After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 833: Master Fanxue, four sisters exposed (two more in one)

   Chapter 833 Master Fanxue, Fourth Sister Revealed (Two more in one)

  When the old man heard this, he immediately tiptoed his head: "Where? Where?"

  Han Shen pointed out to him.

  I saw the international arriving at Exit 3. Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan were walking side by side. The man listened to what she was saying, and nodded in agreement from time to time.

  Since they did not inform in advance that they were coming to pick up the airport, they did not pay attention to looking around when they came out.

Suddenly, not knowing what Jiang Fuyue said, Xie Dingyuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. One hand naturally and affectionately hugged the girl's slender waist. The big palm was on her waist, and the fingers were still thin. The cloth rubbed lightly twice.

   Suddenly, the eyes of the Han family's four King Kong were straight.

   "Wow--" Xiao Mang barked even more irritably.

  Want to bite!

  Jiang Fuyue heard the dog barking and raised her eyes subconsciously. At this moment, Han Ke also said, "Yueyue——"

   After a meal, Jiang Fuyue showed surprise in her eyes: "Second uncle!"

  Then, the old man, Han Shen, and Han Heng, who was heavily armed with masks, surrounded them.

   "Cough!" The old man leaned on the crutches, coughing heavily, his old eyes fell on Jiang Fuyue's waist as if with substantial weight.

  Xie Dingyuan later realized that he retracted his hand like an electric shock.

  Han Qishan’s face turned from cloudy to clear: "Nanny, have you worked so hard all the way? My face is thinner again..."

  Han Shen consciously took Jiang Fuyue’s suitcase from Xie Dingyuan.

  Han Ke intervened in the middle to separate the two, “When you are away, Xiao Mang goes to your room every day and lies on his stomach, looking forward to your return. He doesn’t like snacks anymore.”

  Han Heng quickly rubbed his hand to the other side, and said with a smile: “That’s right, I used to like to walk, but now I don’t come three or five times, and he still hums and chirps on his mouth. Even Xiao Ting doesn’t take care of him.”

   Soon, the two uncles, one on the left and one on the right, the old man stood in front, Han Shen waited behind with the suitcase, Jiang Fuyue was guarded tightly around him.

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

  Han Qishan gave the two debt collectors a "nice job" look, and then said lovingly: "My daughter, I asked Xiao Liu to prepare a large table of dishes, all you like to eat, let's go, let's go home!"

   "Yeah, Lao Xiang, I was already too greedy when I went out." Han Heng nodded.

   "There is soup, I simmered it last night." Han Ke also said.

  The two talked about taking her out. Just as Jiang Fuyue lifted her foot, she suddenly remembered something and took her back, and smiled obediently at the two uncles: "I'll wait, soon!"

   After finishing speaking, he bypassed the two of them, walked straight to Xie Dingyuan, first stretched out his hand to hug him, and quickly backed away: "Then I will go back first?"

  Xie Dingyuan wanted to reach out and touch her face, but under the implicit warning gaze of the four Han family men, he finally dispelled the idea and said, "Okay."

  Jiang Fuyue moved her lips, but made no sound.

  What she said is: Wait for my call.

  The man smiled and nodded, standing still, watching them leave.

   Soon, I got into a black car and was picked up.

  "Professor, where are we going?" the driver asked.

   "Go back to the old house."


  Han’s house.

  "The little lady is back!" Aunt Liu ran out of the kitchen happily when she heard the door opening.

   Seeing Jiang Fuyue and his party, they laughed from ear to ear, and then immediately turned around and turned back inside and began to prepare for serving.

  Ten minutes later, the family sat around the table.

  The dishes are all over the table, with meat and vegetables matching, and the color, fragrance and flavor are delicious.

   "Yueyue, eat ribs, sweet and sour."

   "And this cola chicken wings, it's also very fragrant."

  "Soup is the essence. By the way, there is a cup of bird's nest. Sister Liu please bring it up..."

   "Hey! It's ready soon!"

   "Sister Yue, you can't clip this, I'll help you, hehe!"


  Jiang Fuyue has become the focus of the dinner table. From the old man to the three uncles, and then the youngest Han Ting, everyone rushed to get her food.

  Even Xiaomang, who was chewing on a big stick in the living room, didn’t forget to bring one to her.

