After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 825: Mocking old Xie, awards start (two more in one)

  Chapter 825 molesting old Xie, awards start (two more in one)

  On September 21, Jiang Fuyue, accompanied by Xie Dingyuan, boarded the flight to M, NY——

  Participate in the Lasker Award Ceremony.

  "Would you like to drink water?" Xie Dingyuan asked.

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head, she couldn't help but yawned: "Don't be thirsty, go to bed first."

   "Okay." Xie Dingyuan took out the blanket and leveled the space for her, "Go to sleep."

  Jiang Fuyue gave him a funny look: "So considerate and thoughtful? More virtuous than the little wife."

  Xie Dingyuan helplessly: "Of course I have to say what I promised the old man, otherwise I am afraid that I will be cut off when I return to China."

  Han Qishan originally planned to let Han Shen or Han Ke go with Jiang Fuyue.

  For this, the two of them are also fighting over—

  Han Shen: "I have the time and energy, and I happen to have contacts over there. Of course, it is more suitable for me to go there with me."

  Han Ke: “Big brother wants to manage the company, so it’s inconvenient to leave for too long. I’m different. I have a lot of free time. I can spend a few days in NY after receiving the prize for a month and I’ll be on vacation.”

  Han Shen: "I will go."

  Han Ke: "Let me go."

  Han Shen: "The second child is not careful enough to take care of Yueyue."

  Han Ke: "Brother brought the computer with documents, so he had to hurry up to deal with official affairs on the way, and he didn't take care of it."

  Han Shen: "Dad, you can make an idea, who is going to let it go."

  Han Ke: "You can't be partial, anyway, when you were young, you liked the eldest brother and the third most. I was caught in the middle, just a little pitiful, little transparent..."

  Old man: "..."

  At this moment, Xie Dingyuan jumped out: "I will go with Yueyue."

  It was the first time he visited the Han family after the two officials announced their relationship.

  The air was quiet for two seconds, and the four King Kong of the Han family quickly exchanged glances. Han Shen and Han Ke, who were still arguing over who would accompany Jiang Fuyue to NY, also turned their guns, unanimously.


   "How can that be?"

   "Not suitable!"

  The three uncles disagreed, and even Xiao Mang couldn't help but "barking" twice.

  But the old man did not express his opinion.

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes flashed, and he felt that there was a play!

   immediately made a guarantee: "I will be considerate and considerate throughout the whole process."

  Han Qishan did not speak.

  He thought for a while, and coughed slightly: "...Go to the hotel and open two rooms."

  The old man then let go: "Okay, then you go with Yueyue."

  Han Shen: "It’s not...Dad, how can you..."

  Han Ke also caught up: "There is no such reason..."

  Master three's voice gradually faded away.

  Only Han Heng was still standing there, raising his eyelids to look at Xie Dingyuan——

   "Boy, you can do it."

   Knowing what the old man was worried about, he took the initiative to express his opinion.

  Netizens say he has low EQ?

   Is there any misunderstanding of "low emotional intelligence"?

  Han Heng cleared his throat: "Remember, two rooms."

  After finishing speaking, pat Xiaomang's dog head: "Let's go."

  In this way, Xie Dingyuan accompanies her to the award ceremony with a final word.

  Jiang Fuyue: "You just listen to what the old man said?"

  Xie Dingyuan nodded: "Of course, my grandfather will also be in the future."

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

   "I won't tell you anymore," she pulled up the blanket, turned over, turned her back to the man, "So sleepy..."

  Xie Dingyuan’s eyes flashed a smile: "You... won't you be shy anymore?"

  Jiang Fuyue ignored her, and did not move, as if she was asleep.

  He touched his nose and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not wrong again..."

   is indeed the future grandfather!

  Jiang Fuyue: Can’t hear, can’t hear...

  At the same time, a question flashed in my heart: When did the dog man become so good at it?

  No wonder my brother said he was "ok".


  The plane moves forward steadily.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't know when she fell asleep, and it was already two hours after she woke up.

