After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 837: She is like a lighthouse, with guests coming to the door (two more)

  Chapter 837 She is like a lighthouse, a guest comes to the door (two more)

   "Okay, you say."

  Huo Fanjin pursed his lips.

  Jiang Fuyue blinked: "Miss Huo is shy? Isn't she planning to confess to me?"

   "Huh? I am straight! Straight!"

  This interruption caused Huo Fanjin's nervousness to disappear.

"Is such that……"

She simply said to Jiang Fuyue that she had given up studying abroad, "...I think I should do something now, but I don't have a clue as to what I can do besides going to school on time every day. So... Sister Yue, can you show me a direction?"

  With Huo Fanjin’s ability, it would be overkill if she is only limited to the content of the class, her current state is——

  I am very idle, I want to do something, but I don’t know where to start.

  I have been tangled these days, and my hair is almost bald.

  Jiang Fuyue smiled and joked: "Is this looking for me to guide the direction of life?"

  It was a joke, but Huo Fanjin suddenly became serious after hearing it, and a pair of bright apricot eyes looked at her scorchingly——

   "Well, I want to prove to everyone that even if you stay in China and don't go to gilding, you can get better, go farther, and stand taller!"

Jiang Fuyue was taken aback, and at a certain moment she was surprised by the light bursting through her eyes, but she said: "This road is not easy to walk. Rather than give up halfway, it is better to continue to be your Miss Huo family. No worries..."

"After graduation, I will find a right person to marry. From a young lady to a wealthy grandmother, I will wait a few years to regenerate an heir. After a few decades, I will die my husband and become the queen mother. Is it?" Huo Fanjin took the conversation, crackling like pouring beans, adding the rest of the words.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Cough..."

  Huo Fanjin raised her jaw slightly, a bit of arrogance and tenacity revealed in her eyes: "If I want to live this kind of life, I would go abroad for gold plating as early as my freshman year, and I have to wait until now?"

  In fact, before meeting Jiang Fuyue, Huo Fanjin’s life plan was the same as most girls in their circle——

  Take over the company when you feel confident, and the daughter will inherit her father’s business, and be a vigorous and resolute woman.

  If you really don’t have that talent, then marry a husband with a good family background and good abilities, a strong marriage, and resource integration, which can also be regarded as success in another sense.

  Raised in a wealthy family, I have been in contact with people in this circle since childhood. This idea has almost become a consensus.

  She didn’t think there was anything wrong, because she should be realistic when she is alive.

  But after meeting Jiang Fuyue, she discovered that a girl can walk far more than these two paths.

  She also wants to shine and leave something for the world.

She hopes that, decades later, when people mention the three words "Huo Fanjin", they will not think of "aristocratic daughters" or "rich ladies", but for a certain industry, for this country, and for the whole world. , What have you done for future generations.

   "...Others don't understand, but I know that sister Yue, you must understand that feeling!"

  The kind of—the feeling that there is a cluster of flame hidden in my heart, I want it to burn and become the light that illuminates the world!

  Huo Fanjin murmured: "So I should do something, but what can I do?"

   is not only asking myself, but also Jiang Fuyue.

  Suddenly, "What do you like?"

  Huo Fanjin did not hesitate, and blurted out: "Physics! I like physics!"

  The two met at the beginning of the IPhO national team training.

  Jiang Fuyue thought that it was just a shortcut for her to add points to higher education, and she never thought that she was really passionate about it...

"You don't believe me, do you?" She smiled bitterly, "Actually, my parents don't believe me either. The reason why they agreed to ask a teacher to teach me is because they can be recommended to the highest school. A stroke of..."

  But only Huo Fanjin knows that she likes physics very much and has liked it since she was a child.

  Every time you are unhappy, you can quickly calm down by doing two physics problems.

  I don’t like to learn piano, but as long as she puts the physics class behind the piano class, she will be very happy.

   "I may not be the most talented, but what does love have to do with talent?"

  Like is like it!

  The feeling of jumping for joy when you see it and rejoicing when you hear it is more important than whether you can do this question or whether you can complete the experiment.

