After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 850: It's hard to ask her to be nice, and pick him up in person (one more)

  Chapter 850 It is difficult to please her, personally pick up (one more)

  The punishment for Qian is far more than simply stopping the show. In internal working meetings, he was criticized as a counterexample.

After    came back, Taili made the decision to block it for three years.

  In the next three years or even longer, Yu Qiandu will no longer be able to plan and direct shows, and can only stay in the station as the most common behind-the-scenes staff and get a basic salary.

  And these, Jiang Fuyue knew clearly without asking at all.


  Tang Youtian: "...Now that director is estimated to have received a notice of punishment. Judging by my years of work experience, he will voluntarily resign soon after."

  It is often difficult for a person who is used to standing high to accept the fact of falling into the dust. It is said that there is no harm if there is no contrast.

  In this case, 99% of people will choose to escape.

  Once Yu Qian resigns, there will be no place for him in the entertainment industry in the future.

   Ruthless, really ruthless.

  But it does relieve the qi as well.

  Even Tang Youtian has the joy of beating her face and scumbags, but Jiang Fuyue’s voice is still calm and steady. Through her mobile phone, she can’t hear the slightest wave as it should be——


  Tang Youtian: "?" That's it?

  He called every day to report on the progress, but Jiang Fuyue didn't see any movement.

  Seriously, chasing a daughter-in-law was not so tired back then.

  It's too difficult to please this talented girl.

   "The interview..."

   Just started, she was interrupted by Jiang Fuyue's deep voice: "I have something else, I'll talk about it later."

  After saying this, I hung up directly.

  Papa Tang:?

  Who the **** am I to be the father? Grandson is pretty much the same!

  At this moment, the head of the news department knocked on the door and came in——

   "Tang Bureau, have you negotiated the specific interview time with Jiang Fuyue? The day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? I have to prepare to schedule in advance."

  Tang Youtian: "……"

  The person in charge widened his eyes, his tone was high: "Don't tell me you haven't knocked it down yet?!"


   "This, it's the end of the month soon, and the interview won't come out again, let's just wait to be laughed to death!"

  Tang Youtian: I'm also anxious, but I can't help it.

  That is an ancestor!


But at the other end, Jiang Fuyue, who ended the call, watched Jiang Chenxing walk out of the gate of the Blueberry Terrace, dragging his suitcase in his hand, his white cheeks flushed red by the sun.

  The youth is picturesque and upright.

   "Why don't you wear a sun hat?" Jiang Fuyue greeted her, moving the umbrella in her hand halfway over his head.

  Jiang Chenxing touched his nose: "I forgot..."

  "Ultraviolet rays are radiant, which can easily cause cancer."

   "I will remember next time!" He smiled and curled his eyebrows.

  Jiang Fuyue Qing ah, bowed his head and scanned the suitcase in his hand: "Is it all packed?"

   "Well, sister, let's go."


  This trip is mainly to pack things.

  Star-making camp will be suspended and recorded, and all contestants will be repatriated.

  Jiang Chen Xing has lived in the Han family a long time ago, but the things left here have to be cleaned up and taken away.

  Originally, the old man asked Han Ke to accompany him and act as a free driver and porter by the way.

  Han Ke also agreed.

  Uncles and nephews are preparing to go out, who knows that Jiang Fuyue is back at this time.

   "Sister——" Jiang Chenxing rushed up like a pug, with small stars in his eyes. If he were to give him another tail, he might be able to wag flowers.

  The two sisters and brothers have not seen each other for more than a month. Looking at the younger brother who was a head taller than himself, Jiang Fuyue suddenly remembered his small, thin and malnourished appearance.

  In less than three years, he has become a teenager.

  Suddenly having the pride of "their own piglet is white and fat" is it swollen and fat?

   "Sister, did you have breakfast? There are ingredients in the kitchen, shall I make you a sandwich?"

   Then, before Jiang Fuyue could answer, she rushed into the kitchen and started to get busy.

   "Yueyue, you are back." Han Ke stepped forward with a smile, "What's wrong with Chen Xing? Isn't he going out? What is he going to do in the kitchen?"

   "Go out?"

   "Well, go to the Blueberry Station and get back what he put in the dormitory. By the way, aren't you doing research in retreat? How come out?"

  Jiang Fuyue looked at the kitchen: "I'll come back and have a look."

  Han Ke clearly said: "Don't worry, this kid is stable. It's like that on the Internet, and I haven't seen him lose a bite of rice."

  At first, Jiang Chenxing’s appetite really surprised them.

  Although I knew he was eating and broadcasting and watched his short video, it was not as shocking as watching him run out of three rice cookers during a meal together.

  The old man even poke and peeped at his belly several times, as if he was sure whether it would burst.

  Then it came out of the online stall, public opinion was suppressed, hot searches were removed, a large number of accounts were blocked, and things were about to be suppressed.

  How helpless and wronged is this?

  But Jiang Chenxing, as usual, eats well and sleeps well, and can also walk with the old man and play checkers.

  This person, once he has troubles, his appetite will inevitably be affected, but what about him?

  Dry rice is never sloppy, and good dishes are always served.

have to! They were worried for nothing.

After listening to Jiang Fuyue, satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and the timid little boy had indeed grown up.

"Sister! Alright!" Jiang Chenxing ran out of the kitchen holding the sandwich and stopped in front of her, "It's warm, you taste it? There is also milk, which has been warmed up, I put a mint leaf in it... "

  Han Ke looked eagerly, to be honest, a little jealous: "Where is mine?"

  Jiang Chen Xing scratched his head, his eyes revealed doubts: "Second Uncle, haven't you had breakfast?"


  Jiang Fuyue ate the whole sandwich, drank the mint-flavored milk, got in the car key, and turned to change shoes: "Let’s go, I’ll take you there."

  Jiang: "!" Happiness came too suddenly!

  Han Ke: "?" Am I air?


  Time back to the present.

"and many more--"

  A sound suddenly came from a distance, Jiang Chenxing paused when he pulled the car door and turned his head to look.

   Under the scorching sun, a figure trot over and stopped in front of him: "Are you leaving?"

   is Mo Yunan.

   "Well, I'm about to leave."

  Jiang Fuyue was already in the car, and Jiang Chenxing was stopped one step behind, otherwise he would have left.

   "Can I tell you a few words? It won't be too long."

  Jiang Chen Xing bent over and explained the situation to Jiang Fuyue through the car window. After receiving the latter's answer, he turned to Mo Yunan again.

   "Okay, you say."

  Mo Yunan's mouth slightly pursed: "...Actually, I envy you very much."

  Jiang Chen Xing: "?"

   "Strong strength, good mentality, and protect your family and fans." As he said, he couldn't help but glance into the car.

The one in    should be Jiang Fuyue, the legendary super talented girl who developed the Schenckward vaccine, right?

  She actually came to pick up Jiang Chenxing in person.

"You are good too."

  Mo Yunan was slightly taken aback, and immediately pulled out a wry smile: "Really?"

   Obviously not believe it.

  Jiang Chenxing: "You are careful and kind."

  In the dormitory, almost everyone has targeted him behaviorally, but Mo Yunan has not.

  (End of this chapter)

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