After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 845: Full firepower, scum and scum on face (two more in one)

  Chapter 845 Full firepower, scum and scum on face (two more in one)

   Just when Yu Qian was still shocked by Jiang Chenxing’s identity, a phone call came in.


   "Director Yu, it's been a long time since I saw you, your ability to see people's dishes is getting better."

  Yu Qian: "?"

   "It's just that, are my kids so bullied?"


  Yu Qian quickly took off the phone and glanced at the screen-Han Heng!

  He suddenly stiffened, his pupils tightened, yes, Jiang Chenxing also has an uncle of the actor!

  "Brother Heng, listen to my explanation, I..."

   "We all watched the second issue, a close-up shot from beginning to end, what else can I explain?"

   "I, I don't know that Jiang Chenxing is your nephew. If I knew it, I wouldn't dare to do that even if I gave me ten courage!"

   "Oh, according to what you said, players with no identity and no background deserve to be unlucky in this situation today?"

  Yu Qianyi choked.

   "Within half an hour, I want to see the blueberry station's apology statement, otherwise-don't blame me for not talking about martial arts!"

  Han Heng is talking about "Blueberry Channel", not a program group, nor a thousand people.

  This is to stamp the face of the entire table on the ground!

  Once compromised, leaders, superiors, and other colleagues will also lose face.

  Of course, these people will not blame Han Heng, they will only put the bills on him.

  What's more, Yu Qian, a small program director, how could he be the master of the station and apologize if he apologizes?

   "Brother Heng, you... don't you embarrass me?" He was about to cry.

   A sneer came from the other end: "When did you embarrass my child? Didn't you see your underlings showing mercy?"

   speechless in a thousand words.

   "Okay, I have said what should be said, you can figure it out."

   "Oh," he suddenly remembered something, and added, "Don't ask someone to come to me to intercede, because-no one else will work!"

After saying this, Han Heng directly cut off the call without giving him any chance to argue for mercy.

  Yu Qian held the phone and kept that action, the strong smile on his face was more ugly than crying.

  "...Guide Yu?" The assistant said cautiously.

   "Get out! Get out of me!"

  A group of staff were driven out and stood at the entrance of the studio, looking at each other.

   "At that time, when Director Yu said that he was going to cut Jiang Chenxing's lens, I felt wrong, now it's all right, have you kicked the iron plate?"

  "Aftermath! You are so powerful, why didn't you object at that time, afterwards Zhuge Liang is interesting?"

  "Do you know how to speak? At least I can react. Do you have this consciousness?"

   "Okay! Go arguing outside! No one thought Jiang Chenxing would be so big..."

   "You said that he is true, so low-key, deliberately hurting everyone."

   "Now that these are no longer useful, the top priority is how to solve the problem, the actor Han Da has issued an ultimatum."

   "I can't help Dao Yu."

   "Is it true that I have to apologize publicly in the name of Taili? That's a shame."

   "It doesn't matter to be ashamed, the key is to involve other people. From now on, our days in the station will be sad!"

   "I'm puzzled, why do I have to target Jiang Chenxing? I have watched live performances, and he is obviously a strong and peaceful boy. Why should I cut other people's cameras?"

   "Ah... this is a long story, it's not that simple."

   "Oh, it's hard to tell, right? Although the royal family has it every year, this year this one is particularly arrogant. It's hard to see that others are even better than him."

   "Xia Qingfan? He asked Director Yu to do this?!"

   "Let's just say a few words, none of these little ancestors and little princes can offend any of us."

"I have done everything, and I am afraid that people will say it? The key is to do it with loopholes, and we will suffer. In previous years, it is not without similar situations. Taili and the management have spent money. It is normal to ask whoever you want, but you can look at others. Have you caused such a mess?"

  For a time, everyone was silent.

  Although he didn't say anything, he still complained about Xia Qingfan in his heart.