  Turned his head to see that Xie Dingyuan was not there.

   was about to let the flight attendant help to pour a cup of hot water, but saw Xie Dingyuan in the service cabin surrounded by several beautiful flight attendants, saying something.

  Because of her back facing, Jiang Fuyue couldn't see the expression on his face.

  On the contrary, a few flight attendants looked surprised and excited.

   "Really? Great!"

   "Professor Xie, please!"

   "Must... Hey? Sister Yue wakes up?"

  Xie Dingyuan turned his head and looked at Shang Jiang Fuyue with a smile but a smile, and quickly returned to his seat: "Wake up?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "Aren't you sleepy?"


   "Is it because chatting with beautiful women is extra refreshing?"

  What this said...

  The man flicked for a moment, and he was a little surprised: "Yueyue, are you jealous?"

  Jiang Fuyue: I am not, I don’t, I refuse!

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes, "You admit it, I've seen through everything a long time ago."

  At this moment, the group of beautiful flight attendants came over, expressing Ai Ai in expectation, and their eyes were still eager to talk.

  Xie Dingyuan: "If you wake up, you should tell her yourself."

  Jiang Fuyue looked inexplicable.

  The flight attendant in the flight attendant's uniform smiled and spoke. Although she tried her best to calm down, she still couldn't hide the excitement in her tone: "Miss Yue! I'm your fan!"

  Other flight attendants: "We too!"

  "Can you sign us?"

  After Jiang Fuyue nodded, he was immediately surrounded by the beautiful ladies.

  Fortunately, there are only two passengers, she and Xie Dingyuan, in the entire business class, so they won't disturb others.

   Signed one by one, took a group photo, Jiang Fuyue smiled and cooperated throughout the process.

one two Three--


  Finally, the ladies returned to their posts contentedly and continued to work.

  Be as professional as it is.

  But when the curtains are down, the scene in the cabin is like this——

   "Wow! Sister Yue’s autograph, I want to take it back and give it to you!"

   "It turns out that Sister Yue herself is so good-looking, can she kill us all in a second without makeup? Huh!"

  "Professor Xie is so sweet. I saw him cover sister Yue with a blanket and adjusted the air outlet of the air conditioner."

   "And after knowing that we wanted to ask sister Yue to sign, in order not to disturb her to rest, we took the initiative to come over and explain, let us wait until she wakes up."

   "Oh my God! Is this really the rumored Professor Xie who is not close to women, has no intention of love, and can't even get close to a female mosquito?"

   "Can it be the same? How can my sister Yue compare with the mother mosquito? Dah!"

   "Who said that the professor doesn't understand love? I promise not to kill him when I come out."

   "This trip is worth it!"

   "I have been so sweet!"

   "I want to keep this group photo as an heirloom for a lifetime, oooo..."


  NY local time, at 11 noon, the flight landed smoothly.

  Two hours later, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan checked into the Pierre Hotel on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

  The award ceremony will be held here tomorrow.

  The organizer reserved a room for two people, the best floor, the best view.

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the other room card in Xie Dingyuan's hand, and she was puzzled: "Why do you have it too?"

  The accompanying person needs to solve the board and lodging by himself. The organizer called to inform this point before departure.

  So, Xie Dingyuan’s room should be booked by himself.

  The man pondered for a moment: "Maybe... I'm special?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Where is it special?"

   "Look handsome."


  The two rooms are next to each other.

  Everyone put their luggage, Jiang Fuyue also took a bath, changed into clean clothes, and went to look for Xie Dingyuan next door.

  The man has just finished washing, his hair is still wet.

  Jiang Fuyue walked around him, swaggered into the room, looked around first, then walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, "How do I think your room has a better view?"

  "Are you there?" Xie Dingyuan was puzzled, and walked up to look at the scenery outside the window side by side with her, "On the same floor, there are two rooms next to each other, shouldn't they be the same?"

  Jiang Fuyue shook her head, with a certain tone: "It's different."


  She raised the end of her eyes, and suddenly she approached, and the scent of citrus came over her face, and she also smelled of shower gel.

