After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 832: 832 The old Xie is open and unrelenting (two more in one

  Chapter 832 832 Old Xie Kaidi, not merciless (two more in one)

  The atmosphere solidified in an instant.

  The scene seemed to press the pause button, except that Jiang Fuyue was still smiling with her chin, Xie Yunqian had already been caught in embarrassment by her neck, and she couldn't even look back.

  I just hate that there is no seam, so she can get in silently.

  Xie Dingyuan stepped forward, walked straight to Jiang Fuyue, put down the cheesecake in his hand.

  Xie Yunqian, who was sitting opposite, had silently lowered his head at this time, not daring to raise his eyes.

  Three people, none of them spoke.

  Time passed by minute by minute, this corner was a bit too quiet.

   "Eight Sister..."

"A Yuan, listen to my explanation!" The moment Xie Dingyuan spoke, the woman suddenly raised her eyes and interrupted him. It seemed that a second later would make everything develop in an irreversible direction. "Things are not what you heard. I'm watching a joke with Yueyue!"

   "Really?" Jiang Fuyue folded her arms around her chest, so she was free. "But I don't think that is a joke."


   "My sister was justified just now, why don't you dare to admit it now?"

   "Shut up!" The woman became angry from embarrassment.

   "It's you who should shut up." Xie Dingyuan said coldly, his eyes sharp as a knife, "Bai Yueguang? You deserve it too?"

  Only three words made Xie Yunqian's face pale and his whole body trembling.

  Even Jiang Fuyue could not help but be astonished.

  It seemed that he didn't expect him to be so direct and unsparing.

  You can think again, this is Xie Dingyuan——

   Stern and demanding, meticulous.

  He may not be a gentleman, occasionally he has no respect for decency, and even has no demeanor at all, but he is absolutely fair and just, absolutely loves and hates, and absolutely can’t rub any sand.

  Don’t talk about Xie Yunqian who has a bad method. Even when he first met Jiang Fuyue, wasn’t he also mean, cold-faced and ruthless?

  The phrase "you are worthy" was uttered by his straight, unwavering voice, which stiffly stated the facts, regardless of whether the other party was a man or a woman, and regardless of the relationship between the person and him, it was just thrown over it in a shameless manner.

  Jiang Fuyue had no doubt that if it was not Xie Yunqian who was sitting across from him today, and replaced by his own father, Xie Dingyuan would dare to say the same.

  Low EQ?


  Poor personality?

  At first glance, this seems to be true. As a man, he is embarrassing or even humiliating a woman with words.

  But did he make a mistake?


  He just told the unbearable facts in the most straightforward and unobtrusive way.

   Is she Xie Yunqian match? Not worthy!

  This is like a thriller video without mosaics——

  Although it is not civilized and decent, it is really cool, and enjoyable is also really enjoyable.

  Humans are social animals. They are gradually smoothed out by life and become smooth and adaptable, but Xie Dingyuan is different——

  He is a world-famous fish slipping through the net, a sharp sword.

  At the beginning, Jiang Fuyue bothered him to the extreme, but now Xie Yunqian is afraid that she doesn’t even have a tenth of her tolerance.

  Sure enough--

  The woman's face was pale, her lips trembled, her eyes were full of hurt and shame, and she even choked for a while: "A Yuan, in your eyes... Am I so unbearable?"

  The friendship of childhood sweethearts ended up with the three words "you are worthy", which she didn't understand.

  "Why can I not compare to her?" As he said, he raised his hand and pointed straight at Jiang Fuyue.

  The latter twisted her eyebrows. She didn't like being pointed at.

  Just as he was about to say something, Xie Dingyuan directly knocked out Xie Yunqian's hand first, and said with a warning: "Be polite to her, don't point fingers."

  Xie Yunqian only felt that her heart seemed to be pierced with dense thorns, and the pain made her completely out of control: "We have so many years of sister and brother love, have you ignored it?"

