After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 846: Han Heng shot and was bitten by scum (one more)

  Chapter 846 Han Heng shot, was bitten by scum (one more)

  In fact, long before Xia Qingfan came over, Yu Qian conveyed Han Heng’s words to Zheng Qiushi—

  He actually wanted the station to publicly apologize to Jiang Chenxing, otherwise he would do something.

   is simply whimsical and extremely rampant!

  He, Zheng Qiushi, is also a master of the show, and he was actually threatened by an actor.

  Well, since there is going to be a war, fight to the end, and see who has the hardest fist!

  Is he really afraid of it?

  "Fanfan, you go back first, try not to use your mobile phone during this time, I will take care of the rest."

   "Uncle, can you still be white? I'm going to make a debut, and I can't break the passerby's plate at the beginning..." Xia Qingfan thought of the online attack on him, and shuddered in the back of his neck.

  Many netizens have begun to suspect that he is the "Royal Family".

  The fans who have just risen to the top also fall out at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the rest are all zombie fans bought by the company.

Zheng Qiushi saw that he had no sense of responsibility and was in a panic, and he suddenly felt angrily hating iron and steel: "I knew this before, so why bother?! Before the matter is resolved, give me peace of mind and come out again. Situation, don’t blame me for being cruel as an uncle!"

  Xia Qingfan quickly promised: "I will be obedient, and I will never cause trouble!"


  Since he decided to protect Xia Qingfan, Zheng Qiushi quickly set out to start the layout.

  First of all, Han Heng asked Taili to apologize publicly, but he naturally couldn't agree.

  Not only that, but also greeted Yu Qian, so that he ignored Han Heng’s threats and the so-called “just crusades” on the Internet.

  Yu Qian got the right words from above, and he breathed a sigh of relief, completely relieved.

  Now this matter is no longer a see-saw between him and Han Heng, but a game between Blueberry Terrace and the many forces behind Jiang Chenxing.

  Although he didn't agree with Zheng Tai's tough approach in my heart, it seemed understandable to think that Xia Qingfan was his nephew.

  This person is selfish.

   "Director Yu, what are you doing with a sigh? Haven't you already taken care of this? After all, we don't have to worry about it, we should be happy?"

  "This matter is not as simple as you think. Win or lose is uncertain. Don't be too happy."

   "...can't it? Hasn't the station agreed to come forward to solve it?"

  Is this still unsolvable?

  How stable is the backing behind Jiang Chenxing?


   Soon, one hour later, Han Heng did not wait for the public apology from the Blueberry Channel. The other party did not even have a communication call.

   Just ignore him...?

  Han Ke couldn't help but question: "The third child, can you do it? Blueberry official Wei has not moved yet."

  Han Heng touched the screen of the phone with his fingertip and pulled down to refresh. The dynamics remained the same as before. There was no apology and no statement.

  Han Shen: "It seems that the other party won't eat your set."

  Han Heng’s first reaction was not embarrassment, but a sinking heart.

   "Blueberry Station did this for two reasons-first, it wasn't that it didn't send it. There might be some changes in the way, so there was a delay; second, the opponent did not accept the threat and planned to declare war head-on."

  The former is okay, if it’s the latter...

  The situation is worse.

  Han Ke sneered: "Declare war if you declare war, are you afraid that he will not succeed?"

  Han Heng is not so optimistic: "Blueberry Channel has a very wide network of people in the circle. The current director Zheng Qiushi is said to be very good at it..."

  Han Shen: "Our family does not have a layout in the entertainment industry, so it may not be enough for him for a while."

   As the saying goes, a strong dragon can't beat a local snake.

  For the entertainment industry, Blueberry Terrace is the old fritters.

  Han Heng sneered, crackled and typed into the phone, then clicked the screen down and exhaled heavily.

   "I don't care what he has no choice but to show his attitude first!"

  Han Ke suddenly had a bad feeling: "What did you do just now?"

  Han Hengyun calmly said: "I didn't do anything, I just posted a Weibo."

  As everyone knows, this Weibo has pushed the already fierce public opinion war to a new wave of climax.

  Han Heng V: Be an artist first, and morality first. Please raise the threshold of being a star.

  This is not enough, he also brought #造星营黑幕# related tags!

  As the top actor with more than 100 million fans, Han Heng can be searched every time he posts a blog, even if he simply exposes the food and beauty, let alone such sharp and crusade-like text?

