Chapter 830 Show off love

On the way to   , Xie Dingyuan briefly explained to Jiang Fuyue the relationship between Xie Yunqian and the Xie family.

  Nominally, she is the eighth Miss of the Xie family, only two months older than Xie Dingyuan.

  But in fact, she is not the old lady's own birth, and has nothing to do with the old man, just the daughter of an old friend.

Due to the accidental death of her parents and no close relatives to rely on, Fu Wanxiu saw that she was disappointed when she was young, and moved her heart to Xie's house. She followed the characters of the first seven daughters and changed her name to "Yunqian". ".

   Raised in Xie’s family since she was a child, and grew up in Xie’s family. The old man and the old lady also regarded her as his own, and never favored one or the other.

  Because of the similar age, she and Xie Dingyuan played very well before the age of six, but after the age of six, Xie Dingyuan showed amazing talent in all aspects, and he himself was willing to spend more time studying and thinking.

  Xie Yunqian, apart from being a little more beautiful, has no advantage in IQ, let alone a talented person like Xie Dingyuan, so the gap between the two quickly widened.

  Xie Dingyuan was busy learning functions and doing experiments, while she was still holding a doll and playing hide-and-seek.

  I didn’t see many meetings soon and there was no common topic.

  As he got older, Xie Yun became more and more beautiful and bright in his simple life. He followed the old lady in various public places, and gradually gained a name in the circle.

  However, Xie Dingyuan gradually fell in love with being alone during his long study career. He didn't like the excitement and showed up. He was full of his subjects, research, and papers.

  Actually, he did not have a deep impression of Xie Yunqian.

  Compared to the other sisters who were very cold and caring, Xie Yunqian didn't seem to like to be a "sister".

  She prefers to talk to him...well...not very interesting topics, such as where a new restaurant is opened, when is a new movie, which celebrity and which celebrity actually fell in love, and so on.

Although Xie Dingyuan is not interested, he still has the most basic courtesy and respect for his family. Putting down the phone, doing experiments, while waiting for her to finish, then call the assistant and ask him to help Xie Yunqian book a restaurant seat and buy Movie tickets, oh, by the way, also got autographed photos of those two love stars.

  Oh, by the way, I also prepared the same gifts for the other seven sisters.

  He is very fair.

  Jiang Fuyue's expression was weird for two seconds: "...?" To be honest, the straight steel man almost broke her waist.

  People say that restaurants, movies, and gossip are not for you to do this.

  Xie Dingyuan: "Why do you look like this? Did I do something wrong?"

   Jiang Fuyue sternly said: "No, you did a good job."

   "I think so too, but after that, she stopped looking for me."

  "..." Replaced by me, I won't look for you either.

"Then what?"

  Xie Dingyuan looked inexplicable: "What then?"

   "You and her are gone?"

   "What else? She married to Country M three years ago, and then broke contact with her family. The old lady rarely mentioned her again."

  I almost forgot that there was such a person... Why did you suddenly call him and Yueyue for dinner?

  Although he was suspicious, due to that level of relatives, and Xie Yunqian happened to be in NY, it seemed impossible not to eat a meal, and Xie Dingyuan finally agreed.

  However, he did not disrupt the plan. He set the meeting time in the afternoon. In the morning, he still took Jiang Fuyue to see the church, listen to poems, and fed the pigeons according to the original arrangement.


  The wind chime in front of the coffee shop was knocked out.

  Xie Dingyuan glanced around, then led Jiang Fuyue to a seat by the window.

  Xie Yunqian’s coffee cup at hand has already bottomed out, showing a long wait.

   "A Yuan..." The woman's eyes were in a daze, and then a smile spread from her lips, "I haven't seen you in three years, you are still the same as before, and you haven't changed much."

  Xie Dingyuan looked at her carefully for a few seconds, and then: "You look stronger than before."


  Jiang Fuyue almost couldn't hold it back.


  Brother, are you serious?

  On the other side, Xie Yunqian's eyes were wrong, and for a moment, he was choked.

   "Yes, is it?" Immediately, he drew his long hair unnaturally, his smile stiffened with embarrassment.

  But Xie Dingyuan didn't notice it at all, and replied solemnly: "Yes."

  Xie Yunqian: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "..."

  Actually, Xie Dingyuan is not completely lack of EQ. He also knows to use the word “sturdy” instead of “fat”.

  And he didn’t tell lies. Xie Yunqian did look a little fatter and darker than when he was in China. Together, isn’t it strong?

