After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 831: Shredded green tea, fried by sister Yue Wang (two more)

  Chapter 831 Tearing green tea by hand, Yuejie Wang fried it (two more)

   Soon, two cups of warm water came up.

  Xie Dingyuan touched it easily—test the temperature.

   Then he pushed it in front of Jiang Fuyue: "Just right, drink it."

  Jiang Fuyue gently scratched his thigh with his fingers under the table, meaning: Thank you.

  The man sat up abruptly, his thigh muscles tightened for a moment.

  Xie Yunqian: Ha ha.

  Do you think I can’t see it? !

"A Yuan," she smiled, with a calm expression, "there are only drinks here, no desserts. I knew you were coming. I ordered the cheesecake in the bakery opposite in advance. It is almost ready now. Here is a list. , Can you help me pick it up?"

  "Say it first. It's not that I want to be lazy. It's because it's too hot outside and strong ultraviolet rays. Yueyue and I are both girls, but you don't suffer this crime. It's because you men have thick skin and are not afraid of getting sunburned."

  This "Yueyue" almost yelled out the goose bumps on Jiang Fuyue's body.

  "Okay," Xie Dingyuan did not refuse. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Jiang Fuyue, "Don't run around, and don't drink, I'll be back in a while."

   really treated her as a disobedient child.

  Jiang Fuyue resisted the urge to twitch the corners of her mouth, and replied, "Okay."

After Xie Dingyuan left, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

  The two women sat opposite each other, their eyes met, like swords colliding.

  "How long have you been with A Yuan?" Xie Yunqian couldn't help but spoke first.

   "I haven't counted it, my sister should ask him, he remembers it better than me."

  Why is it clear?

  Because he cares.

  Why do you care?

  Because Xie Dingyuan likes her!

  Xie Yunqian sneered: "You seem very proud?"

  Jiang Fuyue asked back: "Is it not worth being proud of being liked by Xie Dingyuan?"

  The woman choked: "...Do you know that I grew up with him as childhood sweethearts?"

   "Huh? Can you describe it as childhood sweethearts between siblings?"

  Xie Yun raised his lower jaw slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised: "You may not know that A Yuan and I are not sisters and brothers, and we are not related by blood."

   "Oh-so you are not a child of the Xie family," Jiang Fuyue nodded, as if suddenly realized, "No wonder the other sisters of the Xie family are married to the wealthy family in China, but you can only leave your hometown and live abroad."

   said, could not help but show sympathy.

   "It can be seen that the biological and non-biological ones are still different."

  The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is poked into his heart.

  At the beginning, Xie Yunqian **** off to marry her, because she felt that Xie’s family treated her unfairly.

  Although the old lady always said that she regarded her as her own, after knowing what she thought of Xie Dingyuan, she did not coldly object, and even warned her not to fight Xie Dingyuan's idea again.

  All "unbiased" and "equal treatment" are all lies!

  What else did you say to treat her as your own?

  So funny!

  Later, she married quickly and went abroad with anger. The father, the old lady, and even the entire Xie family never contacted her again. She wanted her to go further, and it was best not to go back.

  Since they have done so well, what are they still trying to do? Simply cut off the contact completely and see who can beat whom?

  For a long time, Xie's indifference and the old lady's injustice have become a thorn in Xie Yunqian's heart.

  Can't think, can't touch, it hurts when you move!

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Fuyue's two sentences were torn apart, **** spread out in the sun.

   "You don't know anything at all! No one can participate in and get involved in the past of A Yuan and I!"

  "Hey, your past? Does it mean playing in the mud together before the age of six? Or flying a kite? Or jumping into the pool for longer than anyone holding his breath?"

  Xie Yunqian stunned: "You--"

  "How do I know?" Jiang Fuyue asked her for help, "Of course it was because Xie Dingyuan told me, otherwise can I still use it?"

   "He even told you all this?!"

"Is there anything that I can't tell? It's not a painful emotional injury or a great memory, ordinary plot, plain past, and a walk after a meal as a childhood fun to share with each other, what's the content? Can't speak to others?"

  Of course not in Xie Dingyuan’s eyes.

  He even hoped that Jiang Fuyue could ask more questions, which showed that she was interested in herself, and even wanted to know about things in her childhood.