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." Hiccup!

  Eating support is inevitable, but hospitality is difficult. You can only take a few more steps after meals to digest.

  The old man quickly took the cane: "I'm going too! Together!"

  Han Ting saw this, and immediately put a traction rope on Xiao Mang: "That... it's time to walk the dog."

  Han Heng raised his hand: "I want to go too!"

  Finally, Jiang Fuyue’s walking alone became a family bombing street, oh no, it should be a bombing community.

   "Oh, Old Han! This is your granddaughter Jiang Fuyue, right? Much more beautiful than on TV!"

  Han Qishan waved his hand immediately: "Where is it."

   "Tall and thin, this little appearance is also very cute, how can your old Han family make all the handsome men and beauties?"

  Han Qishan immediately replied, “I’m really overwhelmed, how can it be such an exaggeration? The youngest is not good-looking, so he can only be photographed with makeup.”

  Ten billion movie emperor Han Heng: "?" Daddy, are you serious?

  Passerby grandmother: "?" Are you sure you are not doing Versailles?

  A neighbor came to face him: "Oh, Dong Han is so lucky, is this taking the whole family out?"

  Han Qishan: "No, my granddaughter has returned to China, so she has to accompany me for a walk. She also said that she would walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. You said this... it's a little padded jacket intimate!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" Didn't you insist on staying with me?

  Han Shen, Han Ke, Han Heng: Granddaughter walks with you? So we are the air?

  The neighbor looked envious: "Or you taught well. All the little ones in my family sat on the sofa and started playing with their phones after eating. They didn't take care of you at all. Who would walk with you?"

  Han Qishan said with a heartfelt relief. If it weren’t for the corner of his mouth that almost reached the back of his head, he might have been more convincing and empathetic.

  The neighbor poked his mouth, and left with envy and jealousy.

Han Qishan smiled and greeted the next neighbor who greeted him: "Eh, yes... it's the moon... it's not a big deal, it's just the Lasker Basic Medical Research Award... What is the Nobel Prize weather vane, there is no word left... The child is still young, so what can I do with so much honor? It has become a burden..."

"Effort is real, and talent is also a bit... Although it's God's feeding, but it's hard work... We are the elders for most of our lives. After all, we don't want the next generation, the next generation is too hard, but this kid said Don’t pave the way at home, you have to do it yourself..."

   "I said let her go and let her hit the south wall and taste the bloodshed, but I didn't expect that she was stunned to break a bright road. Alas, you say this, is not annoying?"

  Neighbor: "..." I don't know if your granddaughter is angry, but you are really angry!

  Thanks to Han Qishan’s recent circle of friends, none of the three neighbors and four friends who have known him and added WeChat in the entire villa community do not know Jiang Fuyue.

  Walking all the way, all the way is modest (dark) and conceited (boasting), the smile on the face of the old man is about to fly out of the sky.

  Han Ke was two steps behind, and asked in a low voice: "The third child, when you got the Oscar, did our dad praise you so much?"

  Han Heng's face turned dark: "Come on, the role I was awarded was a murderous monster. Do you know what he said to his old friends?"

"Say what?"

  "He said-acting like that, maybe there is a dark side in his heart. I have to find a psychiatrist when I go back. You can win prizes for any messy stuff, and the Oscars are too low level."

The key is! After he came back, Han Qishan really found him a psychiatrist!

  The test was as fierce as a tiger, and he agreed to let him go home after confirming his mental health.

  Han Ke: " have suffered, brother."

  Han Heng glanced at the old man in front of him who was chatting and laughing, and couldn't help but hum, "Look at the old man's soreness. To be honest, I really owe you."

  Han Ke looked at it for two seconds, "Well, it’s a bit."

   After this trip, Jiang Fuyue was already embarrassed to cut out a square city, but the old man still hadn't done it.

   "Why are these people gone? I haven't finished talking yet..."


  Jiang Fuyue: "Then let's go back too, it's dark."

  Han Qishan nodded and said okay, while still thinking about it, suddenly—

   "Ah! I see, they are sore! They must be jealous of me!"


  At the same time, Xie’s old house.

  Xie Dingyuan’s homecoming was like Jiang Fuyue, and he received a warm reception beyond imagination.