   "Before I got married to Country M, what I thought about in my mind and my heart were all you; after I got married, it was still you, I—"

"Enough!" Xie Dingyuan interrupted coldly, "I can't control what you think of me, and I don't want to know, but I can tell you clearly that I didn't have a deep impression of you before today, and after today, there will only be disgust. ."

  Xie Yun's body shook, his eyes widened, as if in disbelief: "You... hate me?"

  "From the moment you went abroad and broke contact with Xie's family, you can see that you are an ungrateful person, one of them."

   "You also said that we are brothers and sisters, but you have moved your thoughts that you shouldn't have. You are in vain of worldly human relations, courtesy, justice, and shame, two of them."

   "Enthusiasm in the face, provocative behind the back, two faces of the predecessors, hypocrisy, bad intentions, this is the third."

  Xie Dingyuan’s speech was clear and organized, and the three counts were clearly listed.

  Each one poke Xie Yunqian's death point.

  Don't say that he hasn't touched that kind of mind at all, even if he wants to, the object can never be Xie Yunqian.

  What can he see about her?

  Selfish, morally corrupt? Or do you know everything about mathematics and physics?

  Xie Dingyuan’s continuous fights, there was no need for Jiang Fuyue to speak, and Xie Yunqian was embarrassed to death.

   "A Yuan, it's's not like that..." She even tried to quibble.

  Xie Dingyuan looked at her coldly, what exactly could she say one, two, three, four.

"I didn't mean to not contact my family. At first, it was just for anger. Mom didn't agree with me and you... I am also the daughter of the Xie family. If she really treats me as her own, how can she obstruct it in every possible way? I don't think I am worthy of you..." The woman smiled sadly, showing weakness and pleading for mercy, but there was a clear hatred in her eyes.

"Mom hates me because I don't have a strong family background. I'm an orphan. She doesn't help you in my career. My dad listened to her too. Why can I swallow this breath? I haven't contacted my family all these years, but why did they take the initiative? Contacted me? Don’t listen to it..."

  A good one!

Xie Dingyuan sneered: "You don't need to say any more. Since you don't want to contact, then you don't have to contact anymore. You only have no relatives in the country, and the Xie family will deny the existence of the Eighth Miss. Not involved."

  After finishing speaking, she took Jiang Fuyue's hand and left in a big stride.

  Xie Yunqian was taken aback for a moment, and when he reacted, he immediately turned around and shouted at the back of the man, "A Yuan——Don’t do this, I beg you..."

  He never looked back.

  Xie Yunqian was struck by lightning, and the words kept reverberating in her ears—"You are only unaccompanied in the country, and the Xie family will deny the existence of Miss Eighth..."

  Why is this happening?

  Obviously she planned everything, the cake could not be obtained so quickly, how could Xie Dingyuan come back early? Break on the spot?

  Also, what is denying her existence? Are you going to kick her out of the house?

  Though Xie Yunqian lived abroad for a long time and didn't contact her family for a long time, the old man and the old lady never said they didn't recognize her.

  Then she was just pretentious in country M, and she was able to do her best. Anyway, there was Xie Jia as the backing. Even if she divorced her husband, she was not afraid of it at all.

  It’s a big deal, and then go back to China and do it again as the "Xie Family Eighth Miss".

  What did Xie Dingyuan say?

  Don’t contact, you have no relatives in the country, deny it to the outside world...

  She has no doubt about the weight of these words. Today's Xie family has long changed Xie Dingyuan to take charge. If he is really determined to do what he wants, even the old man can't stop it!

  So, this is going to cut her back, completely separate the Xie family from her.

  Thinking about this, Xie Yunqian was caught in the sudden fear, and his face turned pale.

  If Xie’s family doesn’t want her, then...

  A heart is like falling into an ice cellar.


  But said that Jiang Fuyue was led by Xie Dingyuan and rushed out of the cafe.

  Walk all the way, and finally stopped by the fountain pool in the square across the street.

  Jiang Fuyue breathed lightly, the next second, he saw the man lower his head, holding her hands in his palms, like a child who made a mistake, "I'm sorry."