  When the man lost his mind, he saw the girl's red lips lightly open, and the words were like orchids: "Why don't I move over to live with you?"

  In a short sentence, it's like putting a small hook in a man's heart.

   "You, what did you say?" Xie Dingyuan's eyes were blank and his tone was dull.

   "I said," Jiang Fuyue said every word, "Move over and live with you."

   "No!" The man suddenly backed away, swallowing hard.

   "Why not?" She took a step forward, staring at him with beautiful peachy eyes, charming and seductive.

  Xie Dingyuan turned his head, "I promised the old man... to open two rooms."

  Although it is invisible, the fragrance lingers.

  The man’s heartbeat was thunderous and thumped, as if a deer was bumping around.

  Jiang Fuyue said: "We have two rooms, and you have not broken your promise."

  Opening two rooms does not mean that you have to live in two rooms.

  Xie Dingyuan’s Adam’s apple rolled lightly: "...It still doesn’t work."

   "Why? I don't want me to live with you? Is it because I am not good enough, or am I not soft enough? Huh?"

  With every question, Jiang Fuyue takes a step closer, and the fragrance becomes stronger.

  The last "um", the tone is up, charming without knowing it.


  Xie Dingyuan: "...I don't know what to say."

   "Said you want me to stay and live together."

  The man's cheeks are stiff, so he doesn't speak.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't intend to let him go, she got closer and closer, seeing that the two were already stuck together.

  She could feel the man’s hot breathing and the ups and downs of his chest.

  Not so indifferent...

  Why don’t you let go?

   "Xie Dingyuan, turn your head around and look at me." The tone of command was similar.

  The man's neck is stiff, just motionless.

  Jiang Fuyue stretched out his hand directly, clasped his chin, and forcibly pulled the man's face back.

   Her eyes were facing each other, she was smiling and charming, but he avoided it.

  It seems that one second later, it will be swallowed by the cannibal demon.

   "Xie Dingyuan, you really look like a little daughter-in-law, then what am I? Big gangster? Old bully?"

  Speaking of this, Jiang Fuyue made herself amused.

  Furong noodles, beautiful like flowers, all spring is in full bloom in an instant, even if he avoids and hides again, he will be taken away by such beauty.

   Taking advantage of the man’s loss of consciousness, Jiang Fuyue simply wrapped his neck directly, pulled it down, and then raised her head to kiss it.

  This kiss is completely dominated by Jiang Fuyue.

  Xie Dingyuan passively accepted.

  She is like a patient old hunter, able to deal with prey with ease.

   lowered the bait and hooked him, but not completely to him.

  If there is something hanging on the ground, try to retreat into the ground to lure.

  The man didn't react for a while, and he let her lead his nose.

After the    is over, Jiang Fuyue smacks her lips like a romantic boy: "Look at how you hide now."

  But Xie Dingyuan's cheeks burst red and his expression was embarrassing.

   "Are you stupid?" Jiang Fuyue stretched out an index finger and tapped it on the bridge of his nose.

   is light and soft, like feathers.

  The man was stiff and trembling as if he had been electrified.

  She smiled and asked him: "Are you agreeing to move over now?"

  Xie Dingyuan could not speak at all.

   "Okay, if you don't agree, then I will continue to kiss!"

   was so scared that the man was agitated, and he suddenly returned to his senses, "No—Um!" The word "Xing" that hadn't been exported was blocked and disappeared between their lips and teeth.

   has said that he wants to continue kissing, why doesn’t this person believe it?

  Xie Dingyuan's mind was empty, like falling into a boundless dream.

  I don’t know how long it took before Jiang Fuyue retreated, staring at a pair of peachy eyes, and asked him: "What about now?"

  Xie Dingyuan took the opportunity to break free, as if avoiding something.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

   "No, I can live in the same room, I promised the old man." This sentence was repeated over and over again.

   "They don't know anyway, I promise who will not say..."

  The man still shook his head, stubbornly cute: "It's not a question of not telling you, but you should do it if you agree."