  The comment area will explode in one second—

   [Brother Heng finally made his voice, and sure enough, my child hurts at home]

  [Shen Xing has a good uncle]

   [Brother Heng never stood in public, this time he jumped out to talk without waiting for the bullet to fly]

  [If you care, you will be confused. If Brother Heng is a father, he must be a child slave]

  [@夏青凡 learn something, be an art first]

  【Sisters, protect the best little Chenxing for Brother Heng, Chong Duck—】

  [Support, while celebrities enjoy adoration by thousands of people, they should also consciously shoulder the responsibility of role models]

  【A certain program group is shameless, even the basic virtues of life are gone! 】

  [Suggestion @于千把 Ideological and political class again, if you fail the exam, you will be blocked]

  [@Blueberry Terrace, are you scared? 】


When   Han Heng's agent Bingge knew, #韩恒发文# had already rushed to the top of the hot search.

  He was mad, he screamed in the office for three minutes, and then a phone call came over—

   "My actor, my brother, my uncle, ancestor! Are you crazy?!"

  Han Heng had a hunch. When answering the phone, he pulled the phone away, and then put it back to his ear when the other end was roaring: "It's not crazy. I must do this."

  Bing was silent for a long while: "...Okay, the studio will fully cooperate."


  Han Heng raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised: "Why don't you talk about it this time? It doesn't feel like you..."

  In the past, Han Heng made a blog impulsively, how often did he not be chanted for thirty or forty minutes?

  And Bingge talked about people, the words did not repeat, the ginseng rooster was mixed with cynicism, and he would never give up without spraying people into a sieve.

  For this, he also got the nickname of "the first Tang monk in internal entertainment".

   Brother Bing couldn't laugh or cry: "You are serious, what am I stopping? Wait."

  What are you waiting for?

  Fifteen minutes later, Han Heng's studio official micro-posted the termination statement, which mentioned that the three programs of cooperation with Blueberry Channel will be postponed indefinitely and will no longer participate in all activities hosted by Blueberry Channel in the future.

  Comment: Refuse to confuse with others.

  Just got a horse!

  【Bingge V5 (Mighty)】

【shock! Brother Heng tweeted randomly on Weibo, Bingbing was not angry, and he managed to survive. What kind of angel of justice is this? 】

  【Although I always criticized Bingbing for being profitable in the past, Bingbing has never been absent from the attitude and position he should have! 】

   [Well, I will curse Lao Bing less later]

  [In fact, Brother Bing is already very interesting. In some major decisions, he never interferes with Brother Heng’s choice, and all the chattering is trivial]

   [Does that mean that Brother Heng is really moving this time? 】

  [@Blueberry台你吃zao pills pills]

  【Different confuses, such a big white lotus, without any derogatory meaning, it is a big praise! 】

  Since Han Heng and his studios have expressed their views successively, fans naturally support it unconditionally. Crazy @Blueberry Taiwan wants an explanation.

  They are not noisy or scolding, they are very gentle, and they talk about style.

  The word Zhuji can be used, and the sentence is pinyin. Without a dirty word, the blueberry table and the star-making camp **** are all stripped off.

  Not only that, but also "paradise to show the public", yelling at the crowd eating melons from all walks of life to watch the excitement.

  [Han movie emperor’s fans are overwhelming, and he opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut-the mouse has skin, people without rituals, people without rituals, what is it for not to die? I feel so educated, Yazi]

  【Students should not click in】

  【Middle school composition material library get! 】

  [This year's fans are too connotative]

  [Thinking that Han Heng’s fans back then used the power of one family to forcibly raise the cultural literacy of the entire meal circle]

  【Are the star chasers so involuntary now? 】

  【I haven't read the "Book of Songs" and "The Analects of Confucius"... Then I go? 】

  [I feel that the blueberry station is going to be turned into blueberry jam]

  [It's best if it's sloppy]

  【A long time ago, various legends of Han Heng fans have been circulating in the fan circle. Today I finally saw it with my own eyes, just one word-absolutely! 】

  【Back then, the Han actor, the crew, and the director, all relying on these ‘ruddy fans’ are all experienced veterans, and the combat effectiveness can be imagined. 】

  In addition to the verbal crusade, the support club also produced a large number of "satiric pictures."

  What is [blueberry rotten] JPG, [star-making explosion] JPG, [royal stench] JPG, [Yu Qiannai] JPG...

  【Are the actor fans a sand sculpture sent by God? 】

  【Too talented, how did you come up with these pictures? 】

  [Sorry, please allow me to laugh first hhhhhhh]

  These pictures have also been changed into jokes and spread widely on the Internet, wherever they go, they are hahaha.

  Can't stop the car at all.

  However, the online condemnation was in full swing, but the Blueberry Channel and Starmaking Camp program group did not move, let alone responded effectively.

   Both official blogs seem to be determined to play dead.

  【What do you want to be a turtle? get out! @Blueberry台@造星营@于千】

  【Is it a guilty conscience? So I dare not put one fart? 】

  【Banberry Channel is not good at PR this year? 】

  [The program crew is probably hiding behind the blueberry station, watching jokes without fear]

   [Can't understand why Blueberry Station refused to respond, is it really protecting someone? 】

  [It seems that this year’s royal family is not small, and the entire TV station is escorting him]

  【Good breath! 】

  【Is there no way to get the person in charge of Blueberry Station out? 】

   [The feeling of fist hitting the corpse is really not good at all]


  At that time, Zheng Qiushi was sitting in the office, holding his mobile phone, and watching netizens jump with a smile, a kind of indescribable indulgence emerged spontaneously.