   "How come you suddenly apologize?"

   "I didn't know that she had that kind of thought before. If I knew it, I wouldn't agree to meet."

   "Yeah." Jiang Fuyue nodded, she believed this.

  Xie Dingyuan is the kind of person with very clear boundaries between likes and dislikes. If you like it, you might hide it, but you hate it or you hate it. Put it directly on your face and write it into your eyes.

  Even if he gets closer, breathing the air in the same place will make him unbearable.

  "Have you guessed that she treated me long ago..." The man gave a light cough, and peeked at her while hesitating to say something.

   "Huh?" Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth raised, with obvious teasing: "What to you?"


   "Say? Why are you embarrassed?"

   "Cough!" The man's ears were a little red, "To me...have a bad heart."

"more or less."

   "What does it mean to be similar?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Guess."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Actually, from his previous descriptions of Xie Yunqian's behavior on the road, such as watching movies, talking with celebrities, etc., it is not difficult to see that Miss Xie Ba has a little ninety-nine in her heart.

   are all women, who doesn’t know whom?

  You can tell if it is coffee or green tea by smelling it.

   "Aren't you angry?"

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "Why am I angry?"

   "Those words she said..."

  Actually, Xie Dingyuan heard it all, and he didn't miss a word from beginning to end.

  Wearing Jiang Fuyue a wireless headset when he left.

  When Xie Yunqian spoke the first sentence, Jiang Fuyue turned on the radio function.

  The phone was buckled on the table, and he was able to listen to the whole process with headphones on.


  I never thought that Xie Yunqian would actually remember something that happened before the age of six. With this memory, how could he study so badly?

  Xie Dingyuan couldn’t understand.

  I simply don’t want to.

   "I will tell my family when I go back, anyway, Xie's family has long since been missing her."

   Xie Yunqian was selfish and willful, regardless of his insistence on marrying abroad, has broken the heart of the old lady, and has not contacted since then, and made the old lady completely heartbroken.

  I have to admit that some white-eyed wolves are really unfamiliar.

  There is another point that Xie Dingyuan finds strange. Why would Xie Yunqian contact him suddenly?

   Those words aimed at Jiang Fuyue were clearly prepared.

   Suddenly, Jiang Fuyue remembered something, and said abruptly: "You haven't answered the question I just asked."


  The man's eyes were dumbfounded: "What's the problem?"

  "Who is your white moonlight?"

  Xie Dingyuan thought for a while, shook his head: "No."

  "Am I not counted?" Jiang Fuyue snorted, feigning anger, but in fact deliberately teased him.

  I thought that this person would go down the ass, and admitted generously, and said a few words of love, never thought he would shook his head solemnly, and replied with a certain tone: "You are not."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  His face was already stretched, and it was starting to get a little dark.

   can be the next second——

  Xie Dingyuan: “I’m called Bai Yueguang if I can’t get it and I’m worried about it, I can’t see it. But you are my girlfriend, you kiss me if you want to kiss, hug if you want, be good, we should not consider this white moonlight.”

   Blame it's unlucky.

  Jiang Fuyue smacked for a moment, but he still thinks it makes sense?

   "Then what am I?"

  He thought for a while: "...Cinnabar mole." He put it on his chest and hidden it in his heart. No one was allowed to see or touch.

   is a caring and loving existence on the cusp of the heart.


  The coffee didn't finish, and the noise broke up. Although Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan didn't care, it was not a pleasant thing after all.

  Fortunately, it’s still early, so I won’t waste a great time.

  Xie Dingyuan simply went to the bakery again, ready to pack another cheesecake: "I see recommendations on the Internet. This shop is really good and has a good reputation."

  He knew that Jiang Fuyue was addicted to sweetness and wanted to make her happy.

  Unfortunately, this store implements an appointment system. Without an appointment in advance, you can only queue up on site.

  Xie Dingyuan stood in the line without saying a word, then turned his head to Jiang Fuyue and said: "It's too hot, you go sit on the bench under the shade of the tree opposite, and you will be well soon."

