After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 841: The lens is cold, and the dance is amazing

  Chapter 841 The lens is cold, and the dance is amazing

  This program is called "Star Making Training Camp", which is a boy group youth growth program jointly launched by Blueberry Channel and Kiwi Video.

  The show gathered 101 contestants. Through tasks, training, and assessment, the contestants will continue to grow under the training of celebrity instructors. Through each stage competition, 6 contestants are finally decided to form a new idol group debut.

  And Jiang Chenxing is one of these 101 players.

  Before the audition officially started, the promoter of the show was also the host—the popular idol of domestic entertainment, Xu Hao, gave a brief introduction to the four instructors present.

  In fact, there is no need to introduce them, they are all familiar faces in the entertainment industry.

  Zhai Xiaochen, a top idol, went to H country as a trainee at the age of 15, made his C-place debut at the age of 17, and became popular in Asia in just one year. When he returned to China at the age of 23, he received soft endorsements for luxury goods. Recently, because of the popularity of a fairy-xia drama, the transformation has been successful, and it has become a powerful idol with coexistence of acting skills and traffic.

  The limelight is gaining momentum.

  Relatively speaking, the remaining three people have a much worse fan base——

  Yan Xicun: A powerful singer in Hong Kong Island. He has just reached his 30s this year. Yushu Linfeng, a gentleman of modest and modesty, has a good reputation in the Mainland, but his popularity is average.

  Su Mo: 28 years old, a pop singer, looks like a cold and cold elder sister, is also a powerful group, known for his changeable singing, known as "the first **** of the ancient style circle", young and good standing.

  Hang Yuewei: 21 years old, with long hair and a hot body. She just returned to China not long ago for development. She is called "Barbie on Earth" because of her sweet looks and long white legs.

  These four, together with the promoter Xu Hao, stand together as a proper traffic harvester.

No need to worry about ratings and attention.

  Even Han Heng said: "This season of "Star Making" has gone down the drain."

   But he still has a worry that he didn’t say--

  There must be a reason for something abnormal. The blueberry channel and the kiwi video have raised the configuration so high, or they want to make money, or want to attract people.

  If the former is okay, businessmen are chasing profits, and there is nothing wrong with them if they want to earn more.

  Be afraid of the latter...

  If you want to take advantage of this program to praise their newcomers, then other gestures will be reduced to cannon fodder.

   Soon, the players came on stage and the performance began.

  The four instructors will be divided into classes on the spot according to the performance of the players. There are four classes from high to low, A, B, C, and F.

   Of the first seven people on stage, only one took B, and all others were C.

  Under such circumstances, everyone’s expectations for the first A are raised again.

  Han Ke: "Which one is Chen Xing playing? There are a hundred people here. I don’t know the year of the monkey and the month of the monkey when they are all done..."

  Han Heng's mouth twitched: "Don't you know what editing is?"

  Some of the performance is not outstanding enough, it is really hot-eyed, in the post-processing, the plum has already been cut.

   "Don't worry, the program group will not be so stupid that the audience will watch all the performances of a hundred players."

   "Hi... Then according to you, Chen Xing won't be cut off too, right?"


  This is really hard to say, but——

"Shen Xing of our house is also a traffic celebrity. He is a master of the broadcasting industry, plus looks, body, and temperament. As long as the program group is not blind, he will not let this topic go, so he will be given to him more or less. Lens."

   "Besides, isn't there still me? Dare to give us the Chen Xing lens, tomorrow I will go to the blueberry station to find their program leader."

  Han Ke glanced at him and hummed softly: "Suddenly I found that you still have something to use..."

  Han Heng: "?" My fucking?

  Finally, in the tenth minute of the show, the first member A was born.

   is a baby-faced boy with long legs and tall legs. With an original rap, the four instructors shine.

  The second A, the third A...

  The old man was almost anxious: "Forty minutes have passed, why isn't Chen Xing coming out?"

  Han Shen: "And when the camera was brought to the stage, I didn't scan him, what's the matter with the third child?"

  Han Heng's expression at this time is not as relaxed as before.

   Experts know that no matter it’s a show, a movie, or a TV series, no shots are given casually.

  To whom, how much, and how long to give, these are all learning.

For example, the faces often scanned by the camera are all popular players who have accumulated a certain degree of fame. There are also idols who have already made their debut. Because they are not popular, they come here to gain popularity. It is best to soar to the sky and become Top stream.

  Usually these players have a backstage, and most of their companies have good relations with the organizers and investors.

  Even they may be the artists that the organizers and investors want to praise.

