After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 826: Present her awards and kiss on the spot (one more)

  Chapter 826 presents her awards, kisses on the spot (one more)

  Professor Thomas, who presided over the ceremony, deliberately made a long tone to sway the appetite of the audience.

   "Congratulations to her for receiving the Basic Medical Research Award!"

  After speaking in English, he repeated it in Chinese again.

  For a time, there was thunderous applause.

  The camera flickers continuously.

  "I invite the winner MissJiang to come on stage!"

  Jiang Fuyue got up and walked to the stage amidst cheers.

  She wore a black-and-white color-blocking suit skirt with a simple style and a chic atmosphere. Only the neckline and cuffs were embellished with traditional embroidery elements.

  She is tall and in good shape, with a pair of straight and slender legs down the knee-length skirt.

  A light on the field, the skin color is like porcelain, shiny and moist.

  The five-centimeter-high black pointed-toe shoes have lengthened her overall proportions.

   Even among the women of M country whose average height is generally better than that of China, they can be called "white, beautiful, long legs".

Professor Thomas: "Jiang is a very young and capable research scholar. She developed the A+ vaccine and discovered the F active enzyme. In order to avoid the continued spread of Schenkworth virus, it spreads and infects all mankind. Achievements have also rescued continent F from the shadow of the epidemic. Therefore, after the review meeting discussed and decided, she was awarded the 2052 Lasker Basic Medical Research Award!"

   Applause sounded again, and everyone stood up.

  Jiang Fuyue stood on the stage with a decent smile.

  And this scene was recorded by a reporter from China at the scene with professional broadcasting equipment, and it was simultaneously posted on a domestic live broadcast software.

Less than half an hour after    started broadcasting, the number of viewers has exceeded 10 million.

  And the comment area is even denser, so I can’t come over at all——

  【Sister Yue, the whole audience is beautiful! Do not accept rebuttal! 】

   [Among all the old men, Sister Yue is the only focus, okay? 】

  [Those old M can’t turn their eyes anymore. I didn’t expect my sister Yue to be so young and beautiful, she is simply an “alien” in academia]

  [Suit skirt praise, Yue sister wears this body too strong aura]

  【I also want to say that the skirt is very good-looking, which one is it? Why is there no obvious logo? Ask for the same amount. 】

  [Sisters of the same style, let’s wash and sleep. If I’m not mistaken, sister Yue's body should be the personal work of Miss Guo, the first person of China High Ding, and there are iconic embroidery elements on the cuffs and neckline.]

  【Is it Miss Guo, who spent tens of millions of dollars by a top actress some time ago and failed to put on her high-end dress? 】

  【Yes, that's the boss. Although this piece on Sister Yue's body is not high-end, it is Miss Guo's private work, the only one in the world. 】

  【How much is that? 】

  【Because it is not sold in the market, it is priceless! 】

  【I appeared on the first month of the month, and the academic awards ceremony instantly changed to the film festival red carpet scene. How could she be more beautiful than a star? [Scratching head]]

   [Look at Weibo, Ms. Guo has posted an update! 】

  Guo Pei V: Unique clothes for a unique person [心]

  【Mr. Guo, who hasn't posted anything for two or three months, actually responded so quickly, surfing the stone hammer online! 】

  Guo Pei V Reply: [Watching the live broadcast [Yeah]]

【shock! The first person of Huaxia Gaoding was actually a fan of Jiang Fuyue! The title has been drawn up, wait for the report]

  【I squatted on the same channel as Teacher Guo and watched the same live broadcast】

After   Guo Pei, many celebrities in the entertainment circle also posted screenshots and called Jiang Fuyue online.

  Xue Heng V: The Light of China!

  Yang Caier V: What was I doing when I was 19 years old? Lost in thought...

  A live broadcast of the academic awards ceremony has become a grand event in the entire entertainment industry, and even developed into a national carnival.


  Jiang Da and Han Yunru closed the store early today and closed four hours earlier than usual.

  The couple returned to the villa, turned on the live broadcast, and cast the screen to the TV.

  The moment they watched their daughter appear in the camera, the couple held each other's hands excitedly.

  Jiangda: "Yueyue! It's Yueyue!"

  Han Yunru nodded, her eyes proud——

   Looking around, her daughter is indeed the most beautiful in the audience!


  Han’s house.

  Four King Kong, a Han Ting and a Xiao Mang, are sitting on the sofa in the living room at the moment, staring at the screen without blinking.

  Suddenly, Han Ting exclaimed: "It's coming out! Sister Yue is coming out! Ay——So beautiful!"

  Han Shen didn’t look at him, but said, “Smelly boy, do you know what beautiful is?”

   "Why don't I know? Sister Yue is beautiful anyway! I will marry a beautiful daughter-in-law like Sister Yue!"

  Han Ke twitched: "Don't think so, because you are thinking of dying alone at a young age, and our old Han family will depend on you to pass on from generation to generation."