  Jiang Fuyue refused, and smiled at him with his eyebrows bent: "I'll be with you, two people are not boring."

   After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to hold the man's hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and squeezed it lightly.

  Xie Dingyuan suddenly seemed to have drunk two catties of honey, and the whole body, from the inside to the outside, exudes a sweet taste and signal.

  Finally, after forty minutes, the two were in line.

  Jiang Fuyue: "I would have picked up that cheesecake as soon as I knew it..."

   Anyway, Xie Yunqian would not have an appetite, and it would be wasted to leave it.

  Xie Dingyuan laughed at her: "Could you be a little prosperous?"

"can not."


  The two did not settle the dinner outside, but returned to the hotel with the cake, preparing to have a meal in the Chinese restaurant here.

  Unexpectedly, the taste is not bad.

  Especially the roast duck, which has such an authentic Kyoto flavor.

  Jiang Fuyue ate western food for a few days, and was eager to eat Chinese dishes, and immediately opened up his appetite.

  So, the tip is also very generous.

  The chef personally came out to thank the two of them. Good fellow, he was still a Chinese fellow, and he was a fluent Beijing movie, which was a good old imperial capital.

  According to what he said, he used to work as an apprentice at a roast duck restaurant in the old Sifang City, and after he went abroad, he devoted himself to studying Chinese food, and luckily became a chef in a five-star hotel.

  Don't be too Versailles.


  After dinner, the two of them walked for a while, and they went back to the room when they were almost digested.

  Jiang Fuyue quickly washed her hair and took a bath, then put on her nightdress, and knocked on Xie Dingyuan’s door in a charming manner, just like last night.

  The man held the door frame, as if hesitating to let her in.

  Jiang Fuyue drilled directly under his bent elbow and swaggered in.

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Jiang Fuyue unpacked the box, took out a whole cheesecake inside, and cut a small piece for himself and Xie Dingyuan.

  It seems that there is something...

  She swept her gaze, she saw red wine in the wine cabinet opposite, and her eyes suddenly beamed.

  Xie Dingyuan walked over and blocked her sight with his body, “Don’t even think about it! I still had a stomachache this morning, so I forgot it so soon? No long memory!”

  Yes, her relatives visited.

   "Ah... it's just a small cup, not a small sip." Jiang Fuyue pinched her little finger, comparing herself to a loss.

  The man still disagrees: "Don’t make trouble, you shouldn’t drink alcohol now."

  "It would be a pity if the cheesecake is not paired with red wine, and I really want to drink it, okay?~"

  A "why" character, plus a rising ending, is the essence of coquetry, not to mention that the person who coquettish is Jiang Fuyue.

  Rare is comparable to a meteor in the sky.

  This is almost killing the man, hitting the soul directly, shocking the senses.

  It took a long time to react, meeting her expectant look, and finally defeated, "Say it, just take a sip."

  Jiang Fuyue was so happy that he rushed to kiss him, and let out a crisp sound: "I promise!"

   is weird.

  Facts have proved that a woman’s mouth is a deceitful ghost.

  Jiang Fuyue took one bite at a time, the cake did not eat less, and the wine did not drink less, Xie Dingyuan couldn't help it at all.

  Maybe after eating sweets and feeling beautiful, Jiang Fuyue smiled contentedly, and then...

   just lay on Xie Dingyuan’s bed and stopped leaving.

   "Get up, little drunk." The man took her hand.

   "No!" The girl leaned back vigorously.

  This night, Jiang Fuyue managed to stay again.


  After this, the two stayed for another four days, after visiting all the fun places in NY, they were finally willing to return to China.

   On the day of returning to China, at 3 pm local time, the flight landed at the Imperial Capital Airport on time.

  The four King Kong of the Han family received the news and dispatched collectively.

  Yes, it's all here.

  A little mang dog was also added.


   "Look! Yueyue is out!"

  (End of this chapter)

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