After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 844: Fighting for the stars is her brother (two more)

  Chapter 844 Fighting for the stars is her brother (two more)

  Guardian star is Jiang Chenxing’s exclusive fan name, just like Jiang Fuyue’s "Yue Family Army".

  The earliest, most iron, and most loyal fans gathered.

There are men and women in   , ranging from 80-year-old grandmothers to elementary and middle school students. They are among the first batch of people who have managed to sink the stars in Fanjiang and have persisted until now.

  Most of them have been following Jiang Chenxing when he was doing eating and broadcasting, and they are also quite active on Weibo.

  And the backbone of them is undoubtedly the "mother fans" and "sister fans" who are invincible in combat.

  In addition to daily promotion of Amway, it can also be crazy for Goose/Brother.

  No way, they are too leisurely and rich.

  But do you think this is over?

  No, the combat effectiveness of Sister Ma (Sister Ma) regiment is also one of the best.

  At this time, in the [Guardian Management Group]——

   "What is the program group doing? I only gave the goose a close-up shot from beginning to end, too much!"

"According to reliable sources, in the first performance of the third stage, the younger brother's group of votes was the first. He himself was very proud and won the title of'popularity king. hateful!"

   "So it is certain that there is a problem with the editing, but what is the reason? Is there any inside story?"

  "Do you still have to think about it? The goose is so powerful that it moved some people's cakes, and they couldn't sit still and would make things worse."

   "Go! Sisters, warm up first, it's time for us to play."


   "The heat is over, it's in place!"

   "Hit my goose **** and wait, it's done."

   "gkd (hurry up)! I can no longer control the great power in my body!"


  At twelve noon that same day, a new registered user, Weibo account named [Guardian Fanyihui] posted a long Weibo.

  Five hundred words, directly @造星培训营官微, raise three questions——

  1. Did the program group maliciously target Jiang Chenxing and cut off all his footage?

  2, who instructed? director? investor? Or other brokerage companies?

  3. Is there a script for the show? There are "royal" players? Can the fairness of the game be guaranteed in the end?

  Every point listed is followed by a corresponding factual basis.

  In the beginning, the star-making training camp officer ignored it at all. A newly registered account was just a slap at the most. There was no traffic, no attention, and it was difficult to sing alone.

  They receive a lot of @ like this every day, how can they have the time and energy to respond one by one?

  So, the editor of the official WeChat account happily went out for dinner, and after coming back, I had a nice nap.

  When she wakes up from sleep, the Weibo private message has exploded.

  Countless @ just flew like snowflakes.

  She opened Weibo several times and got stuck several times.

  The editor is a little panicked, but fortunately, I haven’t encountered a similar situation before, so I took a deep breath, and it was still stable for the time being.

  After finally waiting for the phone to stop stuck, she clicked on a few private messages at random, and her face changed drastically.

  I saw the account that she was ignoring as the air in the morning—【Guardian Star Support Club】, in just a few hours, it gained 300,000 fans!

  And the long Weibo that questioned the star-making training camp broke one million likes, reposted 200,000 plus, and the comment has exceeded 100,000.

   "How, how is it possible?!" The editor was stupid.

  Private messages are still pouring in, almost all of them are for Jiang Chenxing's injustice, and the program team is required to give an explanation.

  This time, no matter how deep a breath or calming down, it is useless. The editor panicked completely.

  She quickly contacted the program team.

  The message was passed up layer by layer, and finally passed to Yu Qian after forty minutes.

   "... Yu Dao, what's going on?"

  Yu Qian is also very daunting, isn't it pretty harmonious before noon? Xia Qingfan got his wish on the hot search and attracted fans, Zhou Chenlin and Chu Li, whom the management wanted to praise, are also on the list, no matter which side he has an explanation?

  How can it cause trouble?

  Yes, in Yu Qian's opinion, only these few people can “make trouble” with this capital.

  As for Jiang Chenxing, he has never considered him.

  However, the facts gave Yu Qianyi a loud slap in the face--

  Publicity team leader: "Now there is a riot on Weibo, and many netizens say that we have shady, black-box operations, and suppress players. Only two episodes have been broadcast. What can I do next?"

  Once a show loses its credibility, its reputation will also be broken.

  Yu Qian heard the words, his heart sighed: "You speak clearly? What shady? What suppress?"

   "Look for yourself..."

  Yu Qian quickly took out his phone and clicked on Weibo.

  At that time, the topic that the guardians discussed for Jiang Chenxing had already been on the hot search, and the traffic exploded in a spurt, and it could not be suppressed at all.