   "Hey——" Han Ke suddenly pressed the pause button, and the video screen freezes, "Do you think the one in the upper right corner is Chen Xing?"

   "It's a bit fuzzy...but the outline should be correct!"

   "Why did this kid sit in the corner?" Han Heng frowned, "No wonder he didn't give him a camera..."

  Jiang Fuyue was not surprised: "He is shy at first."

  Although Jiang Chenxing has no longer been as timid as before under her deliberate training and exercise in the past two years, but his personality can't be changed by changing, he has become accustomed to being restrained and low-key.

  Even if the live broadcast has become the top stream in the Internet celebrity world, it has never been arrogant.

  Jiang Fuyue thinks this is good. Being low-key doesn't mean not being aggressive, and being restrained doesn't mean being bullied.

  This person, if you look dazzling at first, even if you dim a little later, you will be disappointed.

  But if it is unremarkable at the beginning, and then gradually shines, wouldn’t it bring more surprises and make people look forward to it?

  Twenty minutes later, the old man suddenly straightened his back, his eyes beaming: "It's Chen Xing!"

  The family immediately held their breath and looked towards the screen.

  Compared with the costumes of other players, Jiang Chenxing wore a yellow pullover with beige casual pants, a pair of skateboarding shoes on his feet, and a peaked cap on his head.

  Originally, a yellow shirt is enough to steal the spotlight, but his superior figure ratio is more eye-catching than clothes.

  Straight, straight and beautiful, there is a kind of juvenile feeling that is rare in the circle.

  Especially this year, he has grown a lot taller, and now he has overtaken Jiang Fuyue. The legs are straight, the shoulders are thin, and the skin is very white. A pair of peachy eyes looks at the camera, clear and innocent, reminiscent of the sky full of ice and snow, pure and unsullied, and aura is compelling.

  Han Ke looked at the young man on the screen, stretched out his hand and gestured: "It's only a month, how do you feel that Chen Xing has jumped a lot?"

  Han Qishan: "As the saying goes, half-and-half children eat poor people. We Chen Xing is growing up. At that time, don't you have to change your shoes every half month?"

  Han Ke: "Really? Why am I not impressed?"

  The old man gave him a disgusting look: "The bigger the more stupid..."

  Han Ke: "……"

  Han Heng looked at the young and handsome nephew on the screen, and suddenly gave birth to a somewhat late melancholy: "The stinky boy is still on the mirror..."

  Han Shen stared at him: "Speak well, take a mouthful of a stinky boy, don't yell."

   "It's not... Boss, you are too double-labeled, how about when you were called the stinky boy?"

  Han Shen: "Ating, you are free, but Chen Xing can't."

  Han Heng: "..." You are a real father!

  At this moment, in the show——

  Yan Xicun took the lead and said, "Very handsome guy, not bad."

  Jiang Chen Xing's mouth slightly pursed, picked up the microphone, and bowed sincerely at him: "Thank you, teacher."

  Su Mo: "The sound conditions are also good."

  When she spoke, there was a few seconds of silence at the scene.

  You should know that among the dozens of players who have performed before, many of them are good candidates who have been selected into Class A, but I haven't seen this cold fairy instructor say a word.

  Xu Hao, who is responsible for hosting, also handed her a few times, or asked her to comment on the contestants by name.

  As a result, the woman had an iceberg face throughout the whole process, and she was very harsh in the evaluation, almost all of them were stabs, frightening the players and not daring to breathe.

  Ke had to admit that the problems she said did exist.

   But never expected that Su Mo would actually boast? !

  The praise is still in terms of sound, which is her professional field, a big vocal!

  At this time, the camera was taken off the stage to record everyone’s reaction clearly——

  Gazed, opened mouth, and some people were stunned when half of their chest was photographed.

  The camera is zoomed out, and the seats are like a group of dumb chickens.

   "My God! Teacher Su Mo can actually boast? Is it my ear problem?"

   "Then there must be something wrong with my ears."

   "Which brokerage company is this trainee?"

   "It seems to be called...Xingyue Brokerage Company."

   "Huh? Is there such a brokerage company? Why have I never heard of..."

   "I haven't heard of it either."

   "It feels great."

   "Teacher Su Mo said it's good, it's definitely not a bad dish."

   "Don't talk too full, it's the mule or the horse who knows it."

   "If the voice is good, it is probably the vocal."

   "But I think his figure is better for dancing."

   "Uh...actually, the rapper is also good."


  The off-stage contestants whispered, but Zhai Xiaochen on the stage swept Jiang Chenxing and couldn’t help but nodded: “The appearance conditions are indeed excellent.”

