After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 839: Fatal complaints, the two teams return to China

   Chapter 839 Fatal Tucao, the two teams return to China

  The movie is 112 minutes long, with 4D special effects, and the picture feels good.

  But it's just that the picture feels good.

Many things in    related to professional fields cannot withstand scrutiny.

  Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan saw half of them, and couldn't help but glance at each other, tacitly.

After   , many viewers did not leave and stayed in their seats to wait for the end credits.

  The two people's departure from the field seemed a bit abrupt and weird.

  Out of the movie theater, Jiang Fuyue can't help it anymore——

  "The universe is a three-dimensional system. The stars are basically distributed on a plane. Why does the invasion of alien species pass through Pluto, Neptune... then Jupiter, Mars, and finally to the earth?"

  The travel route from one point to another in the three-dimensional space is more than ten million? Knowing that humans have built defensive walls on the orbits of other stars, they are still attacking hard. Is it not fragrant to make detours?

  Or is there a problem with the IQ of alien species?

  It doesn’t make sense. You all know that you have attacked the earth, so your mind can’t be too stupid, right?

  Xie Dingyuan coughed lightly: "The reason for the invasion also doesn't make sense."

  Competing for water and iron resources?

  Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, and hydrogen and oxygen are common stellar elements. There should not be too much water resources on any star. Why do you have to take the risk of being destroyed?

  Iron resource is the same reason, as one of the products of stellar fusion, it can be seen everywhere.

  Can it be done?

  Jiang Fuyue: "Also, the giant pointed drill that digs the tunnel..."

  The torque required for rotation cannot be provided at all, even if it can be supported by high energy consumption, as a result, a three-hole plug can solve it?

Just kidding?

   was also here, Jiang Fuyue completely lost interest in looking down.

  In the end, the personal heroism "act of salvation" almost didn't make the two of them laugh on the spot.

  A behemoth like the Earth, which supports nearly tens of billions of people, can it be saved by one or two "heroes" alone?

  What makes the scientists who are struggling for the survival of mankind and succeeding in succession feel so embarrassed?

  Jiang Fuyue: "This kind of thing, just look at it."

  If human beings really reach the critical moment of life and death, they can only rely on strong national backing and advanced science and technology.

  "Next time you choose a romance movie?" Xie Dingyuan took her hand, and the two clasped their fingers.

   "Do you like to watch and talk about love?"

   "It has nothing to do with the content."

   "What does that have to do with?"

  "Related to the people who watched the movie together."

  As long as it is you, it doesn’t matter what you see.

  The silhouettes of the two close side by side gradually walked away. She didn't know the location of the exit of the viewing hall. A young girl was shaking her hands and pressing the shooting end button, her expression was already excited to madness.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I got it!"

  My best friend was half a step behind because she went to throw out the trash. When she just walked over, she heard her good friend screaming crazy, she was startled: "Xiaowen, what's the matter with you?"

   "I, I, I, I... I did it... I did it..." The girl named "Xiao Wen" was incoherent, and her feet were stomping and jumping with excitement.

   "What did you take?"

   "Goddess! My goddess! And Professor Xie! They watch the movie together, and we are in the same hall!"

   "Fuckin——" The girlfriend was stunned, and then began to look around: "Where? Why didn't I see it?!"

  She is also Yuan Yue’s CP fan!

   "Just left."

   "...Huh?" The girlfriend looked disappointed.

  Xiaowen chuckled twice: "However, I have filmed them all. The recorded video, you can can still hear them..."

  That night, an individual user on Weibo named [A Little Mosquito] posted a video feed.

  With text: It turns out that scientists watch sci-fi movies like this...

   Her own account has only 500 fans, of which 450 are zombie fans bought with money, and the remaining 50 are mostly classmates, friends, family, relatives, etc.

But I didn’t expect it to be such an ordinary account, such a post with no topic, no mention of the main subject, was forwarded 100,000 times, 200,000 comments, and six likes in just one hour. One hundred thousand.

After    the screen, the phone was stuck and Xiaowen, who had no choice but to log in with the computer, swallowed her saliva, turned her head and said to her girlfriend, "The flow of the goddess is terrible."

  The girlfriend took a deep breath, patted her chest and was shocked: "Maybe this is the legendary...academic top?"

  Two of you look at me, I look at you.

  There are only two words on the face-Niubi!

  On the Internet, it has long since exploded because of this video.

  #Jiang Fuyue Xie Dingyuan Cinema#

  #Yuanyue Hands#

  #Fatal Tucao from a scientist#

  #The correct academic thinking of watching movies#

  #Interstellar cross out to get beaten#

  The top five in the hot search list are all occupied.