  #Maker star camp maliciously suppress draft cold violence#

  #Jiang Chenxing moved whose cake#


  In the comment area, the sentiment is indignation——

  [Finally someone exploded. Last season, Liu Can was eliminated to make way for the smelly royal family]

  [The star-making camp program group is really a dog can’t change and eat shit]

  [It’s not easy, thinking that when we were trying to be fair to my brother, every topic was restricted and capital was rushed to death. Today, someone finally stood up and cleaned up this group of maggots.]

  【I just want to say-good job! 】

  【Star-making camp has stabbed a hornet's nest this time, right? Deserve it! 】

  [The first issue of Chen Xing's brother is great, but the second issue has no camera, and the food is too ugly. Do you really treat the audience as a fool? 】

  [Support the rulers, the star-making camp must give a reasonable statement, otherwise this matter will not end]

  [Shen Xing’s brother’s fans are too strong, Ma sister group is yyds (eternal god)! 】

  【The program group may be blind, even Jiang Chenxing dare to pit, I am afraid that I don’t know who is behind him, right? 】

[Relying on the stinky virtues of Qianjianfeng, if you know that you will definitely treat people as bodhisattvas, most of the problems in the middle link will bring Jiang Chenxing as a newcomer who is powerless and easy to bully. It's dead, but it's... so stupid! 】


  Looking at the ever-increasing amount of discussion and topicality, Yu Qian was silly.

   "How is it possible?" He also asked the same thing as the operation editor.

Isn't    just an internet celebrity?

  Where are so many fans?

  At first glance, it is an organized and strategic offense.

  This kind of combat power has been catching up to the first-line stars, so just relying on a celebrity to eat and broadcast?

what the hell?

  Or to say...Is there a pusher behind? Want to borrow a knife to kill someone? Or came directly at him? Want to snipe the entire show?

  All kinds of speculations surfaced in his mind, and Yu Qianyue wanted to become more anxious.

  Yes, he still doesn't think that just the cut of Jiang Chenxing's lens can cause such a big storm of public opinion.

  "Check it out for me! What the **** is going on!"

  The assistant led away.

   soon figured out the cause and effect, and returned to report to him——

"...In the beginning, it was just Jiang Chenxing's fans who were talking about seeking justice for his idol, @了官微, but Guan Wei didn't care. Unexpectedly, this act of pretending to be dead angered the Yue family army, and the whole network knew it. , How strong is the Yue Family Army's combat effectiveness, they will lose control of the situation as soon as they are on the court."

   "Wait... You said Yue Family Army? Isn't that a fan of Jiang Fuyue? Why is it related to Jiang Chenxing?" Yu Dao was at a loss.

  The assistant laughed twice, bit the bullet and replied: "Because--Jiang Chenxing is Jiang Fuyue's younger brother."

   paused for a moment, then added, "The same father and mother, the kind of biological."

  Yu Qianliang's eyes straightened, his expression surprised: "You, say it again? What is Jiang Chenxing from Jiang Fuyue?!"

  Assistant: "My brother."

   "Are you sure that the'Jiang Fuyue' you are talking about is the genius scientist Jiang Fuyue? That's right? Not the same name and the same surname?"

  The assistant was stunned when he first found it.

  Jiang Fuyue, Jiang Fuyue, who developed the A+ vaccine and discovered the special medicine, and won the Lask Prize not long ago!

  And Jiang Fuyue is also Miss Sun of the Han family in the imperial capital. For a change, Jiang Chenxing is the Young Master Sun of the Han family!

  In addition, Jiang Fuyue and Xie Dingyuan announced their love affair again. Then Jiang Chenxing is Professor Xie's future brother-in-law, and he is bound to have a lot to do with the behemoth Xie family.

  Here, where is there no backing?

  It is clear that there are too many backers, each one is a golden thigh!

  Yu Qianru was struck by lightning. He didn't know what he thought of. His face was pale, and his figure seemed unsteady. He swayed for two steps and was faltering.

  In an instant, the whole studio was silent, and the director who was not afraid of the sky panicked, and the others would only be less calm.

   After a while, Yu Qian calmed down, and Zhang mouth yelled at the assistant: "At that time, I asked you to check Jiang Chenxing. Why don't you talk about his relationship with Jiang Fuyue?"

  The assistant was also very aggrieved: "I didn't think about this at all at the time..."

  In fact, the relationship between the two siblings is not a secret. Many fans know it, but they don’t often talk about it.

  But they are preconceived and regard Jiang Chenxing as an Internet celebrity who can't make it to the table. He is lonely and soft to be bullied, so they didn't dig deep into his family relationship.

  Who knows, he and Jiang Fuyue are sisters and brothers!

  Oh, this is the end.


  At the same time, the Han family men who watched the second video...No, the King Kong guys are also angry.

   "Han Heng! Go--" the old man said in person.


  (End of this chapter)

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