  Han Ting: "?" When did I say I would die alone?

  Han Heng coughed slightly: "Do you think you can find your sister Yue like you casually? If you can't find it, don't you just be an orphan?"

  The old man said with great earnestness: "Xiao Tingna, you must be more practical to be a man, and the requirements must not be so high, otherwise you will not be able to marry a wife."

  Han Ting: "..." Hundreds of millions of points of damage!

  I can think about it again, it seems that I am not as good as Xie Dingyuan...

  Then find someone who is worse than Yuejie, um, just a little bit, no more.

  After all, the eyes have been raised, it's too ugly to look past.

  "The awards have been announced!" Han Heng stared straight at the screen, suddenly remembering something, took out the phone and turned on the camera function.

  The old man also has to learn.

  Well, take a few photos first, and make friends in Moments for a while, and greedy those old guys.

  No way, who made his old Han daughter so good?

  Sure enough, as soon as the photo was posted, likes and comments followed.

  Old man No. 1: [Show! Show again! 】

  Han Qishan replied: [I like it, I want you to control [hum]]

  Old man No. 2: [Congratulations, congratulations, I won glory for the country again]

  Han Qishan replied: [hold fist]

  (He is quite humble)

  Old man No. 3: [How about giving your family Yueyuexu to me as a grandson-in-law? 】

  Han Qishan replied: [Not awake? 】

  Old man No. 4: [If you ask for permission, you can also give it to my house! 】

  Old man No. 3 replied to Old man No. 4: [I remember you don’t have a grandson? 】

  Old buddy No. 4 replied to old buddy No. 3: [But I have a young son, 28, unmarried, and magnificent, selected by Ren Qing~]

  Han Qishan: [Unified reply, there is no shortage of grandson-in-law [smile], where are you guys, stay cool. 】

  Yes, Jiang Fuyue is already with the boy from the Xie family.

  Well, I can’t compete, disband on the spot!


  Back to the award ceremony scene.

  After Jiang Fuyue took the stage, Professor Thomas went on to say: "I will ask ProfessorXie to come on stage to present her awards!"


  Professor Xie?

  Xie Dingyuan!

  Jiang Fuyue was stunned for a while, and the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the screen was also dumbfounded.

  【I heard that right, right? Is Xie followed by Professor? Thank you Professor Xie? 】

【what's the situation? 】

  【Sister Yue is so confused, hahahaha, so cute】

【I'm coming! The screen has moved to the auditorium! 】

  【Wow! It's really Professor Xie! Oh my God! Is this a surprise? 】

  [I don’t know if I like it or not, but Sister Yue is really shocked, looking at the cute little expression, I’m in love with it]

  Jiang Fuyue stood on the stage, only to see someone in the guest seat, who insisted on staying in the room waiting for her without an invitation letter, was now standing up from the rightmost corner of the front row.

  Black suit, straight and tall.

  The shirt is still used to the last button, revealing the slightly protruding apple knot, abstaining from high cold.

  The chasing light hit his face, making the already deep facial features more three-dimensional.

  The man walked slowly to the stage, and then slowly walked towards her.

During   , there was endless applause.

  The guests couldn’t help but exclaim--

   "Oh! It's really Xie!"

   "Last time he was the winner, now he is the presenter."

   "He seems to have not changed at all, he is still so handsome, of course, serious as always."

   "This is like him-the legendary Stargana iceberg that will never change!"

   "Oh! I saw a news a few days ago that he and Jiang are in a relationship."


   "The news exposed by China's official media should not be false."

  "OMG (God)——"

  Xie Dingyuan picked up the Samothrace winged Victory Statue trophy symbolizing victory over disease and death from the tray on the side, and handed it to Jiang Fuyue personally.



  The two shook hands, hugged, everything is normal here.

   At this moment, someone in the audience suddenly shouted: Kiss——Kiss——

   Then the whole hall began to commotion: "Kiss——Kiss——"

  In front of the screen, the audience was also boiling.

  【Damn it! These old Ms are too good at it! 】

  【Professor Xie, you give me a hard kiss! 】

  【Mom, is this something I can watch without spending money? 】

  【Kiss! Kiss one! 】

  [It's over, the barrage is crazy]

  [One full-screen kiss, the patient with intensive phobia is dying and must see the kiss to survive]

  【High sugar is coming! 】

  【Be prepared to take screenshots at any time】

【Ah ah ah ah ah……】

  【Copper warning! 】


  Linhuai, Yutian Huafu, Jiangjia Villa.

   Jiang Da's face turned black.

   "What the **** are these foreigners? How can you make such a request?! Excessive!"

  Han Yunru looked at the two matching people on the screen and smiled.

  Although she couldn't accept her daughter's dating at such a young age at first, but after thinking about it carefully, if Yueyue really wants to fall in love, it seems that there is no better choice than Xie Dingyuan.

  Regardless of the appearance, the three views, or hobbies, talents and specialties, the two are very good match.

