After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 855: Old Xie sent flowers and abducted her (two more)

  Chapter 855 Old Xie gave flowers and abducted her (two more)

  The interview lasting an hour and eight minutes ended in the smiles of the interviewed guests and the host’s awkwardness.

  Jiang Fuyue got up, leaned slightly towards the camera, his manners were perfect and impeccable.

  As the host, Li Shanshui slowed down by half a beat, then came forward, and his smile almost didn't freeze.

  Under the stage, Han Ting took a punctual look and rushed onto the stage holding a fresh lily, "Sister—here you are!"

   Just when Jiang Fuyue was about to reach out to pick it up, the studio door was pushed open from the outside, and a long figure came back against the light.

  As the distance gets closer, the face that was originally shrouded in shadow becomes clear as soon as the light reaches.

  The man wears a simple shirt and trousers. The collar button is rigorously tied to the last one. Although the eyebrows are smiling, he can hardly hide a trace of exhaustion.

  At some point, everyone on the scene stopped their movements, and the conversation became clean.

  Han Ting still kept the movement of handing flowers, but his eyes fell on the person unconsciously, and he was shocked for a while.

  Xie Dingyuan walked towards Jiang Fuyue step by step under the gaze of the audience.

   Then, both hands handed the purple tulip in her arms to her, "Here it is."

  Jiang Fuyue raised her eyebrows: "When did you come back?"

  One week ago, Xie Dingyuan returned to Linhuai to deal with the company's affairs. Jiang Fuyue drove him to the airport and asked when he would return, but he said not necessarily.

  When the two of them had a video call last night, he didn't show up, and he didn't expect to show up here by surprise.

  Sure enough--

   "Just got off the plane."

   "Why do you suddenly think of sending me flowers?"

   "Does boyfriend still need a reason to send flowers to his girlfriend?"

  Jiang Fuyue took it, and a scent of fragrance came to her face. She raised her eyes and smiled: "Of course not."

  Xie Dingyuan also followed her lips, wrapped her long arms around the girl's slender waist, and greeted several elders of the Han family, and the two left together.

  Han Ting was still standing there, holding the bunch of lilies: "?"

   Suddenly, Jiang Fuyue took a meal, walked around Xie Dingyuan’s arms, turned back, and stretched out his hand to take the flower from Han Ting’s arms.

   Then patted him on the head, smiled and said, "Thank you, it's beautiful."

   Then I left with Xie Dingyuan.

  Happiness came so suddenly that Han Tingmu was still in the same place, still looking dazed, and did not react for a while.


  Han Heng snapped his fingers: "Return to your mind, little dull, your sister can't see her back, so why are you in a daze?"

  Han Ting suddenly turned his head: "Uncle!"


   "How can there be such a kind, lovely, beautiful and gentle fairy from my sister in the world?"

  Han Heng sternly said: "In fact, I have been thinking about this issue for a long time."

  Everyone: "..." Do you want a face?

  And Li Shanshui couldn't help but the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, and his eyes were almost rolled out of his eye sockets.

  Does your family have any misunderstandings about "kind, lovely, beautiful and gentle"?


  When he left, the old man was not very happy.

  Han Shen and Han Ke exchanged glances.

   "The third child, do you ask dad if you want to go home for dinner, or do you just solve it outside?" In the spirit of the chicken thief of "a dead fellow but not a poor way", Han Ke confidently supported his younger brother.

  Han Hengzheng lowered his head and looked at the photos. Hearing the words, he didn’t think much, and walked up to his father in two steps: "Dad, tonight..."

   "What do you mean by Xie's boy?"


   "He abducted the nanny as soon as he came. Isn't it too rampant?"

   "Then, didn't he say hello to us? It's not considered as "abduction", right?

  Han Qishan: "Before I do it, I will tell you that I am going to beat you, isn't it a beating?"


  As a metaphor for ghosts, he really couldn't answer.

  Han Heng: "Since your heart is upset, why didn't you stop it at that time?"

   Still watching the two leave?

  Han Qishan choked.

  Han Shen stepped forward, walked to the other side, and said helplessly: "Dad, didn't we say we should give the children space and leave them alone?"

  The old man murmured, "That’s right, but I know that the pig is here, so I can’t just watch my cabbage be arched?"

  Thank you·Pig·Dingyuan: "Ahie——"

  Jiang Fuyue: "Have you caught a cold?"

   "No. I guess the old man was scolding me for taking you away."

  Jiang Fuyue is only a joke: "If he disagrees, he would have stopped him a long time ago, so why scold you behind his back?"

  True·Behind the scenes·Qishan:...

  Here Jiang Fuyue and his party have left, but the staff still has a lot of post-work waiting.

   "Huh? Sister Li, you haven't left yet?"

  Li Shanshui was looking at the mirror to sort out his makeup, and a little bit absent: "It’s Xiaowen, you have worked hard today."

   "If you don't work hard, you work hard."

   was originally a polite remark, the speaker was unintentional, but when it fell into Li Shanshui’s ears, it changed its taste.

  She couldn't dig a hole for Jiang Fuyue, but she played around in circles. Isn't it hard work?

   "Sister Li, then I will be busy first, you take your time."

   "Hey, Xiaowen, etc..."


   "Where is the director? I just looked around and didn't seem to see anyone else?"

   "I'm reviewing the film in the editing room."

   "Okay, I see, you can go to work."


  Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door in the editing room——

  The director was a little impatient: "Who?"

   "Me, Li Shanshui."

   "Yeah! Sister Li, please come in soon—"

"One bite, one sister, do you shame me too?" Li Shanshui smiled and sat next to him, watching the unprocessed video on the monitor, and was shocked to find that he was on the stage, doing his old job, but was caught by Jiang. Fuyue was completely suppressed.

  The more she looked down, the more she couldn’t help but regret—

  How could you ask the other person like this?

  The order of questions is incorrect.

  How could he answer this when Jiang Fuyue asked back?

  It feels like...the two scolded at each other, they were in a hurry at the time. After the quarrel, when I recalled, I realized that I had a bunch of "witty words" that I didn't use.

  "Director Kuang, look at this..." Can you edit it?

   Before she finished her words, the Xiaowen she met before pushed the door in: "Ah! Sister Li, are you looking for the director?"

   "Yeah." Li Shanshui barely kept smiling.

"The subtitle group is looking for you everywhere. I have searched the entire floor, just miss the editing room. After all, everyone knows that what you never cut during interviews is that you want the original excitement-it's really true so amazing!"

  Li Shanshui: "……"

Director Kwong: "By the way, Teacher Li, what did you just want to say?"

   "No, then I will go to the subtitles group to have a look, you are busy."


  Li Shanshui slipped away.

  When closing the door, I heard Xiaowen saying to the director: “Sister Li is so daring. She said she wouldn’t cut her if she didn’t cut it. It’s useless to intercede with so many big guys in the past...”

  Director: "Oh! The audience likes watching those scientists roll over and eat, otherwise you think how come the ratings come from?"

   Xiaowen: "But Luna didn't roll over this time..."

  Instead, it’s Sister Li...cough! It's overturned.

  (End of this chapter)

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