   Make trouble, see what you can make!

  Be angry, it's best to be angry!

  The fans of Star-Making Camp in the previous seasons were also very crazy, and the program team would be scolded at every turn when they were a little bit wrong, and Zheng Qiushi, as the director of the Blueberry Channel, was almost not dragged out by those brains to whip the corpse.

  In an attitude of calming things down and minimizing big things, he has never had to apologize and submissively, bow his head and step on his life, never head-to-head with those fans.

  There are countless insulting private messages every day, public @他's accusations are numerous, and even a direct call is a swear word.

  But he can't say anything yet, he can only endure and endure, and he's frustrated and depressed.

  Perhaps he was too depressed before, but this time he actually got great pleasure from the reaction of these fans who were unable to jump their feet, and furious but incompetent.

  It’s not over, there will be more sullen ones later.


   Soon, netizens discovered that Weibo had started to delete posts, bans, bans, and chatter on Weibo!

  The topic they just created has only come to the fore. If you don’t, it’s gone.

  Some remarks attacking the Blueberry Station and exposing the underworld of star-making camp have also been harmonized.

  【Unscrupulous Blueberry Station actually wants to manipulate public opinion! 】

  【I just want to ask the courage who gave it? 】

  【Is this the legendary tuber who crushes people to death? 】

  【The advantage of power is that it makes the people who master it dominate-it's really ironic! 】

  【Guangxi Chief Ju does not care? ! 】

  [If you want to stop everyone’s mouth, let’s dream]

  【The last person who wanted to block the population of tens of thousands of people is still nailed to the pillar of shame in history. Is there another one coming today? 】

  【A cool song for blueberries】

  However, the deletion of posts continues, and it is becoming more and more unscrupulous.

  Everything that everyone sends out involves sensitive vocabulary, it will be harmonized in less than two minutes.

  Netizens began to jump in anger.

  Zheng Qiushi looked at all this calmly, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and sighed cheerfully: "It's nothing more than a mob."

Who can    threaten?

  He really doesn’t believe in this evil!


  In the evening, the sun sets.

  The crusade and deletion of posts continue, and there is a silent game of resistance and suppression.

   Zheng Qiushi was fine, and drove away from the TV station.

  After half an hour, stop in front of a clubhouse.

   "Zhengtai is here, please inside please—"

  Entering, pushing open the private room door, another middle-aged man is sitting quietly drinking tea.

  The atmosphere of fresh fragrance and strong tea flavor is incompatible with the surrounding environment of feasting and feasting.

  Zheng Qiushi smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Director Zhang, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting."

  "This tea is good, try it."

Zheng Qiushi stepped forward, sat cross-legged, first smelled, then put down the tea cup, and nodded with a smile: "The taste is fresh, mellow and sweet, the soup is green and bright, the aroma is fresh, with a hint of orchid fragrance, the aftertaste is sweet, and the unique "monkey rhyme" , Supreme Taiping Monkey Kui, Director Zhang has good taste."

When the man heard the words, his original slightly serious expression suddenly eased, and he smiled slightly: "Why do you want to find tea in the circle? This tea is finished, and the words have been said, and the mood is also relaxed — the best !"

  Zheng Qiushi touched his nose with a humble expression: “As the saying goes, it’s better to make a good taste. If you want me to say, your Kung Fu tea is the best!”

   "Okay, let's not compliment, let's not compliment it, give birth. You can't just ask me for tea today? Tell me, what's the matter."

"Ah, I'm ashamed, I'm going to trouble you again. It's not a big deal, just the pile of flies on the Internet has caused a bit of trouble recently. I have already asked people to deal with it, but I am afraid that it will be disturbed. You know, we If this line intervenes, the meaning will be different, so..."

  Someone still has to whirl around in the middle.

   Give him at least two days to suppress this matter.

During the   period, as long as the above does not intervene, make no statement, or make a sound, it is only a matter of time before the wind is calm.

  Director Zhang's eyebrows twisted, and bored flashes in his eyes: "Which fan is this time? The whole movie and TV circle has been ruined by this group of traffic fans!"

  Zheng Qiushi: "It doesn't matter, a small problem."

   "Okay, I will take care of you at Guangxi, and solve it as soon as possible. Don't make the Internet smoldering. What kind of Weibo is going to be upset every day..."

  Never watch it like him.

  Zheng Qiushi curled his lips and took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for him: "Don't worry, I will deal with it."

  This game is stable.

    two tomorrow morning.



  (End of this chapter)

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