After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 827: The fourth sister is a demon, Yueyao Huaxia (two more)

  Chapter 827 The Fourth Sister is a Demon, Yue Yao Huaxia (two more)

  Xie Yunxi, the seventh old man of Xie’s family, is the host of an English program. He has been out in Europe for the past month.

  Just after finishing recording and preparing to change to another place, I received a call from Xie Yunshu.

   "Sister Si, what's wrong?"

   "Yunxi, I ask you, have you been in contact with Xie Yunqian all the time?"

  She paused: "It's not always, just occasionally chat a few words. Sister, why are you asking this suddenly?"

  "Then give me her contact information, cough... After kicking her out of the group chat last time, I blocked her WeChat account..."

  So now I can’t add it back.

  Xie Yunxi was taken aback, if she remembered correctly, the person who hated Xie Yunqian most was the fourth sister, "What do you want her to do with her contact information?"

"……I am busy."

  Xie Yunxi frowned, instinctively that there was something wrong, so he did not hand over his contact information immediately.

   "What the **** is it? Come and listen, and see if I can help?"

   "You? Forget it."

"Sister, don’t be sloppy. What's the matter? Tell me. People who usually even talk about Xie Yunqian with a cold face, suddenly asked me for contact information today. You... are too abnormal. I don’t know how to make it clear, I'm up and down in my heart."

  There was a moment of silence on the other end, " doesn't matter if I tell you, I'm looking for Xie Yunqian for A Yuan."

"Xiao Jiu? Didn't he go to the Lasker awards ceremony with his girlfriend? If I had a job, I would also squat to watch the live broadcast, but fortunately, I can watch the recording online. What can he and Xie Yunqian have to do with? Relationship?"

  Xie Yunshu couldn’t help frowning, and when he heard Lao Qi’s calm and even expectant tone, he felt dull: "You seem to like Jiang Fuyue..."

   "Who doesn't like such a good girl? My mother is 10 million satisfied. She called me yesterday so that I must remember to watch the live broadcast."

  Xie Yunshu's mouth was tight, why didn't the old lady call her?

   "Sister Si? Why are you looking for Yun Qian?"

   "It's nothing, just talk." She didn't want to tell Xie Yunxi anymore.

  But Xie Yunxi is not stupid. When I heard her tone, it was not simple: "Sister Si, don’t you do any tricks behind your parents and Xiao Jiu?"

  Xie Yunshu’s eyes flashed: "What small actions can I make..."

   "Then what do you want Yun Qian's contact information for? It happened that when Xiao Jiu just announced that she had a girlfriend, you didn't know that she was treating Xiao Jiu..."

  "Don’t worry, I’m not as boring as you think. Xiao Jiu is our own brother. In the past few years, none of our seven sisters hurts him as eyeballs..."

  Cough! Although A Yuan didn't appreciate it very much.

   "Anyway, I won't harm him. Give me your contact information. I'm busy watching the live broadcast..."

  Xie Yunxi hesitated again and again, and the camera was rushed, and finally sent her Xie Yunqian's mobile phone number.

  Before hanging up, she couldn't help but urged again: "Sister Si, you must not make trouble. Although A Yuan doesn't care about it, the whole family can't stand it after launching a fire."

   "I see, I see..." Xie Yunshu hung up impatiently.

  She didn’t believe that A Yuan would target the whole family and her because of such a trivial matter!

  As a relative, isn’t it better to be an outsider than Jiang Fuyue?


After hanging up here, she immediately changed hands and called Xie Yunqian——

"it's me."

   "... Fourth Sister?" There was a bit of disbelief in the astonishment on that end.

  Xie Yunshu will take the initiative to call her?

  The sun came out from the west?

  Xie Yunshu dislikes Xie Yunqian very much, but does not like Jiang Fuyue even more.

   Although Xie Yunqian was unclear, at least she did not affect Xie Dingyuan.

  But Jiang Fuyue directly changed Xiao Jiu's personality, and she could even agree to kissing in public. It was almost...

   "Um! How is the fourth sister recently?"

   "Should save the polite remarks between us." Who doesn't know who?

  Xie Yunqian's voice also faded: "What's the matter, you say."

   "A Yuan has a girlfriend, do you know?"

   There was a moment of silence on the other end.

  Xie Yunshu hooks her lips, it seems she doesn’t know.

   "In addition, the romance was announced..."

   "Announce... the relationship?" Xie Yunqian's voice was a little tranced.