  Yes, in previous years there were also "royals". Why didn't people do so much trouble, just you Xia Qingfan special?

  Let’s take the other people who are going to win this time again, what are Zhou Chenlin and Chu Li, see how conscious they are?

  In short, the culprit is Xia Qingfan!


   "Ahne--" Xia Qingfan sneezed three times, rubbed her nose, stretched her long legs, and kicked at the opposite roommate, "The temperature of the air conditioner is too low, it's a bit high."

   "...oh." The roommate went to get the remote control and adjusted the temperature to a higher level.

  After a few minutes, Xia Qingfan felt hot again, her expression bored, and her tone irritable: "Will you **** adjust? 28 degrees want to heat me to death?"

   "Sorry Brother Fan, I'll get it right away."

  Finally adjusted back to the previous 25 degrees, but Xia Qingfan did not sneeze anymore.

   He tugged at the corners of his mouth, looked up and down the roommate, and suddenly a flash of inspiration: "What is your name Nanlai?"

   "...Mo Yunan."

   "The name is okay, but it seems that you didn't have your shots in the first two installments?"

  The roommate stood awkwardly in place, feeling helpless.

  "You should know that exposure is equal to traffic, and traffic is the prerequisite for the fire. Without exposure, you will be eliminated soon. Seeing that you look good and your figure is good, just be brushed off like this, are you willing?"

  Of course not reconciled.

  Which of the boys who came here didn’t want to catch fire?

   Xia Qingfan hooked her lips: "Actually, you can be with me. I have a lot of shots. As long as I take you with me, it’s no problem to take off."

  Mo Yunan's eyes lit up and he was delighted: "Brother Fan, really? Are you willing to take me?!"

   "Of course. It's just..." He turned around, "You have to promise me one condition."

   "What conditions?"

"How strong is Jiang Chenxing? These episodes have been recorded and everyone is watching. With such a person in front, you are one step away from your debut position, or... shall we jointly drive him away? "

   "Huh?" Mo Yunan was surprised, "This, isn't it good?"

  "What's wrong? You have to know that competition is cruel, and there is no bloodshed without any success."

  Mo Yunan's eyebrows moved slightly, but he never let go.

  Xia Qingfan changed to a more leisurely sitting posture: "In fact, there is no difference between him and him. It doesn't make much difference to me. Anyway, one of the six debut positions is definitely mine. As for you, it's hard to say..."

  Mo Yunan was silent.

  For a while, he seemed to make up his mind: "What am I going to do?"

   "That's right, come, let me tell you—"

  After speaking, the phone on Xia Qingfan's body rang.

  "Wait a minute, I will answer the call first."

  After speaking, open the answer button——


  The tone was cold on the other end: "You come over to my office."

   "What's wrong, I...Hello? Hello?!" Xia Qingfan couldn't help frowning while looking at the hung up cell phone.


  A quarter of an hour later, the administration building, the director’s office.

  Xia Qingfan didn’t knock on the door, she pushed aside, and walked in swaggeringly: "Uncle, what are you looking for..." What's the matter?

boom! Halfway through the conversation, only a muffled sound was heard. The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes behind his desk patted the table and stared directly at him.

  Xia Qingfan was taken aback.

  The man grabbed a stack of documents in front of him and threw it at him: "Look at what you did!"

  Xia Qingfan felt inexplicable, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

  After finishing speaking, he picked up a piece of A4 paper and stared wide-eyed in the next second: "...Lawyer's letter?!"

  However, this is not the reason that surprised him.

  He was surprised because the name "Jiang Chenxing" appeared on it, and the official seal in the lower right corner was "Credibility Law Firm" and "Xingyue Brokerage Company".

   "See it clearly? You asked Yu Qian to cut off this shot called Jiang Chenxing. Now the agency company directly sends a lawyer's letter to the station. Legal means are required!"

