After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 842: Chen Xing was deceived and scum was infested

   Chapter 842 Chen Xing was bullied, scum and scum appeared

  Since Jiang Chenxing already has a certain fan base, he is still crazy mother powder, milk powder, sister powder, the hot search ranking directly crossed #造星营# and rushed to the first place.

  And still on the premise that there is no marketing account and no money to buy hot searches.

   Soon, it attracted a group of passersby fans——

  【Where did the fairy brother come from, this is too handsome! 】

  [This section of Popping directly enshrines God]

  【The action is super professional at first sight】

  【Why do everyone only notice dance? Doesn't this face and this leg smell good? 】

  [My brother’s eyes are also super nice! There are green mountains, green water and clear springs inside, so clean]

  【At first, Su Mo praised him, his brother was shy, right? Ears are red]

  [After the show, everyone didn’t react to it. It’s so dumb and cute. It’s so cute.]

  【New idol in domestic entertainment? Which brokerage company? Have you debuted yet? How come there was no wind before? 】

  【One minute, I want to know all the information of this brother】

  【Retire for three years, finally there is a new wall! Help me up and rush the duck for my brother! 】


  Dance proves the strength, and the appearance and figure are the strongest blessings.

  Seeing that the popularity is getting higher and higher, the passerby fans are accumulating more and more, and through the word-of-mouth reputation of Amway, a lot of tap water has come.

  The program group was shocked when they saw this posture.

"what's the situation?"

  "Who bought the hot search?"

"Isn't it that I have already negotiated with those brokerage companies. I can't operate it privately. Do you want to discuss it with us before you act? What? Now it's going to be a backlash? Buying hot search and buying is ahead of us-but **** bull X! "The director was so angry that he was violent on the spot.

  The staff members bowed their heads, not daring to breathe more.

  "Check! Which company did Jiang Chenxing send it to?"

  Two minutes later——

   "Guide Yu, found it! He was recommended by Xingyue Brokerage Company."

  "Xingyue Brokerage Company? Where did the small workshop come from? How come you have never heard of it? Could it be..." Which capital opened the trumpet? Or put on a new vest?

  "This company is registered in Linhuai. It used to be an Internet celebrity incubation studio, and then it was transformed into an artist broker."

  The director frowned, rubbing his chin in thought.

  The opponent hit the top spot on the hot search list as soon as he shot, and he has a lot of money. It feels impossible to say that there is no backing...

  "Go and check the origin of this Xingyue brokerage company, especially the equity structure."

   "Okay. Would you like to deal with the hot search?"

  Director waved his hand: "Don’t act rashly until you know the origin of the other party."

  If there is really a gold master’s father behind it, wouldn’t that offend people?

  The deputy director said at the right time: “I think it’s pretty good now. Anyway, it’s all positive news. Why don’t you give us a lot of enthusiasm for nothing?”

  The director glanced at him, and couldn’t help but hum: “It’s pretty beautiful to think about, it’s just as simple as that.”


The director lowered his voice: "Now that Jiang Chenxing has taken away all the attention, what do you do if you let the little meat that Taili and the management want to support? The debut agreement has been signed, and the skill is not as good as people want to stand in the C position and become an audience What a fool?"

  The deputy director listened, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Then what can we do now?"

   "No hurry, first find out the details of the other party before talking."

  If you are backed by a big tree and have strong capital, then the program group is naturally willing to be a good friend and take care of Jiang Chenxing.

  But if not, then you can only...

  The director narrowed his eyes and looked up at the handsome young man on the screen.



  As a nationally recognized "traffic station", the Blueberry Channel has been popular and has unlimited views over the years.

  Don’t say anything else, just look at the geographical location and you are blessed.

Nearly 900 acres were demarcated by the three-ring ring, which was an inch of land and an inch of gold, and all of them were given to Taili.

  In addition to the studio, office building, and family area, there are also townhouses on the opposite side of the beautiful artificial lake.

  The dormitory of this "Star Making Training Camp" is arranged here.

  Although the first episode was broadcast to the outside world, the third episode has actually been recorded.

  The second recording content is: a temporary formation of a new group, under the guidance of the instructor, began to prepare for the first performance, interspersed with the daily training of the players.

  The third period is: the first public performance, and then the rankings are announced, and the four classes of A, B, C, and F are reshuffled.

  I just finished recording the performance yesterday and announced the ranking. Some players have already decided to eliminate them. They packed up their things early this morning and left one after another.

  And Jiang Chenxing’s group is the number one in the performance, and everyone is safe.

  He himself won the title of "Popular King" with an overwhelming number of votes. Not only can he continue to stay in Class A, but he has also become the C position of the theme dance.

  All of this was originally worthy of joy, but Jiang Chenxing gradually realized that he seemed to be isolated.

   "Oh, isn't this our popular king? Where are we going?" A roommate suddenly said.

  Jiang Chen Xing saw the obvious malice in the other party’s smile, and swallowed it back when he was inviting him, and said calmly: "Eat."

   "I heard that you seem to be particularly good at eating, just like a rice bucket, is it true?"

  Jiang Chen Xing ignored him and prepared to leave.

