After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 847: The devil's height is one foot high, and sister Yue goes out (second shift)

  Chapter 847 The magic is high, sister Yue goes out (two more)

  Zheng Qiushi left the club with his front foot, and immediately called Zheng Qiushuang with his back foot.

   "...Sister, don't worry, everything will be resolved soon."

  I don’t know what was said on the other end, and the man stretched his eyebrows, “...It’s too strange to say thank you between our sisters and brothers, Fanfan is also my nephew, can I just watch him ruin?”

  The call ended, and before Zheng Qiushuang could put down the phone, Xia Qingfan leaned forward abruptly.

   "Mom, what did my uncle say?"

  The woman glared at him. She is in her forties and has fine lines around her eyes, but her voice is still soft: "I know I will trouble your uncle! You can't do this again next time."

  Xia Qingfan knew everything was right when she heard it.

  He immediately took out his mobile phone, logged into Weibo, ignored the abusive private messages, clicked on the hot search, and he was instantly delighted.

  Those unfavorable entries, topic withdrawals, closures, even if there are one or two on the list, but the popularity is gone, and the ranking falls far behind.

  Top ten of the hot search, only years are left and the days are clean.

  "Uncle is still great!"

  The woman sighed: "You, don't cause trouble. How much mess has your uncle helped to clean up these years?"

   is clearly admonition, but if you distinguish it carefully, you will find the hidden pampering and connivance.

  Sure enough, Xia Qingfan didn’t even listen, and said casually, "I know..."

  Then put on the jacket and leave.

   "Huh? Where are you going so late?"

   "Going back to the training camp, things have been resolved, and the show must continue to be recorded. If I don't go back, will I leave the C position?"

The woman complained: "There is no shortage of food, clothing, and money at home. Why did you suffer that sin? Being a celebrity is not only tired, but also has no privacy. What can you do if you encounter the situation today? Fanfan, mom only I hope you are safe, healthy and healthy, and you don’t want anything like being successful..."

   "Okay!" Xia Qingfan interrupted somewhat unhappily, "There is no reason to give up something that has already started. Unless I make my debut, I won't be reconciled."

  After finishing speaking, put on another shoe, closed the door and left.

  Soon there was the sound of a car engine starting from the yard.

  The woman sighed helplessly, but she had already begun to wonder what C position her brother would give her son...

   shouldn’t be difficult, right?

  He is the director!


   but said that Xia Qingfan dragged all the way back to the villa where he lived in the training camp.

   Kicked open the door of the dormitory, startled the other roommates in place, stared at him in astonishment.

  Xia Qingfan didn’t realize what was wrong with her behavior just now, and she glanced around: “Where’s Jiang Chenxing?”

  No one answered.

   His sharp gaze fell on Mo Yunan: "You, speak, don't let me repeat it a second time."

   Mo Yunan who was spotted squatted: "He... he is not here... was picked up by his family..."

   "Heh, if I remember correctly, students are not allowed to leave without permission during training, right? Once discovered, they will be disqualified from the competition."

  This is shameless.

  Obviously he has just returned.

  Seeing that everyone was silent, Xia Qingfan sneered: “Don’t think that Jiang Chenxing can walk sideways with a backer. I don’t have a **** now? If you are smart and interesting, you should understand where to stand.”

  After finishing speaking, he snorted again: "Standing wrong, that day will be sad."

  Everyone, look at me, I look at you, each with my own thoughts.

  Only Mo Yunan, who didn't look at him, lowered his eyebrows, and didn't know what he was thinking.


  Han’s house.

  The old man was so angry that he ate half a bowl less than usual.

  The three Han Shen brothers also remained silent.

  For a while, the atmosphere on the table condensed slightly.

  The younger brother Jiang, who was just picked up home, looked away, smiled and served Han Qishan soup, and then put vegetables into the bowls of the three uncles——

  "This soup is fresh. Grandma Liu said it was stewed with mandarin fish. What about the'mandarin fish' of'Peach Blossom and Flowing Water Mandarin Fish Fat'..."

  "There is also this spare ribs, sweet and sour, my sister and I like it. Although the taste is different from what Dad made, they are all delicious!"

  The Four King Kong only then eased a little.

  The old man lowered his head to drink the soup, then nodded: "Well, it's really fresh!"

  Han Shen: "If you like to eat spare ribs, then eat more."

  Han Ke: "I will let Sister Liu do it for you tomorrow."

  Han Heng put the chopsticks directly, and said dullly: "I'm full, you can eat it."

