After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 836: Not to graduate, dormitory party (one more)

  Chapter 836 Do not graduate temporarily, dormitory party (one more)

   "Making a fool! Do you know what your situation is now? Still taking heavy medicine?!"

   Mingyu lowered his eyes, his voice calm: "...probably clear."

   "Then you still dare?!"

   "Master, I want to take a gamble."

  He called him "Master", the same name as Jiang Fuyue.

  Although he didn’t want to, Ye Qianji must admit that for a moment, he did move his compassion, but—

  "You have to eat your meal one bite at a time, and you have to treat the illness step by step. There is no shortcut, but you can only take it slowly. Before that, I will try to hide it for you."

  Mingyu smiled bitterly, but finally responded: "Okay."


  But said that after Jiang Fuyue left, she did not go back to Han's house directly, but went to school.

  With her current achievements, it is no problem to apply for graduation immediately.

  But Xiao Shan said: “If there is no reason to graduate, it’s better to go slow and stay at Ming University for a while.”

  Now Mingda has just started to pick up thanks to Jiang Fuyue’s reputation and the hard work of the teachers and students of the school. As soon as she left, the energy immediately vented.

  Although the reputation of the school has improved significantly in the past year, and the school spirit has continued to improve, the time is too short and not stable enough.

And Jiang Fuyue’s existence is like a bundle of super glue, firmly sticking Mingda up and down into an iron bucket, the wind will not fall, the fire will not rot, once she is gone, the stickiness disappears, and it will return to the previous dish of loose sand. Look like.

  Xiao Shan: "I will report to the school board and the Academic Affairs Office. You are authorized to only take the exam when you are not taking classes. You can arrange your own arrangements for the rest of the time, and you are free to come to the school or not."

  This not only ensures that Jiang Fuyue has enough time to conduct scientific research, but also keeps her righteous to stay at Mingda.

  Best of both worlds.

   "Okay." After listening, she almost didn't think about it, and agreed directly.

  In the beginning, Jiang Fuyue didn't want to graduate so soon. First, it was for Ming University, which coincided with Xiaoshan. Another point was that he didn't want to enter the system so soon.

   Less than two days after returning to China, she successively received invitations from the Institute of Bioengineering, Institute of Biochemistry, and Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and each of them was sincere.

  Maybe I know that Jiang Fuyue has too many choices, but the three are not very different in terms of resources, benefits, welfare, etc. Compared with the other two, there is no particular highlight, and I want to find another way in other areas, such as——

  Institute of Bioengineering, Academy of Medical Sciences, they gave the reason that Professor Xie is also here, and your young couple can go in and out together. It’s perfect.

  The Institute of Biophysics declares: All of our large farms, including milk, vegetables, and fruits all year round, are all natural green grades.

  And the Institute of Biochemistry is more direct: Come on, we have all kinds of high-end skin care products and essences, don’t need money, just use them.

  But Jiang Fuyue didn't want to go.

  Live again, she does not want to be locked up at a young age, her future should be farther away, instead of nesting in a research institute and mixing up an iron rice bowl, living a life that can see her head at a glance.

  It's boring.

  So, she declined the invitation of the three companies on the grounds of “not yet graduated, learning is the most important”.

  Can’t she just say this to the other party on the front foot, and leave after graduating from Ming University, right?

   Xiao Shan laughed and shook his head: "Mingda has become your shield?"

  "What shield? Can you speak?" Jiang Fuyue curled her lips, "My name is Martial Virtue, I have responsibility, thank you."

  Xiaoshan: "..."

   "There is nothing major in school recently, right?"

"all the best."

"That's good."

Before leaving, Jiang Fuyue took out two boxes of chocolates and pushed them in front of him.

  Xiao Shan was startled slightly: "...a gift?"

  Jiang Fuyue nodded: "One box for you, one box for Xiao Liang, say hello to the little guy for me."

   Xiao Shan's heart was warm, and the tip of his nose was a little sour: "That kid was still thinking about sister Naoyue this morning, and he returned home. If he knew that you brought him a gift, his tail would be up to the sky."

  "Really? What did Xiao Liangzi say about me?"


   "Inconvenient to say?"

   "The stinky kid is talking about how you made a boyfriend, then doesn't he have no chance at all..."

   Xiao Shan said, unable to help his forehead.

  He doesn’t know how children are so precocious now. He knows what love is when he is only six years old, and he wants to give himself a chance.


