After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 840: Just because she is strong, lemon is old

  Chapter 840 Just because she is strong, lemon old thank you

  Thank you for what?

  Bai Chuanhao: "If it weren't for the manuscript you left, the research progress of our two teams may not have broken through until now."


  Jiang Fuyue remembered that when she cleaned up the laboratory before leaving the base, she sorted out a pile of discarded paper.

  The above is the logical chain between her thought steps and each experimental link during the research process.

  She was about to throw it away, but Xu Kuan saw her and asked if she could give it to him.

  Jiang Fuyue knows that Bai Chuanhao’s team has encountered a problem. It seems that it is still logical. This is not something that can be corrected by re-algorithm or re-testing, but the team leader needs to rethink and choose a new direction.

  However, Bai Chuanhao has pushed himself into a dead end. He has no ideas at all, and he has no rules at all.

  Even on the verge of collapse, I had the idea of ​​giving up.

   Finally, Xu Kuan brought back the manuscript and gave him a new idea.

   "I have done this cup, you are free." After speaking, Bai Chuanhao raised his head and drank it.

  Next, Shan Pinghua also came forward with a glass of wine, learning everything.

  Jiang Fuyue: "You won't be like him, but because you read the manuscript, are you inspired?"

   "Hey..." The old man smiled, "That's not true."

   "Then what are you?"

  "Thank you for the new equipment you have left. Some of them can be used directly without adjusting the parameters..."

  Because of this, the efficiency of the team is greatly improved.

  It is no exaggeration to say that they are just drenched in Jiang Fuyue's light!

   "I did it too." After saying that, Shan Pinghua raised his head.

  Don’t look at the old man’s old age, his drinking behaviors are quite awkward.

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, with a slightly surprised look in her eyes, as if she knew him for the first time.

  You must know that this old guy looked at her unpleasantly at the beginning, and even took the lead in isolation, forming gangs, and especially desperate for face.

  This look in front of me... is really unexpected.

  Shan Pinghua was stared like this, and touched his nose with some embarrassment, “I used to be stingy, and I can’t help myself with many things. Today I say sincerely-I’m sorry!”

  This posture shocked everyone present.

  Who didn’t know that old man Shan was arrogant and conceited, and loved face the most, but today he personally confessed to Jiang Fuyue in front of so many people.

  It can only be said that in any field, the strong is respected.

  As long as Jiang Fuyue is not strong enough in the professional field today, if he has not achieved such an achievement, Shan Huaping will never be convinced, and take the initiative to bow his head.

   Next to apologize is Xin Hongcheng.

  Although he had already reconciled with Jiang Fuyue when he was at the base, it did not affect him in expressing his apology while expressing endless worship.

   "Heroes come out of youth", "Later waves push forward waves", "A mountain is higher than a mountain", etc. I can't wait to exaggerate Jiang Fuyue as a flower.

  A series of performances from his excitement to the difficulty of holding himself, and even the almost unsteady holding of the glass, it is not difficult to see his sincerity, without the slightest flattery and flattery.

  From when everyone was disgusted to now, until now, Jiang Fuyue did not give any explanation or flattering during the period, or tried every way to try to integrate, all she did was speak with her strength.

It's that simple.


After   , everyone left the restaurant and left after greeting.

  Jiang Fuyue sent a message to Xie Dingyuan in advance. He said that it would take about ten minutes to pick him up by car.

  While waiting, Xu Kuan, who had already left, went back and returned——

   "Sister Yue."

"Any thing else?"

  Xu Kuan smiled and passed a bottle of mineral water in his hand: "Drink water."

  She reached out and took it: "Thank you."

  Xu Kuan unscrewed the remaining bottle by himself, took two sips, and when he swallowed, he could still hear the gurgling sound.

  He sighed, and suddenly he said, "Actually, I regretted it."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows, then listened to him and continued--

"Especially when my team is in a difficult situation and tried every means to get out of it, I can't help but think, if I chose to join your team and study live attenuated vaccines, would it be long ago? Success? Enjoying flowers and applause?"

  A+ vaccine, special medicine, Lasker Prize...

   Picking up any item is the glory that researchers in the field of biomedicine dream of.

  And he, a difference in thought, after all, missed it.

  Xu Kuan: "I even sighed in my heart countless times, and tortured myself over and over again: Why didn't I seize the opportunity? One step wrong, one step wrong, and finally missed success."

  Jiang Fuyue frowned.

  Too obsessed with the wrong answer. Not only does it make no sense, but it also makes one's mentality unbalanced.

  Xu Kuan laughed: “It’s almost, it’s really only a bit, I want to go wrong. But fortunately, I thought of you when I was the most confused and most decadent.”