"But my parents don't believe me," Huo Fanjin sighed, and the light in his eyes quickly dimmed. "Although they agreed with me to stay in China, they did not approve of my transfer to the Department of Physics. My dad plans to let me take over the company after graduation... …"

  Originally, she wanted to rely on her family's relationship to go for an internship in a technology company that researched remote sensing technology, but she didn't expect to be blocked by a word from her father.

  Huo Fanjin hasn't been home for two weeks in a row.

  Jiang Fuyue pondered for a moment: “In this way, I will write a letter of recommendation to the Institute of Biophysics. You should be able to learn a lot by going there for an internship.”

  As for whether he can stay in the end, it depends on Huo Fanjin's own ability.

   "Institute of Biophysics?! Really?!"

   "I don't know if it will work." Although Jiang Fuyue was certain, she didn't dare to pack tickets.

  "It’s okay! Whether it's possible or not, I'm satisfied! Sister Yue, you are so kind, I love you to death! Oh! Are you a fairy?!"

  Speaking, a pounce hugged Jiang Fuyue.

  Huo Fanjin felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, like...a lone ship drifting along suddenly found a bright lighthouse in the distance, and finally found the way forward.

  Jiang Fuyue was stunned for a moment, her body stiff, but her eyes smiled helplessly.


  Since she agreed to Huo Fanjin, Jiang Fuyue naturally wanted to do her best.

  That night, she asked Huo Fanjin to send her resume, and after browsing it, she pointed out the places that needed to be revised.

  In fact, it's not a big change, just remove some unnecessary things and highlight the key points.

  For example, there is no need to put things like piano tenth grade, and the IPhO silver medal should be written at the top, so that people can see it at a glance.

  After the modification, it is really refreshing, and the key points are also clear at a glance.

  Jiang Fuyue spent five minutes based on this resume and wrote a recommendation letter of about two hundred words.

  The next morning, she first called the head of the Institute of Biophysics, and the other party was very polite.

  She did not go around the corners, and directly stated her intentions.

  After listening, the other party seemed to be a little embarrassed, and did not agree in one word, only said: "We do want to recruit interns, but there is a set of fixed selection process..."

  The implication is that opening the back door will not work.

But Jiang Fuyue personally called, they were still willing to sell this upstart in the academic world a face, and asked her to send Huo Fanjin's resume with a letter of recommendation. If Huo Fanjin is really as good as she said, then Priority will be given to admission.

  The result was similar to what Jiang Fuyue had expected. She sincerely thanked her and ended the call.

   and then sent a message to inform Huo Fanjin.

  At the other end, I heard that there is a fixed process, and I will probably participate in an interview later, but I am not disappointed. On the contrary, there is a little eager excitement——

  "If I really walked through the back door, I would feel bad about it! That would be great. Give me a chance. Whether it can be accomplished is entirely dependent on my ability."

  Jiang Fuyue still appreciates her mentality.

  Wait after sending the e-mail and deal with the rest, it is almost noon.

   Xiaomang barked over and scratched the door, calling her to eat.

  Jiang Fuyue opened the door, and the dog jumped in and leaped into her arms.

  All kinds of rubbing, pulling, whining, and wagging his tail.

   "Alright, alright... Why are you so excited every time?"

  "Wow--"I am happy~

  One person and one dog went downstairs. Standing on the steps, he heard the voice of the old man talking with another person.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, are you here?

  At this time, the people in the living room also heard footsteps and looked up at Jiang Fuyue.

   "Yueyue..." Han Qishan smiled and waved at her, "Come."

  Jiang Fuyue walked over, and Xiao Mang also tended to follow her.


  "Introduce, this is your Uncle Tang, working in the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television."

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the man in front of him who was about the same age as Han Shen, shirt and trousers, elegant smile, at first glance simple, but the limited edition earl on his wrist showed his identity in a low-key manner.

  She is kind enough: "Uncle Tang, hello."

   "This is Yueyue, isn't it? Hello." Sure enough, she has a good temperament.

  Tang Youtian made a special trip to see Jiang Fuyue by visiting the father's name this time.

  He didn't hide it, he honestly explained his intentions when he saw Han Qishan, which made the old man a little uncomfortable to refuse.

  The relationship between the two families is really good, and Tang Youtian’s attitude is not annoying.

  Finally, and the most important point, some things really can’t be delayed.

    There is one more at zero



  (End of this chapter)

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