"Impossible!" Xia Qingfan quickly reacted, "Jiang Chenxing himself has no power and power, and his brokerage company is just a small workshop. How can the courage to go head-to-head with Blueberry Channel? Sending a lawyer's letter is just to scare people. As for being so atmospheric?"

  The man sneered.

  Xia Qingfan thought he didn’t believe it: “Really, uncle, don’t have too many threats by sending lawyer letters now. Those stars are all using it. You are an old world in the circle. Don’t be fooled.”

   Zheng Qiushi was extremely angry, but now he calmed down: "Who told you that Jiang Chenxing has no power and no influence?"

"Oh, it’s not powerless. I’m an internet celebrity. I have such a fan base, but other than that, I don’t have any contacts in the circle. Don’t worry, I’ll give him a pinch, absolutely not. Shame on you!"

  Speaking, he also lifted his chin proudly.

   "Idiot! Idiot!" Zheng Qiushi couldn't bear it, and he scolded twice, "Do you know who Jiang Chenxing's uncle is?"

   "What's wrong with his uncle?" Xia Qingfan didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, smiled and slapped his ass, "I care who his uncle is, anyway, it's not as good as my uncle, hehe..."

  Zheng Qiushi: "..." Please, I'm guilty, please let the law punish me, instead of letting this stupid nephew add trouble!

   "Uncle Jiang Chenxing is the Grand Slam actor Han Heng!"

  Xia Qingfan was stunned, for a while, and barely kept laughing: "Uncle, uncle, don't be kidding, it's not funny at all..."

  However, he has not finished saying: "Sister Jiang Chenxing is a genius scientist Jiang Fuyue!"

   Xia Qingfan was stiff, as if struck by lightning, and shook his head mechanically: "Impossible...He is just a celebrity, how can there be an uncle of the actor, a sister of a scientist..."

   "Oh, people are low-key, you are a bully, look at what is going on online now? How do you let me end?!"

  Xia Qingfan immediately took out his phone and clicked on Weibo.

  Maybe he hadn't noticed it himself, his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

After several hours of public opinion fermentation, in addition to the "Guardian" and "Yue Family Army", the public crusades against the Blueberry Channel and the Starmaking Camp program group include Han Heng's fans, Jiang Ji's private kitchen gluttons, and Shang The diehards of the players who suffered unfair treatment in one season, as well as passers-by who understood the whole thing and spoke out in good faith.

  [Protect the best brother, the guardians take up their weapons and rush——]

  【Who offended the goose? Every performance is so serious and hard work, but still be pitted by others]

  【@ Director Yu Qian came out to be beaten! 】

  [From the shots given in the second issue, the "Royal Family" is most likely among the following people: Xia Qingfan, Qu Xiaohan, Zhou Chenlin, Chu Li]

  [From the perspective of their respective scripts, it is obvious that Xia Qingfan's genius dance dancer script is better, and the royal family’s probability is 90%]

  [Xia Qingfan gained 600,000 fans in four hours, spent a lot of money on marketing, obviously backing]

  【Last name Xia? The sister of Zheng Qiushi, the current director of the Blueberry Channel, married a wealthy businessman surnamed Xia. I don’t believe it’s just a coincidence]

  【Xia Qingfan imperial stone hammer! 】

  【Reject the shady! A piece of pure land for the talent show]

  【The program team thinks that the younger brother has no fans to bully, right? hetui (spit)-really blind! 】

  【Sister Yue retreats and engages in academic studies, we have to protect her brother, where is the Yue family army? 】

【exist! Sister Yue guards human beings, we will guard her family for her]

  【Yuejiajun report! If you are willing to pluck it all, you must also pull off the person who harmed your brother! 】

  【The battle is sounded, with perseverance, charge into the battle, the gun is pointed at the blueberry! 】


  [Last season, Liu Can was spit up blood by the show crew, now your retribution is coming]

  【The way of heaven is reincarnation, who has the sky spared? 】

   [If my brother’s fans were as powerful as the ruler, wouldn’t the result be different? 】