   "Yes, it was announced, and—"

  Xie Yun's eyelids twitched, and only listened to the other end with a smile: "A Yuan asked for it. The official media voiced and blessed the whole network."

  Her heart sank.

   After a while, "...Sister Si, you call here specifically to tell me the news, right?"

  Xie Yunshu hooks her lips.


  At the award ceremony, after a kiss, applause and screams almost overturned the roof.

  I don’t know what kind of large-scale star chasing scene this is.

  Xie Dingyuan finished awarding the award and returned to the stage to sit down.

  And Professor Thomas consciously stepped aside, leaving the entire stage to Jiang Fuyue.

  Under the strong light, she is the focus of all eyes on the scene.

  Professor Thomas: "Next, I would like to ask Jiang to give his acceptance speech-where is the applause?"

  The scene was a sensation again.

  Jiang Fuyue holding the trophy of the winged Victory Statue of Samothrace, raised it to her chest, facing the stand microphone, speaking to the world in Chinese——

"Dear Lasker Foundation Chairman, Lasker Prize Review Committee, dear Nobel Prize winners and my compatriots, as well as ladies and gentlemen present today: I am honored to receive the Lasker Basic Medicine in 2052. Research awards, but what makes people more happy than awards is that patients infected with Schenckworth virus can get a new life..."

  "Human beings are so small and fragile, but so strong and tough..."

   "I can safely reach F State, survived several thrills, and finally successfully developed an A+ seedling, and found the F active enzyme, and it is indispensable for the motherland to **** behind me, so—"

  "Today's honor, my motherland, China, share with me!"

  "This award is not only an affirmation of myself, but also an affirmation of China's contribution to the role of a major country in assisting third world countries, assuming global responsibilities, and maintaining global stability over the years."

  "Thanks to the motherland, to our compatriots, and to all the staff who have worked hard for A+ vaccines and special medicines."

   "Finally, I also want to thank..." Jiang Fuyue paused and turned her eyes to the audience. A gentle smile suddenly bloomed on her lips, and she continued: "A special person."

  The camera immediately turned to Xie Dingyuan in the guest seat.

  "It was him, risking infection, several times in and out of the resettlement camp to help with sampling; it was him who held me firmly in his arms in the smoke of the airstrike."

  "Thank you, Ayuan..."

  And the netizens who watched the live broadcast in front of the screen are completely crazy -

  【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is hardly mentioned in her acceptance speech, it is all about the motherland and China】

  [Looking at the national flag standing upright behind her, listening to her speaking Chinese loudly and loudly on an occasion where almost all people from the country M, tears in my eyes]

  【Broken the defense, enter China without regrets in this life! This is the backbone of our descendants of Yanhuang! 】

  【Sister Yue is indeed a patriotic mad demon, I cried violently! 】

  [This is the real role model, those so-called star auras are all overshadowed in front of her]


【Laughed! Sister Yue smiled at the professor! Woo-]

  [When it comes to the country, she is so hard; when facing her lover, she is so gentle]

  【Hand in hand, walk shoulder to shoulder, have the same pursuit and ideals, share each other's safety and misfortune, for the country, the people, and the righteousness-this is the most beautiful appearance of love】

  [No one is more worthy of a professor than Sister Yue, and no one understands Sister Yue better than a professor]

  【She was proud to add her body on stage, and he clapped and laughed at the stage--- 嘤嘤! Yuan Yue made me believe in love again]

  【When these two people look at each other, they can make me sweet! 】


"In the history of human medicine, it is rare for us to celebrate a discovery that can save the lives of millions of infected patients and prevent hundreds of countries from being affected by the virus. Thank you Jiang for his great contribution to all mankind, Of course, there is also her favorite motherland-China!"

  After Professor Thomas’ summary and conclusion, the award ceremony officially came to an end.

  But Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan were about to leave but they were blocked by the media reporters.

   "Can Jiang take an interview?"

   "How do you feel at the moment?"

   "What do you want to say to a global audience?"


  For a while, long guns and short cannons slammed in front of him.

  Xie Dingyuan put her in his arms and ordered a Huaxia reporter, “We are also going to the dinner party, so I’m sorry, you can only ask one question, and it can’t take more than three minutes.”

  The reporter was taken aback, and then he was surprised: "Sister Yue, Professor Xie, both of you are Lasker Prize winners. Do you have any messages or words for the next generation of teenagers?"

  Although there was only one question, two people were asked.

  (End of this chapter)

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