After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 829: Sleep together if you succeed, see Xie Yunqian

  Chapter 829 Achieving sleep together, see Xie Yunqian

  After the old and the young said hello, they left wittily, as if they were really just a greeting.

   But judging from the precautions and precautions subconsciously emerging in Xie Dingyuan’s eyes, Jiang Fuyue felt that it was not that simple.

  Sure enough--

"Fu Zhengxin is an expert in the field of immunology. When I sent people to support F State, the above was hesitated between me and him, but at that time, Fu Zhengxin had an important project in progress, so he sent me go."

  In fact, Fu Zhengxin’s plan is not difficult to guess——

Xie Dingyuan has won the Lasker Prize a long time ago. Even if he is asked to develop the Schenckwo vaccine, it is impossible to award him this year’s Lasker. If his own project succeeds, then this year’s Basic Medical Research Award and Clinical One of the medical research awards will always fall on him.

  I have to say that this man played a very loud abacus, but it was a pity that Jiang Fuyue had not expected the sudden emergence of Jiang Fuyue, and came to the top, snatching this piece of fat from his mouth.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyes were clear, no wonder the old man looked at her with a gloomy look when he looked at her, and coupled with a hypocritical smile, he looked like an old monster.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Fu Zhengxin is a narrow-minded man, and he must report it. This time he missed the Lasker Prize, and it is estimated that he will put the bill on your head. When you see him in the future, just turn your head and walk away. You don't have to worry about your affection."

   "What?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, "Is this guy very good?"

  The man shook his head: "It's not terrible, it's insidious. The villain is hard to guard against. If you can avoid it, you can avoid it."

   "Okay." Jiang Fuyue took it down.

   But if the villain dares to commit a crime against her, she is not afraid.


  The dinner is over, and the Lasker awards ceremony is completely over.

  Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan renewed their room and plan to spend a few more days in NY.

  The next day, the two woke up naturally, then packed up, ate breakfast, and went shopping.

  You can never return to your country empty-handed.

  Jiang Fuyue chose gifts for her family and sent them back to China by mail, which just solved the problem of insufficient luggage.

  She asked Xie Dingyuan: "Are you not going to buy something?"

  The man was taken aback.

  Obviously, I never had the habit of bringing gifts.

  Jiang Fuyue was surprised: "Do you usually go on business trips without special products?"

  Xie Dingyuan said boredly: " can buy it in China."

   Even if you can’t buy it, there are also international shopping malls and purchasing agents.

   Jiang Fuyue's expression is hard to say: "Can this be the same?"

  He was full of eyes to ask for advice, not as if pretending: "Where is it different?"

  Like a good student.


  Finally, Xie Dingyuan might also realize that he owed his EQ fees, clenched his fist and coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment, “Why don’t pick one for me? See what to buy?”

  Jiang Fuyue agreed.

  Looking down all the way from bags to perfumes, to lipsticks, scarves, hats and so on.

  Girls are walking around enthusiastically, and men are dazzled.

  Oh, he is also responsible for handing out the card at any time. After swiping, he puts it away, and then goes to the next shop to continue swiping.

  The two have almost finished shopping in all the malls and stores in downtown NY.

  How much money Xie Dingyuan spent, Jiang Fuyue didn't know, anyway, she spent all the $250,000 Lasker bonus and swiped the card several times.

  He was vying to pay for the things Jiang Fuyue bought, but Jiang Fuyue said directly: "Am I poor?"

  The man can only quietly put away the black card, his eyes are full of distress.

  It’s too difficult to spend money on a daughter-in-law...

  Since it was to help Xie Dingyuan choose gifts for his family, Jiang Fuyue naturally asked them their preferences.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Old ladies like to perfume."

  Jiang Fuyue took him to a spice shop.

  There are good musk and ambergris here, and of course the price is also very impressive.

  Xie Dingyuan didn't blink his eyes any more, and simply took out his card to settle the bill.

  Jiang Fuyue asked the old man what he liked again.

  This time, Xie Dingyuan pondered for a while: " you think about walnuts?"


   "Should be counted as... right?"

  Yongguan counts, since the old man likes it, Xie Dingyuan is not bad for money, and Jiang Fuyue happens to have connections, no matter what, I have to try to find something satisfactory.

   "Uncle Liu, it's me... In NY, I want to play walnuts with good taste... OK, you send me your contact information."

   Jiang Fuyue did not deliberately avoid Xie Dingyuan when she called.

  The man's eyes flickered slightly. Although he was curious and faintly guessed, he did not ask who this "Uncle Liu" was.

  Anyway, he had known for a long time that there were many secrets in his wife, and he had a deep relationship with Yufeng Group.