  【Pure passerby, has the blueberry station smelled to this point in the past few years? 】

  [It’s not someone’s fan, I just want to say to Blueberry: If you do not do anything wrong, you will kill yourself, so you can be more sober @Blueberry台官微]

  [It’s been a long time since I watched Blueberry's show. Variety shows are all scripts, and they have long been reduced to a star-making assembly line factory driven by capital. It’s boring]

  【I don’t know how many good seedlings like Jiang Chenxing are still buried in Blueberry’s hands, now it’s good, someone is finally going to take you, where does the monster escape——】


  【Yuanyue CP fan report! Since there is already Yue’s family army to help Sister Yue to guard her best brother, let’s help Professor Xie to guard her best brother-in-law~]

  [Come on, brother, if you win this, you are the most handsome and dancing brother-in-law]

  [The CP fan in the front row is so naive, one bite and one brother-in-law, nowadays I have to be ready to fight at any time for a candy, it’s not easy]


  【By now, the Blueberry Channel and the show crew are still pretending to be dead, do you want to protect anyone? 】


  Xia Qingfan watched the public opinion all fall to Jiang Chenxing’s side, angry netizens have already suspected him, various @放话, private messages insults, saying that he is "royal", maggots, pink eye disease.

  The curse is so ugly.

   Xia Qingfan dragged it horizontally, but he was only a young man in his early twenties. Seeing the malicious attacks on him over the Internet, he felt cold hands and feet, and breathing hard.

  He panicked, and fear instantly grabbed his heart.

"Uncle, what should I do now? I, I don't want to be violent online, you must save me——" Xia Qingfan rushed over, rushed to the desk, and grabbed Zheng Qiushi's hand, just like grabbing the only help straw.

   "Now I know I'm afraid, what did you do?!"

   "I, I don't know that things will turn out to be like this...I want to make a C debut, so I can't just ruin it..."

"Uncle, I'm your nephew, even if you don't look at my face, you must look at my mother's face! She often tells me that uncle is the best, and he loves her the most and respects her most in the world. Her people."

   "My mother also said that the most correct thing she has done in her life is to confess you to uncle, let you go to university, support you to stay in the imperial capital, and witness you step by step to today..."

  Zheng Qiushi pursed his lips, these words easily pierced his weakness.

  His parents died early. It was his sister who brought him up since he was a child, for him to study, support him to work in the imperial capital, and sell the dowry he had accumulated over the years so that he could successfully marry his superior daughter.

  It can be said that if there is no sister, there would be no Zheng Qiushi today.

   And Xia Qingfan is the only child of his sister, how could he just sit back and watch?

   "Uncle..." Xia Qingfan immediately cried out pitifully when he saw that he was loose.

  Zheng Qiushi sighed, but couldn’t bear it: "You let go first, things are not too bad to be saved, don’t mess around, I will think of a way..."

  Jiang Chen Xing's backstage is hard, yes; but Xia Qingfan has him behind his back, it's not bad.

  Even though Jiang Fuyue is Jiang Chenxing’s relatives, she is separated from each other like a mountain. She has a good reputation in academia, but she has no foundation in the entertainment industry.

  Han Heng has accumulated a little bit. The actor's halo is quite bluff at first, but to put it bluntly, he is just an actor, and he can't reach the circle of the top food chain—not to be afraid.

  As for the Han family behind, there is definitely no shortage of money, but most of the investment is in the financial market and has never been involved in the entertainment industry.

  No matter how rich and powerful, to this circle, it is just a newbie who just entered the market-it is of little importance.

  However, Zheng Qiushi is different. In these years, he has worked hard in the entertainment industry, not to mention the wind and rain, but he has accumulated a lot.

The personal connections behind    are intertwined.

  As long as it doesn’t cause trouble to the radio and television, he will have a way to suppress the matter, or even wipe it out.

  (End of this chapter)

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