  【Hahahaha... laugh to death! The most brutal sci-fi movie execution scene in history]

  【Is the director already crying in the toilet? @王小川 Director】

  【Worthy of being a scientist, rigorous and sharp】

  [After all, there will be a sign at the door for future sci-fi movies: Sister Yue and Professor Xie are forbidden to enter]

  【Upstairs thinks beautifully, but only when there is criticism, can progress be good? Otherwise, the management thought that the audience would be fooled, and just pat on the money just for the bad money. Who will concentrate on the content in the future? The shots are all perfunctory stuff. Are they silly? 】

  [Xswl (Laughing at me)! The Film Association should give awards to Luna and Professor Xie]

  [In these years, scientists can not only do research, but can also appraise bad movies, just one word—absolute! 】

  [It is estimated that Sister Yue and Professor Xie will not watch this type of film again]

  [One person's blood book asks for the producer, please ask Yue sister to be the content producer, we want to watch the real science fiction film]

  [I’m a little curious, before sister Yue and the professor pull the lamp, do we have to discuss which position is more labor-saving, more comfortable, and longer abrasion resistant]

  【Are you serious upstairs? All the bamboo shoots in the world have been taken away by you hhhhh]

  【Cooked? Demon spirit? Here is an lsp (old color embryo)]

  [I understand every word that Moon God and the professor said, but I don’t know what they mean together]

   [Ah, Sister Yue and the professor are indeed a natural couple, and they even bring their own husband and wife photos in the way of complaining]

  [Everyone seems to be discussing what Sister Yue and the professor said. Is it the only one who noticed that they held hands with their fingers clasped together? 】

  【I, I, I—I found out at a glance! Woo...Hi Professor Su! 】

  [Sister Yue, who is so powerful and ferocious, is led by him, gentle as a little girl, sure enough, no one can escape the glass of love, and you will get drunk when you drink it]

  【Have you heard that? Finally, the professor said: It has something to do with the people who watch the movie together. Mom! This is too good! 】

  [The high-cold filter is broken, and Professor Xie’s love for our sister Yue is like no money]

  【Scientists have a soft spot, so romantic! 】


  Han Heng is going to run a movie promotion today.

  The reporter's questioning session. At first, he was still asking about the movie, asking him himself, and then starting to ask Jiang Fuyue, crookedly.

   "Brother Heng, did you read the hot search?"

   "What's the hot search?"

  The reporter had been prepared for a long time, and raised his mobile phone in front of him. The page happened to stay on the hot search list, good guys, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan’s names were all on it.

  Han Heng remained silent, "I know now."

   "Moon God is in love on the hot search, what do you want to say as an uncle?"

  Han Heng spread his hands together: “I’m old and can’t fight my niece’s traffic. It’s terrible. You must leave a big page for me today, huh, see who’s afraid of whom!”

   "Haha...Is Brother Heng sour?" another reporter asked.

  Han Heng: "Sour! Too sour!"

  Wild boy arched his little cabbage, still holding hands? ! interlocking fingers? !


  The vinegar bucket can hardly hold him.


  Such a big movement, Han Shen naturally received wind.

  After Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan disclosed their relationship, he assigned a new task to the president office-any news about Jiang Fuyue on the Internet, as long as they got it, immediately report to him.

  Now, the secretary assistant has a reason to look at his mobile phone openly during working hours: Amen, thank the Moon God for blessing the community.

   Seeing that it was time to finish get off work, Han Shen had just picked up his jacket and was about to leave. A group of assistants and secretaries rushed in and began to report to him.

   "The Internet is talking about fairy love."

   "The tech houses want to line up to fall in love with Yue Jie."

  "There are mother fans and daddy fans who are preparing to form a group to steal children from your house."

  Han Shen: "……"

  Every day, I’m so worried!


  Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue never thought that they were just going out to see a movie, and they were both filmed, and they were also on hot searches.

  Are all of the current netizens all Sherlock Holmes and professional paparazzi?

  In view of the fact that science fiction films are too thunderous, since Xie Dingyuan has set up a flag to watch romance films, he has been gearing up to take Jiang Fuyue into practice.

  Unfortunately, theatrical comedies and sci-fi movies have gotten together recently, and there is really no one who simply talks about love.

  Jiang Fuyue: "Why don't you forget it?"

  For the two, the movie is really not a necessity.

  Professor Xie, who is in desperate need of rejuvenation: "How can it be forgotten? It depends!"

  Jiang Fuyue: "..." Okay, just be happy.