  Xie Yunqian barely managed to keep smiling, not wanting to pick up the stubble at all, and naturally turned his gaze to Jiang Fuyue, who was tightly attached to Xie Dingyuan.


  This is her first impression of this woman, no, to be precise, it is the girl's first impression.

  Black hair is like a waterfall, skin is white as porcelain, and a pair of peach eyes seems to talk, bright and beautiful, youthful and invincible, it is a unique gift given by age.

  She and Xie Dingyuan stand together, whether it is height, appearance, or the two people's achievements in the professional field, they really match.

  Xie Yunqian has a complicated mood. For a time, jealousy and unwillingness, inferiority and hatred, all kinds of emotions surged.

   She gritted her teeth, her pretty face suddenly tightened.

  At the same time, Jiang Fuyue is also looking at her.

The woman wears a classic black dress from the C family. The simple and neat style outlines a beautiful figure. There is a waist band around the waist and the legs are elongated. The chestnut curly hair is draped behind her back. The ears are marked with a double C Diamond earrings.

  The makeup is not too thick, but it is definitely not light. The eyeliner is picked, and the lip color is matte and red, which matches the black dress.

  The words "exquisite" and "fashion" are written from head to toe, which is the appearance of a typical urban girl in a TV series.

  The beauty is still beautiful, but unfortunately, the top of the skull is not full enough, causing the curls to almost fall down to the neck, which is not fluffy enough and looks cumbersome.

  The skin color is not white, and it is difficult to catch people's attention immediately under the background of a black dress.

  The height is about 1.65 meters, but the calf is too short and the waist is longer. To put it bluntly, the proportion is not good.

  Beauty is in the bone but not in the skin.

  Jiang Fuyue not only has a beautiful face, but also an extremely superior bone appearance.

  And Xie Yunqian may only have the appearance of online, but the bones can't stand the elegance at all.

  Look separately, both of them are considered "beautiful".

   can be put together and stand up against each other.

  "Come, please sit down, what to drink?" Xie Yun greeted with a light smile, and then turned to Jiang Fuyue, "A Yuan, don't you introduce me?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "My girlfriend, Jiang Fuyue." As he said, he put the hand held by the two on the table.

  Don't be too showy.

  Xie Yunqian was prepared for the answer. After all, Xie Yunshu had said everything that should or shouldn't be said, but he was still stinged by the man's undisguised straightforwardness.

  Jiang Fuyue just smile and cooperate.

  Man loves to show, she is not ashamed.

   At the look in Xie Yunqian's eyes, she greeted each other with a smile, not dodge or hide, she was innocent and innocent.

  Next, Xie Dingyuan consciously turned to Jiang Fuyue and introduced: "This is my eighth sister, Xie Yunqian."

   "Hello, sister."

  Eight sister...

The name    made the smile Xie Yunqian barely maintained completely disappeared.

  Before, he never called her "elder sister", but now she has become "eight sister"?

   "I saw the report of the Lasker awards ceremony yesterday. I didn't expect that you were also in NY. You are all a family. You should come out and get together."

   "Hmm." Xie Dingyuan nodded.

  Jiang Fuyue also obediently followed the example.

  Xie Yunqian: "..." What silly sweet thing is this? Don't you have a long face, don't you have a brain?

  Good mad!

  She forgot that Jiang Fuyue was the winner of this year's Lasker Fundamental Medical Research Award, or she may have not forgotten it, she just ignored it selectively.

   "Are parents okay? How about several sisters?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "All are pretty good."

  He thought for a while, and added: "If you want to know the specifics, you can call them separately to ask."

  Xie Yunqian's smile just raised, almost can't hold it.

  What does this mean?

   Satire that she has not contacted the family for so many years?

  God knows, Xie Dingyuan is really just giving her advice, nothing more.

   "Look at something to drink..."

  Xie Yunqian passed the menu.

  Xie Dingyuan waved his hand and said to the waiter: "Two cups of warm water, thank you."

   "A Yuan, there is tea here, and ice American..."

   "No, I can drink warm water with her." As he said, he looked at the girl beside him helplessly.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked, showing a good smile.

  She got up this morning and her stomach hurts. She went to the bathroom to have a look. Relatives visited.

  I took a painkiller, and it was almost better, but Xie Dingyuan did not let her drink cold water, and did not give coffee, tea and other beverages.

  In order not to frustrate Jiang Fuyue, he simply didn't touch it by himself.

  The two of them were eyebrows, Xie Yunqian watched the whole process—

   is going to explode!

    zero point two more.



  (End of this chapter)

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