  The call ended, Jiang Fuyue dialed the number given by Liu Jinzhong, who was a very famous collector.

  He informed the studio address, which is in the city center, within walking distance.

  The two went, discussed and negotiated with them, and finally won a pair of boring lion heads at a price of six-figure dollars.

  As for the bunch of sisters of Xie Dingyuan, he didn't let Jiang Fuyue pick out gifts one by one, but directly decided: "Each person has a bottle of perfume and a silk scarf."

  Simple and rude.

  Jiang Fuyue has no objection.

  She doesn’t need to please the Xie family, she doesn’t need to be comprehensive. It is only out of respect for the elders to personally choose gifts for the old man and the old lady, nothing more.


  It's getting late, the sun is setting, and things are almost ready to buy.

  The two went for dinner and chose a Michelin restaurant with a reputation. They did not expect to meet Fu Zhengxin and his granddaughter again.

  The old man in suit and leather shoes, combing his head with a big back, is meticulous, and looks like an English gentleman at first glance.

  The girl is wearing a sky-blue cheongsam, with long hair curled up, gentle and elegant, with a Chinese and classical beauty. Along the way, she has attracted many curious eyes, and she is always smiling and self-sufficient.

  Fu Zhengxin: "Professor Xie, Miss Jiang, what a coincidence, we met again."

  The two looked at each other, and Xie Dingyuan nodded: "It's a coincidence indeed."

  Paying a clear smile, even the curvature of the lips is explaining the beauty: "NY is so big, if we meet, it is fate, don't you mind if we sit down and eat together?"

  Speaking, he waved, and wanted to call the waiter for an extra seat.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Mind."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Sorry."

  The two spoke almost at the same time.

  Ignoring Fu Qing’s awkward face and Fu Zhengxin’s sudden cold eyes, the two looked at each other with a smile, calmly——

  This **** tacit understanding!

  Fu Zhengxin quickly returned to normal. The speed of face change was really amazing. He laughed loudly and said: "Qingqing, it seems that Professor Xie and Ms. Jiang did not welcome us. You are abrupt."

  Fu Qing expressed annoyance: "I'm really sorry, but I didn't think well and disturbed the world of the two of them."

  Xie Dingyuan: "Hmm." Just know it.

  Jiang Fuyue nodded slightly, quite self-aware.

pay off:"……"

  Fu Zhengxin's complexion changed slightly. Knowing that the two had deliberately embarrassed him, he immediately snorted: "Let's go!"

  It is not advisable to make a public appearance abroad, wait until you return to your country, and then play with these two people!

  Others are afraid of Xie Dingyuan, he is not afraid.

  Soon, Fu Zhengxin left with the payment.

  No flies were buzzing aside, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan were extremely satisfied with this meal.

  The dishes are fresh and presented very well.

  At the checkout, the manager recognized that the two were the couple of scientists who showed up at the Lasker awards ceremony, and enthusiastically invited them to take photos and add glory to the restaurant’s celebrity wall.

  In return, this meal is free of charge.


   Back to the hotel, it was already dark.

  Jiang Fuyue sorted out the things she bought today. Most of them belonged to her. They were not heavy and small. For example, skin care products, souvenirs, etc., can be directly packed in a suitcase and brought back to China, so there is no mail.

  Cleaned up, she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

  After washing out, she put on her nightdress, her hair was only half-dried, and she ran to the next door and knocked on the door.

  Xie Dingyuan was drinking water. When he heard a knock on the door, his scalp was numb and almost choked.

  The scene where Jiang Fuyue hooked him last time is still vivid.

  In fact, he doesn't like to solve it by himself.

   "Xie Dingyuan opened the door, it's me."


   "I know you heard it."


   "What are you afraid of? Can I still eat you?"

   "..." Yes, you just want to eat me.

  "You won't open the door again..."

  He held his breath, anyway, she had made up her mind that she would not open anything.

  Jiang Fuyue: "If you don't drive, I will be watched. I am wearing a nightdress!" She said, she stomped her feet with anger.

  Xie Dingyuan's face turned dark, and what he had made up was thrown behind his head, two steps forward, opened the door, and then dragged the person in.

  Do not move too fast.

  The girl did not lie, she did wear a nightdress, and she still wears a sling.

  The low-open V-neck reveals a pair of delicate collarbones and large white and smooth skin on the chest.

  The skirt is only above the knees, revealing a pair of straight and white calves.

   A pair of slippers on her feet, showing ten round and lovely toes.

   "You!" Xie Dingyuan was furious with just one glance.

   "What's the matter with me?" She pretended to be innocent and blinked.

  The man turned around and picked up the suit jacket, shook it, and put it on Jiang Fuyue’s shoulder: “It’s not good to show too much.”

   "What's not good?"

