After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 851: All the scum is wiped out, a god-level interview (two more)

  Chapter 851 The scum is wiped out, a god-level interview (two more)

  In his impression, he was even too silent.

   "Really?" A light flashed in Mo Yunan's eyes.

  He is also good?

  Jiang Chenxing nodded: "I never lie."

  In this world, the weak succumb to power, mostly for self-protection, this is understandable.

  However, after receiving the blessing of the strong, some people in turn trample other people who are also weak.

  Mo Yunan did not help him, but at least he was not like a few other roommates, in order to please Xia Qingfan's verbal attacks on him, or making disgusting small actions behind his back.

  Mo Yunan's expression was complicated, and finally he said, "Thank you."

   Then, bowed deeply, "I'm sorry!"

   Before Jiang Chenxing could speak again, he had already turned and left.


  Mo Yunan posted a 40-minute recording on his personal Weibo.

  There are other people in the same dormitory's cynicism against Jiang Chenxing, as well as Xia Qingfan's intimidating, humiliating and insulting remarks.

  The last two minutes is a conversation between him and Mo Yunan——

Xia Xiaowan: "How strong is Jiang Chenxing? Everyone can see how strong Jiang Chenxing is after these episodes have been recorded. With such a person in front of you, you are one step farther from your debut position, or... we join forces to drive him away. go?"

  Mo: "Huh? This, isn't it good?"

  Xia: "What's wrong? You have to know that competition is cruel, and there is no bloodshed without any success."

  Xia: "In fact, there is no difference between him and him. It doesn't make much difference to me. Anyway, one of the six debut positions is definitely mine. As for you, it's hard to say..."

  The anger accumulated before, reached the limit in the last dialogue, and then banged——

   directly detonated!

   [It turns out that character has nothing to do with appearance. Some people are glamorous on the surface, but they are already full of maggots in their bones]

  【A good one to borrow a knife to kill someone! @夏青凡 came out and died! 】

  【This is a crime of seduction, right? Call the police! Sentenced! Let him go to the prison C to make his debut]

  【I cry in the storm, why should such a good brother encounter such a thing? 】

  [Netizens guessed right, the chosen royal family is this Xia Wufan]

  [The second issue of his shots is so disgusting]

  [The deer area next door has been picked up, Xia Qingfan is the nephew of Zheng Qiushi, the director of Blueberry Terrace]

  【@夏青凡 don't have to mold at all, you are completely rotten and smelly! 】

  【The entertainment industry rejects such unscrupulous idols, please block them, thank you! 】


  After posting the recording, Mo Yunan immediately followed up and posted a long article——

  It’s time to make the truth public.

  At first, we from all over the country lived in the same dormitory, everything was harmonious, until Jiang Chenxing showed great talent and strength in the follow-up training...

  In the article, Mo Yunan described in detail Xia Qingfan's malicious targeting, humiliation and humiliation of Jiang Chenxing and several other powerful players during the training camp.

   Including framing, malicious editing and so on.

   is in line with the relevant facts, which indirectly verifies the authenticity of Mo Yunan's statement.

  Although hot search and stop updates, the anger of the majority of netizens needs to be vented, so Xia Qingfan’s Weibo has become the main battlefield.

  Countless private messages are like snowflakes flying down, and his ridicule and insulting Jiang Chenxing's words are now returned to him thousands of times.

  Xia Qingfan became a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted and beaten, so she could only curl up at home and did not dare to go out.

  The low-cost male third of the online drama that had been negotiated is also cold.

  Zheng Qiushuang couldn’t sleep all night because of his son’s worries, and washed his face with tears every day.

  She wanted to ask her brother for help as before, and when she picked up her mobile phone, she remembered that Zheng Qiushi had been taken away for investigation, and she could not protect herself.

  She was a rural girl who dropped out of school early to support her family. Fortunately, her younger brother became a success. After he became a young man, she also lived a good life. Eventually, she married a wealthy man and cultivated all kinds of excellent sons.

  In the past few years, under the protection of Zheng Qiushi, she went smoothly, as if she was a winner in life, and the new girls in the village regarded her as a role model.

  When her son becomes a big star in the future, she will be a "star mother" and will be even more beautiful.

  Unexpectedly, something happened overnight. The younger brother was investigated, and his future was slim. The son was picked off, and tens of thousands of people scolded him.

  Zheng Qiushuang’s sky collapsed.

  The flashy performance was torn apart, and the proud son fell into the quagmire.

  She sat in an empty villa, crying loudly.

  I knew this, I knew it...she shouldn’t spoil Xia Qingfan, now she hurts others and herself and the whole family...

  Unfortunately, it's too late to regret, and I can't make it back!


  At the end of October, the results of Zheng Qiushi's investigation were released and reported to the whole network.

  When the sun shines on the earth, all shadows will be invisible.

  From then on, there is no such person in the entertainment circle.

  Two days later, Jiang Fuyue’s personal interview appeared on the headlines of major newspapers and magazines, and quickly swept the entire Internet.

  The host is Li Shanshui, a well-known Beijing and Taiwanese speaker, who is known for his sharp and professional interview style and is good at "death questioning".

What's the meaning?

