been posted online at this moment.

  "I rely on! I rely on! Sister Yue is amazing again."

  Huo Fanjin silently closed her mouth widened in surprise: "...It's actually Lask!"

  Liu Sisi didn’t know the prize, so she checked it on the Internet, and said, “...well, she’s always been so good.”

  As long as Jiang Fuyue wants to do it, she will succeed in the end.

  At this moment, Huo Fanjin’s phone rang, and she glanced at the caller ID, "I’ll answer the call..."

   After speaking, avoid the balcony and slide down the answer button.


  "Have you considered it?" On the other end, Lin Shumo's calm voice came.

  Huo Fanjin pursed his lips.

  At the beginning, the two came to Ming University for temporary studies. While completing the freshman daily homework, they were also taking language classes and taking IELTS, TOEFL and GRE tests to prepare for studying abroad.

  Now, one year later, it's time to make a choice.

  Huo Fanjin: "How about you? Have you thought about it?"

  Lin Shumo: "The school has been set, Stanford. Don't tell me, at this time, you are still wondering whether to stay or leave."

  Huo Fanjin: "..."

   Lin Shumo: Yes! I'm right!

  "Didn’t you tell your family that you would only read one year?"

  Huo Fanjin: "It was so discussed, but the plan can't keep up with the changes."

   Lin Shumo frowned: "What changes?"

  Huo Fanjin: "Don’t you think Ming University’s school spirit is gradually getting better? This year, the domestic university rankings will definitely move forward, and Jiang Fuyue is also in..."

   "You don't want to go abroad because of this?"

   Huo Fanjin’s eyes flashed struggling: “It’s not that I don’t want to, I’m just entangled and can’t make up my mind for a while.”

"I think it is necessary to remind you that although Ming University is gradually getting better, this year's university rankings are also very likely to rise, but you must know that it is a process from bad to good. It takes time and patience to wait. Do you think Can you wait until the day when Ming University is bigger than B and Q? Let alone catch up with world-renowned schools like Stanford and Cambridge."

Lin Shumo: "Obviously, the opportunity to climb to the sky is right in front of you, but you are wondering if you want to build a ladder from the scratch with the Mingda group? In the end, you may be exhausted, and the height of the building is not as high as an office building in the city center, let alone climbing. sky?"

   "I have said everything that should be said anyway. You should make your decision as soon as possible. Many schools will close the application channels at the end of this month. Once they are closed, you will have to wait another year."

"Think clearly."

  Lin Shumo rarely said so much in one breath, which shows how much he disagrees with Huo Fanjin’s "entanglement" and "struggle".

  Does this still need to be selected?

  In terms of future self-development, foreign prestigious schools are definitely better than Mingda!

  This night, Huo Fanjin suffered from insomnia.

  She was lying on the bed, her eyes staring at the dark ceiling, her thoughts were messed up.

  At two o'clock in the morning, she thought that Cen Qiaoqiao and Liu Sisi were both sound asleep, and couldn't help turning over again.

  Suddenly: "Are you insomnia?"

   Liu Sisi said abruptly, and Huo Fanjin was taken aback: "...Sorry, did it bother you?"

  Liu Sisi has always been asleep. He used to be a father who prevented drunk and domestic violence. Now he is wary of enemies who may come to her door at any time to kill her.

   "No, I didn't fall asleep either."

  Huo Fanjin breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I won't move, you can go to sleep."

   "Talking? What embarrassing things have you encountered?"

  After a long period of silence, there was a soft hum from the darkness, "It's quite embarrassing."

   "If you don't mind, you can tell me, although I may not be able to help."

  Huo Fanjin briefly told her about going abroad: "...I am at home now to see what I want, whether to stay or leave, I will make my own decision. What do you think I should choose?"

Liu Sisi: "It depends on whether you are willing to take a path that can see a bright future, or you are willing to open up new routes. The former is less risky, and you can reach out to the stars, and the future is promising; the latter is risky. Can embrace the moon."

  And how are the stars worthy of competing with Haoyue?

  Huo Fanjin: "Isn't this gambling?"

   Liu Sisi: "It's a gambling, a gamble."

   "Uh...will you play too much?"

   "But the rewards are not cheap."

  Huo Fanjin thoughtfully.

  She called home first the next day.

  Huo mother: "...has it been decided?"