   "Yes," Xu Kuan turned to look at her, with relief and peace in his eyes after going through hardships and dangers, "I'm thinking, if Jiang Fuyue encounters this situation, what will she do?"

  First of all, she will definitely not complain about herself, nor will she complain about annoyance, she will only focus on the present and do the things in her hands, even if it is a mess, she will try her best to clean it up and try her best to bring it back to life.

  As for those in the past, they can only be regarded as the past and will not affect the present at all.

   "...I should do the same. Relying on this idea, I finally persevered."

  Xu Kuan drank again, and then tightened the bottle cap: “I have no other meaning in saying this today, I just want to say thank you in person.”

  Jiang Fuyue smiled slightly, accepted, and replied: "You're welcome. I wish you a bright future and a better future."

  Xu Kuan raised his lips, his eyes burning.

  At this moment, a sharp horn sounded, and then a strong light shot in the direction where the two of them were.

   But soon switched to low beam.

  The purpose is to make Jiang Fuyue look past, so as not to dazzle the eyes.

   "The car is coming, I'm leaving first."

  Xu Kuan nodded: "Okay."

   Then stood there and watched the black Mercedes turn around and drive away.

  I don’t know why he always feels the roar of the car, and seems to be expressing...dissatisfaction to him?

  Xie Dingyuan stepped on the accelerator with both feet, and the engine made a hunting boom.

  Fortunately, the sound insulation effect in the car is good, Jiang Fuyue did not notice, only felt that the speed was a bit fast.


   "Who is that person?" Xie Dingyuan asked.

   "Which one?"

   "I just talked to you at the door of the store."

   "Don't you remember? In F Zhou, the member of Bai Chuanhao's team was named Xu Kuan."

   "I haven't seen it, don't know it."

  The tone is cold and hard.

  Jiang Fuyue stared at him, and then she heard something wrong: "...what's wrong with you?"

   "It's nothing." I didn't admit it yet.

  She looked sideways, and saw the man with a cold face and a serious expression. Isn’t that what?

  A liar?

   "Blame me for not calling you for dinner?"

  Xie Dingyuan hummed, "I am like a person who lacks that meal?"

   "It really doesn't look like it." Jiang Fuyue smacked her lips, "So what's the situation? Why is it so sulking?"

   "...Who is angry? Anyway, I am not." He whispered.

  Jiang Fuyue rolled his eyes, remembering that he asked Xu Kuan as soon as he opened his mouth...

  Certainly, Fuzhi soul: "Professor Xie, you won't be jealous anymore, are you?"

   "Who is jealous?! I didn't!" This sudden uplifting tone was obviously pricked and hurt, and anxious!

   "Yes, yes, you didn't, you just accidentally ate a lemon, so the whole body was sour."

  Xie Dingyuan’s mouth twitched: "...How come it turned into a lemon..." Isn't it vinegar?

  Jiang Fuyue laughed from ear to ear, seeing that it was almost amused, and it was enough.

   Then explained: "I was asked to thank you, what do you think? You also honked the horn and played high beams... stingy."

  Thanks, does it need to look at each other?

  Xie Dingyuan curled his lips and quickly muttered: "Just stingy..."

  Jiang Fuyue did not hear clearly, "What did you say?"

   "Nothing, don't say good things a second time."

   "..." is too dog!

  "Didn’t it mean that a group of people eat? Why are you only two?"

   is here, and the questioning begins.

  Jiang Fuyue: "It was originally a group of people. After eating, everyone was gone, right?"

   "Then why hasn't he left yet?"

   "It's gone, but it's back."

   "Why did he fall back?"

   "Thanks in person."

  The topic came back again.

   "Cough—" Xie Dingyuan gave a light cough, staring straight ahead, pretending to speak plainly: "Are you familiar with him?"


  "What do you mean by okay?"

  Jiang Fuyue: "In the beginning, I planned to incorporate him into my team, and it would be okay to help out, but unfortunately, they were unwilling."

   "嗤......" Stupid!

  Xie Dingyuan: "Don't tell me, you still want to accept him into the team now?"

  "How is it possible?" There is only one chance.

  Usually, only Jiang Fuyue is picky about others. How can there be reasons for others to pick and choose her?

  Even if Xu Kuan is a genius, she will never ask for it again.

  Not to mention Xu Kuan is not.

  The corner of the man in the driving seat raised his mouth suspiciously, and his soothing brows revealed a hint of joy.

  Jiang Fuyue saw in her eyes, her heart was soft, as for?

  Waiting for the red light, Xie Dingyuan took the time to look at her, suddenly his eyes fell somewhere, and he paused slightly.

   Immediately calmly retracted his gaze, and continued to look forward.

  But at the next intersection, she suddenly braked and pulled over.