  After speaking, get up and leave.

  Zheng Qiushi's toughness and Blueberry Taiwan's stubborn resistance gave him a big blow.

During the period of   , Han Heng and his agent Bing Ge did not try to grab the master control of public opinion from the other side, but they failed.

  The bib went directly to Zheng Qiushi's side. Even if they spend a lot of money on marketing and hot searches, the other party will draw a salary from the bottom of the pan, delete the post and ban the title, and then they will be able to settle everything easily.

   "Grass-so angry!"

  Yes, Zheng Qiushi’s style of play has nothing to do with directly sewing the opponent’s mouth in the debate field——

  I won’t let you talk, I am anxious to death you!

   "Too bad."

   "Is there no other way?"

   "This Zheng Qiushi has been in the circle and the upper management for many years, and the network behind him is huge and complicated, and he himself is not obvious."

   "The old man has friendship with him, too? Why don't you try to make a phone call?"

  Han Qishan immediately got ready to get his mobile phone.

  Han Shen shook his head to stop: "The powers of those people you know do not cover the entertainment industry."

  It’s useless to hit it.

  People don’t care about it.

  Han Ke: "After all, the seats are there, so you can't say a word, right?"

  Han Shen: "Do you think you can hit flies with a kitchen knife? It has to be a mosquito swatter to work."

   "The point is that I can't find a mosquito repellent swatter right now! How about Xie Dingyuan? He has a lot of connections, maybe he can..."

  Han Shen's mouth twitched: "With Xie Dingyuan's character, do you think he will make friends with people in the entertainment industry?"


   "Then what should I do now? Is it possible to watch the Blueberry Station completely smooth things out and block the public?"

  Han Shen gritted his teeth: "As long as Wangxin and Guangxi can squeak, the Blueberry Channel dare not be so arrogant."

  As soon as the voice fell, Han Heng raised his eyes quickly: "Boss, what did you just say?"

  "Wherever Netcom and Guangxi..."

  "Stop! Guangxi is the right fly swatter. I think someone can definitely let this swatter down and kill the flies."


  Han Heng hooked his lips, took out his phone directly, and dialed it: "Yueyue, we are being bullied by Chen Xing, do you care about this?"


  Jiang Fuyue received blood samples from recovered patients transported back from F Chau a week ago, and he was nesting in the Ming University laboratory for research and analysis day and night.

  Except for the cafeteria, it is the laboratory, two o'clock and one line, and I haven't even returned to the dormitory.

   When Han Heng called, she had just had a meal and was about to walk around the experimental platform to digest.

  If it’s a few minutes late, I’m afraid Jiang Fuyue won’t be able to pick it up.

  She entered the closed area and never brought her mobile phone. She always put it on the experimental bench outside.

  A "little uncle" hovered over his mouth, before he yelled, he heard that Jiang Chenxing was bullied?

what's the situation?

  Who was bullied?

  How did you bully?

  Five minutes later, Jiang Fuyue, who had already understood all the passing, said in a low voice: "Okay, I get it."


   is night, eight o’clock in the evening.

  The moon hangs on the branches, and the cool breeze brings coolness.

  Guang Xiong Ju a meeting room.

  Tang Youtian killed two inferior Internet dramas one after another, and banned a three-no TV channel with incomplete qualifications. Finally, he waved his hand and shouted "End of the meeting."

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if they were forgiven.

   "The Tang Bureau is too horrible." The intern couldn't help shaking his hands holding the computer.

   "It's good to be used to it, you called "Papa Tang" for nothing?"

   "What is vigorous and resolute, do you know now? Young man, learn something."

  The intern almost didn’t cry: I won’t, I don’t deserve it!

  Tang Youtian pressed his temple tiredly. Just as he packed his things and was about to leave, the phone rang suddenly, and there was a string of unfamiliar numbers on the screen without a name.

  He frowned, hesitated for a moment, and still chose to answer, but his tone was cold enough to freeze people--


  It's not that he is unkind, but that there are too many ghosts and snakes who want to go through the back door.

   And the other end also had the same light tone, which was more indifferent than his indifference: "It's me, Jiang Fuyue."

  Tang Youtian was taken aback, and immediately smiled into his eyebrows, and his voice became gentle: "It's you... Everything is ready for the interview, and you are about to contact you, just..."

   "Sorry," Jiang Fuyue interrupted him directly, "I'm afraid I can't accept your interview."

  Tang Youtian was shocked.

  (End of this chapter)

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