   "Huh, are you going to leave?" The roommate stood up, shoulder-wide and long-legged in front of him: "Why don't you answer when I ask you something?"

  Jiang Chen Xing is half a head taller than him. When you look at him, you need to keep your eyelids a little bit tighter: "I have the right not to answer."

   "I'm sorry to answer, right? You are already very polite, but I haven't said that you are a pig!"

  "Please pay attention to your wording." As he said, he looked at the camera diagonally above.

The roommate sneered: "Don't look at me, don't I know there is a camera? I want you to remind? But what? Believe it or not, even if I beat you here today, I won’t show up when it’s broadcast. A shot?"

  The other roommates were quiet, none of them jumped out to speak to Jiang Chenxing, they all took care of what they were doing, as if they hadn’t heard them.

  Although Jiang Chenxing is quite pitiful, Xia Qingfan has a backer. They can't afford to provoke them, and they don't want to be targeted, so they can only pretend to be dead.

  "Do you still want to threaten me with a camera now? Oh, overwhelming!"

   Jiang Chen Xing's mouth was slightly tight, but there was no fear in his eyes.

Before he came, Uncle Wu gave him a vaccination, saying that among the 101 people, there is probably a "royal family" hidden in them. They are the new traffic that Taili and the management want to support. There are many shots, good scripts, explosive resources, and a steady debut. If you encounter it, avoid it if you can.

  Jiang Chen Xing thinks that it should not be so coincidental, anyway, there are more than one hundred people, it is unlikely that he will fall on him.

  I never wanted to be lucky, I was really caught up by myself.

  But Uncle Wu also said that if you can’t avoid it, don’t be afraid. If you are wronged, you will definitely support him.

  So, Jiang Chenxing only glanced at Xia Qingfan flatly: "It's up to you. Can you get out of it now?"

  Xia Qingfan was taken aback, suddenly irritable, and directly pushed his shoulders: "Who do you think you are? What kind of thing are you? Dancing is great? If you are the first, give you a cow, idiot!"

  Jiang Chen Xing took a step back and brushed the place he had touched on his left shoulder, like sweeping away something dirty, "The first one is an idiot, then what are you who are not first? Inferior to an idiot?"

   Xia Qingfan was taken aback: "You fucking—"

   "Aren't you going to hit me?" Jiang Chenxing stepped forward and leaned forward to him, "Hurry up, I'm busy going to eat."

   Xia Qingfan: "?"

   "Don't fight? Okay, then I'll go now."

  After finishing speaking, he went straight past him, left the dormitory, and walked away.

  Xia Qingfan was stunned in place like a dumb chicken, his anger still frozen on his face, and it was slow to disappear, looking a bit funny.

  After a while, he reacted, the anger of being played spontaneously, and he kicked Jiang Chenxing's chair.

  哐 There was a loud noise, accompanied by his angry curse, which could be heard throughout the corridor.

  But no one dared to stand up and stop, the people in the same dormitory were silent, one by one became dumb, and the other dormitories only dared to talk secretly——

   "It's starting again, Jiang Chenxing is really miserable."

   "Xia Qingfan is too bullying, is it so mean?"

   "Shhh! Be quiet, we have to suffer if he hears it."

"Actually, the star Jiang Chen is very good. I’m not a dancer. I’m not good at dancing? They all disliked me as F during the performance. They didn’t want to tell me more. They didn’t care about me when they were practicing, so that I still have to come down. Do it yourself."

"And then?"

"Then I'm cooking, and the teacher can teach me smoothly. How can I understand those complicated movements? I'm going to perform again soon, and I almost cried. It was Jiang Chenxing who took the initiative to help and took time to practice with me every day. "

   "He is really amazing. You can disassemble the action after watching the video. He is talented and has a good personality... Xia Qingfan is jealous, so he troubles him everywhere!"

   "A discerning person can see who is right and who is wrong, but no one dares to care. Xia Qingfan has a backing, we can't afford it."

   "Can't we think of a solution?"

   "Unless Jiang Chenxing also has a backer, it can only be a cannon fodder."

   Ke Jiang Chenxing's warm and temperamental look is not like having a backstage at all.

   "As the old saying goes, everyone is innocent and guilty. Without external force to **** him, the better Jiang Chenxing is, the more he will be targeted."

  Finished one Xia Qingfan, and there is another one waiting.

  "Isn't he a big internet celebrity? There are more than 10 million fans, can he..."

  "Fans have limited power and can't fight capital."

   "Then, there is no other way?"


A sigh.


  After losing her temper, Xia Qingfan cursed and fell on the bed, her feet without taking off her shoes directly on the chair of the roommate opposite.

  While the roommate was sitting on the chair with his back to fix his hairstyle, he felt something. He turned his head and saw a pair of big soles greeted him, but he didn't say anything, and even lost a flattering smile.

   "How? Any comments?"

   "No, no, no...Fan, you are free."


  Xia Qingfan sneered, this person let him and held him everywhere, but he didn't appreciate it at all.

  But if you change to Jiang Chenxing...

  He thought, he would be very happy.