The guests who have conducted one-on-one question-and-answer interviews with her are usually shocked by her professionalism and rigor, and then guard against them, but in the end, without exception, she breaks through the line of defense and is speechless when asked and died on the spot. .

   is most famous for her video interview with a Chinese professor.

  At first, the atmosphere of the conversation was very harmonious. From the poems to the philosophy of life, the two of them almost became confidants and worshipped on the spot.

  Who knows that Li Shanshui suddenly asked, "Do you think Yang Jiong asks Wang Bo to drink green tea or black tea?"

  The professor was stunned on the spot, and it took several seconds to react. Yang Jiong and Wang Bo refer to the two great poets of Wang Yang and Luluo in the “four masters of the early Tang Dynasty”.

  Professor smiled calmly, as if in his chest——

   "Of course it is green tea. There was no black tea in the Tang Dynasty."

  Li Shanshui also laughed.

  Because the answer is: Yang Jiong will not invite Wang Bo to drink tea!

   These two people are also famous when they are young, they are equally high-spirited, and they are equally talented in poetry, but Yang Jiong was ranked behind Wang Bo in the ranking.

  Yang Jiong was not convinced of course, and said: ashamed to be in front of Lu, ashamed to be the queen.

  How can Yang Jiong, who is so dissatisfied with Wang Bo, take the initiative to invite him to drink tea?

  Professor is stupid.

  The audience was dumbfounded.

  Only she, as the host, still smiles.

  Since then, Li Shanshui has become a "mud-rock flow" in the host circles, and a "ghost sees sorrow" in the academic circle.

  No one knows who will be the next authority to be snatched by her.

  But the above I particularly like to let her do interviews with academic figures in scientific research.

  The reason is: to give the "academics" a little excitement, and to make the academic circle sober.

  And Li Shanshui did not disappoint, and asked one after another.

  So that nowadays, when the academic circles hear her name, they can't make it. Who would dare to accept an interview?

  Li Shanshui is very lonely.

  In recent years, there are fewer and fewer scientists she wants to interview and are willing to accept her interviews.

   Originally interviewing Jiang Fuyue was not assigned to her. After she knew it, she ran to fight for it with her superiors.

  Full score in the college entrance examination, winner of the competition, all-round genius, scientific research star, 20-year-old Lasker Prize winner.

  Oh, and Professor Xie Dingyuan’s girlfriend...

  No matter which identity or label, it is exciting.

  I have interviewed so many elders and old men, and the youngest is in his 30s. Suddenly encountering such a young and upright beauty, Li Shanshui has already geared up and is ready to move.

  Because of the blueberry station, the upper part has been dragged back and forth, and Jiang Fuyue seems to have no intention of being interviewed there.

  Li Shanshui is afraid that this is going bad, so he has to fight for it.


  According to the established process, before the formal interview, the supporter will give the guest an outline of questions, so that the guest can prepare in advance so that there will be no mistakes on the spot.

  Li Shanshui: "Can I not give it?"

  Tang Youtian had a headache: "What do you want to fix? Don’t say I didn’t remind you in advance, Jiang Fuyue..."

  He paused.

  Li Shanshui asked: "What happened to her?"

   Father Tang spit out four words quietly: "Unfathomable."

  Li Shanshui: "Puff—really? What should I do? Listening to you, I seem to be more interested in her."

  Tang Youtian: "Don't be careless, she is different from the people you interviewed before."

   "Yes, I suggest that I accept it. The outline of the matter..."

   "No!" Tang Youtian rejected it, "It must be given, everything goes according to the process."

  Li Shanshui curled her lips, she didn't know what she thought of, her eyes rolled: "Give it..."

  As for how much to give, and how to give it, that’s her decision.

  Tang Youtian: "?" I always feel a little wind leaking from the back of my neck, and it is chilly.

   Good guys, I saw a lot of comments in the comment area. Let me explain. First of all, it is about the second change on the second day. You can ignore the one-to-two-change label. Usually, every day is two chapters or two changes in one. Only one more chapter will explain it off topic.

     Then everyone did not see the revised and supplemented chapter content. The one that has been changed is 850. Because some readers reported in the comment area that Sister Yue was inexplicably picking up Shen Xing and was not responsible for scientific research, I added her journey back to Han's house and then picking up the younger brother. There are about 400 words. Then there is chapter 848. Readers left a message saying that Zheng Qiushi dared to provoke the Han family to resist and said that it was not in line with the actual situation. I added in the text to analyze the reason why Zheng Qiushi did this, which is about 700 words. There is also a chapter involving comments from netizens, especially The zero-point update chapter, because it was written quickly, did not spend too much time thinking about it, it made everyone feel watered. I made some changes when I finished the update and checked, and tried to separate the full text of netizen comments with normal narratives.

    Because the overall plot is smooth, there is no added plot, but the logic description is added, so there is no digression to inform you to clear the cache and read it again (because I know that everyone does not like to clear the cache). In addition, the added word count is given for free and does not need to be spent. At the beginning of this chapter, the fee will be increased after the fee is increased. The purpose of the modification is to be perfect and make the overall reading logic smoother.

     It seems that everyone is still discussing it very intensely. After that, I will post a copy of the content with more than 200 words in the comment area so that everyone can see it.



  (End of this chapter)

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