  Not only was there a big table of good food waiting as soon as I walked in, there were also seven sisters all around.

   "A Yuan, are you tired?"

  "I haven't eaten abroad, okay?"

  "Would you like to go upstairs and change clothes before coming down?"

   "It's okay, we are not hungry, just wait for you."

   "The surrounding environment of the Pierre Hotel is not very good, there is noise, it is estimated that I did not rest well, dark circles are obvious..."

  "Let’s take a sip of tea first, it’s just brewed and the temperature is right."

  Xie Dingyuan: "..."

   Finally finished the meal, Xie Dingyuan didn’t plan to stay in the living room more, he was about to go upstairs to avoid him, and suddenly—

   "A Yuan, I received the gift you sent back." Xie Yunzao said, "I like lipstick and silk scarf very much, thank you."

   "Well, just like it."

  Xie Yunxiang: “It’s rare that Xiao Jiu is so deliberate. He never forgets to bring us gifts when he goes abroad.”

   "That's right! Xiao Jiu didn't have this habit before, so why do you think so thoughtfully this time?"

   "San Jie, don't you know this?" Xie Yunxuan teased, deliberately lengthening the tone, with a bit of ridicule, "We Xiao Jiu can be different now."

   "Oh? Where is it different?" Xie Yunmiao answered with a smile.

  Xie Yunxue: "I used to be alone, but now I am a person with a girlfriend, so naturally I am much more considerate and thoughtful. Do you think Xiao Jiu?"

  Xie Dingyuan's eyes were dyed with a slight smile, and his expression finally seemed to no longer be the rigid and serious expression that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

   "Well, she picked it with me."

   "Oh, Xiao Jiu blushed!"

   "Our big iceberg finally knows that he is shy, but it's not easy!"

   "If you want me to say that you still have the ability, the iceberg has melted."

   "Couldn't it? Can the girl we Xiao Jiu like be simple?"

  Several sisters, you and I say a sentence, and they are full of jokes.

  For a time, the huge living room was full of laughter.

  Old lady: "Yueyue has a heart. Those musk and ambergris are so good that they can't be bought in China."

  The old man couldn’t help nodding when he heard the words. He still held the pair of collection-grade wenwan walnuts in his hands: “This boring lion is a good choice, but it’s bad for those old guys!”

   "Huh? Mom and Dad, the gifts you received are different from ours?"

  Old lady: "Of course it's different. Mine is spices, and your dad's is walnuts."

   "Xiao Jiu, you can just favor one another." Xie Yunlan joked.

Without waiting for Xie Dingyuan to speak, Fu Wanxiu couldn't help but speak for her son and future daughter-in-law: "Of course it must be distinguished. Can your dad and I be the same as you?"

  Parents and sisters have different identities. It is not normal to give the same gift.

   "Look at our mother, this will protect you."

"We have to understand the feelings of the old lady now. After so many years, we can't bear to see the daughter-in-law's shadow. Of course, we want to catch it, or we will miss this village, but there will be no shop. How picky Xiao Jiu is, you It’s not that I don’t know."

   "Heh!" A sneer appeared abruptly, and the originally harmonious atmosphere solidified for a moment.

If Xie Yunshu didn’t notice it, she couldn’t bear it: "Second sister, third sister, don’t take the Xie’s family too low, what is the name of this village, there is no such shop? On the terms of Xiaojiu, can’t it be found? Is it better than Jiang Fuyue? You guys are too much!"

  Xie Yunxiang was taken aback: "Fourth, what nonsense are you talking about? Everyone is chatting happily, do you have to be so disappointed?"

  Xie Yunshu: "I'm not disappointed. I can't bear to let you lower yourself to cheer outsiders."

  Xie Yunlan frowned: “Can Xiao Jiu’s girlfriend be an outsider? Besides, when did we lower our body? Which sentence is not true?”

  This dispute made the atmosphere in the living room gradually dignified, and the smiles on other people's faces gradually faded.

  Xie Yunxuan frowned: "Sister Si, you are so weird today. You haven't spoken since you entered the door when you were a little nine. Now you are embarrassed collectively as soon as you speak. What happened?"

  Xie Yunmiao couldn't help but cast a suspicious look at her.

  Looking at the old man and the old lady again, I don’t understand either.