   "...the effect is not good."

   "But this is a foreign country, the atmosphere is open, it doesn't matter if you kiss in public, you haven't done it yet."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue shrugged, shrugged off her coat, and returned it to him: "I want to put on you, so hot, who still wears this thick?"

The moment    took off, she dialed the sling and slid directly from her shoulder to the side.

  The man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked away unnaturally.

   is too white.

   is not only dazzling, but also seductive.

  He was discovered by Jiang Fuyue in this little action. She rolled her eyes and deliberately moved in front of him: "What are you hiding?"

  With the girl's upper body leaning forward, Xie Dingyuan was caught off guard from her slightly open neckline. As soon as she saw the bottom...


  It's dying!

  He also avoided two steps as if he were running away, like hiding from some scourge: "'s not early, go back and rest."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "Are you driving me?"


   "So it seems that you want to keep me?"

   "...Neither is it."

  She turned a deaf ear, went straight to the bed, sat down, and pushed her hands behind her back. She was pleasant and leisurely: "Okay, I won't leave tonight."

   "No!" The man reacted very strongly.

  Jiang Fuyue didn't argue with him, she took off her shoes and lay down on the bed.

  It’s okay if it doesn’t work now.

  Xie Dingyuan looked helpless, walked over and tried to pull her up.

  The girl softly refused to cooperate.

   "Yueyue, don't make trouble."

  Jiang Fuyue let him hold a hand without struggling, and yawned: "sleepy, I want to sleep."

   "Go back to your room to sleep."

   "I have been walking for too long today, my legs are sore, I can't walk."

  The man frowned, and carefully looked at her two exposed legs. They were still so white and dazzling.

   "I call the masseur to come up."

  Five-star hotels have masseurs who pay extra, and they can call for service within five minutes.

"Too troublesome."

  Xie Dingyuan laughed: "Okay, then how do you think your legs are not sore? Except for staying."

  Jiang Fuyue curled her lips: "Speaking like someone who is rare to stay..."

  The man only looked at her, with a smile that saw through everything.

  Jiang Fuyue: "……"

   "You sit down."

  Xie Dingyuan replied to see what she was going to do.

   Then Jiang Fuyue directly stretched her leg over and put it on his leg, with a look of "I am ready to receive the service": "Press it."



   The man is slightly embarrassed, not unwilling, but: "I won't."

"It does not matter, I do not mind."

  He sighed softly, and finally put his hand on his fate, but as soon as his palm touched, the warm and smooth touch made the man stiff.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Why aren't you moving?"


   Seeing that the man didn’t respond, she gently squeezed his thigh with her foot: "You squeeze it!"

  Xie Dingyuan suddenly recovered.


  Next is a sweet torture. Jiang Fuyue is comfortable, but the man is hot and sweaty, even breathing slightly.

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" As for? She didn't ask for too much effort?

   "...Okay." Xie Dingyuan patted her calf, "Go back to sleep."

  Jiang Fuyue took the opportunity to retract her leg, not only did not leave, but also directly opened the quilt, put a cover on her head, and then rolled it, and the urn sounded: "No way, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep first."


  Finally, Xie Dingyuan really had no choice but to sleep in the same bed.

  Jiang Fuyue, who had already "slept first", rolled into his arms and noticed that the man's body was stiff for a moment, and she slightly curled her lips: "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you."

  He blurted out: "Neither can I!"

  It would be nice if the body reacted so honestly, but unfortunately, I can’t help it...

  Jiang Fuyue: "You come closer."

  Xie Dingyuan didn't move, he couldn't hide any reaction when he got close.

  If the mountain is not just me, then I have to be the mountain. Jiang Fuyue moved, and the two were just close to each other.

   "Hiss!" The man gasped, "You do..." What.

Before he finished speaking, a kiss fell on his neck, Jiang Fuyue sucked heavily, "Good night!"


  As a result, when Xie Dingyuan woke up the next morning, when brushing his teeth, he found that his neck was red.

   "Tsk..." He touched the mirror, and said softly.

  Today, the two still plan to go out, but they don’t want to go shopping anymore. They want to visit the nearby church and feed the pigeons by the way.

Before going out, Xie Dingyuan’s phone rang...

  "Hello?" Because the caller ID showed a string of unfamiliar numbers, he didn't know who was calling.

   "A Yuan, it's me."

  To be honest, Xie Dingyuan really didn't realize who this voice was for a moment.

  At the end of the meal, it seemed a little dull: "I, Yun Qian."

  He suddenly.


  At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan came to a coffee shop.

  And Xie Yunqian was already waiting here early.

    The next day, my aunt had a stomachache, and it seemed even more painful after eating a piece of there was only one more thing.



  (End of this chapter)

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