  At Xie Yunqian's place, those experiences are the precious past of the two of them. They are the precious memories that she can't help but raise the corners of her mouth in retrospect.

   Is now Jiang Fuyue regarded as a chat after dinner?

  At that moment, her heart ached.

  It seems that everything in the past was because she was passionate about herself.

  However, Jiang Fuyue's words were not over yet, she only took a sip of warm water calmly, and continued: "It's more than that, he also said a lot about things after the age of six, do you want to listen?"

  Xie Yun's light eyes flickered.

"Then I’ll just pick a few things to talk about. For example, if your academic performance is not very good, you often ask him some very naive questions, but he said it once, you don’t understand it, twice, you still don’t understand. In the end, he really didn’t want to waste time on a repetitive thing, so he asked the old lady to hire a tutor for you..."

"Xie Dingyuan once even wondered if the brain structures of men and women are different, otherwise, why would the IQs be so different? It is as simple as a question that he can get the answer directly at a glance, but the girl has to ask so many times, but in the end he still doesn't understand. "

  "Later, he saw that other girls had normal IQs, and he didn't make a difference, so he completely dispelled this speculation. I guess only his eighth sister is different."


  The woman's cheeks are flushed.

  At that time, she really liked to ask Xie Dingyuan with math problems, but not because she couldn’t do it, but because she wanted to stay with him and talk more.

  It was only afterwards that the family hired a tutor for her, and there was no excuse to look for him often, but I didn’t expect Xie Dingyuan to be impatient, so I asked the family to invite him.

Jiang Fuyue: "As for the question of participation and involvement in the past, I think it is necessary to correct your erroneous view from a scientific point of view. Although mathematical three-dimensional space can move forward and backward, in four-dimensional space-time, it can only Forward, so time does not enjoy this full range of freedom."

   "I cannot go back to the past. This is an established fact. Natural participation and involvement in your memories will not hold."

  Xie Yunqian has been confused by this big talk.

  "Take ten thousand steps back. Even if I can, I don’t want to participate. The two little kids are playing foolishly all day long. What can I do to join?"

  Do you play mud together, or hide and seek?

  Don't be funny.

  Xie Yunqian's face turned blue, so angry!

  Suddenly, she reacted, her sharp gaze fell on Jiang Fuyue’s face, and she did not look at it deeply, then suddenly laughed——

   "It turns out that you are not as silly and sweet as you look on the surface, but you pretend to be pretty good in front of A Yuan."

  Jiang Fuyue tilted her head and smiled slightly, showing the most innocent and simple appearance.

  Xie Yun gritted his teeth: "Does A Yuan know your true face?"

   "How do you know, so what if you don't know?"

   "I don’t know. I have seen a lot of girls like you. I think I can climb to the sky in one step by climbing a big tree. Oh, naive!"

   "I don't know if I can climb into the sky, but Xie Dingyuan is strong and strong, waist is waist, buttocks are buttocks, it is really good to climb."


  Jiang Fuyue’s smile faded: “The eighth sister spoke to his brother’s girlfriend for a series of green tea, and it’s about to be a face? I can’t see it.”

  Xie Yunqian was almost choked!

  She took a deep breath, tried to stay calm, and then slowly raised her right hand.

  The back of the hand faces Jiang Fuyue.

  The latter waited to see what more flowers she could say.

  Xie Yunqian: "As you can see, I don't have a wedding ring on my hand."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows.

"I am divorced."

"so what?"

   "I will fight for A Yuan again, and he will no longer have your seat by his side!"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at her as if looking at a neuropathy: "Sister, I'm really curious, where are you confident?"

  Xie Yunqian smiled surely: "I am the white moonlight in his heart. You are a woman. You should know what white moonlight means to a man, right?"

  Jiang Fuyue's expression is hard to say: "You? Bai Yueguang?"

   "Yes!" Confidently shine.

   "Okay," Jiang Fuyue glanced behind her, "You can tell by yourself, who is your Bai Yueguang?"

  Xie Yunqian suddenly stiffened.

  And Xie Dingyuan was behind her, holding the cake in his hand, and I don’t know how long he stood there.

    Sister Yue’s mouth, scary ghost.

     Old Xie: I, a straight man of steel who cannot be shaken!



  (End of this chapter)

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