  Huo Fanjin: "Yeah."

"No regrets?"

   "Don't regret it." Even if you really regret it, you have to walk down the path you chose to kneel down.

Mother Huo: "Okay, anyway, your dad and I are reluctant to let you go to a place to study so far. In case something happens, there isn't even a person to take care of. The girl's family is not a professor, and the education is correct. Why are you so high..."

  Huo Fanjin thought: Who said that girls can’t be professors? Is Jiang Fuyue air?

  As a result, the mother Huo immediately added: "Except Jiang Fuyue in your dormitory, you can't compare with her, you have a low self-esteem."

  Huo Fanjin: "..." Oh.

  After finishing the call, she thought for a while and decided to talk to Lin Shumo.

  After all, everyone took the initiative to call and ask.

  Huo Fanjin dialed his mobile phone number. After a beep, the call was connected. Before she could speak, he said, "Did you think about it?"

  Huo Fanjin was slightly stunned: "...Hmm."

  Lin Shumo: "Okay, then I will pack all the materials from Stanford and several other top-ranked universities to you...

   "Lin Shumo, that..."

   "What do you say." There was a rustling noise on the other end, it should be looking for information.

   "Hmm... I'm sorry, I have decided to stay at Mingda."

   There was a sudden silence on the other end, there was silence for a few seconds, and then there was a bang--

  Hang up.


  , however, said that Xie Yunshu had said a few words that questioned Jiang Fuyue before, but the old lady was severely taught in front of several sisters, and she lost her face.

  After leaving the old house that day, she became more and more angry.

   I cried when I got home.

  I am thinking of Xiao Jiu with all my heart, everyone not only didn't understand her, but also praised Jiang Fuyue vigorously.

  "Mom hadn't even seen Jiang Fuyue's face, so she started talking to her and scolded me? If she really becomes Xiao Jiu in the future, don't the whole family have to hold her?"

   "You said you, isn't it okay to find trouble? What kind of girlfriend your brother has, you have to worry about it. If I say this, you shouldn't interfere." Her husband patiently persuaded.

  "I’m my sister, how can I leave it alone? Then, what if Xiaojiu meets a girl who is unruly and has no plans?"

  "You too underestimated A Yuan, wouldn't he see it?"

  That group of women in the Xie family would treat Xie Dingyuan as a younger brother and take care of him. Who wouldn’t respect him as a grandfather outside?

   "You are not caring, you are nosy, you just eat and support!"

  Xie Yunshu glared at him: "What do you know?"

   "Yes, yes, I don't understand, but I know-you definitely can't be the lord of Ayuan."

  Xie Yunshu choked.

   "Don't talk about you, even the old lady can't control it. If that's the case, why bother with it? It's unpleasant and offends people. To put it bluntly, it's just worrying!"

  Xie Yunshu was so angry that he pushed him: "Who are you helping? Why do you always turn your elbows out?"

   "Ah-I am awe-inspiring, I will help or not help my relatives."

   "Okay, you are amazing! You are noble! I think you are itchy!"

   "Hey-a gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't use his hands, why are you still making a fist? Alas! You, you, you-murder your husband?"

   "Let you talk cold words... let you wash me..."

   "Don't don't don't, can't I just shut up?"

  Xie Yunshu: "Huh!"

   "Okay, Yun Shu, it's troublesome, and it's hitting it, right now, right?"

   "...I actually don't have any other thoughts, I think they are inappropriate, and Jiang Fuyue's academic achievements, I have reservations anyway."

   "Reserve attitude? What do you mean?"

   "I don't believe that there is no help from Xiao Jiu, she can complete all the research alone."

  However, in just a few days, the news that Jiang Fuyue won the Lasker Basic Medical Research Award returned to China.

  Xie Yunshu was taken aback: "She won the prize?!"

   "Yeah, don't you know? She is a couple with Professor Xie, and you are a big sister." The ladies and wives who usually play well couldn't help laughing and teasing.

  The news hit Xie Yunshu's face with a loud slap.

  There are guests, she must also hold up a smile.

  Waiting for her husband to return home in the evening, he said: "Is it still said that the research results of other people have moisture?"

  Dang Lasker jury is vegetarian?

  Xie Yunshu gritted his teeth, only feeling hot on his cheeks.

  (End of this chapter)

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