  Hang Yuewei put her chin on, and said: "I just don't know how strong it is. Come on, please start your performance."

  Jiang Chen Xing was a little uncomfortable by the praise of several people. Hearing the words, he relaxed and said, "Okay."

   Then take a deep breath, turn your back, and the lights on the stage will also dim.

   After getting ready, he nodded to the music teacher next to him.


  The heavy bass sounded first, and the stage lighting suddenly started.

  Jiang Chenxing, who had originally turned his back, suddenly raised his hands, while his forearms drooped like a dummy doll, moving mechanically twice, and the music accompaniment also made a creaking sound.

   Then quickly turned around, fixed the point extremely stable, and began to move with hands and feet like a puppet.

  Just these few seemingly simple actions, but the players in the stage were gasped——

   "It's not singing, but dancing?!"

   "And it's Popping!"

  POPPING, also known as mechanical dance, is a type of street dance.

  Express the rhythm of music by controlling the muscles of various parts of the body, relaxing and tightening to produce a "vibration/burst" effect, as well as body movement and walking position.

  It is often combined with Robot (robot), Wave (current), Slide (sliding step) and many other styles and techniques to perform performances.

   "The fixed point is so stable, it smells like Mannequin."

  Mannequin originally meant "a dummy model for display", but here it refers to a style.

  On the stage, Jiang Chenxing suddenly stopped using Tick, and then moved only certain parts of his body, as if controlled by a computer program, his movements were stiff and standardized, as if a cold machine was running.

  Then a Collapse, he is like a flat tire, and like a puppet with a cut thread, the lights dimmed to pitch black.

  After three seconds of silence, the next music climax struck, the stage was suddenly bright, and the young man's long figure stood opposite to each other, and it became the original appearance again.

   Immediately, an invisible force passed through his entire body, starting from the head, through the palms, arms, and then the entire body, and finally stopped on the feet.

  The audience is already crazy——

   "Wow! This is the most standard Waving I have ever seen!" A student who has entered Class A couldn't help but admire.

   "Absolutely, when you are not moving, you are a boy, when you are moving, you are a devil!" The other person who was in class A with him nodded.

   "Accurate stepping point, full of cool style, and highly coordinated limbs, envy."

   "It's over, I feel that the position of my strongest dancer is about to be taken away."

   "Puff-convergence point, the camera is shooting, don't let your mindless self-confidence and bragging be exposed to the national audience."

   "Cut! I want you to take care of it!"

   "All of them are in Class F, and they are the strongest dancer... You can be sober."

  The two people belonged to a brokerage company. They took the script of "Happy Enemy". Whether it was from the heart or the performance, they succeeded in attracting the camera.

  But at the same time, their praise and affirmation of Jiang Chenxing's profile can inevitably be conveyed to the audience.

  This is much better than straight shots.

  Finally, Jiang Chenxing finished with a forty-five degree tilting and taking off his hat, then bowed to the curtain call, and the audience was silent.

  There seemed to be some stagnation on the instructor's seat, while the other students in the audience were in shock, unable to react for a while.

  Forty-five degrees tilt...This is the classic action of a generation of dance king MJ, and classic things are the most difficult to imitate, let alone transcend, he dare!

  At that time, Jiang Chenxing stood on the stage and blinked in confusion as he looked at the suddenly quiet crowd.


   Thunderous applause! Cheers!

   "I went-almost thought that MJ was alive, he danced so well!"

   "Everyone knows how to practice, but it doesn't feel like everyone has it."

  "His figure is suitable for Popping, thin, long, and flexible."

   "Hiss! Do you think he is a bit familiar? He seems to have seen him somewhere..."

   "No way? Just this figure, I'm sure I've seen it very deeply, it's impossible to forget."

   "But looking at the face is really familiar!"


  Finally, Jiang Chenxing successfully got the admission ticket to Class A with his amazing dance.

  The players who played in the back, although there is no shortage of outstanding performances, but the jade is in front, they can't get past Jiang Chenxing.

  When the 101st contestant has finished performing and the division has been determined, the first episode of the program is over.

  But this is only the beginning. The next public opinion explosion is the key link for players to accumulate popularity.

   Soon, the hot search exploded——



【Oh my God! It's a cub! 】

  【Shen Xing went to the star making camp? 】

【sky! Why is there no wind at all? As the strongest mother fan in the universe, Goose went to participate in the draft. 】

  【Baby seems to grow taller again! 】

  【Woo...Is my favorite treasure boy finally going to be known by everyone? 】

  【Brother bravely fly, sister will always follow! 】

    is a little bit kavin, and it’s only one update today



  (End of this chapter)

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