  Jiang Fuyue narrowed her eyes, and stepped closer: "Do you dislike me that way?"

   "Of course not!" He is too rare to have time, how could he dislike it?

   "Then why don't you let me live here?"

   "...I'm afraid I can't help it." He dared not look at Jiang Fuyue, and his voice was very small.

  The girl's smile widened, and she rushed up in two steps, encircling his neck.

  Because of the strong momentum, Xie Dingyuan's center of gravity was unstable, so he stepped back two steps and fell on his back on the bed.

  Jiang Fuyue also fell down, but hit the man's chest in a prone position.

   Eyes meet, time seems to stop flowing.

   Ambiguous and inadvertently fermented, exuding a few sticky sweet aromas.

  Jiang Fuyue lowered her head to his ear: "Then I can't bear it."

   is ridicule, instigation, and even more fatal temptation.

  Xie Dingyuan’s breathing changed several times, from rush to forced calm, to difficulty in self-sustaining, and finally returned to peace.

During the period of   , what kind of struggle and suffering he experienced in his heart, except for himself, I am afraid that no one knows.

   "You..." His Adam's apple rolled lightly and his voice was rough, "Get up first."

"In no mood."

   "Yueyue..." Forced patience, but helpless.

   "You promise to let me live with you first."

  The man smiled bitterly: "You know I can't."

"I have no idea!"


  Each time he called herself in this tone, Jiang Fuyue couldn't help but tremble in her heart.


  After all, she still failed to persuade this piece of wood, so she could only get up, resigning to her fate, and straightened her hair.

  Xie Dingyuan also sat up, tidying up her collar and cuffs.

   "Let’s make a few noises, and at the awards ceremony tomorrow, recharge your energy and make sure to surprise the audience."

   "You don't need to surprise the audience, I just want to surprise you."

  "Beautiful people and things can't be taken as one's own. Only by sharing and appreciating can we make this kind of beauty more meaningful."

   "Really?" Jiang Fuyue turned around and kissed him: "Is this also shared?"

  The man’s face went dark with a brush: “That’s not necessary.”

   "What about sharing and rewarding?"

   "Cough..." He pretended to be stupid, and looked up at the ceiling. He didn't know that he thought there were flowers growing on it.

  Xie Dingyuan got up and drove her to the door.

   Jiang Fuyue grabbed the door frame, and asked for the last time: "Really not living together?"

  He shook his head and refused.

  The two lingered for a while, and in the end, Jiang Fuyue still failed.

  It doesn’t matter how you kiss, Xie Dingyuan just doesn’t let go.

  That is a strict defense!

   "Forget it," Jiang Fuyue collapsed, "It seems like how rare I am... I'm back to the room."

   Little did she know that when she turned around, the man smacked his lips, and a flash of regret flashed in his eyes.

  How did you give up?

  Hold on for a while...

  September 23, the Lasker Award Ceremony officially began.

   150 guests were invited to the ceremony, including more than 40 Nobel Prize winners and Lasker Prize winners, as well as renowned experts and scholars in the international medical community.

  This year's clinical medicine award was awarded to Dr. John Baird Glen, a retired professor from the multinational pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, for his achievements in the fields of genetics and anesthetic drug development.

  The public service award is awarded to "Doctors Without Borders".

The   Special Contribution Award was won by five researchers from Rockefeller University because their team has made great achievements in repairing misfolded protein cell systems, deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease, and breast cancer genes.

  Except for the large group "Doctors Without Borders" mentioned above, the rest of the winners are all from the country M!

  Originally, the Lasker Award was a medical award of country M. Judging from the selection results over the years, it is obvious that it is more inclined to be awarded to people of country M.

  This is also an important reason why very few people in China have won this award.

  But then, the routine is destined to be broken——

  When the three Chinese characters "Jiang Fuyue" appeared on the screen, "Qi Ming University" was immediately followed in brackets, and behind her was a bright Chinese national flag.

   "Congratulations to Jiang Fuyue from China——"

  (End of this chapter)

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