  Since Jiang Fuyue has returned to school, it is natural to get together with a few roommates.

  She booked a seat in the cafeteria next to the school, and then sent a message to the 4-3 dormitory group.

  Jiang Fuyue: [Sisters, I'm back! 】

  Then share the address so that they can come right after class.

  As a result, there is no need to wait until school is over. The three directly escaped the last class and rushed.

  Cen Qiaoqiao came up as a bear hug: "Woo...Sister Yue, I want to kill you! No one will give me the topic when you are not there, and no one will let me copy homework..."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?"

  Huo Fanjin's mouth twitched. Seeing that Cen Qiaoqiao was still tired and crooked, he couldn't help but said, "Have you enough? Hurry up, it's almost done. You can see it. Go on the side. It's my turn."

  Cen Qiaoqiao can only reluctantly retreat, alas, my aunt is too popular in the future, can it be swollen and broken?

  My uncle’s love rivals are not only men, but also women-first love him for two seconds.

  As for that, Huo Fanjin has already rushed forward.

  Then Jiang Fuyue received the second bear hug today.

   "Sister Yue, you looked so handsome when you came to the stage to accept the award. I chased the live broadcast all the way, and I was so excited that my eyes were tearful. What a shame you! Huh!"

  Jiang Fuyue patted her on the back, and whispered, "Actually, you can too."

  Huo Fanjin was stunned. Did she hear it wrong?


   "Yes, go to the extreme on a road that suits you, you can also be handsome and shabby, and make others cry."

  In the end, it was Liu Sisi's turn. Wanting to compare the previous two, she just stretched out her hands and hugged Jiang Fuyue gently, and then walked away.

  The action is very fast and the expression is very cool. If it were not for her cheeks to burst red and the crimson spread to the base of her ears, no one would have seen her shyness and tension.

  Is this big eyes flashing and the look of Ai Ai still like the "violent husband" that everyone thinks can upset two men with a single shot?

  The contrast should not be too big.

  Cen Qiaoqiao: "Sisi, you also hug too lightly, it looks like there is no weight at all."

   Liu Sisi said, "Enough."

  Being close to her is already a great gift and luck.

  Should not ask for too much.

  "Sit down first." Jiang Fuyue pointed to the chair.

   "Okay." The three of them said.

  Jiang Fuyue handed over the menu: “I’ll treat you today and order whatever you want.”

   "Wow~ Sister Yue is magnificent!"

   "Okay, then you're welcome."

   "You must be slaughtered today."

   Soon, the dishes were on the table one after another, and the four of them happily began to eat.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Would you like something to drink?"

  Huo Fanjin and Cen Qiaoqiao looked at each other. At that moment, they had a perfect agreement.

   "Ah...can you apply for a bottle of beer?" Huo Fanjin asked.

  Cen Qiaoqiao immediately raised his hand: "Me too!"

  Jiang Fuyue turned her inquiring gaze to Liu Sisi, who said: "It's okay."

  Anyway, when I was in Camp A, I had alcohol training, and it was more than enough to deal with these two eldest daughters.

  Jiang Fuyue called the waiter, "Thank you for four cans of beer."

  I haven't touched it for too long, and she wants to taste it too.


  The four girls ate and drank and talked while drinking. Most of the time Jiang Fuyue listened to them, and she rarely spoke.

  It's not that she doesn't want to say, but that she has been away for half a year and knows nothing about what happened at school.

  So, listening is the best, so I learned a lot of fresh gossip.

  For example, XX of the model agency and YY of the basketball club were kissing enthusiastically by the lake, but they were caught by the four demon kings of the campus supervision committee.

  For another example, a man majoring in financial management cheated a girl majoring in computer science, and the result was posted on the official account. Now the whole campus knows that he is a sea king, and the key is that he is really surnamed "Hai".

  After eating this meal, it is already two hours later.

  The four of them all drank beer, not considered drunk, their eyes were still clear, but their eyes were a little foggy, and their cheeks were also beautifully pink.

  Jiang Fuyue went to check out, and then sent the three to the school gate.

   "I will live at home, so I won't go in."

  The three said goodbye to her, and then walked inside.

  Jiang Fuyue watched for a moment.

   Just when she was about to turn around and leave, Huo Fanjin went and returned.

   "Sister Yue——"


   "Cough! I have something to tell you."

    two more tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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