  As early as when the first episode was recorded, Xia Qingfan felt that this surname Jiang would be a rival.

  Unexpectedly, the second and third phases Jiang Chenxing directly led the group to take off, and also grabbed the C position of the theme dance he was sure to win.

  Before this, he had a fight with the director.

  "Why should I choose him? Who is this show for? Have you figured it out?" The young master was furious.

  The director explained in a cold sweat: “The show has just begun, so you can’t be too obvious. If you let the audience notice it, you will definitely be treated as a ‘royal’. This will turn you back into the black.”

  This is quite euphemistic.

  To be frank, Xia Qingfan's current strength is not worthy of the theme dance C position. Forcibly standing up will only provoke criticism.

   is uncoordinated, and the fairness and justice of the entire program will be questioned.

  The director would certainly not agree to dare to do so.

So bitterly persuaded: "It's just the beginning, don't worry, there are still so many issues ahead. We have already given you the best script. According to the plot, the custodian is set up steadily, and it is not a matter of minutes. Something?"

  Finally, Xia Qingfan was soothed, but with a sigh of relief in his heart, he began to target Jiang Chenxing everywhere.

  At first, this kid was silent. He thought it was a "dough", but he didn't expect to be stiff today...

  The other side's clear and clean eyes flashed in his mind, but Xia Qingfan couldn't help being irritable.


   Kicked on the chair with a hint of anger.

  The roommate was kicked over with the chair, and his expression was distorted with pain. Annoyed flashes flashed in his eyes, but he dared not speak.

   "What are you doing on the ground? Who do you play for? Don't you get out?"

  "Fan, Brother Fan...I have a backache, slowly..."

  Xia Qingfan cursed "trash", and she had to kick another kick, scared her roommate could not take care of her waist, so she got up and stood still.

   "Brother Fan, I...I'm fine."

  Xia Qingfan curled her mouth, and then barely retracted her foot.

  He wondered that the first episode had already been broadcast, and he didn’t know what the online reviews were.

  You should know that he also got an A in the primaries. Asking himself, his performance is good, his looks and body are top notch, he can definitely attract a lot of fans, and maybe a fan club has been established.

  The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. But during training, he was not allowed to use his mobile phone. Xia Qingfan turned his eyes, got up and adjusted his clothes, and did a hairstyle in the mirror. He hasn't made his debut yet, and the idol has a heavy burden.

  But how many boys who can live here are ugly?

   Each looks has its own characteristics.

  Xia Qingfan picked it up and went out on her own.

  The roommate who was kicked couldn’t help but let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally left..."

  Another roommate showed concern: "Is it all right?"

   "That's it! My back hurts to death... Suddenly I admire Jiang Chenxing a bit, and dare to fight him head-on."

  Speaking of Jiang Chenxing, everyone fell silent.

  They want to be alone, but sympathy is also true.

  After all, I still don’t have the courage to come forward.


  Xia Qingfan walked to the end of the corridor, kicked open the door of the temporary office of the program group, and then swaggered in.

  A staff member was cutting a film, and when he heard the noise, he turned his head sharply.

   Seeing the visitor wearing a team uniform, he couldn't help but frown: "Are you a student? You are not allowed to enter or leave here."

  Xia Qingfan looked her up and down, tsk, old woman.

  "New here, right?" He didn't even know him.

  The woman helped the framed glasses on the bridge of her nose and couldn't help frowning: "I won't go anymore, I am called the Disciplinary Team. If you don't want to be scolded, please leave as soon as possible."

   "嗤——" Xia Qingfan sneered.


   Just then, another staff member came in, and the woman seemed to have confidence in an instant: "Lin Bian, this student he..."

  Who knows, before I finished speaking, I saw that the high-ranking and high-profile Director Lin actually greeted this student with a smile and said "Fan Shao".

  The woman's complexion changed slightly. At any rate, after working behind the scenes for so many years, she guessed that the other party might have a deep background, which she could not afford.

  Xia Qingfan interrupted the choreographer's flattery and pointed at the woman: "Shall I go out now?"

  The woman's expression is stiff.

   "Bring your phone."

   "However, according to regulations, students are not allowed to use mobile phones during closed recording..."

   "What nonsense? Let you take it!"

   Xia Qingfan snatched it from her hand: "No wink."

   Then click on Weibo, refresh the hot search list, the next second, the expression becomes gloomy, and the look in the eyes becomes extremely scary.

  Jiang Chen Xing is the number one hot search? !

  There are hotword tags?

  He clicked in, and saw that it was all "fans", "brother is handsome" and so on.

  Jiang Chenxing’s primary selection clips have been reposted hundreds of thousands of times.

  Some people also cut the dancing video of him and MJ, with the text: If you don’t lose the classics, the younger brother can be expected!

  However, there are very few discussions about myself. Even if there is, it is basically a negative evaluation——

  Some people said that he had a stiff face, as if he had used a knife; others said that his upper body was too long and the proportions were strange; some even complained that his strength was average, not knowing why he was able to get an A.

  Xia Qingfan gritted his teeth and sneered. After quitting Weibo, he skillfully dialed a number with his mobile phone——

  (End of this chapter)

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