  Relying on the precious spirit of scientific research workers “indomitable” and “if conditions are available, they must go up without conditions,” Professor Xie decided to invite Jiang Fuyue to where he watch a movie.

  Of course it can’t be an old house, but a large flat located on the third ring of the imperial capital. I bought it when I didn’t go to Linhuai a few years ago. Now the market value has doubled five times.

  Because of the good location and convenient transportation, the community is also the legendary "gathering place of Internet upstarts", and there is huge room for appreciation.

  At the beginning, the decoration was entrusted to a designer friend. Xie Dingyuan’s only requirement was to be simple and generous, and to leave an audio-visual room.

  The reason is also very straightforward——

  Simple and generous means clean and easy to clean.

  The soundproofing room is good, so it is convenient for him to cast screen and read the paper.

  The designer was shocked on the spot. The audio-visual room is not used for leisure and entertainment to watch movies. He uses it in office to read papers?


  I can only sigh: the thinking of scientists is indeed different from ordinary people.

  After half a year, the decoration is completed, and Xie Dingyuan has gone to Linhuai.

  After I left, the house became vacant, and it was unoccupied for several years.

  The old lady passed by the door of Xie Dingyuan’s bedroom. Through the half-covered door, she could not help but wonder when she saw her son ruining the cabinet.

  She walked over and knocked symbolically: "A Yuan, what are you looking for?"

   "Mom, I remember that the key to the house in Shuilanjiangshan has been in the drawer, why didn't I see it?"

  The mistake of forgetting where to put things is absolutely impossible to happen to Professor Xie, then there is only--

   "Who moved?"

"Oh, you said that house. Some time ago, the manufacturer called and said that the sofa has reached the maintenance period and wants to send someone to take care of it. I went there. The key is here. What's wrong? Do you want to use it? "


   "Okay, I'll get it for you."

  The old lady turned around and walked halfway, then realized that something was wrong, and then turned back: "Why do you suddenly remember to ask for the key to that house?"

  Xie Dingyuan didn’t explain the movie watching in detail, but said concisely: “I lived for two days in the past.”

  When the old lady heard it, she was puzzled at first, but then she didn’t know what she thought of, and her eyes brightened.’s definitely not convenient for children to fall in love. You have to live alone to date your girlfriend!

  It's getting better! Get rid of it! My own wood is opened!

  If it's not the occasion, the old lady really wants to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

   She suppressed the ecstasy, and said solemnly: "How can two days be enough? At least ten days and eight days will work."

  Professor Xie: "?"

"Wait, mom will get you the key now! By the way, do I have to bring some clothes and luggage? I will ask Xiao Liu to come up and help tidy up! What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and wash your face. Change clothes, ready to go!"

  The posture can't wait to sweep him out immediately.

  Professor Xie: "..."

  Just, very confused.


  Xie Dingyuan took the key and went to the house to clean up in advance. Although he has not been living for several years, he has always cleaned regularly, so it is not dirty.

  Seeing that everything was ready, waited for Jiang Fuyue to come, and the two watched a classic romance film together.

  Yes, Professor Ren Xie’s films have been selected, but the plan will never keep up with the changes.

  In mid-October, Shan Pinghua and Bai Chuanhao led their teams back to China.

  When Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan left F Zhou, the two teams had to stay and continue to move bricks because the research work had not yet ended.

  A group of people watched them board the helicopter returning home. Although they didn't say anything, they didn't mention how envious they were.

  Today, the two teams have achieved great success in their research projects, and they have finally returned in triumph.

  Next is the exchange meeting and seminar arranged above. Not only Shan Pinghua and Bai Chuanhao team members need to be present, Xie Dingyuan and Jiang Fuyue must also be present.

  The reason is: You have all made great contributions to the research on Schenckwall virus. Only by sitting down, communicating and exchanging what you have, can you create a spark of thinking.

  So, the meeting between Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan once again returned to various meeting occasions.

  One day, after the exchange meeting, Jiang Fuyue was about to leave. Bai Chuanhao and Shan Pinghua suddenly found her and said they wanted to invite her to dinner?

  The two were sincere and sincerely invited each other. Jiang Fuyue couldn't refuse, so she could only agree.

  Waiting to go to the place to eat, only to find that all the members of the two teams are here.

  As soon as she arrived, everyone got up to greet each other, and then they were surrounded by her and sat on the top spot.

"?"what's the situation?

  Bai Chuanhao took the lead in raising the wine glass, facing her, with a serious expression and sincere tone: "This cup is to thank you."

  Jiang Fuyue: "?" A little dazed.

    I’ll update it today



  (End of this chapter)

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