  Xie Yunshu stood up from the sofa: "What's going on now? Are you teaming up to target me alone?"

  Xie Yunzao said: "It's not against you, but what you said is too outrageous."

   "Outrageous?" Xie Yunshu sneered, "Why outrageous? Isn't what I said is true?"

  Xie Yunzao frowned: "Fourth, why are you so angry? Didn't everyone just be happy?"

   "It's you guys, I've never been happy."


"Okay," the old lady reacted, interrupting the dispute between the sisters, raising her eyes to Xie Yunshu, "Fourth, what do you think? It seems that you have been able to bear it for a long time. Today, I was in front of Xiao Jiu. Say it together and make it clear!"

   "Okay, you let me say, then I will say. I think Jiang Fuyue is not suitable for A Yuan."

  As soon as these words came out, Xie Dingyuan raised his eyes coldly.

  Xie Yunshu's mouth tightened, and hesitation appeared under his eyes. He didn't seem very happy to hear A Yuan's tone, but he was always unsmiling, thinking it wasn't because of Jiang Fuyue that he was cold.

  This flash of luck reminded her to renew her courage: "Xiao Jiu, my intention is not to interfere with your relationship, but to remind you that you can talk about love, but you also need to look at the person."

   "So why does the fourth sister think Jiang Fuyue is not good?" is the usual sane tone, but if you pay attention, you can find the indifference and negligence hidden in it.

  Obviously, the old lady found out, and her siblings became stiff, trying to stop Xie Yunshu: "Fourth! You are also a few dozen years old, how can you still not change your impulsive personality? Some words, once they are spoken, it will be difficult to overcome!"

  Xie Yunshu didn’t understand the warning at all. He only felt that the old lady accused her of protecting Jiang Fuyue, and her heart was even more uncomfortable.

   Anger came up, what else can't you say?

"There are so many bad things about Jiang Fuyue! First of all, her family background is not worthy of you. Although she is the granddaughter of the Han family, she is only a granddaughter. Her father opened a restaurant and it is said that she sold it before. Pancakes."

"Secondly is the character. I didn't say that she should be strong and motivated. It is not good to work hard. On the contrary, as an independent woman, she is worthy of recognition and praise. But people with this character tend to have big ideas and are too thoughtful. The obedient person cannot take care of your daily life peacefully."

"Finally, and the most important point, she is too weak for you, she likes you less than you like her. In such a relationship between the sexes, she always has the upper hand. It is not long, but you will be very tired after waiting for a long time. ."

"It's not difficult to see this from the gifts she helped you choose. Give it to your parents and give us a few sisters perfunctory-lipstick of the same color number, silk scarf of the same pattern, wholesale ?"

   "This incident is enough to show that she doesn't pay enough attention to us, you, and Xie's family. In addition, it also exposes her utilitarianism and scheming..."

  Boyfriend’s parents can please their parents, but boyfriend’s sisters don’t care about it.

  The goal is clear, and it depends on what it is. What is this not utilitarian?

Finally, Xie Yunshu took a deep breath and directly spoke to Xie Dingyuan with earnest persuasion: "Sister is here and will not harm you. You may not feel this at first, but life is not a fairy tale, and love is not as beautiful as you think. After a long time, when the two look tired of each other, you will find that no matter how deep the love is, it is useless. The most important thing is the right one."

   "Four sisters finished?" He slowly raised his eyes, expressionless.

  Xie Yunshu thought for a while: "Almost, oh, yes, there are so many good girls in the world, and she is not the only one Jiang Fuyue."

   "Are there any more?"


   "... Temporarily gone."

   "Okay," Xie Dingyuan looked at her, his eyes instantly became deep and cold, and there was no fluctuation in it, "Now it's my turn to ask the fourth sister."

  Xie Yunshu had a sudden heart attack, and suddenly had a bad feeling: "What do you...what are you asking?"

  The other sisters present also had different expressions, but they all pricked their ears.

   "Do you know Jiang Fuyue? Have you met her and talked to her?"


  "Since there is no such thing, why would you judge her by guessing?"

   "I--" Xie Yunshu was preparing to defend, but Xie Dingyuan interrupted directly.

  "The last question, did you ask Xie Yunqian to contact me?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

  Xie Yunshu was taken aback.

  The old lady gasped.

  (End of this chapter)

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