  Jiang Fuyue: "What's wrong?"

  The man dropped a sentence: "I'm going to buy something." Then, he pushed the car door straight, walked around the front of the car, and walked towards a convenience store.

   "Oh." Jiang Fuyue didn't think much.

  About two or three minutes later, the man came back and sat in the driving position again.

   "What did you buy—"

Before Jiang Fuyue finished speaking, someone handed over a bottle of mineral water.

  She glanced at her, and then her eyes fell on her lap, and she happened to have a bottle in it, which Xu Kuan had just given.

Without waiting for Jiang Fuyue to reach out, Xie Dingyuan put the water he bought on her lap and replaced Xu Kuan's bottle.

  After a while, Jiang Fuyue reacted: " went to the convenience store just to buy a bottle of water?"

  Xie Dingyuan: "I'm thirsty."

   "Then you drink mine."

   "Well, I'm drinking." After speaking, he really unscrewed the cap and took a sip, and then said: "But what if you get thirsty? So after thinking about it, I decided to buy you another bottle."

  Jiang Fuyue: "Why don't you just drink the bottle you bought?" What would you do for her?

  Xie Dingyuan: "You look better."

  Jiang Fuyue glanced at the same brand and the same package of mineral water.


  The man hummed softly, tightened the cap, put it aside, and restarted the engine.

  Jiang Fuyue sighed, "That's a bottle of water."

   "Well, it's a bottle of water, I know."

  Jiang Fuyue suddenly curled her lips, and her conversation turned: "But it's not just a bottle of water."


   "After soaking lemon, it becomes lemonade. Is it sour to drink? Huh?"

  The ending sound rises, teasing and smiling.

  Xie Dingyuan's face was stern, that was serious: "...It's okay."

   also because he can stretch.

  Jiang Fuyue is not working anyway, she leans directly on the seat: "Hahahaha..."

  The man continued to be serious, but his ears could not help but faintly hot.

   "Professor Xie," she clutched her belly, her peach-colored eyes appeared full of water, her smile was unbridled, her voice was soft and soft: "Why are you so cute? How cute did you grow up?"

   "Yueyue, you..." He was a little helpless, and a little embarrassed.

  How can you use the adjective "cute" to a man?

   "Well, a shy look is more cute."

  The corners of Xie Dingyuan's mouth tightened, and there was no sound, but his cheeks were flushed with crimson, just like sunset.

  Half an hour later, the car listens in front of the Han’s Villa.

   "" When he opened his mouth, his voice was dumb.

  I don’t know what I’m thinking about along the way, I just want to get dry.

  Jiang Fuyue unfastened her seat belt and was about to get out of the car.

   Suddenly her wrists tightened, she turned her head, the man was clasping her, Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes, "You--"

   Click! Xie Dingyuan unfastened his seat belt, and then leaned his upper body toward her. The hand that originally held Jiang Fuyue's wrist was changed to press on the back of her neck, and then...

  Gently press forward.

   did not give the girl the slightest chance to break free.

  The lips and teeth are close together, and the breath is intertwined.

  I don’t know how long it took before Xie Dingyuan let go, staring at her with dark eyes, a faint smile, "Can you taste the sourness?"

  "..." A grudge!


  The next day Jiang Fuyue dropped a meeting and stayed at home and did not go out because there was a big event today——

  The first episode of "Star Making Training Camp" attended by Brother Jiang is about to be broadcast!

After lunch, the old man, Han Shen, Han Ke, Han Heng, Jiang Fuyue, and Xiao Mang gathered in the living room, put down the screen ten minutes in advance, turned on the projector, and each took snacks/tea/coffee/fruits and sat on the sofa. Sit up.

  Oh, I also gave Xiaomang a big stick bone, so that he can watch and chew for a while.

  The only one who didn't show up was Han Ting. There was no way. Middle school students couldn't afford to be injured, so they had to study hard.

   "Are you coming? Are you coming?" The old man squeezed his stick, clasped his hands on it, his old eyes gleaming, and his back straightened.

  Han Shen raised his wrist to look at his watch: "There are three minutes left, it's almost time."

   "Don't look, we Shen Xing must be the most beautiful cub among a group of players!" Han Heng was calm and confident.

  From his professional point of view, Jiang Chenxing has a good face and a good personality. Although he eats a lot, he is tall and straight, which highlights his youthfulness.

  Actually, making a movie is better than going on a messy variety show, but he is a newcomer after all, with no fame and no work. How can there be movie resources for him?

  Variety show is also a good springboard, at least it can accumulate popularity, and the debut is enough.

   "Come on! Hush, don't talk--"

  The concept video is over, and the program officially begins. The first shot is the audition scene. Each person will have a two-minute personal display...

  (End of this chapter)

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