  It's not that Han Yunru, who is a mother, loves the poor and loves the rich, or has a higher eye and looks down on ordinary people, but Yueyue's own situation. How do ordinary people understand her pursuit and ideals?

  In comparison, Jiang Da is more capricious. He doesn't care what he deserves. He only knows that Xie Dingyuan is going to grab his little cotton jacket!

  How can this be tolerated?

   "I think this kid's calmness is just pretended, so I can't figure out how to snicker at the moment!"

  Since the love affair was exposed, Xie Dingyuan has directly changed from "Professor Xie" to "This kid" in Jiang Da's place.

  Han Yunru: "M national wind is open, this is actually very common..."

   "I care if it is open or not."

   "...unhappy?" Han Yunru reacted, "Okay, as long as your daughter is willing, why are you angry? Besides, Xie Dingyuan is really good..."

   "Huh!" Jiang Da tilted his head high. If he didn't listen, he wouldn't listen.

  Han Yunru: "……"

  At the same time, Han's family.

  The four King Kong faces were dark as ink long ago, Xiao Mang felt the unusual tension in the air, and barked anxiously.

  Han Shen: "What organizer is this?"

  Han Ke: "It's too unprofessional to do something and nothing!"

  Han Heng: "As long as Xie Dingyuan dares, I will—"

  The old man covers his heart, inhales and exhales, inhales and exhales...

  Distressed! His little girl is going to be arched by a pig.


  On stage, Xie Dingyuan opened his arms towards Jiang Fuyue: It means, I’m ready, how about you?

  The girl was taken aback for a moment, her ears were getting louder and louder, and she was smiling and conniving in front of her.

  She smiled suddenly, stepped forward, leaned into Xie Dingyuan's arms generously and frankly, and hugged her hands back.

  One head down, one toe.

  The next second, your lips will touch your lips.

   Accompanied by the screaming at the scene, there was also the click of the camera shutter being quickly pressed——

   freezes this scene into eternity.

  【Wow! I'm dead! 】

  【Professor Xie, good Su! 】

  【Sister Yue is the one who wrote the four words ‘Luo Luo Generous’ into the bones, obviously doing the actions of a little woman, but the gestures are all bright and magnificent, without the slightest pretentiousness.】

  【The ball is gone, don’t stop! Kiss me till the end of the day! 】

  【What academic romance novel is this? Too top! 】

  【Is there any picture after pulling the light? One person's blood book kneel begged]

  【Want to see +10086】


  Xie Yunshu, who was sitting in front of the TV, had gritted his teeth with anger and was shaking all over.

  Xiao Jiu has always been a serious and solemn image to show others, how can he talk to Jiang Fuyue in the public...

  It’s ridiculous to be watched like a monkey!

  Husband found that her face was wrong, and said with concern: "What's the matter? No one provokes you. At first glance, it looks angry?"

   "Naughty! What do you think this is like?" As he said, he raised his hand and pointed directly at the two people kissing on the screen.

   "Where is the chaos? The country M is so open. On other people's land, of course you have to go to the countryside and do what you like. Besides, the two are lovers. It is normal to be intimate..."

  Xie Yunshu stared angrily: "Normal fart! Xiao Jiu is a scientist! And most of the scientists are rigorous, restrained, and professional. How can they kiss in front of so many people?!"

  Her Xiao Jiu is such a self-respecting and self-respecting person, but after falling in love with Jiang Fuyue, she turned into this light and casual appearance.

   "Xiao Jiu is not a celebrity, so he doesn't need to show his face and sensationalize."


   Is this grandiose?

  Xie Yunshu: "Don't you understand? Xiao Jiu was led by the nose by the surname Jiang, step by step ruining his image."

  Sure enough, it is a disaster!

  Husband waved his hand: "It's not as serious as you think..."

  Xie Yunshu was immersed in his own guesses and conjectures, and couldn't listen at all: "Yes, she and Xiao Jiu are in a competitive relationship. If you don't ruin Xiao Jiu, how can you be in position? How to be "unique"?"

"Yun Shu, the more you talk, the more outrageous you are. People just got the atmosphere. Didn't you see that the audience was screaming and applauding? At this time, Xiao Jiu satisfies everyone, which can only prove that he is gentle, considerate and approachable. Damage to his image will also make him more flesh-and-blood in public."

   Although Xie Dingyuan was successful in the past, he was cold, harsh, uncomfortable, and ungrounded.

  He looks a little bit smoky now.

  This is a good change, not the "self-destructive image" in Xie Yunshu's words.

  Unfortunately, some people just can’t figure this out.

  It can only be said that prejudice is narrow.

  "Why do you keep talking for her?" Xie Yunshu raised her eyebrows slightly.

  The husband opened his mouth in amazement.

   "Okay, stop talking, I don't want to listen!" After speaking, Xie Yunshu picked up the phone and went to the balcony.

   "Hey, Yunxi, it's me..."

    two more tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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