After Rebirth, I Am the White Moonlight of All Big Brothers

Chapter 856: Completely withered, sweet date (one more)

  Chapter 856 Completely withered, sweet date (one more)

  The moment the door closed, Li Shanshui's face was completely black.

   is no different from the bottom of a burnt pot.

  She stepped on high heels, forced her depression, and went to the subtitle group.

   "Oh! Sister Li, you can count it!"

  The captioning team leader eagerly greeted him as if he had met his father, clasping his hands together: "Thank God you haven’t left yet..."

"What's wrong?"

"Come on, sit down. That's it. We produced subtitles based on the live recording. The other places are okay. It's what Luna said... the electronic wave function is diffuse? What else is there... the instant collapse is projected ? And what index of QP... what kind of particle..."

   murmured: " do you type these words? I, a small undergraduate graduate, eat a meal, I have never heard of it, and no one else understands it."

   "Fortunately-and you!"

  Li Shanshui: "Me?"

  "Yes! You have a double master's degree from a prestigious university, and you can also directly interview scientists in various fields, talk freely, and move freely, so I will definitely not be as ignorant of Jiang Fuyue as everyone else is talking about!"

   Buckle down a tall hat.

  Li Shanshui stiffened, and laughed awkwardly: "I still understand a little bit."

  But it’s really just a little bit, it can’t be more.

  The leader only treats her as humble: "You are too low-key to say that. Come on, let's start."

  Li Shanshui's eyes were dumbfounded: "What started?"

   "Start translating subtitles!"

   "..." No, I don't want to start.

  It took nearly three hours before the subtitle work was finally completed.

  When Li Shanshui left, she couldn’t wait to plug her wings and fly away in an instant. She was afraid that her life would be confessed here.

   "Leader, how do I feel Teacher Li is weird?"

   "Yes, my face is not so good."

   "In fact, she can't answer many professional terms at once. Just like us, she has to check the information to find out."

   "But no matter how strong it is than us."

  "My ears are like a swarm of bees, buzzing..."

   "So, how did Luna come up with so many subject terms in one breath without pause? I almost didn't fall asleep in the audience like listening to a paper. It was terrible."

   "Today I felt the fear of being dominated by the Great Demon at close range."

  "What do you think?"

  "It is a great honor to be able to breathe on the same earth as her."

   "Puff—you **** licked too much!"

   "The subject is the Moon God, I am also happy to lick my tongue! Humph!"


   said that at the other end, Xie Dingyuan picked up Jiang Fuyue and took her to eat hot pot first.

  Now, Professor Xie has practiced ordering and cooking dishes, and he is a good master.

  Jiang Fuyue doesn’t have to worry at all, she just sits down and eats when she enters the store.

  There are boyfriend services throughout.

  Smelling the spicy hot pot aroma, eating the dishes that Professor Xie Da put into the bowl——

  Experience, absolutely!

  "Don't just clip it to me, you can eat it too!"

  His mouth should be "OK", but in action, he still pinches more to her and feeds less to his own mouth.

  Compared to eating, Xie Dingyuan actually prefers to stare at his wife.

A netizen once cut a picture of the Lasker awards ceremony. Xie Dingyuan sat in the audience and looked up at the podium. His eyes focused on admiration, as if falling into small stars, the camera zoomed away in a flash, and the stage was just right. It was Jiang Fuyue holding the trophy and giving her acceptance speech.

  Because of this picture, CP fans jokingly called him "Wang Qi Shi" for a period of time.

  At the checkout, Xie Dingyuan consciously took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to pay the bill. Jiang Fuyue only had to stand at the door and wait for him.

When    went out, she also stuffed a small sachet in Jiang Fuyue's hand, with a faint lotus fragrance: "Take it, let's smell it."

  Seeing that the time is still early, the two decided to go shopping and have the right to digest.

  Xie Dingyuan lined up to buy her favorite dessert. During the period, two female college students recognized them, and they were so excited that they covered their mouths and screamed, and their feet jumped and jumped continuously.

   "Sister Yue! Professor! We are a member of Yuanyue's CP army, and we actually saw a real person! Ah-I'm a little dizzy! Can you sign the two balls?"

  Jiang Fuyue agreed.

  Xie Dingyuan heard that he was a CP fan, and he readily agreed.

  The names of the two are signed on their schoolbags next to each other.

  Don't say it, blame it for the good-looking.

  As a result, the two college girl girls posted pictures on Weibo that night, and they also brought Yuanyue CP's super chat tag, which immediately envied a group of "scientists".

  Moon Moon I don’t sleep V: I queuing to buy desserts and I ran into the moon **** and the professor. The real wife and wife are worthy!

【sign? Bring it to you! 】

  [Some people can meet the CP in their dreams when they buy a dessert. I squatted at the gate of Ming University and Q for two weeks and didn’t even get the root hair.]

  【You don’t need to carry schoolbags, find a window to install them for future generations to observe】

  【Only I noticed that Yue Jie and Professor are lining up outside the dessert shop? So here comes the question-does Sister Yue want to eat it, or does the professor like it? 】

  [I bet on a pack of spicy strips, sister Yue is a sweetheart, and the professor is just a queuing tool with no emotions]

  【Two packs of spicy strips, the professor likes it! Some scientists are icy on the surface, but they are actually a little sweet in their bones~]

   [No, I think they will eat a dessert in one bite at a time]

  【No, No, No! At least there should be a few mouth-to-mouth slaps, just as written in the novel-fool, it's all around the corner of the mouth! Then he wiped his fingertips, put it in his mouth, and said in a **** low voice: baby, it’s so sweet~]

  【Is the upstairs that I can see without spending money? ! Please continue, thanks! 】

  【It's over, there are pictures in my mind, damn! 】

  【Is it because the bowl is not fragrant, so love eats the corners of the girl's mouth? No, it's the man who is sending sao~]

  [It’s hard to imagine what Professor Xie would look like when doing this kind of action, I feel like Sister Yue will be oiled]


Xie Dingyuan sent Jiang Fuyue home.

   Thirty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the Han’s villa. He turned his head and saw that the person in the co-pilot tilted his head and slept soundly.

   "Hmm..." Jiang Fuyue was awakened personally, no, it should be "啃" to be precise.

   "You! It's a dog!" She stepped back slightly, putting her hands on the man's chest.

   "Yueyue, I miss you."

  I had just left for a week, but it felt like a long time had passed.

  Jiang Fuyue's eyebrows softened, and her hand tightened, and then gently put it down, "I miss you too, um, just a little bit."



   "...bad girl."

  The two entangled for a while, before Xie Dingyuan let her get out of the car.


   "Huh?" She turned her head and looked at the handsome face of the man through the half-lowered car window: "What's the matter?"

   "I plan to transfer Hanqing's core business to the Imperial Capital."

  In this way, you don’t have to go back to Linhuai to deal with the company’s affairs.


  On the last day of October, Jiang Fuyue’s interview was broadcast.

  (End of this chapter)

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